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Fandom Gijinka academy

(How would you guys feel about, i do not know. Time skipping about eight months so we can get this moving a bit faster and have them waking up for their annual classes and everything.)

Seriana comes back after a while and she looks at river."I-i think i am just gonna go lay down for a while."
(Could we complete the fashion show and finish up the intro on my last two characters first? I mean, if everyone wants to move on, we can.)

The Mandibuzz dropped the board at her feet, took a running start, and jumped on the object, starting to skate in the direction of the large ramp. "Huh, it's abandoned. No wonder, I guess they were all too chicken." Catalypse dragged out her pipe from out of her glove, to add insult to injury on these so-called 'chickens'
(Yes, fashion show. Good, bring back Nikki. If Lauren could contact her about that first, though, that would be helpful.)

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(Yeah plus we're having a scene at the skatepark right now ^^ ;)

Bridget had finished up all she cared about at school for the day and headed out to the abandoned skatepark nearby the school. She was already on one of the half pipes and was preparing for a big finish. "And now its time for a triple free spin!" She shouted as she had reached the other side of the pipe.

She started with the first spin, then the second. But before she managed to do the third, she spiraled out of control and had to stop before she could fall flat on her face. She fluttered her wings and put her skateboard aside and prepared to make a landing on the ground below. She made it but slipped and landed on her back. She got up and dusted off her body and fluttered her wings. "Crap that really made a scene didn't it?" She muttered to herself.

@Swift Beurezu @PlaguedWithInsanity @explosiveKitten
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Beryl watched the Swoobat gijinka for a minute, realizing after a second that she was going to approach them. "Uh..." She hesitated, looking the other girl over, then looking back at her brother. "Well... I don't know." She said, turning pink in embarassment. "W-we were looking for where we're supposed to go for that, too..."

@Jerico Curtiss

Amadeus sighs as he sits down. "Trying to make more friends... I went to the moon again. It gets lonely, but it's a good place to think. I really hate being alone in space you know.."


River would nod, "I'll help you out in any way possible, okay?"
Cerise watched the swoobat and thought about her question. "Hmmmm.... I believe that if we would like to find out we will have to go inside these doors." He was talking softly and almost coldly, as he always did when around those that were not his family. he pointed at the front doors of the Academy.


"Why do you need friends?" Desdemona asked, her expression blank. "All they do is stab you in the back. You think they like you and everyhting, but then they eventually betray you..You want that?" She turned to him, her cold, ice blue eyes piercing through him.


The Swoobat followed to two legendaries, following them. "Okie!" She smiled.
Taleo woke up after a while now and he headed outside of his room and the school then to the forest. He didn't have anything to do now so he figured he will train a bit.
Amadeus would shake his head, "I don't care. I just don't want to be alone in the huge vacuum of space anymore. it gets really lonely you know and all I do is just sit there, with nothing to do and no one to talk to. I'm tired, I need someone to talk to."
"Yikes. That didn't look good." While making her way up to the ramp's lip, Calypso locked eyes with a Bug-type who looked as if she was going to do a great record-breaking move, but eventually fell and clattered to the ground. She wanted to go over there, but again, she was in the presence of the Spiritomb, and she didn't feel as if she should leave her company...yet.

The flying-type set her board on the edge of the ramp, testing the weight on the middle. "...Aight, you ready, Skater girl?"
Beryl gave her brother's hand a squeeze, knowing why he was acting so cold towards this girl. It was because of her.... issue. It had to be. She turned to the other girl, looking at interest. "Um.... I'm Beryl, and this is Cerise." She said, determined to be at least a little friendly. It didn't mean that she was going to let her be their friend, though...."What's your name?"
The large metallic bird looked down at an unfortunate Butterfree that had made a bit of a flop at the skate park. He jammed his claws back on then crawled forward on his tree branch, looking down, then jumping off of the branch altogether. The metal blades that made up feathers on his wings gleamed as they caught sunlight, and slowly he glided downwards, towards the ground. When he landed, silently, he stayed in the shadows.

He wasn't much of a people person.

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Once outside, Telao tried and turned into his Jolteon form before running around like he is jogging to train.
She frowned a bit at the Latios's comment, but smiled again. "Koumori Seishin-tekina."


"Yeah, I am." Roxanne assured the Mandibuzz. "Heh, that was an easy move, what a noob." The Spiritomb laughed, saying what she had said so that only Calypso could hear.

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"Well if your feeling better lock up my room when you leave I'm usually gone and my roommate has a key or can fly into the window" Lauren walked out of the room leaving the two to mingle amongst themselves.

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"Well you have me, don't you? That should be enough." Desdemona gave a slight smile, something only Amadeus has seen, no one else.

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Amadeus would look up and smile as he embraces her. "I'm so glad I have you Desdemonda. I don't know what I would do without you. You mean a lot to me."
"". . . Is it normal for Skarmory to sneak up on people like that?"Calypso asked Roxanne with a raised eyebrow and a concerned frown. He didn't seem like anyone who would have good intentions with those claws in like they were poised to kill. "... I know some people are Masochistic and like pain, but that doesn't look like anything good."
Cerise decided to stay quiet since he was more worried about finding their rooms. He began walking forward towards the door but kept his eyes on the two girls to make sure they followed.
"Hey, you don't like the claws, I'll take 'em off. I'm sure you'd like to see my missing fingers- oh wait, you can't see them. They're missing. And no, I do not like pain. Pain, is a very suckish thing, that I had the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with on a daily basis." The Skarmory said, his glowing red eyes fixed on the girl who had spoken about him.

"You know, saying something like that is kinda mean."

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"You know how to fight, don't you? It's not our problem unless he makes it." Roxanne said, while riding down the side of the pipe on her board, gaining speed.


"Ehh, what are you doing?" Desdemona pushes the Palkia away. "Why did you touch me like that?" It was slight, but there was a pale pink emerging on her pale white cheeks.


"Uh, I guess we could ask where the dorms and such are. I bet you anything there's just a plethora of nice students at the school!" The Swoobat gives a friendly smile.

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River would be outside of the dorms, sighing as his now basically wife was laying down to get some rest and make sure the baby was okay. Being a parent would be tough, but he felt pretty optimistic about it.


Amadeus would pull back, "Did you not like it Desdemonda? I'm sorry. I just got really excited is all."

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