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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

Lindow noticed Raijin talking to one of the new members and yelled at him. "Oy Raijin leave the new guy alone he didn't do anything to bother you." Lindow then grinned. " If you want to fight someone fight me than. Or are ya scared.
Cyrus looked up and saw a relatively tall man with an Eye-patch Sit down across from Cyrus and and a woman in a hood, "Um...Hello?" Cyrus was a tad bit confused, He started to think to himself Why do people wish to bother me? He looked at the two people he had just met, "I'm.....Cyrus." He said quietly. Then the other one popped up ranting about some kind of challenge. Cyrus looked at the other odd looking man with jet black hair, "B-b-battle?" Cyrus said. Now he was nervous he really didn't want to cause any problems.
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"Everyone settle down," Armina said. "Nobody is going to duel at the moment. It's time for some training exercises." She walked toward the door. "That includes you Eyron!" she shouted. "If I don't see you when we get to the woods, I'm going to find you!"

Felina glanced over at Viran. "Do I make you nervous?" she asked in a flirtatious tone of voice. She smirked as she looked at her fingernails.

Roaric took another sip. "It'll be tough to re-convince them your on their ssside when you really aren't," he said. "What do you hope to gain even if they do end up trusssting you?"
Viran stopped in his tracks because of the chill her meer voice gave him. He was still trying to his face because he knew it would get red. "I wouldn't say...that you make me nervous..." He said as calm as he could bare before looking up to meet her eyes. She made his stomach feel as though it was filled with butterflies. Felina was definitely a weakness of his.
Harley danced around the guild with glee.One of the most eccentric people you will ever meet,but still the smartest as well,"Yay,training.New moves,great ideas,and also we could even think of great new Unison Raids.Tora I already though of one for me and you.Its called Space Claw,hehe."Harley wooped and raved while some of the other member groaned.
Armina began to hand out maps to the Fairy Tail members. "Meet me at the marked location in half an hour," she said. "Make sure Miku and Eyron get one too," she added, before heading out the door.

Tora smiled at Harley. "I admire your enthusiasm...but I'm not sure how a Unison Raid will work out," she said. "It would be cool though..."

"Well...your tone of voice says otherwise," Felina said with a smirk. Right now the only fun thing for her was messing with Viran.
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Shin looked around. They were suppose to go training but he wasn't sure of who to go with. Then Miku came in. "Hey" she shouted gettign everyone's attention. " I hear we are going training. Eyron, Jay, Tora, Harley, Shin, Kayuda, Hinori, Leone, Sterling, Cyrus, Tiberius, Raijin, and Lindow. The 13 of you will be training with me near the mountains on the far side of the forest. I figured I should test the two new people plus I feel the need to call the rest of you together, there's a mission I want your help with in the future and I figured I might be able to bring these two new guys in on it. I'll meet you all at the designated spot at the designated time. We may be gone for several days" She announced grabbing a map from Armina. She looked around "Where is Eyron, he better not have slipped off.... I'll go find him, kill him and drag his corpse to the training grounds" She said, obviously joking about killing him... or was she. She walked off to go find Eyron.
Eyron rose out of Miku's shadow, which he had caught a ride on while they were out of the guild hall. "No need to do any of that. Especially the killing part. I figured that trying to avoid training would require more effort than the actual training." He said. "So, are we supposed to pair up or something?"

"I'm not afraid of your fighting ability; it's the guild master's rage over what would be left of the guild hall I'm afraid of." Raijin quipped back at Lindow. That guy's magic was powerful, but because of that he couldn't spar casually without risking serious harm to both of them. As for the training session, well, he had no problems with it. His tribe had trained him to be in top condition and his thunder beast slayer magic raised his maximum potential. Physically, he was stronger than most of the guild members participating in the training despite his younger age.

"...I'm not exactly sure." Ceallach said to Roaric, eying his ale in disgust, "I suppose I could get out of a few bad situations that would otherwise end up with my death. I could alternatively put them in a life-or-death situation as well, but without the 'life' part." He got his ocarina out of his pocket and started fiddling around with it, positioning his fingers as if he was playing music but without blowing into it.
"Well i ain't scared of yours either. Just letting you know." Lindow replied to Raijin. But hurting my body sparring with a teammates is another thing. "Well i'm totally excited for doing this training thing in the mountains. Maybe we'll get to spar in the mountains Raijin." Lindow said jokingly. Lindow then looked at Harley. "Harley i'll make unison raids with you anytime just say a time and a place." Lindow said all cheerfully.
"A training exercise?" Tiberius stated the obvious "Sounds like fun." He spoke with a tone of sarcasm although deep down inside he was looking forward to it. With each training exercise he had a chance to grow stronger.

