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Fandom Gijinka academy

Moonlight face palmed when Lauren gasped and said she was a poor soul then she looked at hidden and Silently mouthed help me while Lauren was stirring medicine into a glass.
"here" she had given the medicine wich went from clear to a dark purple color "drink up I dont want to learn that my medicine is going to waste" she handed her the glass then walked away "now I feel beater and keep the cup."
Moonlight looked at the medicine and was just slightly freaked out when it turned a dark purple and it did not seem like something she wanted to drink but she did not to be rude so she drank the entire cup of medicine then she gagged then whispered to hidden."That did not taste how she said it would."
Meanwhile, in another location well-known by the students....

"No words. I have... no words."

Murmuring this and other various curses under his breath, a man stepped off of the school bus that was parked in front of the facilities doors. This simple-spoken dialogue came from the mouth of our newest student at this prestigious academy: Bayah Shizako. The student had a rather eventful day before this: with the rush in packing supplies and the constant cheers from older sisters, telling him to 'do a good job' and to write about various adventures. None of which were specified...it was safe to assume the worst in this regard.

Add to the fact that he had to wake up in the throes of dawn, and you'd probably have a less-then-pleased Gijikia on your hands. In the meantime, he may have to invent a Hex to place on the inventor of concrete. Bumpy buses were not the greatest transportation.

Ah, well. The bus ride wasn't too bad, and at least he was finally there.

..... Yet, the academy sure was a huge place... Letters from the aforementioned subject did not help his directional skills in any aspect of the word. In a short summary, you had Bayah sitting in front of the school like a lost puppy-dog.

Great way to start, eh?
(yes that is a great way to start and i shall have Kurusaki interact with you)

Kurusaki had been strolling around, really doing nothing in particular and that is when he stopped bayah and he walked over to him."Hello."
Hearing the new voice snapped Bayah out of his intimidation-induced daze. The new student didn't respond at first, he had to blink and shake his head a few times before getting a clearer picture of the other. Last time he checked.... there wasn't any statue modeled after another classmate.

"What... uh? No, uh... Oh, hey there." It took Bayah a few tries before he could speak English again. When he did, his mouth broke into a grin. A grin that fit his profile well, actually.
Kurusaki smiled as well before crossing his arms over his chest."I'm guessing you need help finding which room is your's because we would not want you to end up in a room for water types."
"How'd you know? And I worked all night on my first impressions, too... aw..." The ghost type hung his head in mock sadness. He actually felt better now that there was someone to talk to. Multiple times had he played scenarios in his head, where the students were all rich and scary. Perhaps even the jocking type that he had heard stories about? You could never know with the schools these days.

"...But seriously... I think I COULD use some help. I'm not too much of a swimmer... heh. Thanks."
Kurusaki nodded then his tail wagged."My name is kurusaki by the way but you can call me kuru for short and i could tell you needed help because you looked like somebody's lost puppy but either way follow me."He walked up the steps and went into the school.
(I has returned :D )

Hidden cannot choose which emotion he wants to play out more. Should he care for her and hold Moonlights hand? Telling her that'll be alright, and the scary lady with her strange potions, which he will not drink because that could probably kill even a poison type, will go away. Or should he break out in laughter at the obviously immense displeasure that has appeared on the cute little gijinka's face. Just as he was about to go with option 2 he paused for a second. Cute little gijinka? Where'd that pop out from? Suddenly Moonlight, even though very weak, karate chopped his forehead. She was yelling at him to pay attention to what she was saying. She's not so cute any more.
(Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Finally!)

Moonlight looks at him after karate chopping him on the forehead then she did stop yelling though because she may have had some fight left in her but she still was sick and quite weak so she could not keep yelling for long and she turns so she is laying on her stomach and she pulls the blanket up a bit so it is covering the top of her head."You are so lucky to have never been sick before..."
Bayah's eyes widened at the male's last comment. He put a hand to his chest (Sassily, I might add.) As if the idea of being compared to a dog was offensive to him. "A Puppy! Did you j...Why, I...."

