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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame made a small noise, then slowly blinked her eyes. It took a great strength to keep them open, but she managed. She lazily looked around at what was going on. "What happened?" was all she could mutter, her blinking dragging far behind what it should have been. Ame was trying to process what had happened, but was having problems thinking of anything at all, let alone specific events.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Golden Glow
"Oh, thank goodness you're all right! You were knocked unconscious when Miziki destroyed your ice barrier with an explosive arrow. Your body must have gone through shock or something. It doesn't look like there's any major damage though so you should be fine." Darius explained and then sighed in relief. At this point the healing mist faded away since there was no longer any real damage to repair.

"Try not to move too much. You look like you're still recovering from the shock. How do you feel?" he asked just in case something was wrong.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Golden Glow
Âme blinked a few times in an attempt to wake herself up. "I think my willpower has been drained," she said, but didn't really do it for their benefit. It was mostly for her own realization, since she was trying to figure out for herself what was happening. It wouldn't take long to recover, but she had to absorb some from nearby nature to replenish herself to an acceptable state. Taking in a breath, she closed her eyes and meditated on the focus needed to acquire the trace amounts she required.
Kazehana said:
Ame made a small noise, then slowly blinked her eyes. It took a great strength to keep them open, but she managed. She lazily looked around at what was going on. "What happened?" was all she could mutter, her blinking dragging far behind what it should have been. Ame was trying to process what had happened, but was having problems thinking of anything at all, let alone specific events.
@Mitchs98 @Drakerus @Golden Glow
Drakerus said:
"Oh, thank goodness you're all right! You were knocked unconscious when Miziki destroyed your ice barrier with an explosive arrow. Your body must have gone through shock or something. It doesn't look like there's any major damage though so you should be fine." Darius explained and then sighed in relief. At this point the healing mist faded away since there was no longer any real damage to repair.
"Try not to move too much. You look like you're still recovering from the shock. How do you feel?" he asked just in case something was wrong.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Golden Glow
@Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled faintly when Gold said Ame would be okay, she hoped he was right. When Darius came over to heal her she sighed with relief. Sure, she could of attempted to heal her herself, but that never exactly ended well for her when she tried it. "I'm fine, just worried for Ame." She replied to Darius' question of how she was. In truth she did blame herself, it was her fault. She should of never tried to do that in a sparring match that technically wasn't even a sparring match.

It took her all she could do not to hug Ame when she woke up, the last thing an injured person needs or wants is a hug after all. "
I'm so sorry Ame! I wasn't trying to hurt you, honest. I'm glad you're okay, I was so worried about you." She told her, completely un-aware she was meditating. "I should of been more careful, I'll never do that again."
When Âme gathered enough energy to sustain herself, she opened her eyes andregulated her breathing back up to a normal pace. "Let's.. Not do that again," she said, wiping her eyes. That was enough excitement for one day. Except they still had to go to clubs, so there's that. Which reminded her; she'd never formally signed up for one. She saw which ones she could be a part of, obviously considering the ones that involved exploring. Perhaps she could just show up?
Kazehana said:
When Âme gathered enough energy to sustain herself, she opened her eyes andregulated her breathing back up to a normal pace. "Let's.. Not do that again," she said, wiping her eyes. That was enough excitement for one day. Except they still had to go to clubs, so there's that. Which reminded her; she'd never formally signed up for one. She saw which ones she could be a part of, obviously considering the ones that involved exploring. Perhaps she could just show up?
@Drakerus @Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Yeah..sorry again." She replied. "Though, I guess now you know you can defend against people using weapons fairly well. So long as they aren't explosive." She told her half jokingly. "That said..what do you guys wanna do now?" She asked, looking between all of them. She kinda didn't want to spar anymore, at-least not right now after what she'd done to Ame.
Adlin had finally remembered what she was supposed to be doing. With a jolt, she dropped the books she was organizing and raced down the hall. I can't believe I had forgotten! This is so overdue! Her thoughts raced almost as fast as she did. After she made it to Draconus' office, she stood at the door, putting her hand on the frame for support and catching her breath. Then, she stood up, straightened her dress, and cleared her throat. "Draconus, I need that documentation allowing me to make renovations for my classroom... Hold on what's going on here?" she asked as she looked between them.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
Mitchs98 said:
@Drakerus @Golden Glow
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Yeah..sorry again." She replied. "Though, I guess now you know you can defend against people using weapons fairly well. So long as they aren't explosive." She told her half jokingly. "That said..what do you guys wanna do now?" She asked, looking between all of them. She kinda didn't want to spar anymore, at-least not right now after what she'd done to Ame.
"Darius and I still have our sparring session," replied Gold, sighing in relief when he saw Ame was okay. "Ame should likely get some rest. I don't really know about you."
Kazehana said:
Adlin had finally remembered what she was supposed to be doing. With a jolt, she dropped the books she was organizing and raced down the hall. I can't believe I had forgotten! This is so overdue! Her thoughts raced almost as fast as she did. After she made it to Draconus' office, she stood at the door, putting her hand on the frame for support and catching her breath. Then, she stood up, straightened her dress, and cleared her throat. "Draconus, I need that documentation allowing me to make renovations for my classroom... Hold on what's going on here?" she asked as she looked between them.
@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
(I'm really sorry about this but if you'd like to move on with the plot I need to god mode this :/ )

