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Fandom Gijinka academy

Hidden seemed to gather himself slightly and could manage speaking. "I-If you wanted me to come to your *cough* room, you co-could have asked." He managed to get out playfully, the pain was simply too overbearing to do more. He looked around the room trying to get a feel for it, honestly it would have been comfortable for him. Well, if there wasn't a crazy gijinka girl staring down at him angrily.
"Oh God, don't do that to me, please..." He murmured, then turned and tried to scoot away silently, but instead ran into a Meganium, his face eye level with her chest. a very tall Meganium. He stared for only a second before realizing what those were and slapping his hand over his eyes, and squealing, "I'm sorrrrrryyy." And running down the hall, running into several other things as he ran blindly down the halls. The Meganium stared after him, but continued on her way.

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Moonlight raised a eyebrow and looked at him."First of all im not mad anymore but nobody prank's me without paying for it and i think you have payed for it dearly and would have thought it would be better that i left you slightly unconscious in a hallway?"she rolled her eyes and smirked."I may not always be the most nicest person but even i would not leave you, unable to walk in a hallway." (Explosivekitten, Moonlight is not in the hallway she is in her room, talking to hidden so please have luna interact with somebody else.)
Hidden grins, his head is still throbbing with a headache. "Wel-well I will admit, it does feel relatively at home in-in here. I guess y-you got me back girl-" Hidden pauses, he looks her straight in the eyes. "Moonlight." He corrects himself, a girl that can take him down is one which he'd respect. Especially because it was a dirty trick, how could he not respect that!?
Moonlight smiled then she looked at him."I have a feeling you might not be walking anywhere for a while and would you like something to drink, oh and you know you had gotten your room mixed up as well earlier, turns out you are supposed to be my roommate or i would not have a bunk bed in here." (Ah the all so completely different duo sharing a room for the entire time, there at the school, that is just perfect.)
Lauren was walking past the busy garden it was too crowded to go to the catacombs there were halls she neglected to go down they seem to be classrooms so the huge halls earlier were only dorms she thought. "I beater go back before I get lost" she turned and when back the way she came through the winding hallways where there was a bunch of cracked tiles and a putrid sent. "oh how disgusting" she had mumbled to herself.
Hidden tries to get up but his legs give out, she's right. He's not going anywhere. The bed is soft and comfy, it's nice to lay his head on. "M-might as well take ya up on that offer." He says weak, that kick could have broke cinder blocks. The pretty blue flames in the room flicker around slightly, giving items in the room long shadows. "I could...stay here."
Moonlight smiled slightly before setting a glass of water on a chair, near the bunk bed."Well i can guess that your going to end up taking a nap and while you do that, im going to take a shower because i would prefer not to smell like stinkbugs anymore, oh and if your wondering why i can kick so hard, well it is because both of my parents are fighting types."
Hidden grabs the glass of water and slowly brings it to his mouth. The water was good, though it could have had a bit more poison in it. "Tha' hit the spot nicely." He glanced back at Moonlight smirking as usual. "Fighting types eh, yo-you got some hard kicks fo- for sure." He pauses again to take another drink. "Well I cou-could join you in the shower. I got a little bit of the stink-stinkbug smell on my clothes too." He says playfully before placing the glass down beside him.
Moonlight raised one of her eyebrows at him then she smiled."If you cannot even stand up then how would you ever reach my shower?"She questioned almost as playful as he was then she grabbed her towel and went into her bathroom after actually covering him with a blanket then saying."Yes i do indeed have hard kicks though that is just one tough part about me."
Even though muffled you could hear Hidden's cackle, she was an amusing girl. If he had the strength he'd follow Moonlight, but one kick to his manhood is enough for one day. "Careful ms.Moonlight, if you provoke me it'll be your fault." He said with a tease. Hidden reached for the glass of water again before realizing it was empty. "Shit..." He then remembered what he was doing before the stressful kick. "Tha's right! The newbie!"
Moonlight could be hear chuckling since she did hear what he said then she called from the bathroom while turning the shower on."And it would be the second death of your manhood and his companions."She did end up taking a quick shower but it was really only to get rid of that god awful smell and she walked back out of the bathroom about 15 minutes later with a nightgown on and just like the base color of her ears and tail, it was black and she loose fitting obviously pajama pants on as well with a fluffy bathrobe put on over those.
Hidden was now floating with his eyes closed in the middle of the room. The meditation helped him try and find the newbie, though he still couldn't pinpoint it. He hears Moonlight leave the bathroom and turns to her, a sly smile on his face. "Well lookie there, nightgown looks good on ya'. I feel like you're tryin' to seduce me." (oh snap, time lapse. Would the Krookedile still even be there? xD )
(no i do not suppose he would be) Moonlight face palmed at what he said."Well im glad it looks good on me but im not trying to seduce you, i just wear this because it reminds me of when i was a little kid."She smiled slightly."why are you meditating anyway?"
As Laura was wondering through ought the halls she noticed a new grijinka that wasn't on the early busses he must of been that new guy and he was smoking how impolite "oh I remember that Hidden guy was trying to look for him I beater get in touch" she pulled out one of her red crystals that she snuck another onto Hidden's person in case of emergency and attempted to contact him through the crystal.
"Hm?" He manages to get out, he was still gawking at the nightgown. "Ah, meditation helps meh focus." He smiles again a bit deviously "I can track people, tis useful eh?" He pokes at Moonlight stomach. "I'll know where you're at, watch you back." Suddenly a red light shines through his pants. "oi, oi, oi, what's this?"
Moonlight smiles slightly."Yes that is useful and i do not think i need to watch my back considering that i just about killed your manhood today."She laughs when poked in the stomach because well she is ticklish."And i do not know what that red light is but i would rather not find out since it is shining from your pants."
"Hello earth to ideot I have some news you might like" she spoke absolutely gracefully "its about that guy your trying so hunt down so hard but then again you don't care anyways" she waited for the Male to pick up and take her tempting advise. "HE does look imitating I don't think you can take this one" she was going to enjoy watching them kill eachother.
The voice coming from his manhood called him an idiot, but told him something rather...enticing. Hidden reached into his pants and pulled out a small red stone. "I ain't an idiot! Say that to ma face!" He yelled at the crystal, obviously believing the red crystal was calling him names.
Moonlight face palmed once again and shook her head."I guess you are not as smart as i thought either, That stone is from one of the other students, it is kind of like a communication device so it is somebody else that is calling you a idiot."
Hidden paused and looked back at the stone and back at Moonlight. "So I should basically kill whoevers on the other end then right?"
"Alright then, so tell me what you said about a new student. Then tell me who you are for...friendship purposes." Hidden said with a slight cackle. His personality is unfortunately easy to read.
Moonlight smiled slightly before grabbing a can of diet coke for herself and popping the can open."You know the person on the other end could hear us talking."

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