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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Ahribelle said:
``The roses have wilted, the violets are dead, the demons run in circles, round and round inside my head.``
This is it.
It was her turn.

The fresh-faced girl stood up.

But wait.

She could barely see anyone. She was too short.

She stood up on the chair, sighing as she looked at everyone. Hopefully nobody complains about her blood-stained clothes

"The name's Toriel." She said with her resting bitch face, "My father's a vampire, and my mother's a human. So that makes me a Dhampir. I'm not like any other Dhampir, because for some damn reason I don't have a thirst for blood. But I do have quicker reflexes, increased strength, heightened agility, greater flexibility, great endurance, and so on. Piss me off or call me shorty, you'll end up six feet underground." She sat down.

Amelia pointed at Toriel. "She understands. She does indeed."
Mr Benjamin smiled at the little girl.

"okay well. Thats why your here. Last but not least. Mr Graves. If you care to say something about yourself?"

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Damian watched the finger roll to the front of the class with a smirk on his face. Looks like this class won't be too boring after all. He looks at the teacher and remains seated while he speaks "me? Oh I'm just an average guy, nothing special about me. My name is Damian though if anyone needs to get my attention." @Blacknife
Mr Benjamin sat for a moment and smiled at his new class.

"Well now that we are acquainted lets go for a little field trip shall we?"

He stood up and lead the class out into the main grounds of the school. He then took them east and over to the arena. It wasn't much. Just a small Colosseum with a large patch of ground covered in sand in the middle.

"Whos ready for our first lesson?"
Srion fallowed quietly as they walked out with the teacher. she was unsure were they were going but as soon as they got out there she was nervous about what they were going to do.

Soren was excited about there first trip and even the first lessen his face was lit up happily. he fallowed quietly though as he did not want to bother the teacher.

@Blacknife @and students
"Okay class" Mr B said walking into the middle of the arena leaving the students standing at the end by the gate "Lets have a little game shall we? First one to snatch this red ribbon of me wins!"

He held out the velvet ribbon at full arm extent before tying it around his arm. He left a little bit so it flowed in the wind slightly.

(Try and grab the ribbon)

@Ami the breadling


Blacknife said:
"Okay class" Mr B said walking into the middle of the arena leaving the students standing at the end by the gate "Lets have a little game shall we? First one to snatch this red ribbon of me wins!"
He held out the velvet ribbon at full arm extent before tying it around his arm. He left a little bit so it flowed in the wind slightly.

(Try and grab the ribbon)

@Ami the breadling


Amelia looked at him, her clothes starting to glow with a fiery shine, even burning at the egdes. "What are we allowed to do to get it? Use force?", she said. She seemed eager to use her powers.
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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Amelia looked at him, her clothes starting to glow with a fiery shine, even burning at the egdes. "What are we allowed to do to get it? Use force?", she said. She seemed eager to use her powers.

Mr Benjamin smiled

"Why certainly"

He stood there as if he was a bodyguard at a bar or something, with his hands behind his back.
Blacknife said:
Mr Benjamin smiled
"Why certainly"

He stood there as if he was a bodyguard at a bar or something, with his hands behind his back.
Amelia laughed. Her hands started burning. "Cinder...", she whispered. Then her arms caught fire. "Ember...", and suddenly, the whole girl just consited of flames. "FIRE! YAAAA", she shouted and released two massive streams of fire from her hands. "Ready for this, old man?"", she asked. Her voice was different.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Amelia laughed. Her hands started burning. "Cinder...", she whispered. Then her arms caught fire. "Ember...", and suddenly, the whole girl just consited of flames. "FIRE! YAAAA", she shouted and released two massive streams of fire from her hands. "Ready for this, old man?"", she asked. Her voice was different.

Mr Benjamin stood perfectly still with his hands still behind his back.

"Yes dear. Lets begin then"
Blacknife said:
Mr Benjamin stood perfectly still with his hands still behind his back.
"Yes dear. Lets begin then"
Amelia shot a few balls of fire at him. She ran a cricle around him while attacking. Liliana meanwhile tilted her head. "I have no special powers or anything... but... I could offer you to trade my pocket watch for the ribbon?"
Alex picked up a bit of speed and stuck behind Amelia as she was throwing her fireballs. He thought it was best to keep behind her when she decided to open fire.

