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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

"Well if we go by train it won't be long and Eyron would be more useless than he already is!We could also be attacked on the train.Walking is to much work and one of you would have carry!So lets go get a car.If I not mistaken someone in Fairy Tail has a car,and I could poof in and take it!'Harley chirped with a clean and inviting smile.
Tora scratched her chin. Jay has a point about the train. I don't want innocents getting hurt. "Let's use a car then," she replied when she made up her mind. "Oh, Harley. Don't forget to ask for permission first." Tora didn't want the owner of the car to get angry at them, even though they're in the same guild, some people are too attached to their vehicles.
"Yea yea yea!"And with that Harley teleported to the garage of Fairy Tail.Looking around she looked at each every vehicle,"Which one should I choose?Oooo,I will take the truck!"Harley hopped in the vehicle that reminded her of a truck,then hopped out changing her mind,instead taking the carriage.Starting it up and opening the garage door,Harley slammed on the gas and was speeding down the street with a giggle escaping her mouth.It didn't take her long to get there,"Everybody hop in!"
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Jay guested to the musician to climb inside the carriage without saying anything. He nodded in response and climbed inside. Jay climbed inside and sat next to him.

"Get in." She stated to the others quietly
*Shin was roaming through the town when he passed a group of mages saying they were headed to Oshibana Town. He wanted to ask them if they were part of a guild that he could join, he didn't know much about the guilds of the land nor where they were or what they looked like, but ether way he still wanted to join one. But before he could ask they all jumped into a carriage and left. So reached into his pocket pulling out a bit of money and counting it. He looked at the time noticing the train would leave for Oshibana town in a little while so he started running towards the train station, proclaiming to himself* Off to Oshibana town it is then * he eventually got to the train station and bought a ticket and hoped onto the train that started to leave not long after he got on*
Tora looked the vehicle over before getting in the back. She waited for Eyron and the musician to get inside. "Be on your guard everyone," she said. "We must be ready for the worst, even if this trip is uneventful." She looked at Harley. "Let's bring this vehicle back in one piece."
Eyron and Ceallach had climbed into the carriage, in which Eyron immediately lied down in the back. Ceallach seemed a bit nervous though. "If or when the Enveloping Darkness thugs attack, do we have some sort of escape plan?" He said.
"Running is an option," Tora said, "But, thugs usually aren't as powerful as higher ranked Enveloping Darkness members." She paused as she thought out other options. "We could distract them. You could slip away while we fight them offs" she said to Ceallach. I've been itching for a fight anyway. "Sound good?" she asked the others.
* Shin sat on the train hoping that he would meet these mages in Oshibana Town, he just patiently waited as the train stopped in the first town over. Then it started to go again. he new there would be at least one more stop before he got there so he started t drift off into space a little.*
Harley giggled as she looked at Tora,"Me?Drive slow?OOOOK!"Harley's foot smashed the gas down jerking everyone's head back as the vehicle was set in motion all of a sudden.The driver chuckled a bit with a smile,"If they are nothing but low level thugs,then one of us could easily take them out,all you have to do is use the right attack."Harley explained as she went over a small hill.
*Shin awoke. they had past the second stop and he was almost at Oshibana Town. He heard a light taping on e roof of the train and some one said " The musician should be on this train according to our information, kill everyone and only take him prisoner or the captain will be mad" Shin got up and took out a knife slicing his bandages off revealing fresh and looked at a passenger* "I hope you don't mind but this is necessary" * he sliced the persons hand and drank some of his blood, proceeding like that passenger after passenger until a brute dark mage burst down the boxs car door and two other mages walked in behind him asking "where's the magic musician" Shin responded * "I don't know anything about music but if its a mage you want I'm all yours. ROAR OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" * a roar of blood currents going so fast it would slice anything to peices if it were in its way ejected from shins mouth. the brute used a heavy defence magic unknown to Shin to defend himself, while the other two were blasted back and covered in deep wounds. The Brute looked at shin " won't be so easy to defeat me. I can easily re-equip to my adamant armour and block your attacks. RE-EQUIP GIANTS ARMOUR AND GIANTS MALLET. I also have ultimate attack power" he swung his mallet a shin, shin quickly studied his attack and said just as he went for the second one* " yeah but it makes you slower" * he jumped over the brutes attack easily* " WING ATTACK OF THE BLOOD DRAGON" * blood fled his open wounds and made two blades from his arms that rotated in rapid currents like a chain saw as Shin made a huge X through the man's armour and chest killing him. Shin then proceeded to drink the blood of his fallen enemies before going to clear out the rest of the train.*
Tora fell back against the seat. "This is the opposite of slow!" Tora exclaimed. At this rate, we'll be to Oshibana Town in no time. "Everyone doing OK?" she asked. "Harley, go easy on your magic energy. You'll need it if or when we come across Enveloping Darkness."

