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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Mitchs98 said:
(She can navigate, she just hasn't been to the academy before ;p)
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled happily when Darius said he'd join, "
Awesome!" She replied. It was roughly then Addor said they'd be late for lunch if they didn't hurry. Shortly after that Moon fell over into books, Miziki giggled as she imagined the sight. She followed after Darius as he led Moon to the courtyard, she hoped they'd stop for food before going outside or doing anything first though, she really didn't want to miss lunch. Or any other meal, for that matter.

Once they'd stopped moving and Darius introduced himself, Dravlon, and herself Miziki smiled happily and waved. "
Hi, nice to meet you!" She told him, not really waiting for a name in her excitement.



Senki Tazuya

Senki had made her way to the roof of the school, or rather an outcropping on a window near the roof, looking out at the forest and birds flying by. She really didn't have anything else to do, and combat class didn't really appeal to her. Her priorities were regaining her memory, but it seemed everyone had forgotten that important bit of information and more or less left her alone to her own devices.

She couldn't remember where her village was despite it needing help, her magic, how old she was, or even what her real name was! She had to tell everyone her name was 'Alexa'. Maybe it was her real name, it didn't seem like it to her, but who knows at this point. She really might as well leave, not even her room mate really cared if she exsisted or not, so why should she stay?

Sighing she rested her chin in her palm, why wouldn't she stay? She had nothing else better to do, plus at they very least it was a place to stay and they were giving her food. Might as well, right?
Appearing in a random room from a backfired teleportation spell, Senki could hear Emily falling on the floor. "Bloody hell! Why doesn't this wor-" she looked up to see Senki. Well at least her body was still intact. . .damn morphing.

CoreyXIX said:
As the lich looked over it it did seem odd to have such a thing cast in such an open area like this. It didn't give him a good feeling. "I don't suppose we could try replicating it to see what happens? It may give us a clue." he suggests.
"No time, something like this would take a while and we're on a time limit aren't we?" stated Draconus, tapping his staff as it glowed a bright blue. The light shone down on the mark and made a blueprint imprinted in Draconus' mind of the structure if the spell. It'd take some time to figure out but at least he had the memory.


Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Hearing a rather loud 'whump' from the room below her Senki moved and flew around to the window. Opening said window she climbed through carefully, being sure her wings didn't break it. "
Uhh. Are you okay? That sounded like a kind of nasty fall." She asked her, concerned despite not knowing the girl.
"Oh no I'm fine" said Emily, wrapping her cloak around herself and standing up "I'm Emily, sorry for barging in" she said, even though it wasn't technically barging in but still.


"Oh no I'm fine" said Emily, wrapping her cloak around herself and standing up "I'm Emily, sorry for barging in" she said, even though it wasn't technically barging in but still.

Prof. Shaltaea felt that Draconus was on a stricter time limit than him, since other than Halloween festivities and whatever the Thing under the school was he wasn't completely sure what was happening. Spending a lot of time by himself tended to cause that effect. "We are on a bit of leash, aren't we?" he questions in a tone that implies he already knew the answer. "You don't have to come with me to get my final parts. I won't be doing it until night comes anyway."
"Well then let's get the best we can of your list so far" said Draconus, giving the hex symbol one last glance. "Tell me, do you think Halloween is a damner or worth while?" asked Draconus, trying to makeba decent conversation with the lich, if lick's even had hunor.

Well, that was an unexpected question! After a moment or two to think on the question the lich had an answer for the headmaster. "Well, it is the one night a year I'm allowed to let loose." he replies to the headmaster with a small chuckle. "I especially enjoy trick or treating quite a bit, some of the unsuspecting kids never expect the trick." That, and he used to love the taste of many of the sweets he could have back when he was alive. But that was a bit of a secret he normally kept to himself.

"Oh no I'm fine" said Emily, wrapping her cloak around herself and standing up "I'm Emily, sorry for barging in" she said, even though it wasn't technically barging in but still.

Senki Tazuya

Senki shook her head, "It's fine, you didn't really. I was on the roof and I heard someone fall, so I decided to come check. I'm Alexa or at-least that's the name Proffessor Addor assigned me." She told her before shrugging. "Didn't remember my own name so I just went with it. Nothing else better came to mind." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded when he told them his name, "That's a cool name, I like it." She told him. She frowned slightly when he asked what went on in class. "Well...explosions and teachers randomly abducting you into their class. Though, so far the explosions only happened in Alchemy, so that's a good thing." She told him before shrugging. "I only know where the Alchemy class room and Proffessor Vicars class is. Though..I wouldn't reccommend his class if you could help it." She added.
Drakerus said:
Darius nodded in agreement thinking of what Vicar had done to Ras.
"Yeah, I agree he's a bit...aggressive for a teacher but I won't deny Professor Vicar is skilled. As for classes, we're pretty much as lost as you. Vicar pretty much just pulled us into his class randomly so i'm not even sure our schedules mean anything at all." he huffed out in annoyance expecting more from one of the most powerful mages in history.

