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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

"This is the wrong way," Tora said to Harley. Once they stopped, she also noticed Cellach. She grabbed Harley and started to take her back where they came before the music could affect them too much. "Jay and Shin can handle him. We need to get to the guild to warn everyone that some jobs may be traps." They passed by Eyron and Roaric.

"I'll deal with them later," Roaric said. "It won't take me long to take you down." He chuckled evilly. "And I'm not going to go easy on you. Earth's Dragon's Scales!" Roaric's body soon was covered by rock-like scales.
Eyron spread his legs out, getting into his fighting stance. "Well, earth dragon slayer, there's something I've been hiding. Something I've never told anyone." He then positioned his fists in front of him like a makeshift blowdart gun. "I'm also a dragon slayer!" With that, he arched backwards, preparing his breath attack. "BLACK BREATH OF THEsuckerpunch." A shadow fist then shot upwards from Roaric's shadow. Eyron hoped that his bluff would create an opening. He then morphed into his shadow form and traveled along the ground, the wall, and then the ceiling, towards Roaric. When he got close, he unmorphed out of his shadow form and, using the momentum, stabbed at Roaric's stomach with the sword he borrowed.

"I've already said how this was going to go" Ceallach said to Jay, "but I will repeat the chorus again. You told Shin to go an ahead and that you would handle this yourself since you were so angry at me for betraying you. I tried to prevent him from escaping, but you interfered and I was forced to let him go and focus on you. Then we fought. Whether or not you beat me is about to be decided. I must make this convincing, after all." By then, Ceallach had stopped playing the tune, leaned the guitar against the wall, and equipped his ocarina. "Hopefully she will have forgiven me by the time this is over."
"Oops sorry...."Harley apologized before she escaped Tora grip.Once she was free Harley began to place space bubbles all around them,but they were still could not be seen or felt.Running past Eyron just as he was about to stab Roaric,"Eyron,that won't work.He is a Earth Dragon Slayer,so stabbing and cutting attacks are useless,unless you attack him indirectly.Like cutting his shadow in your own shadow form!"Harley chirped running behind Tora,even though she had no clue if Eyron could actually do that,but she had seen it done before.
"I'll beat you then." Jay stated before looking down at her blades again. Firing her arrows would do more damage but this fight was going to be very close quarters. She kept her blades drawn and looked up at Ceallach, the look of anger still on her face.

"Flame blades!" She shouted before running at Ceallach and attempting to strike him.
Roaric was caught off guard from Eyron's suckerpunch. He managed to dodge it but was hit by the sword, unfortunately for Eyron it didn't leave a dent in Roaric's rock scales. "Isss that the bessst you got!" Roaric hissed. "Earth Dragon's Roar!" The evil dragonslayer sent rocks flying from his mouth toward Eyron.

A couple minutes later, Tora found an exit door and went through it.; she found herself outside. "Do you see Jay and Shin?" she asked Harley as she looked around. I hope everyone is OK. "Looks like we came here in the car you took," she added when she noticed the vehicle parked by a wall.
Shin runs out into the room that Eyron and Roaric are fighting in. Shin Draws blood from his arm making into a solid blood blade. And toosed it into the ground in front of Eyron. " Its a little harder that steel, Good luck" He says doing a flip over Roaric to escape from the room. He runs down the halls and finds Tora and Harley, only to attract the attention of the whole guard squad. " Hey guys, Eyron and Jay are still fighting so in the mean time what are we going to do with these guys" He said finally finding them as 40 or more guards ran out behind him.
Harley turned to see Shin,"That weird blood sucker...I mean eater is here,but Jay is no were in site.That liar must have stopped her in her tracks,but he said his music is only for support,so he probably couldn't kill her."Harley was interrupted by a few guards coming out behind Shin.Harley giggled at Shin and tilted her head in a sweet smile,"I will get rid of them of course."A bubble drifted out of the door and engulfed all of the guards,then teleported them all away before they could even react.
Eyron formed an X in front of him with his arms, blocking some of the rocks but still receiving damage and flying backwards from the impact. He looked at the sword that was tossed in front of him. He picked up up, weighed it in his hand, then stabbed it into the ground. "I don't need this to defeat you!" he said with determination, "My goal is to take on the Shadow Emperor himself! If I need assistance to beat someone like you, then I'll never be able to beat him!" With that, he put one hand on his shadow and three spikes rose from it and traveled towards Roaric.