"Cyrus. I don't know what you're capable of but I hope that its enough..."

"Enough for what?" Jay interrupted quietly

"For the...um exercise, obviously." He replied after a short silence. He wanted to say "To throw Enveloping Darkness back into whatever hellhole they climbed out of " but changed his mind, not wanting to put Cyrus off of the Guild.

From afar, a single raven watched the Guild, ready to report back to its master at the first sign of weakness.
Miku grabbed Eyron by the throat turning her head to his which was turning blue "You ever run off again and I'll actually kill you" she said before dropping him on the ground, just trying to intimidate him of course, not that she would really harm one of her guild mates.

Shin got up and started making his way towards the forest before everyone else. He walked through the streets of Magnolia not having anywhere to go before the arranged time he just decided to make his way there and maybe stop by and see an old friend on the way

Yui walked outside of the hideout and was out there for quite a while. she then came back in and looked around. " I just had a little 'rat' come to me... Fairy Tail is on the move" She said.

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Cyrus sighed, Thank you I really don't want to Duel. he grabbed the map and looked it over, Dear lord I'm going to get lost. He looked up over at the two people sitting in front of him, "Um.....Could you two accompany me? I don't really know my way around magnolia. And don't worry about what i'm capable of it will be useful in the future."
Eyron got up from the ground after gasping for air. What was with her?! This isn't supposed to be how you treat other guild members! He wondered if the Enveloping Darkness treated each other worse. ...Nah. He started on his way to the training ground along with everyone else.

Raijin eyed Lindow disgustedly before looking at Eyron. It seemed like Miku was bullying him again, but this time it was worse than usual. He had to talk with the guildmaster about that later. As he walked out of the guild hall, he bumped his shoulder into Harley and murmured a word to her as he walked by. "Run." It was clear that he was referring to Lindow.
"I guess we should head out now," Tora said. "Looks like Shin's eager to begin training." She quickly studied the map and folded it up before heading toward the marked location. Leone folded up his map and held it under his arm as he ran to catch up with Tora. Most of the time they were together because of their brotherly-sisterly relationship.

Felina perked up a little after hearing that Fairy Tail was on the move. "Then lets go ambush them!" she said excitedly. Vixen closed her book before standing up. "I'm sure Daemon has more of a strategy than that," she said to the eager feline-like dark wizard. "What's the plan?" she asked Daemon.
"Sure." Jay replied, smiling before turning her attention to Tiberius

"I don't see why not." Tiberius replied before rubbing the back of his head "Just stay close to us, okay?"

"We lead Fairy Tail into an ambush." Daemon replied, stepping forwards "In the distraction that follows, I will personally deal with Jay myself. After I retrieve her we leave the area. Until then, do as you please with any Fairies you come across."

He didn't trust his fellow Enveloping Darkness members not to harm her. After all, Jay was a member of Fairy Tail and he expected no mercy from them. Daemon would be merciful towards a Fairy Tail member but only because she was his daughter and that making her a member of Enveloping Darkness would be a final insult to his late so-called brother.

"Any objections?" Daemon asked. He needed to make sure that everyone was on-board with his plan before his loyal raven returned and the ambush could begin.
Shin made it to the training grounds before everyone else did with only a sleeping bag and a couple changes of clothing strapped to his back. He thanked his good friend in his mind seeing as he got all of his stuff fro that person. "I guess I will have to find a place of my own in Magnolia after these training exercises" he said to himself. He laid down his stuff and just sprawled out in the sun. He also had a Electric guitar and a Amp with him, another gift from his friend who was actually a resident of his old village that was out of town on the day of the dragon attack. His friend knew Shin played guitar and seeing as they had an old one they gave it to Shin as a gift for his house, when he finds a place to stay of course. Shin picked up the guitar and made a pick out of his blood that he hardened to the point where it was still a bit bendy and moved over the strings well. He began to strum and started playing a little song (

) and began to sing "Nothing ever stops all these thoughts and the pain attached to them, sometimes I wonder why this is happening..." until he was cut off by Miku who was clapping. "You are pretty good, you have a very nice voice" She said. Shin blushed. "Umm... Thank you" he said still blushing. Miku plopped down on side of him. "keep going, I like it" she said. Shin Blushed an even deeper red and started over the song just playing waiting or the others.
Viran looked away from Felina "The tone of my voice says nothing thank you very much. Now if you'd be so kind I'll be finding my way...away." He said in a slightly annoyed voice. He continued walking away and made his way into the city. Viran was trying to be careful not to be noticed but again is a horrible sneak. He wasn't really looking for anything but stopped by a candy shop and bought a bag full of treats. As he was heading back he was walking past the training grounds full of fairies but didn't notice.
"No, let's go," Felina replied Daemon. She started to walk away. "Where did Viran run off to?" she asked, before shrugging it off. "Guess he'll miss out on the fun." She bolted off toward the woods. Vixen calmly walked. Looks like someone is a bit eager. She thought, noting Felina's behavior.