Draconus was just about to tell Shatlea about what he found out but then Adlin came barging in. Seemed everyone loved barging into his quarters. "Ah, yes I will give those to you right away. By the way, could you perhaps enhance these flowers to look more Halloween themed?" he asked, handing her the roses. Once she took them he asked both her and Shaltea to leave for a moment and so he could finish a few things before the activities tonight and once they left he immediately went to work.

Pre Club Halloween Challenge!!

As all of the students in the entire academy were notified they made their way from there last class and headed to the main floor where the massive foyer that was accessed by a portal to the location. It was as large as large could get, enough room for tables for every student -which was nearly a total of over 3, 000- and inside hung Halloween decorations, jack 'o' lanterns, floating pumpkins and trays of food, treats for everyone. The many students that crowded the room were in between the ages of, usually, 7 and 31 but there were many races that had immortality -the type that allows you to not be affected by aging, NOT invinsibility- and such. At the sides or on certain tables there were professors that monitored the students and guided them, not to mention Draconus sitting at the at the table with the head professors (Prof. Vicar is the only, named, head professor so none of the other non NPC professors will be at the sides or at table with the students). Once everything was in order he jumped into the air and half of his body became a light blue flame as he floated in the air "I welcome you all here to the grand foyer for a special treat and club activities that will occur after what I'm about to say. I know you all may have questions about the academy and the first question I'll answer is yes I did make this academy. Some of you may wonder why it is so big or why the stairways are extremely long or why the whole school is like a labryinth. Simple, I built it that way, just to make it interesting. Nearly 3 decades have passed since the creation, and founding, of the academy and we will have a celebration on Halloween which will be in another day. Alas, that is not why you are here tonight. There is an 'event' that is open to all students, though you must be 12 and older. The event is a race to the catacombs of Talsworth to retrieve the Ebony Crown. The challenge will start tomorrow, in case you were wondering, but as well as tonight you have activities for clubs so let them begin!!" shouted Draconus as he raised his staff and a glowing light blue light shone from it, signifying the beginning of the activity. All students were told which teachers to go to prior so they could all get started right away. Students rushed around and some exited the foyer. It truly would be interesting to see this all unfold. . .but tonight might not be the greatest.

