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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Soren heard the noises and was more interested in them then afraid and even just as excited and everyone else. He knew how to fight but never had the chance to try it out, now it seams he might. Soren just stood there and looked to were the noises were coming from.

Srion stood there as she heard the noises but it was really Amelia that frightened her. She hid behind Alex with out touching him though.
I walked through the main entrance to the school, a pleasant, calming, cool breeze seemed to be coming from me, i walk to the headmaster's office and give the door a knock "I-I am here to enroll.." I say nervously when the door is opened
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Trust said:
I walked through the main entrance to the school, a pleasant, calming, cool breeze seemed to be coming from me, i walk to the receptionist. "I-I am here to enroll.." I say nervously
((Can i get you to start at the principles office. Like, can you knock on the door?))
Syd trotted over to the door, her tail waving behind her like it was a small stream of clouds. She jumped up, putting her paws on the edge of the window and looked out, her blue glowing eyes looking in each direction. "I see nothing out there..."
"But that is illogical," Said Gar, scrunching up his brow, "Something must have made that mess."

He walked up to the window as well and peaked out.

"There is nothing...?"

There was a pause of silence before the two doors to the arena violently swung open with a loud BANG!

Six or seven armed men rushed into the arena. The students all stepped away from the windows and door and huddled together slightly. The armed men lined up with a man that had a lot of little meddles and strips on his shoulder.

"Kill them" He said blandly before walking back out of the arena

((Everyone in the arena is going to get an enemy. Just do one post prepping for a fight and ill give you your soldier))

@Ami the breadling




@A Simple Egg


Syd jumped back when the doors burst open. she closed her eyes, trying to put a shield over everyone in the room but she wasn't powerful enough for it. She'll just.. have to take one down and help the others take them all down. She howled into the sky, orbs surrounding her body as she prepared for whatever came her way.
Miss daring opened the door to see the girl. She let out a sigh.

"You have arrived at a very inconvenient time deary" She motioned for the girl to come in as Mr Benjamin turned to Liliana "Well. You are here now. Please stay close yes?" he said looking through the window slightly.

@Ami the breadling

Gar froze momentarily, then, having assessed the situation, he quickly transformed his left arm to a gun and right to a sword. He held his weapons at the ready, yet still he smiled calmly and patiently.

"I believe I was right in my assumption this isn't a school exercise." He directed his next phrase to the intruders. "I apologize in advance for any bodily harm that may befall you."
Amelia hoped back and forth, the flames burning high. "Come on, come on. Bullets cant hurt me, explosions cant touch me. For i am fire. Feel the punishment for thinking you could control fire!", she shouted. She was eager to fight, eager to kill.

Liliana hugged Mr. Benjamin scaredly. "Daddy...", she cried, wanting to go home. "I wanna go home to my daddy!", she said, oily tears runnjng down her static face, which had a scared mimic by now.
Soren was just as ready as the others and had a smile on his face as he stood at the ready for anyone to come at him. his fists were up to pound into somones face as they got close.

Srion though incredibly strong hated to fight though seeing the flames and the people burst in she was about to freak out. she had small tears in her eyes from being afraid, but she was not going to not fight if she had to.
@Ami the breadling

A soldier stepped towards Amelia. He was wearing what looked like a bomb suit and had lots of padding on over that. He reached behind him and pulled out what looked like a flame thrower. He gave it a couple of pumps before what can only be described as high pressure water erupted from the end.


((Hasn posted in a while. If your there tell me and ill edit this))


((Hasn posted in a while. If your there tell me and ill edit this))


One of the soldires was covered in Markings and Hexes. He pulled a shiny revolver out of its holter and held it up. It had scribbles and markings all over it. He took aim at Syd and opened fire.

@A Simple Egg

There was a sound that sounded like foot steps but louder getting closer and closer before ,suddenly, what looked like a large mech suit smashed it way through the door. it was about twice the size of a human and had two large gattling guns for arms. It locked onto Garth immediately before charging at him, its guns starting up.


A soldier unsheathed his sword and a ray of dazzling light poured out of it. The light fell on Takara before the man charged her. His weapon looked like an old medieval sword but is looked like it was made out of pure light.

@Srion Receno

Two soldiers broke off from the group and ran towards Alex and Srion. One of them had two pistols while the other had two knives. The one with the guns opened fire while the other tried to get in close with his knives

(I hope i didnt mess up anywhere. If i have please tell me)
Mr Benajamin held Liliana close and patted her head "Now now. Youll be fine. I promise" he whispered to her.

Miss Daring walked out into the hall way "You must be Miss White. You are a little late dear so your going to have to come with me. Lets go Torque. We need to get these students out of here"

@Ami the breadling

Amelia quickly stepped aside and then, she jumped up high, boosting herself with fire. She shot a few fireballs to where the tank with the water was, while making lava erupt from the spots around him. If he had no superhuman flight, he could choose between loosing his weapons tank or stepping through lava. Amelia was unsure if his suit was able to stand lava, she just hoped it could not.

