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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame nodded in agreement. "How many to a group? We could do 2 or 3 feasibly," she said. To be honest, she wanted to go in pairs. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to be alone with someone she didn't know or trust.
"How interesting." Mutters Desh from under his cloak. He then turns in the direction he needed to go and makes his way to the catacombs.

(Sorry for the post but I'm on mobile and kind of busy right now with work. This is all I can manage.)
shadowz1995 said:
"How interesting." Mutters Desh from under his cloak. He then turns in the direction he needed to go and makes his way to the catacombs.
(Sorry for the post but I'm on mobile and kind of busy right now with work. This is all I can manage.)
(Not until the morning. It is currently time for clubs)
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
"Hi Kabechet! We're sorting our teams now actually." She told her before turning back to her group. "Asada would do good at navigation. Though I have no clue what a draugr is. Darius would do good at support, Kate would do good for navigating, and Ame would do good at offense. That said, who wants to be on which team?" She asked them. She nodded at Ames suggestion, "That could work too. Up to you guys really." She told them.


@Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki was a mix of happy and depressed now that she had her memories back. She was sure her village was completely destroyed by now, which was the cause of her depression. Ironically the cause of the destruction was dragons. Sighing she shook her head, she really needed something to get her mind off of things. She figured why not the crown quest and why not ask Emily? Walking up to her she put on a smile, "
Hey Emily, since some of the other students are forming teams, wanna try to get the crown with me?" She asked her.
Emily had began being more comfortable around Senki. She felt better about herself that she could help someone out. When she asked her if she wanted to be a team Emily turned bright red, her eyes even flashing crimson, as she blushed. "Umm. . . .If you're okay with it . . ." she said, trying to give her an assuring smile through her blush.

" I have paper if you Wana pull numbers or names out of a hat or someting... I may have an empty spice dust bag let's see " starts digging in bag her arm moving deeper and deeper all the way to her upper arm frustrated she sets it on the ground and gets on her knees putting her arm in digging further. "Now what is the primary spell for requesting an object?" she asks herself out loud her dark elfin accent mixed with a bit of exotic flavor more prevalent as her irritation grows at her own folly. "Sorry do one of you remember basic retrieval spell it slip has my mind?"
Kazehana said:
Ame nodded in agreement. "How many to a group? We could do 2 or 3 feasibly," she said. To be honest, she wanted to go in pairs. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to be alone with someone she didn't know or trust.
Senki Tazuya

Senki smiled, "Of course I am! If I wasn't I wouldn't of asked you silly." She told her jokingly before laughing softly. Emily was probably her best friend in the Academy for the sole reason of helping her get her memory back. "Do you think there'll be any traps or stuff to fight?" She asked her.
Ame shook her head. "I think we should go in pairs. It's a lot easier to be in sync with two than with three. Also, I don't know anything about a retrieval spell," she said, to Miziki then to Kabetcha.
Darius nodded in agreement when Ame suggested going in pairs. He turned to regard Kabetcha.

"Uhhh..." He thought for a moment, "Try abra cadabra?" He suggested. He honestly didn't know any official spell words but it was worth suggesting he reasoned.

@The Chronicler Croi
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Hide bolted awake from his meditation, he had completely immersed himself with the worlds lifeblood, mana for the first time in his life, (LOL connection to mana + 100%) he had loved the feeling of being in tune with the world, his subconscious had recorded the message the headmaster left, so he knew that he must join a club for a chance at the crown, shrugging, he ventures upstairs looking for a club too join, after passing a few rooms he hears Ame's voice, feeling emotionally odd he quickly checks it out disregarding his previous attitude, knocks at the door he waits for a reply.

@Too lazy to tag y'all
Drakerus said:
Darius nodded in agreement when Ame suggested going in pairs. He turned to regard Kabetcha.
"Uhhh..." He thought for a moment, "Try abra cadabra?" He suggested. He honestly didn't know any official spell words but it was worth suggesting he reasoned.

@The Chronicler Croi
"Hmmm mm no that don't sound quite right not even for the common version," she smiles "thank you though. If I keep digging I could eventually find it, but I have fallen in digging. If I could just remember it in my own language that is what is used on my satchel hmmm" thinks for a moment " Ahh etorri niregana" and pouch appears in her hand " ok ok I got it paper a pencil and a pouch you can draw names for teams ... unless you're already done"
Daemon turned to the person. "Not exactly. I've mainly been training and I have no idea where that pathetic slaver of a master is missing. Anyway, I guess I'm fine. How are you?" He asked.
Varien hadn't been paying attention whatsoever to the events around him. Instead, he had been in a staring contest with one of those damned fruts for the past five minuites, and oh how he wanted to blow it up. "Damned orange fruit...." He muttered under his breath.

