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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Hmph. And I don't need any medical help." Yoruto scoffed as he tore off the bandages on his face from a couple days ago, revealing healed-over scars on his cheek.

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Kurusaki sat down in one of the chairs in the infirmary and it was clear that he was really worried about Aesami even though he barely knew her but he did stay silent.

Mrs. Chansey treated the more severe injuries first then the less severe ones before she covered Aesami with a blanket then she looked at Yoruto."Just a few words of advice, She has a sprained ankle so i do not want her walking around on it for a few days."
Yoruto plopped down onto the side of his sister's bed, very fatigued, with his hand gently on Aesami's injured ankle. "Well we do have slight psychic powers, so she could probably float if she really tried."

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Mrs. Chansey looked at him with a no Nonsense look when he suggested her floating around then she turned and went about fixing some papers on her desk.

Kurusaki sat silently and stared at the sleeping Aesami though he just looked sad at what he had done to her but it really was all he knew to do when attacked and that was to defend himself, since as a young child he did not even have a house to sleep in.
"Tch, I was kidding." He frowned at the Chansey's response. "Gah, now I see that I shouldn't have picked a fight with someone, that I'm guessing is, 4 years older than myself." Yoruto facepalms himself, putting his hand up to his forehead, trying to calm his raging headache. "Aesami's right, I am reckless." He shakes his head at his actions.

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Outside of the school building, a fierce storm raged with cracks of thunder and the howling of strong wind and the steady piter pater of heavy rain and it was quickly becoming nighttime and inside the infirmary were the three gijinka's, one still in a passed out state not even stirring since passing out and of course kurusaki was worried but he tried not to show it.
Aesami turns onto her side and opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Kurusaki. Her golden orange eyes widen as she is suddenly filled with fear. Seeing Yoruto on the other side of her, she needed an explanation. "Why is he- Oh no, no, please don't hurt me.." She quickly pushes herself to the other side of the bed, where Yoruto is, almost sitting into his lap for his protection.

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Lauren walked behind him and putting a blanket over his shoulders to keep him warm from the cold "you should get some sleep or your going to get a cold while your exhausted I'm shure the twins will be fine" she sat in the chair next to him and poured two cups of tea she brought from her room then handed one to him "the second day and there is been so much drama I have no idea how you people dont get stress lines."
Aroura said:
Lauren walked behind him and putting a blanket over his shoulders to keep him warm from the cold "you should get some sleep or your going to get a cold while your exhausted I'm shure the twins will be fine" she sat in the chair next to him and poured two cups of tea she brought from her room then handed one to him "the second day and there is been so much drama I have no idea how you people dont get stress lines."
(Which "his"? There's Kurusaki and Yoruto in this scene)

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When kurusaki saw that she had woken up, he was relived but when she moved away with complete fear of him, he was just saddened and his head drooped while he covered his eyes with his hands but other than that slight movement, he was silent. (Probably kurusaki because she did mention the twins would be fine and it would be weird to refer kurusaki as the boy twin, would it not?)
"No, uh, Sami, it's alright..he carried you to the infirmary and made sure you were taken care of." Yoruto held one of Aesami's hands, as an effort to reassure her. "But, but, he hurt me... And I didn't even do anything.." She frowned, trying to calm herself down a bit with her brother's reassurance.

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"She just needs time. I'm sure she;ll talk to you soon." Bayah, who had seen the scene with interest, walked up to the two figures. "It's not everyday that this happens, but anger cannot last forever, am i right?"
Instead of looking up, he just stood then walked over to the door of the infirmary then he mumbled sadly."I just.........gonna go."He walked out the door, shutting it behind him then he ran off to his room.
Nikki the Ninetails watched the other leave, and stood outside till it started to rain. She felt steam rising off of her with the droplets of water, so she retreated to the indoors. And now she was heading for her dorm room. Bobby had followed Mightyena, simply because he was worried about Aesami being okay, but he eventually simply went to bed.

When Nikki finally got back to her room, she sighed and climbed back into bed. She tossed and turned, wrapping herself up messily in the sheets and blankets, until she was comfortable, then sighed. The moment her eyes closed, a clap of thunder rang, and she squeaked, grabbing her pillow and hugging it. "It's just a thunderstorm, it's fine... Nothing bad is going to happeeeEEN!" She squealed as more thunder clapped and lightning flashed.

If she had any unreasonable fears, it was spiders, and thunderstorms. She never told anyone about the thunderstorms one; not even Bobby.

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"Aesami, it's going to be alright, the only real injury you have is a sprained ankle. Just rest, please." Yoruto hugged his sister tightly. "Fine, but for you, Yoru." Aesami smiled at her brother and layed back down. "Tch, you know I hate that name. It's all cutesy, ugh." He smiled at her.

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Kurusaki had been heading straight to his room but then he heard the squealing of that ninetails from earlier, so he opened her door slightly and peeked his head in."Hello..?"
"Huh... Come in?" She said, almost sounding more like a question. When she saw who it was, she sighed and sat up. "Oh. Hello." She said, with an eyebrow raised curiously.

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"N-nope. Nothing's wrong here, hahaha!" She laughed nervously, and then more thunder clapped. She squeaked again and flinched, shivering only slightly. "Yep. Everything is perfectly fine..."

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Even though she was shivering only slightly it was still obvious to kurusaki and he walked into the room then sat down in a chair near the bed the girl was sitting in."It is quite obvious that not everything is fine, Let me guess your afraid of thunder arent you?"
"No! Why would I tell you, I don't even know your name- what is your name by the way? I'm Nikki..." She muttered, forcing herself to stop shaking and look dignified.

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".. Nice to meet you." She replied, straightening her hair out. It was a mess since she had slept on it, but it was a messy kind of pretty. How she always looked good even when she was a total mess was beyond her, this crazy beauty came with the tails, was what she said.

"So.. Is Aesami alright?"

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Kurusaki nodded."Yeah she is alright but scared beyond belief of me, i just came from there since i did not want to frighten her anymore."
"Well, given what you did to those two... I wouldn't be scared, but that's me. Those two I barely know, so..." Nikki trailed off...

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