Roaric sat on the train in the car in front of Shin's. Idiots. Fairy Tail isn't even on this train. He got out of his seat and made his way toward the front of the train. He found a group of Enveloping Darkness thugs. "Earth Dragon's Scales," he muttered, before his body turned to scale-like rocks. He hit the lead thug, sending him to the ground. "Idiotsss!" He said, hissing the 's' like a snake. He was glad his shirt covered his guild symbol; it was embarrassing to be associated with thugs that didn't scout out the train to make sure their targets where there.
Since they were going so fast, the wind seemed to be ruffling up Ceallach's clothes. He straightened out his clothes while secretly activating a tracking device hidden in his clothes so the Enveloping Darkness guild could find him. He needed to see their fighting ability so he could figure out how to restrain them later.
"I really shouldn't be driving since I just completed a mission this morning.Tora you drive and I will rest,and also my mind is starting drift again so I need to think."Harley said slowing the carriage down.Stepping out she hopped in the back while Tora got in the front to drive,"I actually have a question for you Mr.Musician.....What is so important about you?"
*Shin continued to the front of the train seeing the thugs in the other box cars where already knocked out. He drank their blood not knowing if the person who was doing this was friend or foe. He eventually made it to the front of the train meeting with a brown haired man who seemed to have been the one who knocked out the people in the other box cars due to the blood on his hands. Shin looked at him* Friend or foe? * he questioned just to be safe*
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"That dependsss...," Roaric replied. "Who are you aligned with?" He didn't see any guild markers on Shin. Maybe it was hidden under his clothing like Roaric's Enveloping Darkness symbol was. Roaric noticed a device in his pocket started to light up. He picked up the device. They're almost at Oshibana Town.
*Shin looked at him and responded* I am not with anyone, although I do wish to join a guild, one in particular that I heard of called Fairy tail, even though I would settle for a similar one * he looked at the man and waited for his response*
Ceallach sighed. He had been on undercover missions before, so he had already thought up an answer to this sort of question. "I used to be in the dark guild." He said, "In a low point in my career as a musician, I joined the dark guild to get more money. I did get the money that I needed, but my conscience couldn't take it anymore and I decided to quit and go back to playing music. They seem to think of quitting as betrayal, though, and now they're hunting me down."
Tora parked the car once they got to Oshibana Town. "We're here," she announced. "Everyone get ready in case something happens." With a back story like that, Enveloping Darkness are bound to show up, she thought as she got out of the car.

"You must be behind the timesss," Roaric said with a snake-like grin. "There are only two guilds in the world now, Fairy Tail and Enveloping Darkness." The train came to a halt at Oshibana Station. They're here. "Sssee ya around." With that Roaric put on a cloak and walked off of the train. I have some real Faries to hunt.
Shin watched as he left the train and he followed not long after. He went to the medical centre in Oshibana Station to get some more bandages which her wrapped around his arms and he also took a few blood bags just in case. he walked out into the city and climbed to a roof top to see i he could find the mages. His eye sight was good seeing it was that of a dragons and he eventually spotted them he ran to them catching up to them pretty fast and looked at them and immediately tapped the one that had been driving on the back feeling her jumping a little and said " Are you guys mages?"
Jay had remained silent for the entire journey but finally spoke when the musician brought up his past.

"Well I'm glad that your conscience made you leave." She stated, almost smiling "Enveloping Darkness would have stabbed you in the back eventually, once you were no longer of use to them."
Tora looked at Shin. "Yes, we're mages." she replied. "If you have a job for us you'll have to wait, we're in the middle of one right now." "Where do you need to go from here?" she asked Ceallach.

Roaric lingered near the train station and leaned against it. He could see Ceallach with the Fairy Tail wizards. He wanted to cut loose and attack, but he knew better and waited for the signal.
Shin Looked at the girl in a little state of amazement " are you from Fairy Tail by any chance? I've been wanting to join that guild for years now, oh and my name is Shin by the way, what's yours?"
"Wait if you ran away from them,how did you get away.They are not just gonna let you say you quit and walk out.I want to hear the whole story,so I can put all of my efforts into protecting you."Harley hopped out of the back to look at the town with a bright smile,but she took a quick glance around,that seemed to be her looking at the town,but in actuality she was checking out the perimeter.
"I need to go to the pub near the station." Ceallach said as he rested both of his arms behind the back of his head, secretly deactivating the tracking device. This was the signal to attack in case they took another form of transportation. Since the tracking device was under his clothes, so it was impossible for the others to see what he was actually doing. When Shin arrived, he was a bit confused. Who goes around asking about Fairy Tail? His music-trained ear could detect a hint of dragon in his voice. He was a dragon slayer. Dragon slayers with Fairy Tail usually meant trouble. Fortunately his guild's dragon slayer was on his way. Ceallach looked at Harley. Didn't the data say that she was supposed to be gullible? Oh well. "Do I look dumb enough to walk up to a dark guild and tell them I'm leaving?" He said, "I didn't tell them I was leaving, I just never went back. It's normal for guild members to be absent for a while, but they eventually caught on to me and sent thugs after me so I wouldn't snitch on them."

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