"Unfortunately for you, it seems I have an advantage here." Ceallach began playing a tune as Jay charged towards him. Right as he started playing, spirals of wind came out of the holes in the ocarina and moved towards Jay. The wind spirals formed one larger spiral through the tight corridor, effectively creating a wind funnel that would, in theory, push Jay back and around like a sideways tornado.
"Earth Dragon's Rising Claw!" Roaric yelled as the shadow spikes headed toward him. He punched the floor; the floorboards began shake and come loose, starting from the impact site to Eyron. "Looksss like you can't beat the SSShadow!" he hissed, using his dragon-scaled arms to block the spikes; the attack didn't break through his scales, but he was being bruised.

"Where did you send them?" Tora asked Harley after she teleported the guards away. She turned her attention to the car they used earlier that day. "I'll get the car ready," she said. "Shin, Harley, deal with the guards if more show up. Once Eyron and Jay are out, we're leaving."
"Damn." Jay muttered as Ceallach's attack moved towards her.

"Defensive flame!" She shouted, expecting her to block the attack but she was still knocked off of her feet and several meters down the corridor.

Using my blades reduces my ability to defend myself against attacks like that, and I can't use my bow in such tight spaces. She thought. Envelopment was too great a risk as well. What if she had to fight other opponents? What the hell, I'm strong enough for this.

Jay stood to her feet, placing her blades on her back before taking a defensive stance.

"Is that all you've got?" She asked

Before Ceallach could reply Jay cut him off.

"Flame limbs!" She shouted, coating part of her arms and legs in fire before running at Ceallach again, shouting as she attempted to punch him across the face.
" hey I'm not that weird" He said to Harley. Seeing more Guards come out he sighed. " My turn, ROAR OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" He shouted as currents of blood shot from his mouth blowing back all the guards and knocking them out. " There, that should take care of them" He said.
Eyron jumped into the air to avoid Roaric's attack, but ended up hitting his head on the ceiling and falling back to the ground. After getting up, he determinedly pointed his finger at Roaric and said, "I know your weakness!" He paused for a couple seconds for effect before continuing. "Your armor is quite tough. The solid rock makes your body harder. However, rock can also be quite heavy! While you can do decent damage and withstand most attacks, you're slow!" He then crated three more shadow spikes around him, one in front and two behind, but he didn't send them after Roaric. "As for me, my powers are for taking down opponents like you: the well armored but slow. For opponents with shields, I suckerpunch them from behind. For large armored constructs, I turn into a shadow and find a weak point." He pointed at Roaric again. "With heavily armored people like you," he said, "my shadow spears break right through their defenses!" With that, the shadow spikes launched at Roaric, aimed so all three would make contact at one point: Roaric's stomach.

Ceallach rolled his eyes as Jay tried charging him again. It would end up no different than the previous attempt. Since the wind was spiraling through the corridor, it would push her lower body to the left and the upper body to the right. That, combined with the forward push of the wind would theoretically cause her to lose balance and push her away. "Well? Can't you figure it out? There's a weakness to my technique you can exploit and you've overlooking it."
"Hehehe,oh no were.They could actually be anywhere,like a volcano,bottom of a lake,jail....Who knows"Harley chuckled darkly,which was not uncommon.The girl couldn't resist being dark and mysterious in front of her guild mates,so even they couldn't tell you what she is actually gonna do,"Oh yea I know,but I wanted a weird friend in Fairytail,but that's OK I will take a little weird."Harley giggled as she watched Shin blow back the guards.
Eyron's combined attack knocked off the some of Roaric's dragon scales, leaving a hole in his shirt that exposed his skin. He momentarily looked surprised, then he started to laugh. "I haven't ssshown you everything I can do," he chuckled. He was referring to his ultimate attacked. If he used it most of the base would be destroyed, but since it wasn't the main base he decided to use it anyway. Anything to win. "Earth Dragon's Rampage!" A large rock construct that looked like a limbless/wingless dragon broke through the floorboards and headed toward Eyron.