Blacknife said:
Mr Benajamin held Liliana close and patted her head "Now now. Youll be fine. I promise" he whispered to her.
Miss Daring walked out into the hall way "You must be Miss White. You are a little late dear so your going to have to come with me. Lets go Torque. We need to get these students out of here"

@Ami the breadling

Liliana held onto Mr.Benjamin. "Please, I want to go to my daddy... Also, if I get hurt, he will be very sad. He already lost a daughter, he can't lose me now...", she whispered afraidly. Liliana wished back for the days where she could just dance with her father and be happy. The days where there was no fire, no soldiers, no death.
Blacknife said:
Mr Benajamin held Liliana close and patted her head "Now now. Youll be fine. I promise" he whispered to her.
Miss Daring walked out into the hall way "You must be Miss White. You are a little late dear so your going to have to come with me. Lets go Torque. We need to get these students out of here"

@Ami the breadling

"O-okay..." I say, terrified at the fact that the school was being swarmed by armed soldiers

The air around me seeming to get colder the more nervous i get
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Blacknife said:

A soldier unsheathed his sword and a ray of dazzling light poured out of it. The light fell on Takara before the man charged her. His weapon looked like an old medieval sword but is looked like it was made out of pure light.
Takara noticed the sword of seemingly pure light and chuckled. "We are going to have a fun time with you." She said to the soldier. The dark smoke came back but this time only around her arms. Suddenly a scythe formed out of it and Takara smiled. "Looks like we're getting another soul for our collection."


"Our trusty bloodlust scythe won't fail us now." Takara rushed at the soldier laughing.
Although the thing was large, it was slow. Gar darted around, dodging almost all of the things attacks. He did, inevitably, get hit a few times, but there was no serious damage and none of the bullets made contact.

However, Gar didn't seem to be able to cause any major damage to his opponent either, it seemed they were equally matched.
Syd put a small weak shield up when the bullets came towards her, her eyes glowing a darker blue, she shield did it's job though, keeping her from getting hit.(each of her powers are stronger in different forms. The orbs are strongest in the wolf form) She threw an orb at the man before jumping to the side and idly changed shape into a panther, snarling. The only powers she could use with the panther was the invisibility, but this form was more nible and bigger than the others, pouncing easily with her paws and claws stretched out.
Soren smirked seeing as his singing won't be of use. He ran at the man as well then dogged under his first punch. Getting ready he reached up and punched up to strike him in the Jaw.

Hearing the gun shots Srion pushed Alex out of the way and covered her head with her arms letting the bullets hit her.

Damian watched as the men burst into the room, each one seemingly tasked to fight a certain student. He looked at the man with the oversized cleaver, is this all they had to try and take him out? Interesting. He summoned a blade from thin air and waited till the man came to him. When the man swung the cleaver Damian blocked it and pushed his sword forward so that their blades were locked. "That's a big sword you got there, is it to compensate for something?" @Blacknife
The Large man raised his gun and stepped through the lave. With one large jet of water he blew the lava out of the way before stepping through. He pointed his water gun skyward before firing another jet of water at Amelia.

Comet said:
Syd put a small weak shield up when the bullets came towards her, her eyes glowing a darker blue, she shield did it's job though, keeping her from getting hit.(each of her powers are stronger in different forms. The orbs are strongest in the wolf form) She threw an orb at the man before jumping to the side and idly changed shape into a panther, snarling. The only powers she could use with the panther was the invisibility, but this form was more nible and bigger than the others, pouncing easily with her paws and claws stretched out.
The soldier put his foot up and hurled the panther over himself by rolling along the ground. He raised the gun and charged the panther again.

The soldier ducked out of the punch before stepping back. He did a spin before kicking his leg out wildly, aiming for the boys head.

Alex rolled when he hit the floor and was back on his feet. He ducked under the guy with the knifes and tackled the dude with the guns. The knife guy turned and started making his way to Srion.

Shnuydude said:
Damian watched as the men burst into the room, each one seemingly tasked to fight a certain student. He looked at the man with the oversized cleaver, is this all they had to try and take him out? Interesting. He summoned a blade from thin air and waited till the man came to him. When the man swung the cleaver Damian blocked it and pushed his sword forward so that their blades were locked. "That's a big sword you got there, is it to compensate for something?" @Blacknife
The Clever guy jumped back before swinging out with his weapon. He was putting alot of force into his blows so he was either going to wear him out or break his weapon.

@Tiagirl001 ((Hey. you wanted to roleplay your own soldier right?))
Syd changed back into her wolf form when she was thrown, more orbs flying around her head. When he charged at her, she threw them.
Gar sighed as the thing transformed its arms. "I'm afraid your not going to give up are you. That is a shame. He rushed forward, and the game began again

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