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Fandom Gijinka academy

Kurusaki stands and shifts back into his mightyena form then he starts running much faster than before because he used the move extreme speed and he got there much faster and the first things, he really saw was blood, lots of blood but it was all coming from the bleeding form of Aesami and he was stunned for a moment before looking at the Gijinka who attacked her and he snarled before attacking.
(Haha I was expecting some big scary Pokémon, but nope, a Furret xD ) The raccoon hissed and came at the Mightyena, claws going everywhere.

Finally reaching where the screaming came from, Yoruto saw the scene and froze, eyes wide.

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Yoruto gulped and quickly picked up his sister and fled towards the school.

The Furret let out a yelp and twisted its body and snapped at Kurusaki's arms, catching one of his wrists in its powerful jaws, razor blades for teeth sinking into his arm.

(Now, is this a gijinka, or just the Pokémon?)

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(The pokemon)

Kurusaki growled and that is when he sank his teeth into the furrets neck and windpipe while digging his claws into the fur of the furret.
A beautiful fire moth came up to Emilee and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, are you looking for something?"

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The raccoon's body went limp under the wolf's fangs, ending the fight with more blood staining the grass.

(Aesami totally could have taken just the Pokémon on :T )

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(i know but still....)

Kurusaki panted but he took his fangs out of the furrets neck and he ran back to the school to see how Aesami was because he knew all of that blood he saw was her's.
The twins were already in the infirmary, Yoruto holding tight onto the unconscious Aesami's hand. Aesami had already been bandaged up by the nurse, wearing almost nothing apart from bandages and a now-bloodstained hospital gown.

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Lauren was watching the action from her crystal that she keped at her desk while she sowed "oooh what a turn of events" she giggled to herself while she multitasked sowing and looking into her red crystal at the same time. There were sound similar witch means it is close to the dorm room "The battle was immensely short how unfortunate I like the action, looks like my skills have shone through again." She had sown a bright fiery dress with sparkling ascents. She hung the dress on Aesami's door with a note saying 'congrats on your kiss, yes I know love Lauren' not knowing about her injuries.
(Maybe they should be called the infirmary twins because they have only been at the school a few days and they have been in there more than anybody else :P )

Kurusaki had since shifted back from his mightyena form and goes into the infirmary though of course he knows to be quiet and no go in there shouting is she alright, instead he just goes and sits down beside Yoruto.


Mrs. Chansey on the other hand was dialing a number into a phone and it was well the hospital."Yeah i need a ambulance here, a student was attacked and needs medical attention that i cannot do here."
"Ugh what an awful brother I am! I should have stayed with her" Yoruto cursed at himself.

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Kurusaki looked at aesami and almost like a dog, he whimpered because he hate seeing her this hurt.


Very soon a ambulance had pulled up to the school and a few students had looked to see what was going on while two paramedics were putting aesami into the ambulance on a stretcher.
"You know what, I can't take this. I'll have a nervous breakdown." Yoruto cries while he leaves to his room, very concerned about his sister. 'It's a bit more comforting in here, I guess.' He thought to himself.

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Kurusaki had attempted to go with Aesami but the paramedics told him he couldent and he almost attacked them as well but then he saw Yoruto head off to his room crying, he had decided to follow him instead. (wait until Yoruto ends up fighting out that Kurusaki killed the furret :eek:)
Hearing Kurusaki following him, Yoruto looked up, but he noticed a beautiful, flaming dress on the door of his dorm with a note pinned on it from Lauren Screech, the Mismagius. He got up and read the note attached to the red dress. 'Kiss? KISS?' He became a fireball of rage. Is that why he wanted to come with us? Is that why he fucking smiles at her like an idiot?! If he never went with us, I could have watched her! I could have protected her! That mutt is going to die the next time I see him! Yoruto thought he was thinking this to himself, while in reality, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, blinded by rage.

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Kurusaki could hear him screaming and he just backs away slowly, all the way around the corner and out of sight but then he thought against it and instead went right up to the room and opened the door.
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"Kurusaki, you mutt!" Yoruto yelled at the wolf Pokemon, flames exploding everywhere around him. He walks up to Kurusaki, face to face with the Mightyena. "This is all your fault, you bastard!." At this point they were nose to nose. "If you didn't go with us, Sami would be okay, not dying!" He growled ferociously, intense heat radiating off of him.
Kurusaki remains emotionless while staring at yoruto for about a minute then actual tears Start going down his cheeks from the corners of his eyes."I guess it is my fault, I am sorry yoruto."after saying that he runs off to his room. (That moment in history that kurusaki cries)
Charlie appeared hanging upside down jn the infirmary, with a huge smile "relax shell be fine besides its nothing serious" takes a large chomp out of some stale bread.

Marcus and kito where playing hide and seek, as kito ran away "ahaha come catch me big brother ahahahah"
Yoruto follows after Kurusaki, still trying to prove his point, as his anger had not dissipated from just that venting. "Get back here, you dog!" The fox came up behind Kurusaki, pulling down hard on the back of the wolf's collar.

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Charlie with a single lift of his arm, he knocked him to the ground, then using pshycic he picked him up, while using his free hands to light a cigar. "Yoruto....calm down...understand, if you do so i will pass judgment upon the hyena"

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