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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Drakerus said:
As they walked to the dining hall Darius heard Gold ask him about the Dueling club.
"Uh, to be honest I have no idea. I kind of just signed up on a whim so I didn't look into the details. I don't see why they wouldn't have team battles though. If they do, that's great for me since I'm much better at supporting in battle than being the offense." Darius explained.

((Off to bed but I'll stay up a little longer.))
"Great!" said Gold. "Where is the club room? I might be able to light-travel us there, freak out some people." He chuckled a little. "We could spar there. By the way, what is your weapon?"
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[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Great!" said Gold. "Where is the club room? I might be able to light-travel us there, freak out some people." He chuckled a little. "We could spar there. By the way, what is your weapon?"

Darius stopped moving to try and recall where the sign up room was.

"If I remember correctly it's on the 20th floor, Room 58. But uh is light travel....safe? Not that I doubt you or anything hehe..." He laughed nervously.

"I don't think we're allowed to fight anywhere on school grounds besides the arena so we'll probably have to wait til after classes or something to go." the boy said. In truth he wasn't really looking toward to embarrassing himself in one on one combat.

"Oh, and I use Dravlon as my 'weapon' you could say" he added.
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"Light travel is perfectly safe," replied Gold. "Thing is, I get easily exausted from it. I have no clue how Ko'Do'Kar can use shadow-travel no matter how many times he'd used it in the last... hour. Mind if I channel some of Dravlon's magic to make it easier to use?"
Kazehana said:
"With natural expertise," she replied, not sure what exactly she was supposed to say to that question. By now she had finished her meal and would be ready to leave at any time, which was fine with her. All these students gave her anxiety to last the rest of the week, let alone just a few hours more until the next meal. The thought gave her shivers.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Ooh. I see. Can you show me?" She asked her. "That is, if you don't mind." She added. Unfortunately for the both of them, mostly Ame though, Miziki was un-aware that Ame was nervous. She simply thought she was simply confident in her abilities and assumed it was something simple.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded, "Ooh. I see. Can you show me?" She asked her. "That is, if you don't mind." She added. Unfortunately for the both of them, mostly Ame though, Miziki was un-aware that Ame was nervous. She simply thought she was simply confident in her abilities and assumed it was something simple.
"I... I don't know what there is to show. It's not like I can demonstrate casually traveling until something pops up. It varies depending on the day," she said, shrugging. She stood up and collected her things, ready to get out of there. "I, uh, got to go," she stated before scurrying off to leave as soon as possible.
Minerva noticed Ms. Yves. "Hi!" She told her, and finally found a place to sit on one of the many tables. She began eating her fish and her fruits. She was glad that she had found a place to sit and eat her food.
Kazehana said:
"I... I don't know what there is to show. It's not like I can demonstrate casually traveling until something pops up. It varies depending on the day," she said, shrugging. She stood up and collected her things, ready to get out of there. "I, uh, got to go," she stated before scurrying off to leave as soon as possible.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Oh. I see." She replied. She frowned slightly when Ame said she had to go. "Um..do you mind helping me find Offensive Studies? If you can't I understand, I'll look for myself." She asked her, unsure if she could hear her or not. If she couldn't she should probably leave as soon as possible to go look if she was looking alone.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Light travel is perfectly safe," replied Gold. "Thing is, I get easily exausted from it. I have no clue how Ko'Do'Kar can use shadow-travel no matter how many times he'd used it in the last... hour. Mind if I channel some of Dravlon's magic to make it easier to use?"

Darius looked at Gold surprised. No one had ever asked him to use Dravlon before. Darius shook hsi head though.

"I would let you but there's a small problem. Dravlon doesn't...'work' with other people. I seem to be the only one who can use his magic directly which is both a good and bad thing I guess. Sorry" he said apologetically. Then he remembered something that they had managed to pull off about a year ago.

"Oh wait! I think I have a way around that though. Just a moment..." he trailed off as he told Dravlon to hover for a little. With a grumble of annoyance the dragon complied and hovered in the air awaiting whatever command the boy was going to give. Taking a deep breath Darius held out his hand towards Dravlon with his eyes closed.


Dravlon's eyes didn't glow like they normally would during a spell. Instead, the dragonling suddenly let out little hiccup and a clear orb that looked almost exactly like a bubble came out of his mouth. The orb floated just in front of Gold and Darius proceeded to take the Dravlon back into his arms and petted him in gratitude. Darius soon looked back up at the argonian.

"Go ahead, take it." Darius said and waited for Gold to do so.