But he was right, and the defeat was acknowledged with him hanging his head down to the floor. It was his first day after all, he wasn't SUPPOSED to know the school's mechanics when he stepped on the property. Not yet, anyway. The Gijinka took his bags and started to drag them along in tow after Kurusaki. Every second or so, he would look off at something that caught his eye. His attention was not held easily.
Kurusaki smirked then he led Bayah right to a room suited for ghost types and inside the room was a purplish rug with torches burning on the walls and they were a dark purple flame, a few gems floated in the air for the ghost types to channel there dark powers on and the bed frame seemed to be made of bones and the blanket had gravestones depicted on it
Hidden smiles faintly, his forehead hurts but his hyper regeneration can make quick work of that. "Yeah, due to the fact that well...I'm dead, I don't get illnesses. Which now that I think about it, it's kind of weird. Am I a dead person, or am I just the physical concoction of a pokemon that's dead but at the same time alive which is actually dead because it's a ghost?"
Moonlight looked at him quizzically then she just looked at him confused."Well to say the truth, i do not think you are dead just because you are the human counter part of a ghost Pokemon, i mean look at me. i am the counterpart of a dark type but i do not possess tons of dark and evil powers because of that, do i?"
Hidden stared at her with no emotions on his face. "Is that a trick question?" He said with an abnormally serious face.
The Pokemon-like man examined the torches on the wall, but when he tried to shy closer he only succeeded in banging his head on one of the floating gems. To add insult to injury, the gem just kind of... bounced off the wall and back to it's rightful place.

"...Oh. Well... you guys have a lot of stuff here, dont'cha?" the question wasn't directed to anyone in particular, really, but it didn't hurt to try. When he was hit with the gem, the bags fell to the floor in a jumbled heap. The haphazard arragement matched the room quite well with it's darkish decor.
Moonlight shrugs."To say the truth, i have no f****** Clue."She smiles slightly because that is a entertaining thought because she does not know the answer to her own question."I may or may not have those said dark powers."


Kurusaki smirked then chuckled when he banged his head into one of the floating gems."Well yeah the rooms are designed specifically for each gijinka."
Bayah got a thoughtful, faraway look on his face. "Oh, I.. does that mean Fairy-type rooms have sparkles all over the place? Or maybe they have some sort of hidden Disco-balls in the ceiling and the walls are made of glass. Sounds terrifying, to be honest. But cool." He added the last part as a polite after-comment. Out of the few people that he met that were like them, Fairy types didn't sit well with him. He could get along after a while, but the first meetings were usually long, awkward, and filled to the brim wiith awkward glances, twiddling of thumbs and such,
Hidden scratched his head, trying to make heads and tails of what was just said. Being philosophical wasn't on his to-do list today for sure. "Well I don' know but what I do know is that I will be the most powerful gijinka in the world. That is a 100% true fact." He says with a sly grin. He played with Moonlight's hair jokingly. "Even your demon kicks and karate chops of fury won't stop me."
Moonlight giggled softly and blushed just slightly when he started to play with her hair."Well i know that there is a 99.99% chance of somebody losing their manhood, but i wonder who."She said playfully then She poked his nose. (Imagine if one day that moonlight and hidden started dating)


Kurusaki nodded then shrugged."More like, it is a room filled with crystaly things with a bunch of pink, greens and blue's."
Bayah chuckled softly, it was barely heard in the room with how soft his voice could be... but it was still there. "Yeah, that does sound more accurate..... I know this is off topic, but. . ." He turned his head to the right, a bit too far to be normal but not enough to be flat out awkward. "I never did tell you my name. I'm sorry, my manners are slipping... Haha, it's Bayah. Nice to meet you, Kuru."
(Hey! Don't touch my little fox xD )The small female fox fixates her eyes on crocodile, who is up on the top of the building, looking determined. She gets up, fluffs out her skirt, and brushes off the sticks and twigs from her fall. "Tch, freaking Gengar." She slips off her golden, white, and red dress, in which, underneath, she wore a black, skin-tight corset with black and gold striped leggings. When she was smaller, her and her brother always rock climbed with a cliff near their house. She was ready for this moment. It was difficult, but she carefully scaled the building, finally reaching the top, with her dress neatly folded under her arm. Though out of breath, she scoffed at the Gengar. She then stared straight at the crocodile, attempting to explain why she previously woke him, paying no attention to the male gijinka who had pushed her off the building with a simple flick. "Uh.. I'm sorry for, uh, snapping at you earlier... I just...you can't just use a Pokémon like that! Oh, uh, I'm sorry for yelling at you. Can we just start over?" She stares at her golden-laced flats, awaiting his response, a bit scared and unexpectant of what his next move might be, considering that his buddy Gengar, that left, dud to her.

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(sence ive been asked to im going to be in the hallway sence no event is actually happening) Lauren had wondered yet again through the hallway back to her room to drop off her potions and herbal healers using her levitate ability so she didn't have to walk around "isn't there anything fun going on I feel like all the excitement has ceased." The door of her room was lunged open as she floated through putting the medicines on her vanity and sat in her tea chair pouring herself a cup.
Hidden grins even more, the little blush she gave was- Hey hey hey. Woah woah woah. Stop that. Remember yourself. Evil. Mean. Bad. Menacing. That's who you are. Hidden turns his head suddenly, looking at the wall. He noticed that her cloth was beginning to dry so he picked it up and re-wet it.

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