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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Liliana got up. "There is no need for a last name anyways... Friends always use the first name, right?", she said in her mechanical voice. Then she turned to the class. "I am Liliana. I am a clockwork. Father build me when he lost his daughter. I hope we all get friends. "

@Srion Receno



I wasn't aware humans had the skills to make a clockwork...I thought that was uncle Hephaestus's area of expertise

He muses to himself watching the girl introduce herself his beaming grin never leaving his face

@Ami the breadling
Mr Benjamin followed up with a simple "Yes. I hope we all do. Thank you Liliana. Now. I believe it is Mr Everglades turn now" he said holding a hand towards the mask wearing boy in the middle of the room.

@Srion Receno
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Soren stood up smiling under his mask. "hello! I am Soren and I am a siren. My mask will keep anyone from falling under a trance of my singing...so you dont have to worry if I start to sing" he smiled then sat down. Even with his mask you could tell he was smiling by the rest of his face.

@Blacknife and students
"Ah. Well. This is good then. Thank you Mr Everglade. Now if you would please take the stage Mr Blitz" he said that last part gesturing towards Alex.

"Uh..Yeah" said Alex standing up "Hi. My name is alexander but you can just call me Alex.Um. There's not really much to say. I've lost most of my memory's save for basic human instincts" he shrugged at the teacher and sat back down.

"Ah well rime heals all wounds Mr blitz. Now I believe it is Miss Ignias turn to speak"

@Ami the breadling
Blacknife said:
"Ah. Well. This is good then. Thank you Mr Everglade. Now if you would please take the stage Mr Blitz" he said that last part gesturing towards Alex.
"Uh..Yeah" said Alex standing up "Hi. My name is alexander but you can just call me Alex.Um. There's not really much to say. I've lost most of my memory's save for basic human instincts" he shrugged at the teacher and sat back down.

"Ah well rime heals all wounds Mr blitz. Now I believe it is Miss Ignias turn to speak"

@Ami the breadling
Amelia Ignia came rushed in through the door. "Guess i am late... Well... whatever.", she said and sat down at the place between Alex and Srion. "So whats up here?"


@Srion Receno

``The roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the demons run in circles, round and round inside my head.``
She surrendered herself to the miraculous beat of her feet against the ground. The angry pitter-patter of the soles of her shoes hitting the ground. It was the way she always released her energy, and that's exactly what was happening now. She was elated, her soul at it's summit, She was running as if she was being chased by a pack of wolves, dragging her backpack along the ground because it was too big for her.

The door burst open. Outside standing, was an angry girl, one so small you could call her a life-sized porcelain doll, remaining at the stature of 3'1". She was late. Everybody is most likely gazing at her, however she couldn't have cared less, even though she might have disturbed what's happening.

@Ami the breadling
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Mr Benjamin was about to introduce himself to the new girl when ANOTHER girl showed up at the door. He smiled before waiting half a second expecting more girls to start showing up.

"Well then you two. My name is Mr Benjamin or Mr B. Um..You may take your seat?" He said looking down at the girl who had already sat down.

"You may take your seat" He said again looking at the girl by the door.
``The roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the demons run in circles, round and round inside my head.``
This is gonna be hell. This is hell. She knew it once somebody talked to her. She didn't want this.

She cast her eyes down while walking to her seat, making it appear she was aimlessly wandering around. She
absolutely hated physical contact. Or any form of communication.

She took her seat. She probably couldn't see anything, because of her height. However, she "doesn't give a damn about anything". Like her clothes, which were somehow blood-stained.

@Ami the breadling
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Amelia shrugged and stood up. "My name is Amelia. I am fire. Just like fire i can be warm and nice. But piss me off and i will make you combust.", she said unnervedly and fell down into her place.