((Silly Drakerus forgetting to think))

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic
CrazyNotChaotic said:
"Ah, thanks. " He rummaged through his back pocket and pulled out his class schedule. "Um, I have basic chemistry, herbal remedies, and equine science today, but I don't have to be at the stables till after dinner. I have to be in class today, otherwise I'll get in a lot of trouble back home."
Basic chemistry, herbal remedies, building blocks of magic, and of course, equine sciences (horseback riding and care.)
(@Drakerus Are you implying that the greatest mage has the time to hand each student a magical schedule? xD jking)

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic

CoreyXIX said:
Well, that was an unexpected question! After a moment or two to think on the question the lich had an answer for the headmaster. "Well, it is the one night a year I'm allowed to let loose." he replies to the headmaster with a small chuckle. "I especially enjoy trick or treating quite a bit, some of the unsuspecting kids never expect the trick." That, and he used to love the taste of many of the sweets he could have back when he was alive. But that was a bit of a secret he normally kept to himself.
"Oh ho, looks like you've got a pre made plan. Personally I like the winter holidays...It's always nice and cold. No students, for a whole 3 weeks, and I get to travel for a while" said Draconus, putting his hands in the air as if he were weighing his options "But I also like Halloween..." he couldn't make up his mind, his own question making him have to think of every possible reason which would be better.


Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki shook her head, "It's fine, you didn't really. I was on the roof and I heard someone fall, so I decided to come check. I'm Alexa or at-least that's the name Proffessor Addor assigned me." She told her before shrugging. "Didn't remember my own name so I just went with it. Nothing else better came to mind." She added.
Amnesia was one of the first things that cane to Emily's mind. That or she was just knocked on the head when she was a kid. "How'd you lose your memory?" she asked, concerned even though she just met her.



As soon as the group of 6 arrived there were pumpkins, yes punpkins! That greeted tgeir return as the whole main level was already beginning to be decorated with Halloween decorations. The littler students were who were making some of the decorations and older students would help set then up. It was truly a great time. And if it's a party everyone wanted...It was a party they'd get.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017 @Golden Glow @Kazehana
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Veyd Sahvoz]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28096-drakerus/ said:
@Drakerus[/URL] Are you implying that the greatest mage has the time to hand each student a magical schedule? xD jking)
Still almost falling asleep in his chair, Prof. Addor introduced himself, finally "I am Professor Addor by the way. And by the looks of it you all have signed up? Great! Feel free to sign up for more...that's if you've the time" he said, smirking on the last part. If it was the last thing he'd want it'd be to stay up late with clubs. As if the paperwork wasn't enough.

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic

"Oh ho, looks like you've got a pre made plan. Personally I like the winter holidays...It's always nice and cold. No students, for a whole 3 weeks, and I get to travel for a while" said Draconus, putting his hands in the air as if he were weighing his options "But I also like Halloween..." he couldn't make up his mind, his own question making him have to think of every possible reason which would be better.


Amnesia was one of the first things that cane to Emily's mind. That or she was just knocked on the head when she was a kid. "How'd you lose your memory?" she asked, concerned even though she just met her.



As soon as the group of 6 arrived there were pumpkins, yes punpkins! That greeted tgeir return as the whole main level was already beginning to be decorated with Halloween decorations. The littler students were who were making some of the decorations and older students would help set then up. It was truly a great time. And if it's a party everyone wanted...It was a party they'd get.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017 @Golden Glow @Kazehana
He sure did have a pre-made plan. Granted, it wasn't anything grand like his more normal plans but it was still going to be somewhat fun for him. Hopefully some of the students would have enough a sense of humor to enjoy a bit of it too. The lich had no arguments overs the merits of the winter break either, since it was nearly a month of uninterrupted work and planning he could do. In little time at all Prof. Shaltaea had led them to the back of one of the older cemeteries in the city and was scraping some moss off of the old tombstones. "I prefer things like this fresh from the source, makes it a little more potent while I work." he says, a largely unneeded explanation for his work while he digs a small hole and puts a soul gem in it,then burying it for later.
Darius remembered that he had something he needed to be doing so he turned to address Miziki and Moon after they arrived at their destination.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you guys later. I'm going to skip lunch and head to the library. I have some stuff I need to look into." he said as he walked off giving them a wave goodbye, mostly for Moon of course. After he entered the library Darius immediately began his search for books on Dracology((The totally legit not made up study of dragons))
Veyd Sahvoz]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28096-drakerus/ said:
@Drakerus[/URL] Are you implying that the greatest mage has the time to hand each student a magical schedule? xD jking)
@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic

"Oh ho, looks like you've got a pre made plan. Personally I like the winter holidays...It's always nice and cold. No students, for a whole 3 weeks, and I get to travel for a while" said Draconus, putting his hands in the air as if he were weighing his options "But I also like Halloween..." he couldn't make up his mind, his own question making him have to think of every possible reason which would be better.


