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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame tilted her head from side to side, contemplating all that was happening. "Can we really forge a successful expedition with so many people? Perhaps we should split into groups," she suggested. Navigating narrow passageways with several people would be a challenge, and she wanted to make sure it was easy to maneuver and keep count of who was where. Honestly, she just wanted to go with one, maybe two other people.
ScarlettRose16 said:
"I'm fine, I'm fine and a lot happened" she says laughing slightly as the small girl hugged her. She hugged her back. "I'll explain later, maybe." She really didn't know if she wanted talk about it.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana @Golden Glow
Kazehana said:
Ame tilted her head from side to side, contemplating all that was happening. "Can we really forge a successful expedition with so many people? Perhaps we should split into groups," she suggested. Navigating narrow passageways with several people would be a challenge, and she wanted to make sure it was easy to maneuver and keep count of who was where. Honestly, she just wanted to go with one, maybe two other people.
@Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled and squeezed Kate one last time before releasing her. "Good. I'm glad you're okay. And you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She replied. She then turned to Ame when she asked her question. She had a point, there were five people if Darius decided to go. "Yeah maybe we should. But unless another person decides to go with us it'd be un-even. Maybe one team can be to weed out the traps if there are any and the other can be to get the crown?" She further suggested, automatically assuming Kate would be going. Her assumptions proved right momentarily after too.
Ame considered her offer, then shook her head slightly. "That wouldn't be fun for the former team. I was thinking that, since it's a catacomb, we could split up to cover more ground," she said, thoughtfully putting her ideas into words. Then, she added, "but we need to split so that each team has strong offense, support, and navigation so neither group is too weak."
Darius was daydreaming while Dravlon was stuffing his face with food. He was thinking about what he should do for a halloween costume. Suddenly he was snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed his friends were talking about something.

"Huh wha? What's everyone so excited about?" he asked surprised looking towards anyone for an answer. He hadn't been paying any attention.

@Golden Glow @Kazehana @Mitchs98 @ScarlettRose16 @The Otaku Diaries @Anyone I missed
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@Drakerus @Golden Glow @ScarlettRose16 @Kazehana

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded. "Yeah..Actually now that I think about it I can summon Asada. That'd make the teams an even three people each. I'm literally the worst person for navigation though, so I'd be either of the other roles." She replied. She giggled when Darius snapped out of whatever he was thinking. "The crown quest! We're forming teams to go get it. Wanna come with us?" She asked him.
:walks up to the other students:

"Hello my name is Kabehchet this giant black 150lbs furry feline at my side is one of my Familiars Bäst, don't worry she does not bite unless ordered. If it would make you more comfortable she can also shadow me in Nekko form though not today. OK to the point. I am doing a few semesters of enrichment for some of my college courses at your academy so my job appointment at the moment is student teacher and tutor. So can take down tour teams for the Catacombs Scavenger Hunt that is if you have decided yet
Mitchs98 said:
@Drakerus @Golden Glow @ScarlettRose16 @Kazehana
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded. "Yeah..Actually now that I think about it I can summon Asada. That'd make the teams an even three people each. I'm literally the worst person for navigation though, so I'd be either of the other roles." She replied. She giggled when Darius snapped out of whatever he was thinking. "The crown quest! We're forming teams to go get it. Wanna come with us?" She asked him.
Darius had to take a moment to recall what she meant by 'crown quest'. After a while he vaguely remembered the headmaster saying something about a quest and a reward so he assumed it was the same thing Miziki was talking about. At the mentioning of teams the boy became more interested.

"Well, that depends. What do we have for teams so far?" he asked curious.

[COLOR=rgb(86,86,86)]@Drakerus[/COLOR] @Golden Glow @ScarlettRose16 @Kazehana

((Copy/paste. I thank you.))
Mitchs98 said:
@Drakerus @Golden Glow @ScarlettRose16 @Kazehana
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded. "Yeah..Actually now that I think about it I can summon Asada. That'd make the teams an even three people each. I'm literally the worst person for navigation though, so I'd be either of the other roles." She replied. She giggled when Darius snapped out of whatever he was thinking. "The crown quest! We're forming teams to go get it. Wanna come with us?" She asked him.
"Asada can be navigation," said Gold. "We can each be one of the others, Miziki. I can heal, you can shoot the draugr that will likely be there knowing my luck."
Ame held the top of the bridge of her nose. This was almost giving her a headache. "With everyone being so versatile, we could do basically anything. We might even be able to go in teams of two if we wanted.." she trailed off. She didn't know what she wanted; she was just listing things off as they came to mind.
@Golden Glow[/URL] @ScarlettRose16 @Kazehana

((Copy/paste. I thank you.))
Miziki Kurone

"Hi Kabechet! We're sorting our teams now actually." She told her before turning back to her group. "Asada would do good at navigation. Though I have no clue what a draugr is. Darius would do good at support, Kate would do good for navigating, and Ame would do good at offense. That said, who wants to be on which team?" She asked them. She nodded at Ames suggestion, "That could work too. Up to you guys really." She told them.


@Veyd Sahvoz

Senki Tazuya

Senki was a mix of happy and depressed now that she had her memories back. She was sure her village was completely destroyed by now, which was the cause of her depression. Ironically the cause of the destruction was dragons. Sighing she shook her head, she really needed something to get her mind off of things. She figured why not the crown quest and why not ask Emily? Walking up to her she put on a smile, "
Hey Emily, since some of the other students are forming teams, wanna try to get the crown with me?" She asked her.
As the students all went to make their groups Draconus called the particular professors, Adlin, Shaltea, Varien, Ms. Yves, Prof. Vicar, and Prof. Addor. "Now, I know that you all are the teachers in control of some of the clubs so please do not discuss the recent events that have happened, such as the witchs' coven and other matters, with ANY student" he stated with an iron star and his tone almost as serious as he could get at the moment. Even Mouse-O was near. He nodded at him, meaning that Addor had a plan for him.

@Cruor Flumine @Kazehana @CoreyXIX @Vaccum
Ldybug123 said:
"Hi..." Fuyuki said shyly to Gold. He bit his lip nervously. He then ran his hand through his hair. @Golden Glow
(I literally almost posted "what hair!?")

"Lemme guess," said Gold, "you wanna join us in our group in finding the crown?"
Darius was having a bit of difficulty deciding on which team to join. He just couldn't pick one friend over another...could he? Everyone seemed to be fairly well rounded so it wouldn't be too bad no matter which way he decided to go in terms of team mates.

"To be honest, I'm having a really hard time picking who I would want to team up with. You guys all seem really strong or useful" he chuckled, " I think i'm leaning towards going with Gold or Miziki though mostly because I know them for a little better than say Ame." he explained. He knew that he shouldn't be playing favorites but he really didn't know how else to decide.

@Mitchs98 @Golden Glow @Kazehana @ScarlettRose16 @Ldybug123 @The Chronicler Croi
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Ame thought about it, then nodded. "We could draw straws," she said simply, looking between all the people who had gathered. It was a good solution, right?

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