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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

Waiting for the girl that he though someone said was named Tora to respond shin noticed something and thought I smell bad blood, there is a traitor among this group I'll have to keep my eyes pealed, and also, I think I smell another source of dragon blood besides my own. Shin's nose was very good and he could pretty much smell anything, but when it came to blood he could smell it even if it wasn't present and he could even smell the specific blood types, emotions, and especially when there was dragon blood around. Then he caught on, That guy in the train his blood smelled like that of a dragons, I'll have to stay on the look out for him. He then looked back to Tora waiting for an answer.
Jay turned her attention to Shin, speaking again despite how badly she had tried to avoid it.

"Its not up for me to decide if you can join the Guild or not." She spoke with some distrust

Even so, she probably wouldn't let him in, not until he proved his loyalty and displayed how powerful he was.

She directed her focus back on Ceallach as he finished his sentence.

"Its understandable. They would have killed you if you walked to the leaders and simply said I quit. Shall I accompany you to the pub?"

She wanted to keep an eye on him. Not just for the money but she admired his courage to some extent.
Shin bite his lip a little, wondering how he could possibly get into fairy tail then he got an idea. " If I help you with this mission your on would it increase my chances of getting into Fairy Tail, I'm fairly strong and I have a good nose, I can smell just about anything even the fact that you don't trust me" he said with a little smile. Then something caught his attention. Boiling blood, the kind that had a killing instinct and there were several sources of it closing in on the group. he took a blood bag from his pouch and started drinking it " You have some uninvited people joining your mission. I smell a evil aura." he said to Jay.
Jay instantly drew her bow.

"Get behind me." She said to Ceallach before scanning the area rapidly for any threats.

"If you help us, yes it would increase your chances of getting in." She replied to Shin, but her attention was still focused on the area. At any moment a Dark Wizard could attack them, or Shin could. But why warn them if he wanted to attack in the first place? Shin was able to sense her distrust in him and for the moment was taking his word on the evil aura he smelled. The second he stepped out of line she would attack him.
" Thats all I need to know" He said cutting the bandages off himself looking around and spotting 3 enemies running towards them " every one watch out. ROAR OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" he said as rapids of blood came from his mouth defeating the 3 he looked around again spotting out several more enemies " there are a 10 on the roof tops 6 to the right, 5 to the left, 4 more to the front, and 9 to the rear" he said then sniffing out to see if he missed anything then he noticed the smell of a dragon " there's a dragon slayer near by too I think he's with them" he said
Jay pushed Ceallach behind her before aiming her bow at an incoming enemy

"Explosive bow!" She shouted before firing a shot. The arrow glowed red as it flew towards an opponent and exploded on impact.

She wanted Shin to join the Guild now. A Dragon Slayer would be really helpful in their ongoing fight. For the moment she was just glad that he had chosen their side.
Shin smiled reading Jay's emotions " I got the rear. BLADES OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" he started to draw blood from his arms which formed the shape of two swords in his hands and then turned solid. " these blades are stronger than steel" he laughed cutting through all the enemies in the rear on by one.
"Chi tiger blast!" Tora shouted, before firing a beam of blue energy with the front end shaped like a pouncing tiger. The thugs fell to the ground and stayed there: knocked out cold. "That's why we can't talk about our guild in public...," she sighed. "If you want to tag along you can, right now I just want to finish this job," she said to Shin. "I'm ready when you are," she added to Ceallach.

When I get back I should talk to the Shadow about his thugs. Raoric thought. "Idiotsss...," he hissed to himself. He was about to act on the signal when they showed up. Taking initiative, he decided to wait till Fairy Tail made their way toward the pub.
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I look up to the roof, they got the advantage of the high ground on us, not for long. Shin jumps up to the roof using a blast of blood to propel him upwards. He does a back flip sort of thing and says " CLAW OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" as blood surrounds his foot forming sharp claws as he kicks on enemy in the shoulder and starts fighting the others using his blood blades.
Something was wrong. There was too much chaos. This was supposed to be a coordinated effort; they're just going around willy-nilley. When I get back I should talk to the Shadow about his thugs. No matter; he was still getting battle data. Shin used blood dragon slayer magic, Tora used energy caster magic, and Jay used... He wanted to say bow holder magic with a fire element, but the data he had read said that it was fire caster magic. Better to be safe than sorry. Ceallach nodded at Tora and followed her and more thugs seemed to try to attack Tora seeing that she was guarding him.

