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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

Back at Fairy Tail's guild hall, Tora parked the car before getting out. "Hopefully Guild Master Armina is here," she said. "We need to warn the guild that some jobs could be traps." She walked inside the guild hall and noticed the other Fairy Tail members going through their daily routine. She saw her friend Leone drinking milk out of a glass for ale. Behind the bar table she saw Armina, looking militaristic as always.

(@Thesmashbro: Now may be a good time to wrap up the Ceallach and Enveloping Darkness part at the former Eisenwald base.)
Shin walked into the guild. He looked around slightly amazed hearing everyone around him Talking and acting so care free. He walked up behind Tora tapping her on the shoulder " So where do I sign up" he said. Looking around a little bit nervously hoping that everyone would like him.
A Young came to a stop at the top of a hil upon the path that over looked a vast city. "So this is Magnolia, It is quite large isnt it?" the looked down at a wolf made out entirly of water, the creature looked up at her but gave no noton of understanding. Either so, the girl smiled "I agree we did find it" she turned back to the town. A breeze blew past her catching her long white hair, making it sway in the breeze. They were pulled up into pig tails, a way to keep her hair from reaching the ground. She just stood there, her sea blue eyes watched the town, even from here upon the hill she could faintly hear the life of the town, feel the happiness coming from it. a sudden saddness whelmed up inside her, Why couldnt she be happy, why couldnt her town been like this one, happy care free. That saddness turned to hate, jealously and rage the longer she stood watching, the wolf. "I will wash away all these people, bring the very sea that they live beside crashing down upon them..." she closed her eyes inhaled sharply, held her breath and then exhale letting the rage go, she had to stay calm, she didnt want to cause trouble yet. Fairy tale did not know she was here, She wanted to keep it that way. She had to wait, wait for orders to be given on what to do. "come my friend let us to see what the head master has in store for us" she said to her champion in admireation of 'The Shadow' oh how she longed to get orders from him, she wanted nothing more to be as strong and make him proud of the havoc she causes. she let out a sudden sigh of defeat "He doesnt care, why would he? I am just a pawn to the king in this game of chess, and as such, I must play according to the higher ups orders"she smiled and patted the wolf on the head "lets go". The girl then set of walking down toward the Town, waiting... always waiting...
Jay began to slowly move towards where Tiberius was sitting. She sat across from him and pulled back her hood.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing her worry

"The last job we went on was a trap set by Enveloping Darkness."

"Does Master Armina know?" He asked. While he had a concerned expression his tone was angry

"She will." Jay replied

"What happened?"

"That musician we were meant to protect, he stabbed all of us in the back...Not literally. We were captured and taken to Eisenwald..."

Tiberius glanced over Jay's shoulder at Shin.

"That's Shin, he's a Dragon Slayer. I don't think we would have been able to make it out alive had it not been for..."

"Do you trust him?"

"Yes." Jay replied

"Then that's good enough for me." Tiberius smiled
Eyron got out of the car with everyone else. Now that the job was over, all he wanted to do was relax. He went to one of the tables and laid down on one of the bench chairs. Kayuda seemed to be absent. The last S-class exam was recent and she wanted to have time to recover from it.

Ceallach bowed down on one knee in respect for The Shadow. "The operation was a complete success." He said, "Not that it was possible to fail; either they stay here and get killed or get back and cripple their resources by telling them some job applications are traps.Around 30 of our men are missing, but I do not have any recorded fatalities on our side." He then turned to Roaric and said "You let them win, didn't you?" in a subtly mocking tone.
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A cold glance appeared from behind Shadow and the air got colder. " Lord Shadow, I have found 30 or more troops stuck on top of the main tower roof, what shall I do with the?" Yui asked then looking towards the two who were kneeling and laughed at them seeing that they were beaten senseless by the Fairy Tail Wizards. " You two got one hell of a butt kicking. I suppose that means the mission went well." She said, trying to hold her laughs at how pitiful the two wizards before her looked.
Tora looked at Shin. "You'd have to talk to our Guild Master," she replied, pointing at Armina. "If you want someone to vouch for you, I can. I need to talk to her anyway. Follow me." Tora walked over to the bar table. "Master Armina, I need to talk to you...about what happened on my latest job. But first, Shin, a friend I made during it, wants to ask you something." Armina took off her sunglasses and looked at Shun, she waited for him to speak.

Leone finished his glass of milk and noticed that those who left on a job earlier that day had returned, plus someone extra. He overheard Jay mention the new guys name, as well as a few other things. He turned into a house cat, before walking over and jumping up at the table Jay and Tiberius were sitting at. "The job went sour huh?" he asked, still in his cat form. "Sounds more exiting than what was going on here. Only those nominated for the S-class exam got all the excitement, but I wasn't nominated...or was asked to be a partner. Armina still hasn't posted who won...guess she forgot after drinking her ale."