Mr Benjamin simple stepped out of the way every time a ball was thrown while smiling at Liliana.

"Come now. I am sure you could do something to aid the fight"
Blacknife said:
Alex picked up a bit of speed and stuck behind Amelia as she was throwing her fireballs. He thought it was best to keep behind her when she decided to open fire.
Mr Benjamin simple stepped out of the way every time a ball was thrown while smiling at Liliana.

"Come now. I am sure you could do something to aid the fight"
Amelia shrugged. Not that easy then. SHe ran up a bit closer, emitting waves of pure fire with every step. When she reached Mr Benjamin, she breathed out a massive load of fire at him.

Liliana shook her head. "fighting is bad, said father. I won´t fight. Father would be disappointed."
Mr Benjamin dashed out of the way and stood behind her. Between Amelia and Alex. Alex responded by jumping at him and attempting to grab him. Mr B dashed again and Alex ended up landing into Amelia with a loud thud.

"You don't need to fight. Just grab the Ribbon" Said Mr B smiling again.
Amelia´s who consisted of pure fire, was not too taken by the collision. The question was more how bad Alex would burn himself. "I know. But i wanna fight. I haven´t fought for month!", she replied.

Liliana neared a little and looked at Mr. Benjamin, stretching a arm for the ribbon. "Can i have that please?"
Damian yawned and sat down when he was told to take the flag. He watched as Amelia fought to try and take it. When Liliana reached out and asked for it he had an idea, with His hands in his pocket he tries to tug the flag out of the teachers hand so Liliana could take it. He doesn't care if he doesn't get the credit, honestly he would rather avoid getting credit
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Srion was a little excited over this, it was like a game and she was eager to play. She stood there ready until she seen the fire girl turn fire. Her eyes went wide and she crouched down scared out of her mind covering her face with her hands so she didn't have to see it. She would of ran but she was still in class.

Soren watched everyone else and decided to get in on it as well. He took off his mask and smiled. It was worth a shot even if it didn't work. He started to sing a lullaby he had learned from his mother.

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[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Amelia´s who consisted of pure fire, was not too taken by the collision. The question was more how bad Alex would burn himself. "I know. But i wanna fight. I haven´t fought for month!", she replied.
Liliana neared a little and looked at Mr. Benjamin, stretching a arm for the ribbon. "Can i have that please?"


Alex held his hands up and fell straight through her. He hit the dirt hard before standing back up. He had a brain and covered his face as he fell through the fire.

"That didn't work" He said patting the little embers on his clothes.

Mr Benjamin smiled at Liliana and said "No" before stepping out of the way of the attacks and Damians little attempt at a trick.

"Youll need to try harder than that"
Mr Benjamin's class was interrupted by sirens that rang out across the arena.

"Well that's strange" He said as he dropped the ribbon "Stay here class. I will be back shortly" and with that he walked out of the arena.

Alex walked over to Amelia and said "Sorry for that" Before watching the teacher leave the arena "Wonder where he is going..."

@Ami the breadling


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With Soren's singing in hopes to get the ribbon he had ended up making Srion who was scared after seeing the fire fall asleep sitting up hugging her knees. Soren smiled a bit knowing it worked, but perhaps not from far away. Watching the teacher coming over to them his singing started to get quieter.
Amelia looked at Alex. "Did the flames of my body not hurt you?", she said and the fire, that her body consisted of left, leaving the redhaired girl in her human appearance. She went through her hair with a hand and looked at Alex curiously.
Alex looked himself up and down.

"Uhhh...it was bloody hot. If thats what your asking"

He watched as the teacher left the arena 'Wonder where he is going...'

@Ami the breadling
Blacknife said:
Alex looked himself up and down.
"Uhhh...it was bloody hot. If thats what your asking"

He watched as the teacher left the arena 'Wonder where he is going...'

@Ami the breadling
Liliana followed the teacher silently. Only a watchful ear could detect she was with the teacher. Probably, not even the teacher would recognize.

AMelia shrugged. "I thought it would burn you alive... It was pure fire after all...", she said and seemed intruiged.
Syd walked into the arena clutching a small piece of paper in her hand. She looked around, not knowing what to do actually and coughed. "I'm looking for a er..." She looked at the piece of paper before saying, "A Mr. Benjamin?"

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