Eyron wasn't paying much attention to what everyone was saying; he was alseep. He woke up when someone roared though. Peeking out of the vehicle, he saw the situation they were in. And, seeing how Tora and Ceallach were fleeing the scene, he decided to follow them too.
Harley took out two thugs without using her magic.Tora had taught Harley some martial arts and the rest Harley does is street fighting,giving her already unpredictable style a bigger confusion for opponents,"If there is a traitor among us,then don't use your magic,knuckleheads. Hehehe."Harley screeched taking out four more weak thugs.Following Tora,Harley looked at Tora,"I will take him to the pub,just send Eyron to the pub."Harley commanded taking out another group.
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"Ssscrew it," Roaric muttered to himself. He didn't want to miss his opportunity; with all the unplanned chaos, it was the perfect time to strike. "Earth's Dragon's Rising Claw," he hissed softly. He punched the ground and sent a rumbling shockwave toward the Fairy Tail wizards. I think he'll forgive me. he thought with a smirk.

Tora was about to reply when rocks started to fly into the air from Roaric's attack. She lost her footing and found herself flying through the air, before landing hard on her backside. "E...everyone OK?" she wheezed. "What was that?"
Shin Jumped down in front of Tora drinking blood from a blood bag and looks at Roaric " So, your a dragon slayer. Lets make this a match between dragons shall we?" he said to Roaric and then charging at him and attacking "ROAR OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" he shouted as a blast of rapidly moving blood shot from his mouth.
Jay's cockier side was kicking in as she used flame bow to fire arrows at thugs, not allowing them to get close to her position.

The ground shook around her and she was thrown off of her feet, spoiling her aim of a shot in the process. She landed with a thud on her chest and pushed herself to her feet only to notice Shin jump in front of another wizard

"So, your a dragon slayer. Lets make this a match between dragons shall we?" She overheard him

Another Dragon Slayer? Jay was tempted to fight them but Shin would only get in her way. It was best to leave the two to fight alone.

She placed her bow back on her back and drew her two blades.

"FLAME BLADES!" She yelled before lunging forwards at two thugs that had used Roaric's opening to get closer. She landed in front of them in a crouched position before slashing at them, knocking the two thugs unconscious within several hits.

Three more thugs ran at her as a grin began to grow on Jay's face. She stopped using flame blades and holstered her weapons as the thugs ran at her.

She dodged one attack by jumping into the air

"OFFENSIVE FLAME!" She yelled. Her hands became coated in flames before a large ball of fire launched from them, hitting the thugs below.

She landed in a crouched position behind the unconscious thugs before standing to her feet.

"IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN THROW AT ME, ENVELOPING DARKNESS!!" She yelled with her arms stretched out before breathing deeply
Ceallach and Eyron were both knocked back from Roaric's attack. For someone who isn't into making plans, he was at least more competent than all the other thugs combined. On the bright side, attacks were getting to him so it would lessen suspicion. He could also see that Jay's power was fire caster magic and that Shin required bags of blood to use his dragon slayer magic. This was going surprisingly well.
Shin laughed a little thinking his attack had obliterated Roaric and with out thinking for a second he jumped at the spot Roaric had been and began to attack again just to make sure " BLOOD DRAGONS---- UFF" Shin grunted as he was hit in the jaw with a pillar of rock obviously from Roaric and was knocked out cold for his ignorance. He fell to the ground with a loud thud and just lid there out for the count.
Roaric walked out of the debris caused by Shin's blood dragon roar with rocky scales covering his body. "Rookie," he said to himself. One down. "Earth dragon's roar!" Rocks flew out of Roaric's mouth and headed toward Tora and the others.