((Even more kingdom hearts references. MP orbs FTW.))
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded, "Oh. I see." She replied. She frowned slightly when Ame said she had to go. "Um..do you mind helping me find Offensive Studies? If you can't I understand, I'll look for myself." She asked her, unsure if she could hear her or not. If she couldn't she should probably leave as soon as possible to go look if she was looking alone.
Âme abruptly turned around, startled by the question. "But I know nothing of this school's layout. To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea where that room is," she explained. Then, she wondered to herself where she was supposed to go next. She had no idea where she put her schedule, and couldn't remember it either.
Kazehana said:
Âme abruptly turned around, startled by the question. "But I know nothing of this school's layout. To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea where that room is," she explained. Then, she wondered to herself where she was supposed to go next. She had no idea where she put her schedule, and couldn't remember it either.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Oh I see." She replied. She paused for a few minutes before eventually speaking, "Um. We could look together? If you want?" She asked her. "I need to learn the layout too, to be honest..I only know where Alchemy, the club room, and Proffessor Vicars class is as far as classes and stuff goes."
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki nodded, "Oh I see." She replied. She paused for a few minutes before eventually speaking, "Um. We could look together? If you want?" She asked her. "I need to learn the layout too, to be honest..I only know where Alchemy, the club room, and Proffessor Vicars class is as far as classes and stuff goes."
Âme hesitated. She didn't really want to remain with a group of new people. She just wanted to be alone. But that was unlikely in this setting. Perhaps she just had to get used to it? She wasn't sure if she could. "I suppose..." she replied, though very wary and unsure of her answer.
Kazehana said:
Âme hesitated. She didn't really want to remain with a group of new people. She just wanted to be alone. But that was unlikely in this setting. Perhaps she just had to get used to it? She wasn't sure if she could. "I suppose..." she replied, though very wary and unsure of her answer.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled, "Awesome!" She told her before standing and walking over to her. "What class do you have next? We can look for yours first if you want." She asked her. She wasn't sure if Ame was just nervous around people, or didn't want to talk to her for some reason. Though she figured if the latter was the case she would've said no, so she just went with it.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki smiled, "Awesome!" She told her before standing and walking over to her. "What class do you have next? We can look for yours first if you want." She asked her. She wasn't sure if Ame was just nervous around people, or didn't want to talk to her for some reason. Though she figured if the latter was the case she would've said no, so she just went with it.
Âme frowned, maunly because she didn't have an answer. "Uhm, let's just find yours," she said, sidestepping her way towards the door. She was quite done with being in the dining hall by now.
CoreyXIX said:
Well, it was nice Draconus found the situation amusing, even if for the wrong reason. "Oh no, close but not quite. This year I'm going to play a small game unlike anything I've done in past years. Well, at least with a particularly brave students." he replies with a short laugh. "Speaking of, do you know someone that may be able to give me a hand with it? I haven't cooked in over three thousand years and I'm a bit rusty." he asks Draconus as he begins walking back to town.
Hmm, guess it never crossed the lich's mind to ask a chef, not like they didn't have plently at the academy, more specifically in the Dining Hall "Umm...perhaps.... Check at the Dining Hall?" he suggested. Well this turned out to be more intriguing than he thought. Not to often you see a lich as a chef.


Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
"I'm half-dragon. You can't see it unless you look close but I have scales." She explained. "Plus these wings." She added, flexing her wings slightly for good measure. "What about you?" She asked her after a few minutes, figuring if she asked her why not ask her too?
Crap, now she'd have to tell "I'm a half-elf....and a vampire" she said at last, sighing as she said so. To demonstrate her vampiric abilities she used supernatural reflexes to sprint to the end of the hall then back. Hopefully that'd be enough to convince her.


Scylla said:
Minerva noticed Ms. Yves. "Hi!" She told her, and finally found a place to sit on one of the many tables. She began eating her fish and her fruits. She was glad that she had found a place to sit and eat her food.
"What's your name?! I'm Ms. Yves by the way, I teach crystal and water elemental magics here" she explained, proud to be working at such a happy place full of youth. It truly amazed her how this place was so large, and how anyone was supposed to get around.