Tora and Leone were the next to arrive. "How long did we keep you waiting?" Tora asked Shin and Miku. "Uh...it doesn't look like Armina is here. She must be setting up something big." Leone nodded, before sitting down. "Might as well relax while we can."
"Good." Daemon replied as his raven returned and rested on his shoulder "Then let the ambush begin." He smiled grimly before walking slowly towards the woods.

Tiberius and Jay were the next to arrive at the woods.

"I don't see Armina." Jay pointed out

"Be on guard, then." Tiberius replied "She could surprise us at any moment."
Eyron rose out of Tora's shadow and sat down against a tree. He hitched a ride on their way there because he figured that he should save as much energy as possible for the training. Raijin arrived not much later. He knew the forests like the back of his hand, so he only needed the map to show where the training would be. He looked at Shin curiously and said "Why did you bring all that camping gear? This is a training session, not a camping trip."

Enigo was sitting outside the Enveloping Darkness' tent, eating an apple while juggling three with his other hand. He noticed Daemon walk out of the tent and towards the woods. Dissipating the three illusionary apples, he walked over to Klefa, who was also sitting outside, and said "Forgotten again, eh?" to which Klefa responded with "I'm sorry, what?" "I'm saying that you're so much of a pushover that no one notices you. You lack presence as well as a backbone! So, what are you doing out here anyway?" "I'm waiting for Daemon's orders." Enigo facepalmed. "See, that is what I'm talking about; he left without you! They're off to do whatever the heck they're going to do and they forgot to bring you along! So, here's my order to you: go after them! At least pretend you can act on your own!" "Aye, sir." With that, they both began walking towards the woods after Daemon.
Harley appeared on the scene next. She had went home and changed into something more free,"Lazy shadow fairy he is new,so he has a lot to learn."She had a tendency to call the other guild members fairies followed or leaded by a word associated with the magic and it was normal for her. While Harley spoke a breeze blew her sweater back,which was v-neck and had all of the buttons unbuttoned except the very last one at the top. Her abdomen visible and her legs were also showing since she was wearing a skirt and boots,"Are you guys ready?"Harley asked everybody with a simple smile while she fiddled with her low side-ponytail that draped over her shoulder perfectly.
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Narina had snapped back to reality at the sound of a voice saying faiy tale was on the move. When Daemon had told them they are to ambush them, Narina just tilted her head slightly to one side in a puzzled manner. Though before she could ask her question, Felina had run off to egarly, the one male had snuck away, and Vixen was practily out the door. She looked down to the floor, its not like she would have piped up anyway. But having them fight a whole guild was just odd, even with their strength. Narina tapped on her pouch with the lacrima. She didnt know what to do. She always fallowed orders, but this one was too rushed and not thought out. Narina would fallow the group however but she was still skeptical about this sudden ambush plan. She bit her lower lip as she moved fallowing the group, master had told her to fallow Daemon's orders, She didnt dissappoint, she didnt want to do bad, she wanted to fallow, but something was telling her this was not going to end well.
Lindow arrived at the training site waiting with the others. Oh boy i wonder Armina is. Hopefully i get to spar with her. Lindow smiled with a flush of red on his cheek. He looked towards Tora and started waving and running towards her. "Tora want to have little match with little old Lindow. It'll be fun!" Lindow was still smiling. But man i really want to spar someone strong. Lindow started thinking.
As Viran was walking past the fairies he heard them talking about practicing. He still didn't know that these people were fairy tail though. So, as he sat down and opened his bag. He pulled out a chocolate bar and started gnawing on it as he was ready to watch the group spar. Viran had his legs crossed out in front of him by the heel and he listen as the group bickered back and forth.
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Stalking closer to the training ground, Felina could see the fairies in the distance; she also saw Viran sitting out in the open. She rolled her eyes before grabbing him and quickly pulling him out the Fairy Tail's view. "Are you trying to ruin the operation?" she asked in a low voice.

"Not right now," Tora replied to Lindow. "We should save our strength for what Armina has planned." Whatever that is. Leone turned into a house cat, stretched, and yawned before laying down. "Wake me up when things get started, but I bet Armina would do that for you...," he said, before beginning a cat nap.

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