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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Soren blushed a bit, but thankfully the mask covered a good bit of it. "well...i guess so... My mask covers the effect of my sirens voice but it sounds almost the same just with out the magic behind it" he let out a light laugh.

"well Umm with out my mask my singing ether will make you sleep or fall in love with me....but I would enjoy singing for you with my mask on" he smiled then held out his hand. "I'm Soren by the way Soren the siren"

"Hello there creature." Takara smiled friendly to the male. Her smile soon turned to curiosity as she saw the "Non-Human" parts of him. She quickly wen't over to him grabbing his arm by the hand and looked closesly at him. "My my... You are a special creature... May we ask so kindly of who and what you may be? If it is possible then maybe even your full name please? We would love to know you better." Once again she smiled friendly as she let go of his hand.

@A Simple Egg
Damian was curled up on the ground with his hood up. "Man you guys are noisy..." Ever since he failed at getting the ticket he just laid down and decided to sleep @Blacknife
Srion nodded then pulled out a small one in one of her skirt pockets. "h-here... And thank you" she said shyly as she held it out to him.


"It's it's nice to meet you and that's pretty cool...what can you turn into? " he asked tipping his head with a smile.

Gar smiled widely, his parents would be proud of his friendship making abilities. He couldn't wait to tell them.

"My name is Garth Ciaro, but I am often called Gar, as it is easier to say"

His smile then turned slightly confused

"But, forgive me, you keep saying we. I am afraid I do not see another with you? Are they invisible?"

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"Ah... Yes... Grath Ciaro... Very nice name..." Takara held out her hand as a floating black matter formed. The matter was darker then any black seen before. A few seconds later a book dropped out of the black matter and into Takara's hand. Afterwards the matter disappeared. Takara flipped through the pages of the book. "As for we... It's a term that we use to describe ourself... Now... We have not introduced ourself correctly... Our name is Takara Woods-Elm." Takara stopped flipping through the book while mumbling something to herself. She closed the book again and placed it into the bag she had with her. "What a tragic backstory you have... But... We are not the ones to 'spoil' it to you... But Grath... Could you maybe be the one to show us around this place afterwards?.. We have some... Questions... That we would love to ask you in private."

@A Simple Egg
@Ami the breadling




@A Simple Egg


Srion Receno]Srion nodded then pulled out a small one in one of her skirt pockets. "h-here... And thank you" she said shyly as she held it out to him. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22964-blacknife/ said:

"It's it's nice to meet you and that's pretty cool...what can you turn into? " he asked tipping his head with a smile.

Alex took the sewing kit. He opened it up before pulling out a needle and thread and setting to work. He wasn't fast but his body naturally went through the motions. Almost like he had sewn up a wound before. When he finished he tied a knot and bit of the last piece of thread.

"There! Better?" He asked handing the Sewing kit back.
Srion looked at her arm and opened her hand then closed it. she looked at him and nodded with a cute smile as she placed the sowing kit back into her pocket. "thank you so much...it feels like it will hold for a bit"

"Of coarse, I would love to! I am new as well, but I have a map downloaded for such occasions." Gar said.

He decided not to question her, er, peculiar behaviors. No one here was normal, and he was sure she was just as nervous about starting at a new school as most creatures would be. It was instinct.

"Oh, and I would happy to answer anything you may want too know to the best of my abilities," he was still smiling widely, as that is what people did when they made friends. And he was sure he was making a friend, she (or should it be they) had already invited him to join them on a trip around the school. This was going perfectly. @Tiagirl001


There was a loud bang and a scream. It sounded like it was from somewhere far off. Maybe from the main school area. There was another loud screm and another loud bang. Then it came. Lots of loud noises. Explosions. Screams. More than enough to fill hell.

Then it came.

It sounded like there where many heavily armed men just outside the door to the arena.

(Everyone needs to come together here. There is no charging out. There is no fighting on your own)

@Ami the breadling




@A Simple Egg


"Ah... Thank you." Takara smiled friendly to Gar trying to hide the pain she could feel in her arms. "We can already feel that this... Friendship... Is going to be... Something special." She could feel the pain getting worse and she clensed her fists. "Now if you would excuse me... I mean us... W-We have to... Go do something... Important..." Almost shouting the last sentences she hurried over to the door to the outside hoping not to be stopped. She groaned a mumbled a bit but it was hard to understand what she said as it seem to be in a foreing language. As she almost opened the door she heard the banging and screaming. She jumped a bit back and looked around at everyone else.

@Ami the breadling @Shnuydude
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Gar's eyes widened as Takara ran off and the horrible noises began.

"What..." He turned to the other students in the room, "Is this part of the class? It seems a bit... abnormal. For a school."

This was obviously fazing him, there had been no talk of anything like this where he was going.
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"I-We don't think... That..." She now held her stomach in pain as she rushed over to a corner away from everyone else and especially away from the door. When she got there she sat down on the ground. A smoke like substance slowly formed around but suddenly she punched her in the guts and the smoke disappeared again. She sighed and stood up again. "We do not believe that those sounds are not a part of class... They're to... Realistic... To be made up... If you know what we mean..."
Damian stood up and looked at the doors to the arena "well that doesn't sound too friendly" he yawned and put his hands in his jackets pockets. He looked around at the others in the room, he hoped they at least knew how to fight.
When Syd heard the noises, she turned into her black wolf form, her long tail whipping on the ground. Her glowing blue eyes started at the door, the blue dot on her head also glowing. "I can use shields for you guys and give attacks, but I can't give a shield to everyone at once. It's only one at a time so I'll shield who ever is getting the worst until they're good." She said, but her mouth didn't open at all, just everyone heard it.


@Ami the breadling
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Amelia immediately started to burn again, her whole body consisting of fire. "Oh I am so on fire for this!", she said. She could not wait to let the flames do its thing. The urge to let something be devoured by flames was great in her, being living fire made her a huge pyromaniac.

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