When she finally woke up, she seemed to be back at the academy. Her hair was still black and also her clothes but she wasn't completely sane. Yet. She did have little control. She was going to now be known as the devil freak that lost control and went insane. Perfect, exactly what she wanted. Her eyes were still black abysses, her skin cut up from their mission. She was pathetic. A person who seemed to be some sort of healer walked in. She did t know what to say or do. She didn't want people around her, she was afraid. She saw her Amber hairs slowly coming back. If she got her cloak then she would be fine. She got up and walked out once the healer let her. She kept her head down, resisting the urge to burn this place to the ground. She got in her room and put her cloak on quickly and it was almost like she woke up from a nightmare. She changed into clean and not torn clothes she makes her way down to the cafeteria, even though she had class in like ten minutes but she was starving. keeping her head down, she didn't want to talk to people she found a seat towards the back and ordered some food. She didn't want to bring attention to herself, she still notices black streaks in her hair but she ignores it. Now she was Kate, the girl who went insane.

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Kazehana said:
Âme frowned, maunly because she didn't have an answer. "Uhm, let's just find yours," she said, sidestepping her way towards the door. She was quite done with being in the dining hall by now.
Miziki Kurone

Okay if you're sure." She replied before walking out of the dining hall and waiting on Ame. "Lead the way." She told her, her everpresent friendly smile on her face. She was honestly glad so far aside from that one girl she hadn't seen since she got here that everyone was willing to be nice to her.


Crap, now she'd have to tell "I'm a half-elf....and a vampire" she said at last, sighing as she said so. To demonstrate her vampiric abilities she used supernatural reflexes to sprint to the end of the hall then back. Hopefully that'd be enough to convince her.


"What's your name?! I'm Ms. Yves by the way, I teach crystal and water elemental magics here" she explained, proud to be working at such a happy place full of youth. It truly amazed her how this place was so large, and how anyone was supposed to get around.

Senki Tazuya

A half elf, half vampire. An Elfpire. Senki laughed softly to herself at the thought before answering her. "
That's pretty cool, actually. I'm just boring old me." She told her. "We should get going so we don't miss lunch. I'd really prefer not to skip a meal again." She told her, walking down the hall slowly and making sure Emily was following her.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Okay if you're sure." She replied before walking out of the dining hall and waiting on Ame. "Lead the way." She told her, her everpresent friendly smile on her face. She was honestly glad so far aside from that one girl she hadn't seen since she got here that everyone was willing to be nice to her.

Senki Tazuya

A half elf, half vampire. An Elfpire. Senki laughed softly to herself at the thought before answering her. "
That's pretty cool, actually. I'm just boring old me." She told her. "We should get going so we don't miss lunch. I'd really prefer not to skip a meal again." She told her, walking down the hall slowly and making sure Emily was following her.
Âme looked at her for a minute, then took a few steps. However, she abruptly stopped, then turned back around. "I have no idea where to even start," she admitted. She felt embarrased, but then again she never claimed to know this school at all.

Crap, now she'd have to tell "I'm a half-elf....and a vampire" she said at last, sighing as she said so. To demonstrate her vampiric abilities she used supernatural reflexes to sprint to the end of the hall then back. Hopefully that'd be enough to convince her.


"What's your name?! I'm Ms. Yves by the way, I teach crystal and water elemental magics here" she explained, proud to be working at such a happy place full of youth. It truly amazed her how this place was so large, and how anyone was supposed to get around.

"Perfect." Shaltaea says with a small laugh. Within the hour the Lich had acquired everything he needed, despite the odd looks of shopkeeper when they saw a plague doctor buying fruits and other sugary things. Luckily, the Dining Hall would have people he needed. As long as they didn't protest his little game he was sure everything would be fine. What could go wrong with a trick like his?
Kazehana said:
Âme looked at her for a minute, then took a few steps. However, she abruptly stopped, then turned back around. "I have no idea where to even start," she admitted. She felt embarrased, but then again she never claimed to know this school at all.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki giggled, "I'm not entirely too sure myself. Someone else lead me to Alchemy, I'm not sure if all the classed are on the same floor, or some of them are outside, or what really." She explained with a shrug. "I guess we could check the floor Alchemy is on and go from there?" She asked her. She was honestly glad to know she wasn't the only one with a poor sense of direction.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki giggled, "I'm not entirely too sure myself. Someone else lead me to Alchemy, I'm not sure if all the classed are on the same floor, or some of them are outside, or what really." She explained with a shrug. "I guess we could check the floor Alchemy is on and go from there?" She asked her. She was honestly glad to know she wasn't the only one with a poor sense of direction.
Âme thought about it, the slowly nodded her head. It made sense to check around rooms they already knew. "I don't remember where the alchemy room was, though," she respinded, a bit perplexed at her own forgetfulness. Then again, she had had a long day. Who could blame her?
Kazehana said:
Âme thought about it, the slowly nodded her head. It made sense to check around rooms they already knew. "I don't remember where the alchemy room was, though," she respinded, a bit perplexed at her own forgetfulness. Then again, she had had a long day. Who could blame her?
Miziki Kurone

