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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki nodded, "Oh. Yeah I must admit this place is different than what I'm used to. I'm honestly surprised most of the people are so nice. There weren't really many kids my age in my village, even less so the ones that'd want to be around me." She replied before sighing. "Most people consider me bad luck, I consider myself bad luck really. I honestly probably have the worst luck imagineable. Infact the main reason I'm here is because I got kicked out of my village for being a danger to everyone." She explained. "I wandered a bit before finding out about the academy, so I decided what better way than to learn how to control my magic better than here?"

To further enunciate her luck, it soon became apparent to her that she'd gotten them lost. "
Uhh...what floor are we on?" She asked her, un-sure if there was some kind of sign or not.
Âme listened silently, still looking around as they went. She didn't quite understand the workings of a colocial society, but it sounded like it might be negative. "I din't know. These stairs are confusing," she replied. Now she was just trying to find something familiar. But there was nothing.
Drakerus said:
"That makes sense I suppose. "Darius said as he placed Dravlon on his head and walked over to take Gold's hand. The boy was surprised at how the argonian's hand felt. He expected it to be rough and scratchy due to the scales but the surface was surprisingly smooth. Even though it was quite different from a human's hand he found it pleasant. After shifting his stance a little Darius gave Gold a nod that he was ready.
Gold concentrated, and, in a bright flash of light, the three of them were quickly warped to the club office, with the familiar G-Force hitting him in the face.
Kazehana said:
Âme listened silently, still looking around as they went. She didn't quite understand the workings of a colocial society, but it sounded like it might be negative. "I din't know. These stairs are confusing," she replied. Now she was just trying to find something familiar. But there was nothing.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, "Yeah..they are. Here I was thinking that I'd learned the stairs, at-least partially." She told her. "I have no idea why someone would make stairs that literally go in circles." She added shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Well, what now? Try to head back down and start over or try to figure out what floor we're on?" She asked her.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]Gold concentrated, and, in a bright flash of light, the three of them were quickly warped to the club office, with the familiar G-Force hitting him in the face.

Darius was standing there waiting one second, and then the next he was in another room with stars spinning around his head. He thught he felt himself fall over but he wasn't sure. Everything was spinning. On the ground Darius looked up at gold.

"Wow Gold, I didn't know you could clone yourself. That's pretty cool..." he said deliriously before shaking his head thoroughly to get the dizziness to go away. After a moment the boy pointed towards the area with the dueling club registration forms.

"That's for dueling club." he said a little groggily still sitting on the ground.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Okay if you're sure." She replied before walking out of the dining hall and waiting on Ame. "Lead the way." She told her, her everpresent friendly smile on her face. She was honestly glad so far aside from that one girl she hadn't seen since she got here that everyone was willing to be nice to her.

Senki Tazuya

A half elf, half vampire. An Elfpire. Senki laughed softly to herself at the thought before answering her. "
That's pretty cool, actually. I'm just boring old me." She told her. "We should get going so we don't miss lunch. I'd really prefer not to skip a meal again." She told her, walking down the hall slowly and making sure Emily was following her.
Emily laughed as she headed down the stairs "I swear I forgot how big this place is like" said Emily. She'd been here before but that was when she was younger, since then she was travelling. Together they walked down the halls, corridors, stairways etc. until they at last made it to the 2nd floor where the Dining Hall was.


CoreyXIX said:
"Perfect." Shaltaea says with a small laugh. Within the hour the Lich had acquired everything he needed, despite the odd looks of shopkeeper when they saw a plague doctor buying fruits and other sugary things. Luckily, the Dining Hall would have people he needed. As long as they didn't protest his little game he was sure everything would be fine. What could go wrong with a trick like his?
Draconus thought about everything they'd gotten so far. . .A spell tome for the academy, and everything else ingredients for sweets? If he didn't know any better he'd say that Shaltea brought him along for an errand run. "Are you ready or do you plan on getting more 'ingredients'?" asked Draconus, twirling his staff for the hell of it.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki sighed, "Yeah..they are. Here I was thinking that I'd learned the stairs, at-least partially." She told her. "I have no idea why someone would make stairs that literally go in circles." She added shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Well, what now? Try to head back down and start over or try to figure out what floor we're on?" She asked her.
Âme looked around for a second, then walked to a window. "Let's just fly to the floor we need. That sounds easier," she replied, opening the window and peering outside. They appeared to be quite a ways up. But not really where they needed to be. The sight of the trees gave her homesickness; she sighed with a pang of regret as she turned back around to face Miziki for her response.

Draconus thought about everything they'd gotten so far. . .A spell tome for the academy, and everything else ingredients for sweets? If he didn't know any better he'd say that Shaltea brought him along for an errand run. "Are you ready or do you plan on getting more 'ingredients'?" asked Draconus, twirling his staff for the hell of it.