(Sorry i havent really been around, things [*cough* *cough* dark souls] got in the way.)
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"We'll, it was worth a try. At least you got it to work in the end" he shrugged. It was then Darius remembered that something else would be starting soon.

"Hey guys, clubs will be starting soon so let's get the teams picked quickly." the boy said

@everyone there
"Ah, so this is Excelius" Ara walked out of the forest, and surveyed the area. "It upholds itself as the largest academy, so much bigger than at home" It was not very hard to find the place, all he had to do was locate a body of water and search near it. It had only taken an hour due to the size of the academy. I looked at people who laughed and smile and play, people with emotions. Unlike myself. I learned a long time ago that the more you love someone, the more it hurts when they go. So I built a wall. A wall of fake smile and lies so that I would get close to no one. Ask questions, answer none. And with this thought firmly implanted in his mind, he started towards Excelius, the academy of magic
Ame took the pencil and paper, scribbling down the names of everyone she knew there. Her writing had honestly nothing to do with english since she grew up in a closed society. So to be honest, the lines and curves were probably foreign to anyone outside of the gated community. She tossed them into the hat and looked up at Kabehchet, questioning in her eyes. "Soooo you just pull them out?" she asked, eyeing the hat suspiciously.

@The Chronicler Croi
Varien shuddered slightly before standing. "I must take my leave. Notify as soon as something comes up that needs my attention." He said quickly before walking speedily towards the exit, giving a sidelong glance at Ame before leaving the room.

Once outside, he made his way down the forest path, his boots leaving footprints in the earth. The Raven Tree, a beautiful sight underneath the glowing moon. HE smiled softly at the plant before walking past it, dragging his hand along the rough, wooden surface as he began to travel deeper into the forest. Instead of taking a path, he cut straight through the brush and walked in, what would seem to be, a random direction. Soon enough, he came upon a clearing within the wood, a place bathed in pure moonlight. Withing the clearing stood a tall stone with a large, two-handed sword stuck into a large stone at its base. Around the base of the grave were a plethora of blades stuck into the earth, some with a purple cloth tied around the handle, which were fluttering lightly in the breeze. With a smile, he removed his hood and fell to his knees with clasped hands in front of the sword at the foot of the grave. Far off in the distance, a howl of a wolf could be heard clearly, piercing the night. "It's a pleasure to see you...old friend..."
Ame had been to preoccupied with the announcement and trying to figure out how they were going to split into groups that she hadn't quite noticed Varien go by. Perhaps it was better that way, since he usually distracted her from what she was supposed to be doing.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
I'm fine with either. Though, three would be the safest if there's traps or something." She replied. She shrugged and shook her head when Kabetcha asked if any of them knew a retrieval spell. "I don't know about the rest but I don't, sorry." She replied.

Senki Tazuya

Senki smiled, "Of course I am! If I wasn't I wouldn't of asked you silly." She told her jokingly before laughing softly. Emily was probably her best friend in the Academy for the sole reason of helping her get her memory back. "Do you think there'll be any traps or stuff to fight?" She asked her.
Emily felt more comfortable knowing that she wanted to be around her. It almost seemed that not many people wanted to be her friend ever since she became a vampire, which is why she kept it secret, but, hearing about this place she thought it should be alright to tell people. Her train of thought was interrupted when Senki asked her something "Hmm, oh. . .Umm, probably?" she guessed, not having a clue what to do. The challenge wasn't until tomorrow and it was already 7 o'clock at night. Sure they'd still have time.

Senki Tazuya

Senki shrugged, she hoped it would. She wanted to try out her magic now that she remembered it after all. "Well. Not really much else to do. Oh! What clubs are you in?" She asked her. She hoped they were in a club together, if not she'd more than likely join whatever club she was in for the sole reason of her being her only friend thus far in the academy.
Seeing that the method of team picking was ballot drawing Darius reached into te bag and grabbed a random slip of paper. He slowly unfolded it and tried to read what had been scribbled onto it but to no avail.

"Uh, anyone know who's name this is? I can't read it. No offense to whoever wrote this." he said hurriedly while showing the slip to everyone around him. Whoever's name was on the slip would be his partner for the item hunt.

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Ame took the paper and rolled her eyes. "It's not my fault you can't read aurian!" she pouted as she read it. "Well looks like we're partners," she said with an approving nod.

After she read off the rest that were to be assigned, she turned back to Darius. "Alright, where to now?" she asked, swaying from side to side as she looked straight at him.


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