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Fandom Gijinka academy

Oh but i wanna meet the boy, after all he seems nice" vines morph to his body as his vains pulses. "Hehe whats your nams"

Kito looked "daisy i dont like him...how does he know you"
Ahhh and how old are you kito" kito smiles nodding "im 6...but i am 14 in reality" the carnivine looked super shocked "my my what a big number now would you care for a lollipop" pulls out a sickly green coloured lolli not even limes where this green
Daisy pulled kito away and set him on her back."He is very, very bad kito. You must stay away from him and do not dare eat that lollipop."
Kito looked "but hes your brother i thought everyone is super nice like you" with that the carnivine giggled like he was insane "niiice? Pfft awahahahaha ...kito you know shes playing you..."

Kito looked at daisy "what doe-" the carnivine tutted "oopsie shouldnt have said that"
Daisy looked saddened but she set kito on the ground and then vine whips grew out of the ground, all around her."No kito he is not nice, he killed his and my parents at the age of five and he is right, i am not any nicer than him, my Shyness and kindness is all a act to everybody except you because i could never think of being mean to you since your so sweet and kind and happy all the time."
Kito looked "d...daisy.....i...i" the carnivine male smirked, snaps fingers vines extend out of the earth. "Heheh awww little baby gunna cry ahhh suuuuch bliss"
Daisy growled at her brother then looked back at kito for a moment."I'm sorry kito."For a moment it looked like she was going to attack him but she instead turned around and her foot kicked up and straight out into her brother's face then her vines wrapped around him.
Kito looks "daisy......i...im please dont fight please!!!! Stop this!!!" The carnivine skids back "your so annoying just die already" turns shooting bullet seeds past daisy to kito.
Vines form in front of kito, protecting him from the attack and they stay there in almost a cage of vines just to protect him then daisy shot, energy ball after energy ball after her brother."Nobody hurts my friends. Not even you brother."
Rootley was blasted over and over reduced to nothing but smoke, as the smoke covers where he was "yay daisy your sooo strong" kito leaped happily.
Rootley catches her "heh nice try" then he drops daisy, walking to the cage "any last words kito" kito cries sniffling, as a vine pair coil around him "hehehe thats it squurrrm"
Daisy groaned as she opened her eyes and tried get up but to weak for that, she instead looked at kito then her brother and shot out one last energy ball with her remaining strength then she called out."Kito hit that ball with a thunderbolt."
Kito charged a thunderbolt, shooting at it as it explodes on contact. Rootley roars in pain, cloak destroyed revealing lab coat. He turns glaring, vines grabbed daisy "now...scream" pulls her arms and legs tightly.
The vine cage around kito dissipated and daisy yelled."Run kito, Go find your brother now."she winced and squirmed but she did not scream, she would not give him what he wanted.
Kito glares charging and lunges at him using bug bite "ahhhhh!!!! Rawwwr you" grabs kito throwing him to a wall, vines choke him "now die you little ti-" a fire shot hits him.

Charlie appears "you little sob leave that child alone"
Daisy turned her hand around and shot off a energy ball so she was dropped then she tries to stand up but is instead collapses onto her knee's then she mutters."Kill....him...charlie, kill my brother."she passes out onto the ground. (Brb gonna take a shower)
Charlie glares at him shooting a flame burst, as rootley avoids the shot then smirks vines grabbing kito. Charlie uses psychic to knock them down. Kito runs over "daisy are you okay please please be....okay"
Daisy fidgets slightly and her eyes open slightly and she looks at kito with a weak almost sleepy smile."Remember to grow up, okay kito and always be happy."she wraps her arm around him in a sort of hug then her head slumps back onto the ground and she goes limp.
Rootley shoots a vine to kito, kito sheilds his face, as a flame burst incinerates the vine. Rootley pulls back dissappears, going under the earth.

Kito sniffled "d...daisy...." charlie looks sobbing "i cant believe it....she proved herself good..." using psychic he carries daisy to chansey to see what chansey says.

Mafcus runs over "brother are you ok...oh no daisy...."
The flower's in her hair wilt and the petals of her dress are limp but she is smiling, happily smiling.


Mrs. Chansey had heard somebody coming so she opened the door of her infirmary.

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