The undead professor shakes his head. "I have all I can for today. If you didn't have an appointment this evening we would done something exciting. Next time you can come when I'm doing a real adventure, if you wish." He offers in a slightly apologetic tone to the headnaster. When he finished decoding the tome, he would have something g far mire exciting in store! At least something not playing errand boy.

Draconus thought about everything they'd gotten so far. . .A spell tome for the academy, and everything else ingredients for sweets? If he didn't know any better he'd say that Shaltea brought him along for an errand run. "Are you ready or do you plan on getting more 'ingredients'?" asked Draconus, twirling his staff for the hell of it.

Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded, "Yeah this place is pretty big, honestly glad it is. If it had've been much shorter I doubt I'd of survived the fall at all." She told her once they reached the dining hall. Once they got in line she ordered a ham sandwich and a glass of water. "I'll find us somewhere to sit while you get your food." She told her before promptly walking over to one of the relatively empty tables and sitting down. She really hoped Emily could help her, if not she really wasn't sure if she'd ever regain her memory.

Kazehana said:
Âme looked around for a second, then walked to a window. "Let's just fly to the floor we need. That sounds easier," she replied, opening the window and peering outside. They appeared to be quite a ways up. But not really where they needed to be. The sight of the trees gave her homesickness; she sighed with a pang of regret as she turned back around to face Miziki for her response.
Miziki Kurone

Well, it definetely did sound easier..only one problem. "
I uh. I can't fly." She told her. Well, TECHNICALLY she could, but it'd probably kill her if her angel soul broke halfway up the building. She really didn't want that to happen, at all. Then again hey, it could work perfectly.
Drakerus said:
Darius was standing there waiting one second, and then the next he was in another room with stars spinning around his head. He thught he felt himself fall over but he wasn't sure. Everything was spinning. On the ground Darius looked up at gold.
"Wow Gold, I didn't know you could clone yourself. That's pretty cool..." he said deliriously before shaking his head thoroughly to get the dizziness to go away. After a moment the boy pointed towards the area with the dueling club registration forms.

"That's for dueling club." he said a little groggily still sitting on the ground.
"Okay," replied Gold, confused as to what he meant be "cloning himself." He walked up to the sign-up forms, and signed his name. "Gol'diir."

He walks back to him. "So," he says, healing him, thinking he was hallucinating from the warp, as he had the first time he'd used it. "Is it okay to spar here, then? I could help you learn how to use melee weapons. Speaking of which, what is Dravlon as a weapon?"
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki nodded, "Yeah this place is pretty big, honestly glad it is. If it had've been much shorter I doubt I'd of survived the fall at all." She told her once they reached the dining hall. Once they got in line she ordered a ham sandwich and a glass of water. "I'll find us somewhere to sit while you get your food." She told her before promptly walking over to one of the relatively empty tables and sitting down. She really hoped Emily could help her, if not she really wasn't sure if she'd ever regain her memory.

Miziki Kurone

Well, it definetely did sound easier..only one problem. "
I uh. I can't fly." She told her. Well, TECHNICALLY she could, but it'd probably kill her if her angel soul broke halfway up the building. She really didn't want that to happen, at all. Then again hey, it could work perfectly.
Âme thought for a moment, not sure what she could do. "Is there anything you could do to make a platform of some sort?" she asked, trying to think of alternatives. She was not about to try to navigate this building again.
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Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki nodded, "Yeah this place is pretty big, honestly glad it is. If it had've been much shorter I doubt I'd of survived the fall at all." She told her once they reached the dining hall. Once they got in line she ordered a ham sandwich and a glass of water. "I'll find us somewhere to sit while you get your food." She told her before promptly walking over to one of the relatively empty tables and sitting down. She really hoped Emily could help her, if not she really wasn't sure if she'd ever regain her memory.

Miziki Kurone

Well, it definetely did sound easier..only one problem. "
I uh. I can't fly." She told her. Well, TECHNICALLY she could, but it'd probably kill her if her angel soul broke halfway up the building. She really didn't want that to happen, at all. Then again hey, it could work perfectly.
"I'm not hungry" said Emily, following her to the table. Well that was partially a lie, she'd fed about a while ago but she'd need to feed eventually. She wasn't about to ask this girl either. Pulling out her notebook, from the satchel at her side, and beginning to write down some information that 'Alexa' had given her so far.


CoreyXIX said:
The undead professor shakes his head. "I have all I can for today. If you didn't have an appointment this evening we would done something exciting. Next time you can come when I'm doing a real adventure, if you wish." He offers in a slightly apologetic tone to the headnaster. When he finished decoding the tome, he would have something g far mire exciting in store! At least something not playing errand boy.
"That'd be splended!" exclaimed Draconus, ready to head back already. It wasn't boring or anything he just had a lot that needed to be done, including his research on recent events.