"I didn't let anyone win," Roaric snapped back. "I just couldn't read the ssshadow ussing punk like I could the blood dragon ssslayer," he hissed. "That's enough!" The Shadow said sternly, referring to the laughing and the chiding. "As Ceallach said, my plan was a win win. The mission was a success." Out of the corner of his eye he caught a climbs of one of Harley's space bubble; he glanced around the room and saw more. "Everybody out!" he commanded his subordinates before he bolted out of the former Eisenwald base. Once outside, The Shadow pulled out a communication lacruma. "Narina, once you find Fairy Tail, I want you to observe only. See if you can find a girl named Jay. Daemon should have already told you what she looked like. Report back to me over the communication lacruma, leave Fairy Tail's guild hall, and find the dark wizards I've assigned to assist Daemon, most likely he'll be with them."
Shin Looked at the master. " Um, Hello Mam, Um, I don't know how to phrase this in the right way but could I have the Honour in joining your guild? I'm a Dragon Slayer" He said. Looking into the masters eyes.

Miku walked around on the second floor looking at S classed Jobs. " I think I may take this one.... No too easy" She mumbled to herself as she heard the people enter the guild. She noticed that Tora and the others had brought anew person with them. She listened in on what they had to say and hearing Shin say that he was a Dragon Slayer she jumped down from the second floor and landed on the bar the wood splintering a little as she landed. She walked over to Shin " So I hear your a Dragon Slayer, Have you ever killed a real dragon?" She ask. Shin looked at her " Yes I have, The one who taught me killed off my village and let me to live. He taught me Dragon slayer magic because he was curious if I could actually avenge my village, and I did " He said.
Ceallach was about to respond to Yui, but The Shadow interrupted them. Too bad; he had the perfect retort. Suddenly, The Shadow told everyone to get out. did he miss a few bubbles? Darn it. He decided not to tell him about the bubbles. Once they were outside, he heard The Shadow mention Jay. "Sir, if you don't mind, there's something I'd like to tell you." He said, "During their escape, I was trying to convince them that I was one their side. The one I tried convincing the most was the girl named 'Jay'. I figured that I'd let you know so I'd have to worry less about someone blowing my cover."
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"Wow so this is the new Fairy tail." Cyrus said to himself while walking through the front door. Everything around Cyrus amazed him but also made him a tad bit worried, He started to chew his nails while walking around to find the supposed guild master. Cyrus couldn't help but talk to himself while he was walking around his worried thoughts echoed through his mind. Cyrus shook his head, then looked down Great now i'm biting my nails. He said to himself, taking his hand out of his mouth. "I wonder who the guild master is?" he kept saying to himself....
Narina stared at the lacrima she was giveing by her lord and noded upon him giving her orders "your wish is my command master" she replied, after the communcation was finished she shoved the blue crystal back into a side pouch she carried across her waist, the water wolf she had with her was now gone, she did not wish to give away she was a wizard just yet. Find the fairy tale guild, locate a women archer named Jay. Observe do not interfer, find the others here to find Deamon, report back to master. She repeated the orders in her mind over and over, she wanted to do this right, she wanted to make the master proud. She knew what happened to failures. Narina stopped in her tracks and shook her head of those thoughts " no, thats not me I wont fail, I will make him proud of me" she said to herself but no more then a mere whisper. With an inhale and exhale, she moved on, she walked within the town, she smiled to towns folk and wave and greeted, playing the innnocent girl, a way so people didnt suspect her. she would walk around town make a mental map of all the roads and alleys, and marjor landmarks, this way she could find the guild hall, and know the routes best to attack. Find the fairy tale guild, locate a women archer named Jay. Observe do not interfer, find the others here to find Deamon, report back to master.
"A dragon slayer huh...," Armina said as she looked Shin over. "You seem to have made an ally or two from my guild. I have one question for you...," she paused dramatically. "Where do you want your symbol?" she asked with a grin. Tora couldn't help smiling, even though the news she had to tell her Guild Master was as serious as it could get.

"You're a logical man Ceallach," The Shadow said as he put his lacruma away. "You know perfectly well what would happen if you truly betrayed me." He looked at Roaric, then at Yui. "We're done here. Report to Daemon or return to the main base. Since you succeeded, the choice is yours." His cloak swooshed as he quickly turned around. He walked back to his vehicle.
Shin lit up a little bit and Miku grunted and walked away. " Umm... My shoulder, I think it would look best there" He said enthusiastically. Miku walked outside and went into town to find something to do.

