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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

That's why my hands are tied. Tora thought after bindings were mentioned."I told you to ask for permission before taking it!" she yelled Harley. "Sorry...," she apologized, "This isn't a good time to bicker amongst ourselves." She walked over to Eyron and tried to shake him awake. "This isn't the time to be lazy," she chided.

Roaric chuckled as he watched. "He's not going to wake up," he hissed. "Ceallach is very good at his work." He picked up a rock and threw it at the bars that were in front of Shin. "Wake up whelp!"
Shin finally woke up. He looked around to see Roaric and Ceallach stood outside a set of metal bars that were keeping him caged. "damn" hesaid looking at Tora and the others that were also caged up. Shin looked to see that there were cuffs on his hands that negated his magic. Shin stood up and walked over to the bars to face Roaric. " before I die I want to know his name, the name of the dragon who taught you." He said looking Roaric straight in the eye, accepting his fate as long as he knew this one last thing.
"You still haven't answered my question." Jay snapped at Ceallach, standing to her feet and approaching the bars before spitting at him.

If she was going to die because of this traitor she at least wanted an explanation. Normally she was a lot quieter when not using her abilities but anger had obviously caused her to lash out.
"Thanks; I came up with it myself." Ceallach said to Harley, completely ignoring the "monster" comment. "Anyway, Lord Shadow is on his way to execute all of you personally. Until that happens, you'll just have to wait here and talk among yourselves." With that, he wiped Jay's spit off of him and started walking away. "I doubt we'll be seeing each other again. Goodbye."
Roaric laughed. "There'sss more to dragon slayer magic than being trained by a dragon," he replied. "I was infusssed with a rock dragon lacrima." He chuckled evilly as he fallowed Ceallach.

Tora sighed; she couldn't wake Eyron up. She looked at her bindings, then back at Eyron. The look on her face showed that the "wheels" were turning inside her head. "Help me get these bindings around him," she said to her allies. She put her hands by her face and used her teeth to tug on the stretchy material. (It works like Nekōsoku Tube. http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Nekōsoku_Tube)
Jay looked over at Eyron. An idea sprung to mind and she seemed to know what Tora was planning.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" She asked

Even if it didn't, she felt that she had to try at the very least. She approached Eyron and began to tug on the material herself.
With Jay's help, Tora managed to get a stand of the bindings around Eyron's waist. The stretchy material snapped back and Eyron's chest now touched Tora's hands. By shaking her hands, she also shakes her sleeping friend. "Wake up Eyron."
"If someone is in a deep sleep like Eyron is,then shaking him will not wake him,"Harley explained getting behind him as she put her hands over his,so she could bring the bindings down to his neck,"You have to send pain through their body or choke them,because will automatically react to enough pain or when it feels it is running out of air."Harley began to pull back so that she could cut off his air circulation.
Eyron was awakened by the shaking since the sleep spell was negated. He was going to speak, but then someone tried chocking him. "Gack! Get it off!" He yelled before morphing into a shadow to escape. He moved to the other side of the cell before morphing back to his normal form. "What the h*** was that for?" He said. He then looked around him and asked "What happened?"
Shin looked up putting his arms through the bars, " Eyron, grab that sword over there and cut my bindings I should be able to bust down the cell doors without making to much noise" He said, waiting to see if Eyron had another plan.
"Sorry about that," Tora said, "Although it wasn't me who tried to choke you." She glanced at Harley. "It turns out the bard really works for Enveloping Darkness; we've been captured." She looked at Shin. "We need to be as stealthy as possible; we need to keep the element of surprise as long as we can. Eyron, you can use your magic now. See if you can find some keys lying around."
"If we're lucky, they could have put them with Shin's blood bag," Tora said. "As a Dragonslayer I assume you have a good nose," she said to Shin. "Eyron, after you get the keys, use that sword over there to cut our bindings."
"Aye, sir." Eyron said before morphing back into his shadow form and going through the bars. A short distance away, he could see the keys on a rack. He unmorphed and used the keys to unlock the cell door. "Now stand still." He said as he began to concentrate. Not long after he said that, spikes rose out of his shadow and cut through their bindings. After that, he picked up the sword anyway. Might be useful later.
As Shin's bindings were broke his senses returned to him. He started to sniff around. " looks like this place is pretty big. Um...... There are several heavy concentrations of blood, but in particular I smell type O blood which was what was in my blood bags, and there are two places where it could possibly be, either 10 meters below us or 20 meters above us..... I'm guessing below just for the purpose that They would probably store them under ground, but the trouble is there are at least 20 guards along the way, and even then I'm not exactly sure where the stair case is" Shin sighed in a short breath of sadness.
As Jay's bindings were broken she felt an unexpected wave of anger, aggression and confidence rush through her body. She knew the reason for it, but it still surprised her. Her magic had been suppressed shortly after she had pushed her abilities to their current limit.

