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Fandom Gijinka academy

As it turns out, hidden must not have the best eyesight since moonlight had been asleep on the top bunk, buried under a black blanket and she did not here him leave since she is a heavy sleeper and woke up with a quiet yawn and she stretches her arms then looks around the dark room."Well good morning or night or i do not give a f***." (Hm seems as if moonlight is in a great mood)
The croc was awoken by the braxien then glares "what here to hurt me again.....leave or ill knock ya out, and trust me then youll bout"
Hidden quickly rose out of the ceiling, swiftly landing on the room with ease. "Now to get a better feel for-" He paused, some peeps were already on the room. Seems the squirt and some big guy was havin' a party of sorts. He wasn't invited but hey, everyone likes party crashers. "Well what do we have here?" He whispers to himself. "Oi mates!" Hidden yelled as he floated towards the two. He rose just a bit over Braixen and smiled wickedly, trying to get a feel for the situation. "Wanna tell me what's goin' on? I do enjoy a good party."
(Time to add a bit more spice to that drama, like maybe a bad cold from a very buggy trick from a certain ghosty)

Moonlight had since curled back up under her blanket after attempting to climb down the ladder of the bunk bed which ended in complete failure since she had basically fallen off it instead and ended up on the rug of her room with the blanket on top of her and she did not bother getting back up and she instead just rested her chin on the rug with a quiet groan then she muttered quietly."I hate bugs."
The male glares "what do you want , get out ya fool or else ill pound ya like a nail with a hammer tool" the male stood snarling his eyes flash dark red, teeth showing
Hidden smirks, and raises an eyebrow. Guy seems to rhyme when he talks? Maybe it's just the way he said it. "Well aren't you somethin' special? Why's a big ol' lug like you on the roof with-" He pauses and looks at the female Braixen. "Pint-size over here?" Aesemi looks at the Gengar angrily, she opens her mouth the say something but is stopped before she can speak. Hidden flicks her forehead, knocking her backwards and falling off the roof. She squeals a bit but lands into the bushes safely. "oops, you should watch where you're going." He says with a huge smirk. Hidden then looks back at the big guy, waiting for his response.
The croc turns "i dont have time for idiocy..." he leaped off the building attempting to walk away. The male pulls out a cig "man...im total stressed out serious, hm but that guy makes me...curious"
Hidden could tell the guy was a bit agitated, somethin' went down before he got there. Curses, he friggin' missed it. Whatever, doesn't matter. He'll get that guy to pay attention. With a sly movement he flipped off the building in front of the Kroc, with lighter in hand. "Pickpocketed this from some chap' on the way here. I don't smoke but hey, playing with fire can be fun." He passes it to the guy and grins, observing him. This guy has got some huge teeth man, whhheeeeewiieee. Suddenly he gets a strange feeling, a small headache comes about. What in the world? He pauses to ask the Kroc a question. "What's your name mate?" The headache comes back, more powerful this time. He suddenly gets an image of...Moonlight? Why's kickboxing girl in his head?
Call me sobek.....and thanks" grabs the lighter, using it on cig breathibg in. "Mmmmmm thats gooood $hi#" he released a cloud of smoke coating the gengar. "Ahhhh oi whats with you pointy"
Moonlight had since been trying to faintly contact hidden because she may not have a weird red gem like one of those other students did but she could comunicate with her mind a little bit since she had a friend who was a physcic type but she could not keep it up and ended up, passing out with another quiet groan.
Hidden breathed in the smoke, swallowing it. "Ahh, good stuff." He paused remembering what he was doing. "Oh yeah, nothin' mate. Just some gir-...a person I know popped in my head's all. Don'cha worry." Quickly Hidden floated upward rising above Sobek. "You keep that lighter mate, I'll be back. There's somethin'.... I need to attend to." Hidden begins to float away as the image of Moonlight has suddenly fainted away. Something was bothering him. "Oi, the name's Hidden. Don't forget it, if you wanna talk more go to this room." He flicks a piece of paper towards Sobek.
Hidden floats rather slowly, though he feels like somethings wrong. As he goes down the hallway he spots one of the annoying red crystals Lauren has placed EVERYWHERE. "Bloody things are at every corner...I wonder if that's illegal or not." He says with a cackle. When the room comes into sight Hidden notices that the door is ajar, and a very low cough can be heard from inside. "Wha' the-" He enters the room, a bit confused, looking to see if anything was..I don't know stolen? To his surprise a little pale gijinka lies on the floor in the middle of the room. Hidden pauses, starring her and poking her slightly. "Your- YOU'RE NOT DEAD RIGHT?"
Moonlight groaned softly when she was poke then she opened her red eyes slightly then she muttered quietly and weakly but still in a way that could stubborn."I'm not dead you dimwit."
She's still sassy and angry, must be alive then. "What's happened to you?" He whispered, trying to lift her up around his shoulder. "Why're you like..dying?"
Moonlight still managed to shift her eyes slightly and glare at him."I am not dying but you should have remembered that dark types hate bug types because they get easily defeated by them and there were alot of those stink bugs, they dont kill us but they make dark types really sick."
Hidden chuckles slightly as he places Moonlight on her bunk. "There. Don't fall off now." He puts his hand on her forehead to test her heat. She was burning up quite a bit. This was going to be a problem. "I uh..don't know how to treat sickness...I've never been sick." Hidden said with complete confusion.
Lauren watch as she saw the two grijikas that were in the room "ummm i should really help them" she said with a slight undertone in her voice "I'm sure she is only suffering from a small sickness normal she had some medicines if she knew what the Umbereon had. "maybe I have a medication for the inhalation of substances that usually would not be inhaled..." Then she grabbed her staff and rushed off to Moonlight's room.
Moonlight looked at hidden and she still managed to make the, are you kidding me face and she coughed before chuckling slightly."Well the great and powerful hidden is confused that is a funny sight to see."
Hidden smiled but then frowned again, he was most surely stumped. "I don't heal really...I kill things. Ya know, kinda a living blob or poison ooze." He shrugged his shoulders and tries to think of what could at least weaken the pain. He gets a thought and goes to the bathroom to grab a cloth. After preparing the wet cloth he returns and places it gently on her forehead. "Any better?"
Moonlight smirked slightly in a kind of smile then she narrows her eyes for a moment and lifts her hand to poke his nose just because she can then she smiles and she is actually quite cute when she is like this because she smiles a bit more and her feet are not threatening somebody's manhood and she is a bit more playful."Yes that is a bit better."
Lauren rammed through the door breathing heavily and her hair in a mess "I-I....got....the..medication......." she ran up to the side of moonlight and her pale face "ok you haven't knocked out yet" she dug through her box of trinkets "who knew I'd be treating two people in one day" she giggled and sighed "your lucky I got here on time or you would be in real danger."
Moonlight watched lauren burst through the door then she tilts her head slightly."I am only like this because of a bunch of stink bugs that were in my room, do not ask how they got in there because im afraid you may try to kill who put them there."
Hidden whistles indifferently. He obviously had no part of that, him? Bah! He was a saint in every way. "Yeah, I wonder who would do something like that." He says with a grin, looking at Moonlight.
"That is indecent!" she gasped violently. "That is the most... horrid, HORRID array of creatures I have EVER experienced in my lifetime! Oh, you poor SOUL, darling!" she grabbed a medicine from the box and poured her a glass "have some it taste like tea and chocolate" she then put the box of medicine away as she stirred it into a glass.

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