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Fandom Gijinka academy

The blush disappeared, Hidden was being mocked by some random girl sitting in HIS room. "I wasn't watchin' you girly, I've got better things to do than stare at a girl in her undies." He says trying to seem indifferent. Whether he likes it or not, this girl through him off guard. It won't be happening again. Hidden felt something was off, a new feeling. "Oh...look at that... someone else is here." He turned toward the wall and fixes his hair, could be a beauty. You never know. "I'mma go greet our newest guest..." He turns back toward the ghost girl. "...What's your name?"
"One it's Lauren, Lauren Screech or your roommate not girly" she said with exadration she then placed her dress over her and put on her boots. "Two I will hear down talk towards me I hope these rules would be understood..." She then stopped herself "I at least deserve a name so I don't have to keep calling you Haunter not that im going to use it." She waited while placing the hat on her head completing her outfit.
He sighed, this girl is already on his back. "I'm a Gengar, not a Haunter...I grew outta that." Hidden's thoughts are getting a bit disturbed, whoever was here has a sort a dark aurora (Tehehehehehehe) around them. He liked it, it made him anxious to meet them. "...My names Hidden Sha'do, try not to launder it. Course, if it gives ya the hots for me you can say it to your liking." Hidden says with a devious smile. He feels back to himself again. Without letting her respond he leaves the room, phasing through the wall and heading towards the newbie.
"Hey!" The female Braixen then ran up to him and elbowed him in the side of this ribs, hard. She then went in front of him, confronting him. "What you did was absolutely degrading!"

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"He is so full of himself but he must of felt that auora it is rather large I'd rather not focus on it right now he is probably a brute" she then left the room towards the catacombs having to enter through the garden witch is not a place she would like to go due to the increase amount of students now in the building. She saw a bellossom looking at all the plants near the stone door that led to the location she wanted to go "aw drat more students." Then she thought of an excellent idea she will just phase past her like well a ghost a perfect idea.
((Damn i need to check back on this more, i just had to read so many pages of post's Mehh my eyes, They burn from reading or it just may be the fire types, yea never know))

Moonlight stalked throughout the school, her black tail with the glowing ring around it swayed slightly back and forth as she walked and it was clear she was mad and heading to hidden's room because he had set quite the prank in her room which included a whole bunch of stinkbugs.
( xD stinkbugs)

Hidden was still making his way towards the newbie, the halls felt like long passage ways. "Where's this guy at?" He whispered, it's not like he's got a newbie tracking device. Finding this guy is going to be annoy- Suddenly he spots a girl walking down the hallway. No, not walking, it's like an angry strut. Hidden suddenly notices who it is and phases behind the wall. "Ohhhh, girly seems angry." He says with a a smile. Moonlight looks quite frustrated.
Moonlight looked around with her glaring red and eyes and stomped her foot on the ground before swearing and yelling."Where the F*** are you hidden because i know it was you who put the stink bugs in my room."She has quite the unpleasant stench coming from her to.

((Yes stink bugs, her ultimate weakness because dark types are actually weak to bug types believe it or not, Hm who knows maybe ill cause some drama and make her pass out or something))
"Huh? Oh! Your, um... Dang it, I didn't catch your name." The Ninetails stood up, with three of the delectable smelling flowers in hand. "You were talking to Aesami and Yoruto. I really hope Bobby didn't interrupt your conversation with that shouting match."

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"Whew!!" He whispered quietly, The girl reeked! Moonlight seemed to have found the little present he left for her in the room.
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((Guys luna is nowhere near moonlight, just saying that so you may want to edit your post's because hidden is not getting away that easily)) 
Moonlight literally almost growled to herself and she kept searching for hidden before yelling."You might as well come out now or im destroying your room and hunting you down."
Hidden stayed close to the wall, trying to avoid the confrontation with the, now very smelly and yet very angry, Moonlight. "Well, if she destroyed my room I wouldn't be the one so angry. That girl Lauren will be." He thought to himself deviously, watching those two fight would be amazing. He began to cackle slightly, thinking of what would go down.
Moonlight narrowed her eyes for a moment because she heard him cackling so she turned around and looked at the wall just to spot him then she says quite angrily."Found you, now get the F*** over here."
"Shit!" Hidden exclaims, smiling slightly. He floats upward off the ground, trying to keep out of reach of the angry gijinka. She runs at him and grabs his leg, but he phases again slipping away just barely. His leg hurt a bit, she's got quite the grip.
The boy just glared, his skin was almost solid. "Look your kinda annoying me now....so leave before i start getting real angry" he attempted to keep walking onwards.
Moonlight let out quite a stream of curses when he got away and she glared at the ceiling."Do not be a wuss or are you afraid of a girl."
He kept his manner the same, ignoring her attempts to agitate him. S'not like Moonlight could even get under his skin, that Bobby did however. He was going to pay him back later on. "S'matter lil' Moonlight, 'fraid of some bugs?" Hidden said playfully, giving her random faces.
Moonlight growled up at him then her tail swayed slightly and she jumped up and grabbed him by the ankle, pulling the very annoying ghost type down."Not afraid of them but i don't freaking like them."
"Gah! H-hey, let go of me leg!" He yelled, this girl doesn't know when to give up. He tries to shake her off, the smell is actually pretty bad. It's grossing him out. The more he kicked the harder she held on, he began to float again but took Moonlight up with him. He couldn't get her off no matter how hard he tried, but he found himself lifting her into the air till he hit the ceiling with his head. (Let's just say the ceilings 10ft)
Moonlight smiled then just like some kind of acrobatic, she swung both her legs up and her feet made contact to where a foot should never kick or that thing between a guy's legs then she just relentlessly kicked at him. (Nut shot! and it actually is that high for the flying types)
(How violent. xD )

Hidden yelps quietly, his voiced seemed to have died out. Along with his manhood, may it rest in peace. His eyes glazed as he went unconscious and both him and Moonlight began to descend to the floor.
(Bahaha, laughing so much at what i just read about what you said about his manhood)

Moonlight smirked slightly then when she was close enough to the ground, she just let go of him and dropped the rest of the way then after he was all the way down, she picked him up and carried him back to her room before muttering."Your not as tough as a ghost as a thought."
Hidden is taken away by the scary gijinka who has successfully managed to subdue him. He tries to reply to her comment but can't manage to voice his opinion. Indeed, this was going to be a long year.
Bobby had been standing off to the side, and he had come across the scene of Moonlight's brutal nut buster as he was looking for Nikki and had seen the entire thing. Now he stared at he rand had the overwhelming urge to cover himself and whimper, "don't hurt me" but instead he simply stared, wide eyed...

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Moonlight chuckled slightly then she used her tail to open the door to her room and it was a dark type room so it had a very creepy atmosphere to it and the blue fire torches did not exactly help but either way, she brought hidden over to the bunk bed which was nestled in one corner and she laid him on the bottom bunk.

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