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Fandom Gijinka academy

Kurusaki's shadow balls hit against the protect but they managed to break through one of them and they hit into the male Braixon hard.
"Uh, I don't know! He bumped into me earlier, and I find him and my brother fighting right after!" She gritted her teeth, her Protect breaking, making her stumble backwards. Yoruto was slammed into the ground by the wolf Pokemon's harsh Shadow Balls.
"Alright, I've had enough of this sh*t, STOP!" Nikki shouted, the shout echoing off of walls. A heat unlike any other was radiating from her, and just to catch everyone's attention, she blew fire into the air, the bright light lighting up the courtyard. Once she had everyone's attention, she said again," What, is going on here?"

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"cant you tell nikki my sweet, sweet module they are fighting it out both sides agreed" she put her arm in frount of the girl "it is best if we do not disturb them it is not in our best interest if we get caught up in this harsh fight" her eyes were a dark purple and her voice was down a tone then it normally was she was super serious.
Aesami twirled her staff around, sticking it back into her tail. 'I never thought the boy that called me pretty would be trying to kill me almost immediately after' She sighs, a small tear dropping out of her eye in fear of her life. She stood up in front of her brother, arms outstretched, protecting him. "If you have to, kill me instead of him..." She spoke will bracing herself.
Kurusaki dug his nails into the ground then he jumped up on his hind legs and brought his front paws back down and that is when the ground started to shake, so it was clear he knew and was using earthquake.
Aesami jumped forwards and tackled the wolf Pokemon. "Quick, Nikki, take Yoruto away from here!" She glances at Nikki with a pleading look in her eyes.
Kurusaki literally kicks aesami off of him, knocking her to the ground then he fires off a shadow ball while he is at it and it is clear that the twins should never have fought him.
Aesami hits the ground, then slowly and very weakly sits up, crying. "I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry I rejected you...I didn't know it would lead to this" She sniffles through tears.
Kurusaki shifted back to his gijinka form though he had a emotionless look in his eyes."I never wanted to hurt or fight you, i had only wanted to fight your brother because he insulted me before i even knew his name but you got in the way of that so it was back out or fight both of you and as i can see you did all of the fighting, he did nothing to help you."
"No, you go..." Nikki said, jumping up to avoid he earthquake. When she landed with grace, she locked eyes with the Mightyena. "You need to calm down. Think rationally." She started to approach, calmly.

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Lauren wished that she could stop this but she cant unless both sides agreed and at the rate the twins are going to lose it was a heartbreaking scene watching this young girl fight only for both to suffer.
"Tell me h-how he's s-supposed to f-fight if you've injured him beyond s-standing..." She slowly gets up with weak, wobbly legs, and carefully steps over to her brother and collapses right when she gets to him. Yoruto shakes his head, kind of regaining consciousness and pulls Aesami close to him, her head laying on his lap.
Kurusaki stared at the collapsed twins for a moment then he walked over to them as though he were cruel enough to finish them off but instead he picked up the girl and even he could not remain having that emotionless look and instead it was replaced with sadness because he did not really want to hurt either of them but that was all he knew and that was defending himself then he spoke with a voice that just seemed like he was tired of it all."Can somebody pick up the boy, we gotta get both of them to the infirmary or the school nurse." (The school nurse is a Chansey gijinka)
"Bah, I don't need any help." Yoruto summoned the strength to stand. "Oh, so you hurt her, and then you want to help her?" He was furious at the Mightyena's switching personalities. "Don't hurt her anymore." The low growl came up his throat at the fact that he actually wanted to help his sister after what he had done.
Kurusaki did not even bother to glare."I did not want to hurt her, all i had wanted to do was fight you because you insulted me before you even knew my name and if you wanted to know why i smell like your sister, it is because i accidentally bumped into her earlier."
"Tch, and you couldn't say that earlier?" He was confused at the wolf's actions. 'And what was that part about "rejecting him" Sami (Aesami's nickname) was talking about?' He flicked his tail in jealousy. There was no chance the wolf Pokemon would win Yoruto's trust at this point.
Kurusaki smirked then shifted aesami so she was easier to carry."Would you rather stay here and talk or get your sister some treatment since she ended up worse that you did and that was just to protect you."he turns and walks into the school building, carrying her to the infirmary.
Wishtobeawolf said:
Kurusaki smirked then shifted yoruto so she was easier to carry."Would you rather stay here and talk or get your sister some treatment since she ended up worse that you did and that was just to protect you."he turns and walks into the school building, carrying her to the infirmary.
(Lololol, Aesami is the girl, Yoruto is the boy)

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Yoruto tries hard to catch up with Kurusaki. "That's Aesami for you, she doesn't know when enough is enough. Atleast I know my limits." He scoffed, but he was honestly utterly disappointed with himself for letting Aesami get hurt this bad. 'I really hope she turns out alright.' Yoruto thinks to himself and frowns.

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"It is done" she quietly walked back to the academy motioning the others to come too "lets go I since a huge rainstorm afoot" as the wind blew at high speeds making the trees sway "lets go I have some warm cake from the oven back at the school lets go before it gets too cold "she floated at high speeds towards the academy to make shure she didn't get wet.
Kurusaki carried Aesami right into the infirmary and was greeted by a very cheery gijinka with long bright pink hair, with dark pink hightlights at the end though she got a bit sterner when she saw Aesami and Kurusaki layed her on one of the infirmary beds.

Mrs. Chansey Frowned though she did start to asses the wounds, done from a earthquake and multiple shadow balls and she questioned how this happened and kurusaki explained everything to her and she nodded.
"..... At least nobody bled to death." Bayah sighed deeply, floating back into the school with he others, head down low and eyes to the floor.

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