Darius thanked Gold for healing him and stood up.

"I don't know if we're allowed to spar in here I could show you Dravlon's weapon form I guess. I prefer not to use it but I suppose it would be good to know how to when the time comes. Taking Dravlon who looked like he was going to puke off his head he uttered the spell.


Instead of just his eyes, Dravlon's entire body was engulfed in light making him look like a radiant white silhouette. The silhouette's form shifted until the shape became a sword which resembled a key. The entire weapon itself was white save for the rainbow coloring at the key's 'teeth' and the yellow of its star shaped key chain. Darius held the keyblade out in front of him so gold could get a good look.

"Well, here he is. I'll admit I think he looks really cool like this but I just never really feel comfortable swinging him around like an idiot." he laughed a little knowing he had no idea what he was doing when it came to weapons.


"That'd be splended!" exclaimed Draconus, ready to head back already. It wasn't boring or anything he just had a lot that needed to be done, including his research on recent events.

With a nods the Lich is glad to get this minor bullocks out of the way and pre poo are for the real thing. "Well then, let's go." He remarks as a sign he's leaving. Unless Draconus was going to use that portal magic again Shaltaea planned on taking the longer route. He begins the trek back.

"That'd be splended!" exclaimed Draconus, ready to head back already. It wasn't boring or anything he just had a lot that needed to be done, including his research on recent events.

Senki Tazuya

Senki shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich, swallowing before speaking. "
Well, if you're sure." She told her. "I do have a question if you don't mind me asking..do you like, eat normal food too?" She asked her. She'd never met a half-vampire..or even a normal vampire as far as she was aware.

Kazehana said:
Âme thought for a moment, not sure what she could do. "Is there anything you could do to make a platform of some sort?" she asked, trying to think of alternatives. She was not about to try to navigate this building again.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki thought for a moment. She technically could fire arrows into the side of the building and use those, seeing as they weren't fully real arrows they wouldn't damage the building...much. Forming her spirit bow she handed it to Ame, "
If you could, fire a few arrows into the building, preferrably in a feasible distance from each other. I can use those to climb up." She told her. "Just pull the string back and fire when the arrow materalizes, I'll do the rest." She explained.

Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich, swallowing before speaking. "
Well, if you're sure." She told her. "I do have a question if you don't mind me asking..do you like, eat normal food too?" She asked her. She'd never met a half-vampire..or even a normal vampire as far as she was aware.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki thought for a moment. She technically could fire arrows into the side of the building and use those, seeing as they weren't fully real arrows they wouldn't damage the building...much. Forming her spirit bow she handed it to Ame, "
If you could, fire a few arrows into the building, preferrably in a feasible distance from each other. I can use those to climb up." She told her. "Just pull the string back and fire when the arrow materalizes, I'll do the rest." She explained.
Âme nodded slowly and took the bow, not sure what it was. "How do I use this?" she asked solemnly. She wanted to help with whatever she just said, but had no idea what she was talking about.
Marie ran blindly through woods trying to get to the academy without getting caught by her follower. She smirked as she teleported the rest of the way and open the building's door. "Hello...? New student here?" She called out as she walked to the office. She suddenly started shaking. This place is different... She thought to herself. @Anyone who catches new girlXD
Kazehana said:
Âme nodded slowly and took the bow, not sure what it was. "How do I use this?" she asked solemnly. She wanted to help with whatever she just said, but had no idea what she was talking about.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki couldn't help but be partially amused by Ame's confusion. "Well, it's a normal bow for the most part. Just uses spiritual energy from the air around you instead of actual arrows." She explained before forming a second bow. "Just pull back the string like this.." She told her, slowly pulling back the string of the bow, a solid white glowing arrow appearing as she did. "Annd release." She added, releasing the arrow which lodged into the wall before dissapearing when she dismissed the second bow. "Now you try." She told her, gesturing to the bow.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki couldn't help but be partially amused by Ame's confusion. "Well, it's a normal bow for the most part. Just uses spiritual energy from the air around you instead of actual arrows." She explained before forming a second bow. "Just pull back the string like this.." She told her, slowly pulling back the string of the bow, a solid white glowing arrow appearing as she did. "Annd release." She added, releasing the arrow which lodged into the wall before dissapearing when she dismissed the second bow. "Now you try." She told her, gesturing to the bow.
((If only Miziki had a spirit grappling hook :P .))
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Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki couldn't help but be partially amused by Ame's confusion. "Well, it's a normal bow for the most part. Just uses spiritual energy from the air around you instead of actual arrows." She explained before forming a second bow. "Just pull back the string like this.." She told her, slowly pulling back the string of the bow, a solid white glowing arrow appearing as she did. "Annd release." She added, releasing the arrow which lodged into the wall before dissapearing when she dismissed the second bow. "Now you try." She told her, gesturing to the bow.
Âme cautiously drew the string back, though it obviously took a great amount of effort. With a grunt she held it in place. After a bit of shaking, her grip weakened until it forcefully snapped from its position. As it snapped, it startled Âme, who promptly let go of the bow. The arrow's direction faultered from its intended target near the wall, and shot straight down the hall. A ways away from where they were, someone yelped loudly, followed by a few curses.
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Kazehana said:
Âme cautiously drew the string back, though it obviously took a great amount of effort. With a grunt she held it in place. After a bit of shaking, her grip weakened until it forcefully snapped from its position. As it snapped, it startled Âme, who promptly let go of the bow. The arrow's direction faultered from its intended target near the wall, and shot straight down the hall. A ways away from where they were, someone yelped loudly, followed by a few curses.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki couldn't help but laugh at Ame's attempt, even moreso when it ended in someone randomly getting shot. She felt bad for the person but it was amusing. "First time using a bow huh? Don't worry, I did just as bad the first time I tried too. Just relax, don't think about it being hard. Just calmly and slowly draw the string back and it'll loosen to fit your strength." She explained. "Go on, try it again." She encouraged.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki couldn't help but laugh at Ame's attempt, even moreso when it ended in someone randomly getting shot. She felt bad for the person but it was amusing. "First time using a bow huh? Don't worry, I did just as bad the first time I tried too. Just relax, don't think about it being hard. Just calmly and slowly draw the string back and it'll loosen to fit your strength." She explained. "Go on, try it again." She encouraged.
Âme thought hard before she shook her head. "If I was meant to use a tool to do my job, I would have had it attached to my arm," she reasoned, not willing to try again. "Are you sure there's not another way?"
Kazehana said:
Âme thought hard before she shook her head. "If I was meant to use a tool to do my job, I would have had it attached to my arm," she reasoned, not willing to try again. "Are you sure there's not another way?"
Miziki Kurone