Yui looked at lord Shadow. " I think I will join Daemon on this endeavour of his, I haven't had a good battle in a long while." She said evilly.
Narina stoped at the edge of top and over looked the ocean. The vast blue nothingness called to her like a sirens song, oh how she wished to dissappear into its waters and causer a tidal wave to wash away the city. No, she couldnt be thinking like that, she had work to do. Frown she turned away from the water. Keeping her pace, she stopped at a grand large building, she stared up at it for a while, then slowly walked in a large circle around to the front and stopped, a whicked smile came across her lips as the spotted the symbol upon the banner that held out on the front of the building. Fairy tail, I have finally found you. This is perfect, I found the building, now i just have to watch them, but how. She turned away from the building so not to attract attention. How was she going to be able to watch and gather info about the guild, and find this Jay person ithout blowing her cover. She was sure she couldnt just melt into water and sneak in, that be too dumb, they would find her out too quickly. Narina crossed her arms and tapped her chin with her index finger and thought about a plan.
"With all due respect, sir, if I truly betrayed you, you wouldn't be alive long enough to do that." Ceallach said in his head, but he didn't show it outside. "I will be going back to the base. If I'm going to convince them I'm on their side, then I probably shouldn't be involved with the next plan." With that, he started walking towards their base. "I'm assuming the next meeting will be at the usual time."
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Looks like their a new member in the guild. Guess i should greet him. Lindow faced shin while still sitting at a table. "Hey new guy come sit here and talk with me i want to introduce myself!" He yelled at Shin.
Sterling walked through the town called Magnolia, watching the sights around him. His stomach was at the very culmination of hunger, and he had no jewels whatsoever on himself, haha, not like he had any in the first place. He was officially screwed.

Seriously, just where did that train take him? Stupid train, now he was lost! Maybe he could get someone to buy food for him?

Psht. Yeah right. Subtlety is lame! He was hungry, and he would get some grub in any way possible! Abandoning any and all logic that possessed him (if he had any in the first place), Sterling ran over to the nearest restaurant that looked like it could serve decent food quickly and smashed into the doors, destroying them and the walls and freezing parts of the building. The innocent bystanders appeared shocked by the sudden appearance of an apparent madman, and Sterling forced his way among those who began to leave quickly with his arrival to a stunned waiter. He would use the technique the Mister taught him if he ever needed sustenance!

Grabbing the waiter's shirt and pulling him close, Sterling appeared intimidating and menacing.

His stomach growling, Sterling prostrated himself on the floor, crying waterfalls as he yelled pitifully in a booming voice that echoed throughout the town, "I BEG OF YOU, FEED MEEEEEE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!"
Armina pulled out the Fairy Tail symbol stamp and used it to make a mark on Shin's shoulder. "There, now you're all set," she said, before putting the stamp away. "Tora, there's something you want to talk to me about?" Tora nodded. "When I was out on a job with some of my friends we were protecting a musician, but it turned out he was really an Enveloping Darkness wizard," she replied. "Some of the jobs may be a trap." "Well...we can't stop helping people just because a handful of jobs could be traps," Armina said, before walking onto the stage. "Everyone listen up," she said in a booming voice. "It has come to my attention that some jobs could be traps set up by Enveloping Darkness. You all need to be extra careful out there. The honest people that ask us to help out still need us and one of these days we're going to cast out the darkness." After her rousing speech, Armina lifted one arm into the air and stuck out her index finger and her thumb. Tora and Leone did the same.

"Yes," The Shadow replied to Ceallach. He climbed in his vehicle and looked at Yui. "Keeps tabs on the Daemon's operation for me, I want to know if they succeed or fail." He closed the door behind him and said "Driver, take me back to my castle," before riding away.
Eyron did the gesture with everyone else. He thought that if she was trying for a rousing speech, she'd have to do better next time. It apparently got the job done, though. Maybe everyone else was just being polite to the master. Lord knew he wasn't going to tell her that her speech needed work.

Ceallach made his way to the Enveloping Darkness base. He decided to head to the bar to see what was happening within the guild. As he came in, he saw Klefa acting as bartender. She was filling everyone's order with her usual stoic "Aye, sir". This happened often; the bartender would get fed up with some guild member's antics and had someone else do his job. Klefa, being the pushover she was, was always chosen to do his shift. On the bright side, she was a better bartender than the other one. He sat down at one of the seats and a few minutes later Klefa walked over to him. "How may I help you?" She said. "I don't need a drink at the moment, but you might still be able to help me." Ceallach replied, "The Shadow is having some guild members report to Daemon for an upcoming assignment. I think you would be of more use there rather than here." Klefa took a second to think before saying "Who will tend to the bar while I'm gone?" "I'll take care of it." Ceallach said, "I'm not going to assist in the mission anyway." "Aye, sir." Klefa replied before leaving the counter and heading out. After she left, Ceallach got out a piece of paper and a pencil. He wrote an "Out right now" message and put it on the counter before heading out of the bar as well. "Now," He said to himself, "where's that bartender?"
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Jay and Tiberius stood to their feet before making the same symbol as everyone else in the Guild. Tiberius then turned his attention back to Leone. Jay was silent. She had always wanted to be an S-class wizard, just as her Uncle had been.

