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Fandom Gijinka academy

Moonlight watched him turn his head suddenly then she could not help but smile because even she could tell he had been thinking something else that he would never tell her so she giggled softly because it was a amusing thought though he was not the only one thinking like that."Hm, mind telling me what you had been thinking."She says playfully.


Kurusaki nodded."Nice to meet you as well Bayah."
It caught him off guard, again, this chick can surprise him. "Wha- I wasn't thinking about anything. You should focus on healing!" He tries to say, floating towards the bathroom. "It's ma turn to shower, I still smell lik' stink bugs ya know!"
"...So, um... do you know where I can go to get my schedule? I don't wanna get lost again, really." He asked after a period of awkward silence. And after swatting away a few more of those floating objects around his head. They were certainly helpful for a majority of things.... unless it was for conversation, then they just made people look funny.
Moonlight sat up and dangled her legs off the edge of the top bunk."I heal just as easily and fast as you do, if you have not realized that yet. im unlike other umbreon gijinka's since i can do some things others cannot."


Kurusaki smiled."I thought you would ask that so i grabbed one from the office while taking you here."He hands the paper to him.
Hidden frowns at first but has a delightful idea. He takes a deep breath, inhaling great amounts of air and storing it. Moonlight sat at her bunk a bit confused as what Hidden was doing exactly. With a quick release he blows out all of the stored air, whilst releasing toxins as well. Very smelly toxins. They were putrid. He then smiles and shuts the bathroom door to take his shower. Hidden removes his clothes, well really his pants due to the fact he doesn't wear a shirt, and hops in the shower.
Moonlight gagged because it freaking stinked then she yelled with her usual vigor."God Damn it hidden, i will get you for this."she did end getting him in the end because he never knew she could turn into a shadow on the wall so that is exactly what she did and that is how she freaked him out by appearing on the shower wall as a shadow with red eyes.
Liana awoke surronded by various flowers in the schools garden. How long has she been out napping? The breeze picked up carrying with it a beautiful fragrance from the flowers. "Mmm, that smells divine." She whispers to herself. (totally forgot about Liana for a while. x3) 
Hidden's cackle could be heard from the bathroom. He wouldn't leave it of course, that'd be silly. As he's showering he noticed something from the corner of his eye. A random shadow with red eyes placed upon the shower wall. To his understanding that seems to be either a shadow demon come to take his soul, or a very angry Moonlight. Please let that be a shadow demon.
"Wow, you have it all planned out." Once again, Bayah found himself thanking the Mightyanna. (I MAY HAVE SPELLED THAT WRONG.) He walked over to one of his bags, a black duffel filled to the brim with whatever binders his mom might have packed, and a few personal items.

By a few, I mean many, MANY strange and weird things. While searching for the binder that was destined to hold his schedule, he had tossed a few strange-looking books, about twenty beat-up dolls.... was that a cat? SOMETHING flew out of his bag, but maybe it was just the imagination playing tricks...

"Found it~" The Banette held the object up triumphantly, as if he should win a prize.
"you've been out for awhile" a voice from the garden sounded "you fell before I left i thought you would leave so I could go to the catacombs" Laura had floated back into the garden "you had it like your own personal bedroom" she floated around the girl tilting her head from side to side examining her. Then she landed back on the ground brushing the dirt off her dress from the settling dust.
(Oh my goodness, i died when i read you would rather it be a shadow demon then moonlight, my parents are wondering what the heck im laughing about)

Moonlight smiled though it was a cruel jagged smile with sharp teeth then she said in a voice slightly deeper then her usual."Well hello."

(creepy and mad moonlight is back and somebody is loosing there manhood)


Kurusaki had since doubled over laughing like a idiot when he saw something like a cat be pulled out of his bag.
"...Oh, come on, EVERYBODY has their own bag cats these days! I know Black is not the 'In' color, but she's been around a while. Though I can't figure out why she hates me so much."

Well, maybe it was because Bayah liked to hug the living daylight's out of the thing like a five year old child. And that's only the first part, it also happened to be a cat that he just found on the street. It was cute, and it was fluffy, so he just kind of...picked it up on the day he met it. Never mind the potential for a family with a missing cat... thank god that wasn't the case.

"I hope she comes back. Anyway...." Bayah went back to stuffing his schedule into his Binder.
Hidden realized he was in trouble as, apposed to his wishes, the shadow was in fact Moonlight. "Why hey there, moonlight. Fancy day were having." Hidden says with a grin. He doesn't cover himself, his girth is not to be ignored. This time it won't go down like before, he'll catch HER. "Aha!" He yells as a dark swirl appears under her, spinning her off the wall an into the shower. This wasn't quite what he was expecting to happen.


