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Fandom Gijinka academy

"Okay just hold on for a second." He turned back to Beryl and spoke softly. " I am going to go find our room with Taleo. I will meet you there in a bit. Try to make some friends, or stick with River." Mentally he added just for Beryl to hear. 'if anything happens, call me and I will come, Beryl. You know that.' With that he turned and began walking with Taleo. He wanted Beryl to try and make friends with some people here. And from what he remembered, River wasn't a bad person, and the swoobat didn't seem like she would hurt his sister either.

@Telios @TamaraWolf @Airagog @PlaguedWithInsanity
Reverand was sitting on a bench in the hallway of one of the dorm buildings and was looking down at a book when he saw a Latinos and blastoise gijinka near by. He stood up walking over to both of them and looking down and greeting himself to both of them. "Hello." He said just as the Latios was about to leave. He thought it was something he had done.
"So you were the Latios River was talking about?" Taleo asked, smiling as he continued to walk to the Physic Dorm.
River would nod at Beryl, "Think last time we met was whenever I first become champion. You two are really nice and get a lot better than THOSE two... Ugh... I know land and sea are always fighting but sheesh am I right?" River would notice the Rev on a bench at the end of the hallway.

River would laugh as he holds out a first for a fist-bump. "Well well well if it ain't the Rev himself. What's the score last time I checked? Pretty sure it was me 50 you 49."
Taleo nodded with a smile, continuing walking to the Physic dorm. A while later, they arrived.

"Which room? P-..." Taleo asked, looking around the room.
"B-but-" Beryl started to argue when her brother said that he was going to leave for a bit, but he was gone before she could make a good argument. She looked back at River and gave a weak smile. "I guess...." She wasn't good at being alone with people. She wondered if this was going to be okay. Then, someone else spoke to them. There were so many people that she was surprised. Beryl simply stared at him, unsure how to talk to him, although River seemed to know him.
Reverand was confused for a moment when River started talking about some score until it finally clicked with him what he was meaning. "Well, I don't remember fighting you at all actually. If we did it must have been as kids and there's no way I'd be losing."
River would smile as he pops his knuckles, "Oh really? Maybe I should give you that focus blast I owe ya then, I think it'd jog your memory. A rock and dark type can't last long against that." He'd laugh wholeheartedly. "No, but really, it is nice to see you Rev. So what you out here for? Shouldn't you be in Johto-Kanto?"
The shiny Spiritomb did the same as the bird Pokemon, except she did two backflips in an attempt to also show off, and to prove she was a better skater than the Mandibuzz.


"Hello, a Blastoise?" The Swoobat confirmed. "I'm Koumori Seishin-tekina, nice to meet you!" The bat girl stuck out her hand, giving a sweet smile to River.


"It's physical contact with another person, why are you surprised?" Desdemona's expression hardened, not understanding Amadeus's concept of embracing.
Calypso saw the game kind of like a bet in one of her usual games, and so when she was catapulted in the air once again, she kicked off her feet from the board, spinning and flipping two times simultaneously. She came back down on the edge of the board, barely making it from tumbling back onto the concrete. Perhaps she slowed her descent the slightest bit by spreading her arms, but that was just using the gift she was born with. In her eyes, at least.
"Yeah I should be there...but I'm here for my own personal reasons." Reverand said with a bit of sadness in his voice. "And please I know type wise you might have an advantage with that but your not getting through this tough hide." He saw the bat girl and stared at her.
As she listened to the boys, she realized that they were doing a very... male thing. Or a battler thing. She had actually seen both of her brothers act similarly, before Zelos disappeared... She frowned. Just thinking about it in passing still hurt.
Amadeus would look confused, "But... don't you want someone there to hold you whenever things get scary and bad? Or whenever you feel lonely someone just to lay next to you and say it's gonna be alright?"


River would smile at Beryl, giving her a knowing nod. "It's alright Beryl. This guy is champion of Kanto-Johto and he's alright if you get to know him. And really? A focus blast even at your full strength would almost certainly do the trick. If you would like I'd be more than happy to give you a demonstration of what Hoenn is capable of." River would stick his tongue out at the tyranitar.
"I am not sure. I thought River said something about the Legendary Dorm...?" He was slightly confused but was surprisingly enjoying talking with Taleo
"Oh that was real adult of you." He laughed at him sticking out his tongue. "Don't you remember a tyranitars body can't be harmed by any form of attack." In reply he stuck his tongue out at him.
"Hm... Then follow me." Taleo nodded and started walking again. A hologram map showed in front of him from his Electric Stone pedant and he looked at it. "So there is a Legendary Dorm." He thought to himself before walking to the Legendary Dorm.
River laughed, "Funny! You didn't seem so invincible last time I used brick break on you! And that wasn't even a focus blast!"
Beryl raised an eyebrow. "Nobody is completely attack-proof." She told him, her shyness suddenly disappearing for a moment. She normally avoided talk about battles, since if it lead to one someone might get seriously hurt, but she was a good battler herself, and well... she was interested.
"Heh, trying to compete with me?" Roxanne asked, a hint of anger in her voice. The Spiritomb was very competitive, probably too much so. She often was scolded because she became a threat to others' physical being, as well as hers, when she became this way. She always seeks victory, as she hates to lose, more than anything. She gained lots of speed by kicking off the ground with her powerful legs, refined and well-muscled from years upon years of skating, skiing, and rollerblading. She launches herself up into the air off the ramp, her board soon following, using her arms to release dark energy to make her go even higher into the air. She then does a couple flips and twirls, then takes her board in her hand and throws it into the air, landing a about 8 feet below her. Now falling, she does a backflip, then using more ghost type power to assure a safe landing and ending on her board. "Beat that." She smirks at the Mandibuzz.

(Heh, I'm not that good at describing tricks, or making them sound impressive for that matter, so)


Koumori lowered her hand when she saw the Tyranitar's glare when she put her hand out for the Blastoise to shake after her introduction. "Uh, sorry." The Swoobat didn't know what she did, but the Tyranitar was definitely threatening: someone she wouldn't want to meet in battle.


The Darkrai couldn't help but laugh at Amadues's comment. "Haha, scared, lonely? Do you know me at all?" She asked, her ice blue eyes piercing him.
"Oh this?" Taleo stopped and looked around to Cerise, holding up the Electric Stone pedant.

"This is the thing that changed my life." Taleo said, smiling as he walked to the Legendary Dorm again.

@Jerico Curtiss
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