Tora got into the car and looked it over. Everything looks OK. She glanced out the window toward the base. Jay, Eyron, please hurry.
Jay smiled as she was thrown off of her feet again but did not allow Ceallach to see this. She needed to get as far away from Ceallach as possible in order to defeat him and it seemed as though the only way to do that without drawing suspicion was to allow him to have a few hits first. It was nothing she couldn't handle.

As she was further down the corridor, she raised both arms in a defensive stance. The wind would have to stop eventually. She just needed more time...

Screw this. She thought before drawing her bow.

"Explosive arrow!" She shouted before firing an arrow directly at Ceallach.
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Eyron had a shocked expression on his face as the earth dragon erupted from the floorboards. That shocked expression was replaced with a grin as he disappeared in a dust cloud when the earth dragon struck. After a few seconds, A black blur sped across the rubble. Eyron emerged from the black blur in front of Roaric and punched at Roaric's gut, right where he broke the armor earlier. "I haven't shown you everything I can do either."

"Atta girl." Ceallach thought to himself as the arrow came towards him. The arrow cut through the wind and struck his ocarina, exploding on contact and causing him to fly backwards. He landed next to where he put the guitar and seemed to be unconscious.
"Lucky...ssshot," Roaric wheezed, as the wind was knocked out of him. He fell to the floor and started to get air back into his lungs. Roaric's rock dragon construct crumbled behind Eyron.
Jay grinned as the arrow hit Ceallach. As he flew backwards she slowly lowered her bow, her grin fading as she glared at her apparently unconscious opponent. After she was satisfied, Jay's grin returned. She holstered her bow, turned around and began to run down the corridor.

The others have to be close. If it comes to the worst, I'll just follow the sounds of fighting.
Eyron started walking down the corridor Harley and Tora had gone down earlier. Now that he had the chance to battle, he wasn't as hyped as he was before. He wasn't as sleepy as he was before either. Eventualy, he made his way out of the base and saw Harley, Shin, and Tora next to their car. "...Where's Jay?"

After waiting long enough to make sure she was out of hearing range, Ceallach sat up and grabbed his guitar and started playing a tune. "Let's hope that they get word back to Fairy Tail about the traps."
"I don't know," Tora replied. "She didn't come out with you?" She strapped the magical energy siphon to her wrist; they might need to make a quick exit once Jay arrived.
"I'm here!" Jay called out, whist running into view. Her cockier side was slowly beginning to wear off. "I took care of that musician. You weren't worried, were you?" She asked with some sarcasm
"Only a little," Tora replied. "But only because Fairy Tail is a family," she added with a grin. She waited for everyone to get into the car before driving toward the guild.

An hour or two later, a cloaked figure walked through former Eisenwald base. "So, how did things go?" The Shadow asked when he saw Ceallach and Roaric. Roaric nudged Ceallach. "You give him the report," he told his comrade in a low voice.
Eyron got in the car with everyone else. After they were on their way, he turned to Jay and asked, "Are you going to be okay? You went up against that musician. I'm not saying that I don't think you could beat him, but you seemed kind of angry back there. What happened?"

(Since that part was a few hours in the future, I'm going to wait before continuing it. There's still a few variables that would change how that scene would play out.)
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Jay smiled back at Tora's words, she understood what she meant. "I get it" she replied before climbing into the vehicle.

During the drive back to Fairy Tail, Jay's anger and cockier side began had completely worn off. As Eyron asked his question she turned around to face him, however she did not make direct eye-contact with him.

"Well...Em." She began quietly "You know what I'm like in combat."

Before he could reply she cut him off.


This time she made eye-contact with him.

"He betrayed and hurt Fairy Tail, Eyron and to make things worse, I trusted him. I trusted him and he stabbed us in the back. I think that my anger was."

She paused for several moments, losing eye-contact with Eyron again.

"Justified...I guess." She shrugged
Harley chuckled at Tora,"Don't worry honey,if didn't do it I would have,"Harley explained,then turned to Shin,"But the upside of all this is a new fairy and a dragon at that."She cheered as she leaned in and hugged him. Harley thought about the things she did in that base and wondered if she should tell the rest,"..."Looking out the window her face was stoic.

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