The mention of combustion obviously made Liliana uncomfortable, even scared her.
Like the others like her, she had a fear of fire. Srion looked at the girl in front of her and bit her lip moving back in her chair trying to look small. She didn't look like fire, though she did have pretty red hair.
Damian walked up to the classroom door, he yawned and knocked on the door. He hopes that He won't get too bored in this class, if he does he might just decide to leave. He looks at the note in his hand, Why did he have to bring this again? He stopped mid thought realizing he didn't care why. He sighs and mumbles to himself "I might just sleep through the first day" @Blacknife
Mr Benjamin turned to the student by the door and smiled.

"Please come in" He said as he took the piece of paper out of his hand.

"Yes..yes.. Okay Mr Graves, please take a seat anywhere" |

He looks around and decides to sit in front of a guy with some kind of weird mask and near some girl with something sticking out of her back. He places his head in his arms on the desk, he's contemplating falling asleep but he's curious as to what this class will be like.
Shnuydude said:
He looks around and decides to sit in front of a guy with some kind of weird mask and near some girl with something sticking out of her back. He places his head in his arms on the desk, he's contemplating falling asleep but he's curious as to what this class will be like.
Liliana turned towards him, her face showing a smile as always. "Hello there. Are you a new friend?", she said in her mechanical voice. The clockwork had her head a bit tiltrd
He looks up at the girl with the strange voice "friends?" that's a bit strange to ask someone you just met, he shrugs "sure why not, sorry to tell you I'm not that interesting though" he yawns and looks around the room, there was a larger variety of people then he assumed there would be. @Ami the breadling
Shnuydude said:
He looks up at the girl with the strange voice "friends?" that's a bit strange to ask someone you just met, he shrugs "sure why not, sorry to tell you I'm not that interesting though" he yawns and looks around the room, there was a larger variety of people then he assumed there would be. @Ami the breadling
Liliana shrugged. "Thats not true. You are very interesting.", she said and tilted her head in the other direction. "I am boring. The most intriuging thing is that there is a wind up.key in my back."
Mr Benjamin smiled as his students seemed to at least want to try to get along.

"Ah next up is Miss Rose. Please tell us a little bit about your self?"

@Srion Receno
Srion stood up shyly. "w-well there is not much to tell...I am a monster stitched together from other body parts. " she was fidgeting nervously as she talked. "I ummm I can see the dead..." as she spoke she ended up picking at her stitches in her one of her fingers. to her horror she watched it fall then roll to the front of the class.

Mr Benjamin moved very fast and ducked around his desk. He quickly picked up the finger and the next moment he was standing at her desk.

He pulled a small sewing kit out of his pocket and placed it on the desk.

He held out his hand towards her and motioned towards the hand without the finger.

"If you dont mind i can have you back in one piece in no time"

@Srion Receno
Srion looked up at the teacher embarrassed but held her hand out to him. "thank you...and I'm sorry I fell apart during your class" she mumbled looking down at the floor. she hatted that she had fallen apart here and wile she was talking.


Soren was confused he was about to introduce himself to the guy in front of him when the zombie chick's finger fell off. he seen in roll and shivered as he looked away from it, until the teacher quickly picked it up. the teacher seamed nice so he had hopes that this would be a fun class.
Mr Benjamin opened the kit and quickly patched her finger back onto her hand before closing it and handing it to her.

"You may keep this in class. I wont mind" He smiled before moving back to the front of the room.

"Okay so. Miss Lynn! If you please"

``The roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the demons run in circles, round and round inside my head.``
This is it.

It was her turn.

The fresh-faced girl stood up.

But wait.

She could barely see anyone. She was too short.

She stood up on the chair, sighing as she looked at everyone. Hopefully nobody complains about her blood-stained clothes

"The name's Toriel." She said with her resting bitch face, "My father's a vampire, and my mother's a human. So that makes me a Dhampir. I'm not like any other Dhampir, because for some damn reason I don't have a thirst for blood. But I do have quicker reflexes, increased strength, heightened agility, greater flexibility, great endurance, and so on. Piss me off or call me shorty, you'll end up six feet underground." She sat down.


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