Liana was quite surprised to see Lauren again so soon, she seemed like a rather 'kept to herself women.' She was floating ominously but it added a bit to her beauty. Liana was impressed. "I see, I must have been dosing off. Please excuse my rudeness."
Moonlight actually let out a sharp squeal of surprise when she was no longer on the wall and actually in the shower with him and for one thing, it made her blush brightly because he was completely naked and she covered her eyes with her hands since she was eye level with something unpleasant .


Kurusaki could not stop laughing but finally he stood up straight and wiped tears of laughter from his eyes."Not everybody has cat's in there bags."
Hidden ended up hitting his head rather hard on the shower wall, giving him an unimaginable migraine. "Oi, oi, oi. You could swirl in dispear at a different angle." He says, rubbing his head awkwardly. He notices Moonlight staring at his 'manhood', blushing to the point she's the color of an apple. Even through the pain Hidden smirked uncontrollably, her reaction was priceless. "W-was this your true pl-plan all along? Get a peek at my junk?" He whispered, doing his usual annoying cackle.
He paused in arranging the various dolls on his shelf for a moment of silence. "Huh. Well, that's one mystery solved. Speaking of mysteries, where are all the other students? Are there classes going on..or are we just missing out?" Sure, he kept hearing some faint banging nosies down the hall. The hearing of this doll was very acute, and at times annoying when he was trying to concentrate. Unless there was some sort of wall-banging ritual that he had been missing out on all his life...
"well i wouldn't call it rude or even impolite a lady was just caught in the wrong moment" she said kindly as she kept her posture straight and in balance "its strage not seeing you without hidden by your side so you can keep watch over him but i guess that Umbreon is doing that already" she slightly giggled cause she left a crystal in there room so she would make shure nothing bad would happen you could say she saw the shower scene. "they have been devious."
Moonlight blushed even brighter then she stood up and ran right out of the bathroom without answering his questions besides with a quick never though after she fled, there was the sound of almost completely silent sobbing.


Kurusaki shook his head."Most students got here yesterday which was friday so classes down start until monday."
Hidden smiles triumphant, his victory was worth the unexpected shower scene. Due to the win he has come to attain he decided he would award himself...with...a nap. He fell unconscious, hazily thinking about Moonlight's tears.


Liana raised an eyebrow, anything that has Hidden and the word devious in it means bad news. She gets up from her sitting position and pats off her pants. The breeze still blowing strongly blew her hair in her face, annoying her slightly. With a sigh Liana looked up at Lauren and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Where's Hidden at? I hope the Umbreon is okay."
Another grin, this one wider then the last. It was quite possible that all this grinning would have the man's face splitting in half before the end of the day. "That's comforting to know....?" One of the dolls almost fell out of his hand while he was straightening it. In the short time of conversation, the banging had turned into one particularly loud thump, and footsteps. Fast footsteps.

"Huh, that;'s strange. Oh well, I guess that's normal."

He turned from the plush figures and faced Kuru. The models could wait, for the moment, he was more interested in the student that he knew little about.
(So hidden is napping, naked in a shower with the water still on. Yeah that perfectly describes him)

Moonlight shook on her bunk under the blanket she had hide herself under with her face buried in her pillow with soft gasping sobs, coming from her.


Kurusaki looked at him."Those dolls are weird."
"WELL i shouldn't say I'm shure he wouldn't...at her bedroom" she said it so plainly "and now I watch as the drama unfolds" she opened a wooden floor panel and walked down it "it was nice talking to you madame" as she went down to the catacombs where it was plenty of dark for her.
*Wild Hidden is napping*


Liana watched as Lauren floated down the steps, into a pit of darkness. Darker than the outside. "It was my pleasure to meet you as well." She bows her head and turns toward the school building. Hiddens in the Umbreon's room...this cannot be good. "I must hurry, if he did something I will pound him forth into the wall so hard his skull with snap in two."
After about two minutes of running through the halls Liana realizes she never asked where the Umbreon's room was. She kept walking down the hall, trying to look for a sign, any sign of the Umbreon or Hidden. A chill goes down her spine when next to one room, it was slightly colder and she swears she could hear sobbing. "I put it on my honor that this is the location." Liana whispers angrily. She knocks on the door furiously trying to get the attention of those inside.
Moonlight used a well controlled shadow ball to open the door since she did not want to reveal herself or get out from under the blanket, she had hide herself under.

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