Don't worry, I remember where it is. Come on." She told her, walking and motioning for her to follow. It amused her how similar Ame was to herself, really. Both of them seemed to lack a sense of direction and were forgetful. She almost tripped up, yes up, the stairs when she started ascending them but paid it no mind. "So..why did you come to the Academy if you don't mind me asking?" She asked her.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Don't worry, I remember where it is. Come on." She told her, walking and motioning for her to follow. It amused her how similar Ame was to herself, really. Both of them seemed to lack a sense of direction and were forgetful. She almost tripped up, yes up, the stairs when she started ascending them but paid it no mind. "So..why did you come to the Academy if you don't mind me asking?" She asked her.
Ame looked around as they went, trying to soak in all the academy had to offer. That and to get a sense of direction for the future. "Mainly to immerse myself in human culture. I do fairly well on my own with my magic, so I'm not really here to learn much," she confessed, still simply following up the stairs and around the mazes.
Drakerus said:
Darius looked at Gold surprised. No one had ever asked him to use Dravlon before. Darius shook hsi head though.
"I would let you but there's a small problem. Dravlon doesn't...'work' with other people. I seem to be the only one who can use his magic directly which is both a good and bad thing I guess. Sorry" he said apologetically. Then he remembered something that they had managed to pull off about a year ago.

"Oh wait! I think I have a way around that though. Just a moment..." he trailed off as he told Dravlon to hover for a little. With a grumble of annoyance the dragon complied and hovered in the air awaiting whatever command the boy was going to give. Taking a deep breath Darius held out his hand towards Dravlon with his eyes closed.


Dravlon's eyes didn't glow like they normally would during a spell. Instead, the dragonling suddenly let out little hiccup and a clear orb that looked almost exactly like a bubble came out of his mouth. The orb floated just in front of Gold and Darius proceeded to take the Dravlon back into his arms and petted him in gratitude. Darius soon looked back up at the argonian.

"Go ahead, take it." Darius said and waited for Gold to do so.

((Even more kingdom hearts references. MP orbs FTW.))
Gold grabbed the orb, and felt a large surge of power. "This should help, thank you both," he stated. He held out a hand. "Grab hold, and have Dravlon grab hold of you or me." With his other hand, he pulled out his Orb, and turned it silver. He crushed it in his hand, and went Final Form. "Almost forgot to do this beforehand. That would've been embarrassing, as I can only light-travel in Final Form." He glided over to a spot where light covered the ground. "Gotta be in light to light-travel."
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]Gold grabbed the orb, and felt a large surge of power. "This should help, thank you both," he stated. He held out a hand. "Grab hold, and have Dravlon grab hold of you or me." With his other hand, he pulled out his Orb, and turned it silver. He crushed it in his hand, and went Final Form. "Almost forgot to do this beforehand. That would've been embarrassing, as I can only light-travel in Final Form." He glided over to a spot where light covered the ground. "Gotta be in light to light-travel."

"That makes sense I suppose. "Darius said as he placed Dravlon on his head and walked over to take Gold's hand. The boy was surprised at how the argonian's hand felt. He expected it to be rough and scratchy due to the scales but the surface was surprisingly smooth. Even though it was quite different from a human's hand he found it pleasant. After shifting his stance a little Darius gave Gold a nod that he was ready.
Kazehana said:
Ame looked around as they went, trying to soak in all the academy had to offer. That and to get a sense of direction for the future. "Mainly to immerse myself in human culture. I do fairly well on my own with my magic, so I'm not really here to learn much," she confessed, still simply following up the stairs and around the mazes.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Oh. Yeah I must admit this place is different than what I'm used to. I'm honestly surprised most of the people are so nice. There weren't really many kids my age in my village, even less so the ones that'd want to be around me." She replied before sighing. "Most people consider me bad luck, I consider myself bad luck really. I honestly probably have the worst luck imagineable. Infact the main reason I'm here is because I got kicked out of my village for being a danger to everyone." She explained. "I wandered a bit before finding out about the academy, so I decided what better way than to learn how to control my magic better than here?"

To further enunciate her luck, it soon became apparent to her that she'd gotten them lost. "
Uhh...what floor are we on?" She asked her, un-sure if there was some kind of sign or not.

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