Using her chi tiger blast, Tora fired a beam of energy at Roaric's rocks. Their magical energy collided. Tora kept the beam firing until the rocks stopped; afterward she fell to her knees. I used a lot of energy on that one... "What kind of magic do you use Enigo? she asked.
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Well, one was already down for the count. Now for the others. Ceallach could tell that Tora was drained by that last attack. This was perfect. "I'm a bard." He said, "I use magic for support." After saying that, he got his ocarina out of his pocket and prepared to play it. A magic circle appeared under him as he played a tune, causing the Fairy Tail members to relax and loose their tension, making them able to fight better [Calming tune]. Eyron, however, fell asleep due to the relaxing nature of the song.
Jay noticed that Tora had used a lot of magic power and so stepped forwards, noticing the unconscious Shin. She lowered her arms and began to approach Roaric with an angry, determined look on her face.

"I won't allow you to lay another hand on Fairy Tail." She stated before pulling back her hood.

What she was about to do was incredibly risky but she had little choice. This Dragon Slayer had eliminated the best chance they had with one hit.

"Envelopment!" She shouted, raising one hand at Roaric. A ring of flame surrounded him before quickly rising, trapping Roaric in a large ball of fire.

Jay weakly smiled before falling to her knees, however she kept one hand raised and stared at the ball of fire. She clutched her right wrist tightly until she could not sustain the magic needed to keep the flames of envelopment lit any longer and began to lose consciousness. She fought to stay awake.
Harley turned around to be knocked back and thrown into a wall by that of Roaric's Dragon's roar. Harley's air was knocked clear out if her body,taking a bit of time to regain her breath. Harley finally got up,but she quickly fell to her knees.Her vision was becoming blurred,"Ugh...I think I hit my head to hard.You should head to the pub now..."Harley whimpered as her body laid itself out slowly.
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Tora's vision began to go blurry. She saw Roaric's form appear once Jay's flames vanished. She saw him walking over to Jay, before blacking out. When she came to, she found herself inside a cell. "Eyron? Harley? Jay?" she called out. "Shin?" Roaric walked out of the shadows and stared at the Fairy Tail heroes. "Welcome to the old Eisssenwald," he hissed. "I can't wait to see your faces when the Shadow arrives."
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Jay had passed out shortly after using Envelopment. When she awoke her head was buzzing and she felt light-headed. On one occasion in the past she had used Envelopment and it had almost killed her, but she felt she had no choice.

She felt a sense of dread when she saw Roaric. How long had she been out? Had Envelopment done any damage to him?

Her blades, bow and arrows had been confiscated and the Shadow was on his way. It was a wonder no one had recognized her as being the daughter of two powerful Dark Wizards, then again she had faked her own death.
Soon after Roaric had walked out of the shadows, Ceallach also walked into view. This time his collar with folded up to show the Enveloping Darkness guild logo. "I don't think I've introduced myself properly last time. " He said, "My name is Ceallach, member of the Enveloping Darkness. I am only telling you this because I do not intend to let you make it back to Fairy Tail alive." He paused for a few seconds to let it sink in before continuing. "As you have probably noticed, we have striped you of your weapons. your swords, bows, arrows, bags of blood, etc, have all been taken away. In case you don't need those weapons to use magic, we have tied you up with imported bindings that negate magic." He then pointed to Eyron, who was still asleep, "As for him, the bindings would negate the sleep spell I put on him. However, with how tired he was before I used the sleep spell, I wouldn't be surprised if he never wakes up again."
"You're a monster..." Jay muttered

She had trusted him, sympathized with his tale of escape and the fact that he had betrayed them hurt her inside.

"Why?" She asked
Harley eye's fluttered open as she looked across the face of her friends,then up at Roaric and Ceallach,"Heyllo,"Harley chirped her own language,which she usually sported,"Let me guess...You were lieing to us the whole time,and that mission was fake?You guys are smart,I'm surprised that nobody thought of that!"Harley chuckled,even though she was basically sitting in death's den.The young mage turned to her elders,"It seems that we won't be living long;to bad you didn't apologize for stealing that car!"Harley chirped once more,shifting the blame from herself to Tora.

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