"Jay..." Tiberius spoke quietly "Jay, are you alright?"

"I'm okay." She replied, turning around before lowering her hood

"You'll get nominated soon, Jay." Tiberius reassured

"What makes you say that?"

"Well you're a damn good Fairy Tail wizard for one thing." He smiled Catman agrees with me, don't you Catman?" He teasted Leone

Daemon grinned and opened his eyes as his loyal raven flew directly towards him and rested on his shoulder. He waited patiently for the wizards assigned to him for his operation to arrive. It had been several weeks since his katana had tasted the blood of an enemy, let alone a member of Fairy Tail.

"Well my old friend." He spoke to the raven without facing it "We might be fighting Fairy Tail wizards soon."

He glared down at his holstered katana.

"Blood from one more Fairy Tail wizard stained on this sword can't hurt, right?"

He looked back up at the raven.

"Don't worry. It won't be Jay's blood. My plans for her are very different. Special plans for my special girl." He joked
Shin looked over to the guy at the table after getting the fairy tail symbol put on him. He walked over and sat down. "yeah what do you want?" he asked.

Yui appeared from the darkness of the room Daemon was in. "Well, well, well, Daemon, its always a disgusting sight to see you" She laughed. She went up to him putting her finger on his lips. " Now tell me, What might these special plans be for the pitiful fairy you call your daughter? They better not involve her living because a disgusting little fly like that needs to be crushed, and if you let that fly keep flapping its wings I swear i will freeze you both" She stated smiling. And she wasn't joking either, once someone has betrayed Lord Shadow she seen out that they were instantly killed, even her own parents suffered this fate. She chuckled darkly moving away from him, still waiting for a response.
"It is not my daughter's fault that she calls herself our enemy. The blame for that lies with my brother." Daemon replied with disgust. The very mention of his so-called brother made his sick.

"He led her down a darker and rebellious path and until several months ago, I believed her to be dead as a result of that until reports of a woman matching my daughter's description were found, and now I have one last chance to restore her on the right path. The path of Enveloping Darkness. She is still young, and obviously very foolish whereas my so-called brother was a downright traitor. Jay was not recruited into the ranks of Enveloping Darkness to begin with so she did not betray Lord Shadow. She only betrayed my family and so that makes her my responsibility!" Daemon snapped, stepping forwards so that his face and Yui's face met.

"Do I make myself clear!?"
Armina got off of the stage and began to go about her Guild Master duties.

Leone turned into his human form. "Ya, you'll be an S class wizard in no time," he said. "And don't call me "catman," he added to Tiberius.

Tora walked over to the bar and game back to a table with a large glass of ale.

"Purrfectly," an edgy female voice said, accompanied by a feline-like silhouette. Felina walked into the room. "Lord Shadow has commanded us to fallow Daemon's orders...," she said, before creating a dark energy claw around one of her hands. "For now..." She caused the magical energy around her hand to dissipate.

Back at the Enveloping Darkness base, Roaric walked into the bar. He saw Klefa run by him and sighed. I guess this means no one is running the bar... He sat down on a bar stool and munched on a rock he had stored in his satchel.
(alright, time seems to be going a bit wibbly-wobbly right now. I'm assuming that the scenes with Daemon are a bit in the future since Yui was able to get there so quickly. It'll also explain how my character, Klefa, gets there so quickly.)

Using wings created from her runes, Klefa arrived at where Daemon was. After she landed near them, wings dissipating as she touched the ground, she said "I have arrived at Ceallach's request." in her usual tone of voice. After looking at the others for a few seconds she said "I'm sorry, was my entrance supposed to be more mysterious? Should I try again?"
Shin looked back at the "catman" before sitting down with this guy that wanted to introduce himself. " Um, Cat person, what exactly is an S class wizard?" he questioned.

Yui smiled at Daemon who had just came up so close to her face. " Then we will just have to see how everything goes" she said laughing. " if she refuses to come back to Lord Shadow's side you know what will happen, even the Shadow is getting tired of you piety games looking for your daughter, I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her himself" She said.

Miku walked around town and found a nice ale shop. She walked in since the guild was running low on ale again and used some of the guils funs to pick up a couple barrels. She walk back to the Guild carrying them over her shoulders.

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