She stood in front of the group

"We can take out the guards if we have to." She stated, trying to boost the confidence of her fellow wizards as the wave had done for her "We can't just give up!"
"Thanks," Tora said to Eyron. "Jay, go with Shin to find your weapons and his blood bag," she said in a commanding tone. "Harley, Eyron, and I will handle the guards till we regroup." We can't give up... "We can defeat Enveloping Darkness and return home. Fairy Tail is a family and we'll fight like one to get back."
Jay clenched her first, raising it close to her face "Hell yes!" She shouted with some excitement "We're going home! If that Dragon Slayer shows his face again I'll burn him!"
Shin looked at Jay " Let us go then" he started running down the hall that lead out of the dungeons. He kept on making sure Jay was following him. He suddenly halted at the corner of a intersecting hallway and sniffed up. Only one guard, Perfect he thought to him self. Shin ran out and punch the guard across the face " Where are our weapons" Shin said with a look a of insanity in his eyes to scare the guard. "I....In the armoury down stairs..... the stairs are Just down the hall to the left" He said. "Thanks" shin said head butting him, knocking him out solid. "there shouldn't be any more guards up this way Jay, Lets keep moving" Shin said as he started to run a little down the hall. He finally got to the staircase, he allowed Jay to go first and then proceeded himself. They came to a huge metal door. " this wont take long...." he said walking up to the doors noticing 3 key holes. He undid his bandages a little and put his hand near the locks. " Blood Dragons...... Keys" he said with a little pause because he knew how lame it sounded. He pushed his blood into the locks and hardened it making a copy of each key. He then turned the keys one by one to open the door. he walked inside past the huge amounts of magical weapons to a table in the back of the room. he saw jays Bow and Sword on the table along with his blood bags. He strapped the blood bags to his waist and handed jay her sword and bow. "there you go" he said.
Jay glared at the swords before taking them from Shin. They had, like her bow belonged to her Uncle first but he had given them to her. She gripped them tightly before placing them on her back. She took her bow and arrows next, placing the arrows on her back first before gripping her bow, staring at it.

"Those bastards took my bow. My Uncle's bow and swords too and to top it all off... They hurt my friends." She spoke with an furious tone

She looked up at Shin

"I won't let them get away with this."
Before Harley left their cell she placed a couple space bubbles in the walls and ceiling. As she followed her guild mates she would continue to place bubbles all over the place,"I'm gonna blow this place sky high."She murmered as she followed behind Tora and Eyron. Harley jumped in front of Tora and Eyron,"Maybe we should remain in the shadows as much as possible to keep down the alertness of the guild. We wouldn't want them to rush us especially since they probably have some more powerful mages not just those shrimp frog punks."She said trying to make plan of some sort.
"That sounds like a good idea, we need to be as stealthy as possible," Tora said to Harley. She reached out her hand toward the rusty door to the upper level exit of the cell block. She slowly opened the door and grimiced when it started to creak. She slipped into the room. Thump, thump, thump. "Footsteps...," Tora whispered. She quickly slipped under the table. She then saw Roaric's boots. His hands grabbed the bottom of the table and flipped it against the wall. "Where do ya think you're going?" he asked the Fairy Tail wizards with an evil grin on his face.
Eyron had followed Tora down the halls when they had encountered Roaric. While Tora had tried hiding, Eyron was out in the open, ready to fight. What luck that he ran into Roaric. "Oi! Dragon slayer!" He shouted at Roaric, "Ever since I've awoken from that sleep spell, I've been more well-rested than I have been in months! And now that I've rested, I'm itching for a fight!" He then held his sword forward, pointing it at Roaric. "You'd better not turn your back from me for a second unless you want to be beaten to a pulp!" That last sentence was also a sort of secret message to Tora and Harley to go on ahead.

Meanwhile, where Shin and Jay were, a tune could be heard from a distance away. The sound got louder until Ceallach was in view. He had an acoustic guitar and was playing

(0:00 through 0:54), trying to use his magic music to keep them calm to make them less likely to attack. "...Look," He said with a somewhat sad tone of voice, "some lyrics couldn't be said with Roaric right next to me. I'm the reason you were able to escape. If I really wanted to keep you captured, I would have kept you in different cells or put those bindings on Eyron as well; maybe both." He then paused for a second before starting the tune again. "There are some elements of truth in that story I told you. I'm trapped here. If I try to leave, they'll kill me. I devised this plan to make sure that Fairy Tail knows about the jobs that are really traps set up by the Enveloping Darkness guild." The tune then shifted to a darker tone (0:55 and onwards). "So here's how the melody will go: I'll try to stop you, but one of you will be able to escape and meet with the other members of your group. The other one will fight me. Maybe I'll defeat you, maybe I won't. Maybe it'll be a close fight. No matter what happens, try to make it convincing."
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Harley was surprised by Roaric's appearance,but she had stayed by the door just in case,"We were going to get a mask for hideous face,but I guess Eyron will beat it straight."Harley poked as she drug Tora back away from the fight,but they were stopped by Cellach,who's music calmed Harley's small amount of anger. Harley pushed Tora away,"You go ahead,I will kill him,I mean beat him....No I mean kill"Harley was completely calm,no anger what's so ever,but she was still spouting her none sense.
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Jay drew her blades "I'll fight you...Gladly" She stated with a cold tone. Her cockiness was still there and she was still angry with Cellach for his betrayal, just not as angry as she had been before due to

"You betrayed Fairy Tail. No matter what your reasons were. You are still my enemy."

She drew her blades and looked into Cellach's eyes.

"How do you want to do this?" She asked

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