@Kazehana @Golden Glow @Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine @Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @The Chronicler Croi @Scylla @Vaccum @Drakerus @LilyannaGaming @ScarlettRose16 @shadowz1995 @Col @UnwantedTruth (If you haven't posted yet then please do)
Gold twirled Blue Soul in his hand, being careful not to hit anyone. "I accept!" he exclaimed, being the only one to do so (yet?). He started to blush a little out of embarrassment.
A day until the big holiday already, eh? Prof. Shaltaea was glad the time was finally coming around, even if the dour situation of being booted out of the headmaster's office last night prevented any real discussion on the one topic that had his interest at the time. At least tonight's body retrievals would go nicely since he had the foresight to mark an easy to place to do his work. As Draconus finished his speech his gaze went over the table he was presiding over as a monitor for keeping some of the students orderly. Many of the younger ones wouldn't dare attempt any shenanigans on the watch of the masked professor. On the bright side, with a scary enough look it would be easy to keep order until the unlikely event of someone brave or foolish enough totry anything. He patiently awaited the meeting place to empty out before making his next move.
Ame wasn't quite sure why on earth they would need a crown, but an adventure sounded exciting. Becoming giddy, she looked around for people she knew, so they might be able to go together. She quickly found Miziki and Darius, happy to find people she knew. "Heyyyy it would be fun to go together, don't you think?" she asked, excitement in her eyes. "With all of us, we could make it no problem! Right?" she continued, looking between them with impatient restlessness about her.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Kazehana said:
Ame wasn't quite sure why on earth they would need a crown, but an adventure sounded exciting. Becoming giddy, she looked around for people she knew, so they might be able to go together. She quickly found Miziki and Darius, happy to find people she knew. "Heyyyy it would be fun to go together, don't you think?" she asked, excitement in her eyes. "With all of us, we could make it no problem! Right?" she continued, looking between them with impatient restlessness about her.
@Mitchs98 @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was excited, a quest for a crown thingy in some ruins! Well...when put that way it wasn't exactly that appealing. But Miziki was excited nonetheless, maybe there'd be traps and stuff! She was about to go find Ame when she came over to her and Darius. Miziki smiled happily and nodded in reply, "Yeah! That'd be awesome! With us three we should be able to get the crown no problem. I was just about to ask you and Darius if you wanted to go with me." She told her before turning to Darius. "What do you think?" She asked him, her tail swishing back and forth further portraying her excitement.
Gold overhears (Sometimes cat hearing can be annoying. He nearly goes deaf whenever he fights loud enemies. Hell, he almost went deaf in the cave in Kilead), and walks over. "Don't forget me."

She got put in quarantine and she hated every moment of it. She couldn't talk to anyone and her magic was basically stripped away. It only fed to her madness. She recently got out of it. She very much disliked this school, she wanted to leave. She really hasn't talked to anyone, she was the outcast. The only other person she really talk to was Miziki, since she was her roommate. She lingered in the back of the room, she only got out of quarantine a few days ago. No matter how much she said she was fine, she wasn't let out. She sees Miziki with some people. She walked over to them and put on a smile. "Hey Miziki" she says as she turns to the other people. "Hey" she felt kind of nervous, as far as she knew, everyone knew her as the girl that went insane and got put in quarantine.

@Mitchs98 @anyone else there
"Oh, hi!" responded Gold. "Ko'Do'Kar helped you back in Kilead, right? We never were formally introduced. I'm Gol'diir, but call me Gold."
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Ame couldn't keep up with everyone that wanted to go together. She nodded to Gold then back at Kate. "Hey, weren't you the one who the weird people held hostage? You look kinda different," she commented before sharply turning her head. She thought she had heard something, but it must have been something from the bustle of the other students.
"Hi Gold, I'm Kate but I assume you already know my name. And thank you for saving my life, I guess I'm in debt to you" she says mostly joking. She looked to the girl who spoke. "Yup that's me" she says in a nonchalant tone. She really hates her reputation.

@Golden Glow @Kazehana @Mitchs98
ScarlettRose16 said:
"Hi Gold, I'm Kate but I assume you already know my name. And thank you for saving my life, I guess I'm in debt to you" she says mostly joking. She looked to the girl who spoke. "Yup that's me" she says in a nonchalant tone. She really hates her reputation.
@Golden Glow @Kazehana @Mitchs98
"Think nothing of it, Kate," replied Gold. He grinned a bit.

(Gold and KDK are gonna be the only people who don't treat Kate oddly, I swear... lol)
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Think nothing of it, Kate," replied Gold. He grinned a bit.
(Gold and KDK are gonna be the only people who don't treat Kate oddly, I swear... lol)

She was pretty happy he wasn't treating her weird it made her smile slightly. "Well thank you anyway" she says again. She didn't remember exactly what happened during that fight, it's pretty much a blur, that what always happens.
Ame looked between them, sensing that she wasn't quite catching what they were really talking about. "Why are you guys acting so weird?" she asked, exchanging sketchy glances with them.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @anyone else there
(Implying Miziki would treat her roomie differently)

Miziki Kurone

Don't worry Gold, I was gunna look for you too." She told him as he walked up. She was honestly excited, all of her friends were coming with them! They'd get the crown for sure! Soon after Kate came up. She was worried about her, she really didn't know where she had been, she was beginning to think she'd left the academy. Then Ame mentioned something about her being held hostage. After a bit she spoke up herself, "Kate! I was worried about you!" She told her before suddenly hugging her. "What happened? Are you okay?" She asked her.

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