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Fandom Gijinka academy

After jogging for a while, Taleo walked back into the school as a Jolteon. Seems that he forgot to change back.
Beryl nodded, acknowledging that the other girl introduced herself. She wasn't exactly sure of what to do in this situation. Maybe she shouldn't just say anything, since it would be a bad idea to get too friendly. She went though the doors without saying anything more, although she found herself looking down a long hallway and couldn't help but feel a little sick. "Uh..... just how many people are at this school?" She just realized that going between classes would be claustrophobic.
"...Well sorry, Darlin." Calypso faced the Skarmory that was now in front of her, lighting the pipe in her hands without so much as looking at the placement. "That wasn't right of me to judge on appearance, I guess. My mistake, eh?" She wouldn't give the man an unneeded explanation, that would just bore him to death. She stuck with the simple blame card, not exactly minding if he went off or tried to hit her.
Lauren was going through her scheduled fitting in case she needed to make the two outfits larger. Her next stop was the one on Nikki's room. She lightly taped on the door of the girl "hello anyone there its your friend Lauren" she stood in place for about twenty seconds.

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Bridget glared with determination, "Yeah I'm ok! But there's no way am I screwing up this time!" She ran back to one of the pipes and began to pick up speed once to jump once again.

Now with people judging her she wasn't going to look stupid again. She gained enough speed for another jump and did it in the same way as before. She reached the top and flew up in the air. This time she decided to use her aerial spinning kick and picked her feet off the skateboard. She used her wings and gained lift and spun around with her leg sticking out in the form of a kick. She did a back flip and landed safely on the board and returned to the center of the half pipe once again.

@Swift Beurezu @PlaguedWithInsanity
" ...'Kay, I'm just gonna disappear now. I'm not a people person." The metal bird boy walked away without another word. He didn't like picking fights. He'd done enough fighting in his lifetime. Instead, he flew past Butterfree and looked at her, his expression almost neutral, if not a bit concerned as he hovered near her. "Hey, you alright."

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"I just-I just hope you don't stab me in the back too." Desdemona spoke to the Palkia. 'Ew, that hurt to say...when did I get so soft?'


"Let me see.." The Swoobat's pink eyes blurred, her psychic powers activating. She then stopped after a couple seconds, her eyes turning clear again. "About a hundred or so, not that many." Koumori smiled at the two Pokémon, proud of herself for showing the Latios and Latias that she was helpful.

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Nikki opened the door, running a brush through her hair, a toothbrush sticking out of her mouth. "Huh? Oh, hi." She murmured, "just gimme a minute." She rushed off and into Bobby's room, spat out whatever toothpaste was in her mouth out and rushed back to Lauren. "Hi, Lauren. What's up."

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"..Okay." As she watched, she notice the Butterfree's now perfected move, and smiled a bit. Perhaps she wasn't as noobish as her friend first thought....

Okay. now it was her turn to try something. Without any warning, she leaned forward on her board and started to roll down the ramp in an ammost casual manner, at first. That casual factor remained until she used her wings to pick up more speed, thereby allowing her to gain more air then usual for this certain move.
"H-Huh?" Taleo struggled a bit when he was picked up and he turned around. He saw a Latios Gijinka is carrying him.

"Uh... Hi?" Taleo answered as he looked at the Latios.

@Jerico Curtiss
"Well I taking fittings of the modules in the show to tinker with size its an just in case thing" she walked in sniffleing due to the cold she got while working. "Good thing its only an outfit and a dress" she signed then pulled out the outfit it was an orange shirt with no sleeves or elastic so it was supposed to be kind of loose and ruby necklace with black embroided jeans with black flats

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Beryl smiled at the swoobat, relved. "Oh, good. That's.... really good. Crowds and me is.... uh.... not a good idea." She said, shaking her head. The last thing she needed was Mai making an appearance around a lot of people. Beryl watched her brother pick up a jolteon and looked at the scene with interest. "Where did he come from?" She asked, mostly talking to herself. She didn't notice him before.
"Hey! Wait for me!" The Spiritomb also rode down the ramp, gaining speed as well as height as she came up into the air from the other side of the ramp.


"Yeah." Was the only thing the Darkrai could think to say in the, what she thought was, awkward situation.

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River spots the group in the halls and gives a friendly wave. "Why are you carrying Taleo?"


Amadeus smiles at her warmly, "I think it's kind of funny how you don't really like hugs."
He looked at the Jolteon "I am called Cerise the Latios, do you happen to know where we go to find our room?" He asked, still speaking softly. He looked back at Beryl to make sure she was okay, then heard a voice infront of him. He looked and saw a blastoise gijinka. "Because he is small and cute, why else." Cerise deadpanned. It was a response he gave to get Beryl to laugh, and because he had a soft spoke for cute things.




"The Physic dorm... Sure. Follow me." Taleo thought to himself a little bit before jumping off and walked to the Physic dorm, showing Cerise the way.
Beryl blinked as yet another person approached. "Uh... hi." She began subconsciously inching towards her brother, not even really realizing that she was doing it until she looked at the jolteon again, then her brother. She gave a small laugh at her brother's comment, because she knew it was simply true. Then looked back at River and blinked, frowning slightly. "Wait...." She said, thinking. She had seen him somewhere before, hadn't she?
River would sigh. "Yes I know who you are. Sheesh.... It's only been a few years. Come on now. And I do. you two are in the legendary wing sharing a room and she's in the general dorms. The name is River Stevens. "
Calypso grinned, and just to show off, casually pulled a 'Rock on' sign while she leaned her weight backward and back flipped. She came back down with her board after the simple trick, already planning her next move. She ticked in her wings beside her so she could glide that much easier.
Beryl smiled, relived that she was sharing a room with her brother. Wait, we've met? It's been a few years? She felt a sudden chill, afraid that he would know about her 'condition' as others have called it. The last thing she wanted was others to be waiting for her to change into that other person....
Cerise looked after the Jolteon. "Hey, don't run off!" He hoped he would come back... The latios turned back towards the blastoise and tilted his head slightly in acknowledgement. "Hello River, it is.... good to see you again." Cerise paused trying to think of something polite to say since this gijinka was from the same place as he was.

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