Miziki fidgeted nervously when she asked her if there was any other way. She hated to lie to the girl, but she'd rather not die or get seriously injured if it failed. "
Um. No. There isn't, sorry. Unless you have some way to fly us both up. It really is easy to use when you get the hang of it though." She told her. Assuming she had wings seeing as the flying thing was her idea. Or at-least some kind of flight magic.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki fidgeted nervously when she asked her if there was any other way. She hated to lie to the girl, but she'd rather not die or get seriously injured if it failed. "
Um. No. There isn't, sorry. Unless you have some way to fly us both up. It really is easy to use when you get the hang of it though." She told her. Assuming she had wings seeing as the flying thing was her idea. Or at-least some kind of flight magic.
(Bruh she literally has feathers all over her body)

Ame thought about it for a moment, then sighed. "I don't think I would be able to carry someone as large as me. Plus, I need my wings to fly, meaning I can't exactly carry something in the process," she reasoned, tilting her head from side to side. She did a double take to the window, then jumped out, flapping enough to hover outside. "I have an idea. Jump out the window," she instructed.
Kazehana said:
(Bruh she literally has feathers all over her body)
Ame thought about it for a moment, then sighed. "I don't think I would be able to carry someone as large as me. Plus, I need my wings to fly, meaning I can't exactly carry something in the process," she reasoned, tilting her head from side to side. She did a double take to the window, then jumped out, flapping enough to hover outside. "I have an idea. Jump out the window," she instructed.
(Bruh, Miziki is blind.)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, she'd figured as much. Time to think of a new plan and maybe use her-..."J..jump out of the window?! But wouldn't I like..fall to the ground and die?" She asked her, nervously walking over to the window. "I'll trust you to uh..not let me die..I guess." She told her before instinctively wrenching her eyes shut and thrusting herself out of the window.
Mitchs98 said:
(Bruh, Miziki is blind.)
Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, she'd figured as much. Time to think of a new plan and maybe use her-..."J..jump out of the window?! But wouldn't I like..fall to the ground and die?" She asked her, nervously walking over to the window. "I'll trust you to uh..not let me die..I guess." She told her before instinctively wrenching her eyes shut and thrusting herself out of the window.
(Whoops. Btw wow she threw herself out of a window because someone she barely knew told her to. Wow xD

Miziki fell about a foot before landing on basically nothing. "Okay, now which floor are we supposed to go to?" Ame asked, looking up and down the building. She couldn't really remember what floor they were supposed to be going to, but she guessed they had gone too high. Then again, she just didn't know.

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