Amnesia was one of the first things that cane to Emily's mind. That or she was just knocked on the head when she was a kid. "How'd you lose your memory?" she asked, concerned even though she just met her.



As soon as the group of 6 arrived there were pumpkins, yes punpkins! That greeted tgeir return as the whole main level was already beginning to be decorated with Halloween decorations. The littler students were who were making some of the decorations and older students would help set then up. It was truly a great time. And if it's a party everyone wanted...It was a party they'd get.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017 @Golden Glow @Kazehana
Senki Tazuya

Senki shrugged, "
The specifics are fuzzy, though I think it has something to do with the fifty plus foot drop through the roof into the headmasters office. I was already injured prior, something or someone attacked my village..I barely made it out. The specifics on that are fuzzy too, all I remember is trying to get help and passing out mid-air." She explained before sighing. "One of the teachers were supposed to help me but I guess they forgot. Ironic huh?" She added before laughing nervously.

Drakerus said:
Darius remembered that he had something he needed to be doing so he turned to address Miziki and Moon after they arrived at their destination.
"Alright, I guess I'll see you guys later. I'm going to skip lunch and head to the library. I have some stuff I need to look into." he said as he walked off giving them a wave goodbye, mostly for Moon of course. After he entered the library Darius immediately began his search for books on Dracology((The totally legit not made up study of dragons))
@CrazyNotChaotic @anyone

Miziki Kurone

Miziki's stomach growled loudly at the mention of lunch, she'd honestly almost forgotten. "Oh! Lunch, right! Um, you can join me if you want Moon or stay here or whatever. We can look for our classrooms together after lunch if you want!" She told him before promptly running off to the dining hall, of course ordering fish and a glass of water before sitting down.
Hide strolled out of his room, his day had started with an optional class so he decided not too go, heading towards the lunchroom he passes a crowd of students, shrugging he grabs a orange and sits down.
Ame soon realized that it would be time for food right about now, so she headed back downstairs to find the dining hall. Thankfully, there were a lot of students already there, so the air was much warmer near the entrance than anywhere else. Following the warmth, she made it to the dining hall, timidly making her way to the line and getting a salad and a banana. It was nice that the school offered such a wide variety of foods; she was worried that they wouldn't have anything for her. Taking a breath, she stopped and scanned the room for possible places to sit.
Minerva made her way to the dining hall as well. She walked towards the end of the line where the students would get their food, and waited for a bit. When she could, Minerva requested for some fruits and a cooked salmon. Glad that she got her food, she looked for a place to sit along with a couple other students.
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Kazehana said:
Ame soon realized that it would be time for food right about now, so she headed back downstairs to find the dining hall. Thankfully, there were a lot of students already there, so the air was much warmer near the entrance than anywhere else. Following the warmth, she made it to the dining hall, timidly making her way to the line and getting a salad and a banana. It was nice that the school offered such a wide variety of foods; she was worried that they wouldn't have anything for her. Taking a breath, she stopped and scanned the room for possible places to sit.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was sitting alone near the end of one of the tables, silently drinking her water while waiting on her fish. That was until Hide sat down near her, soon after Ame entered the room. "Hi Hide!" She greeted him happily before turning her attention to Ame. "Hey Ame! Come sit with us!" She called out to her, motioning for her to come over. Of course, Minerva was free to sit with them too, but Miziki didn't exactly know her so she didn't outright invite her. It'd be a bit weird, after all. At-least she thought so.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki was sitting alone near the end of one of the tables, silently drinking her water while waiting on her fish. That was until Hide sat down near her, soon after Ame entered the room. "Hi Hide!" She greeted him happily before turning her attention to Ame. "Hey Ame! Come sit with us!" She called out to her, motioning for her to come over. Of course, Minerva was free to sit with them too, but Miziki didn't exactly know her so she didn't outright invite her. It'd be a bit weird, after all. At-least she thought so.
Ame's stare immediately jerked to Miziki. She didn't know why she wanted her to sit with her, but she supposed that was just part of what normal people do in this sort of culture. Ame didn't really know her all that well, so Miziki really didn't have much of a reason to want to spend so much time with her. But then again, maybe that was just who she was. Everyone is different. She sighed and went over to sit with him, giving them a silent acknowledgement as she went right into her food.
Ras was stood, hanging in mid air above the academy. Looking down on the different students "well well, seems not even the teachers can detect me. Haaaaaa, this is good, less trouble that way, what pitiful fools, enjoying themselves, all laughing together, well I suppose they will be able to all die together, but all in due time" he said nonchalantly as he continued watching the students with a devilish grin on his face.
Darius looked up from his book startled. He had been deep in his research fro a while now. Seeing it was Gold he smiled.

"Oh, hey long time no see Gold. Today's been pretty weird so far... Where have you been?" he asked curious. In fact he noticed that Ame had suddenly vanished at the same time as Gold. Maybe they went on a date? At the thought Darius gave Gold an amused smile but didn't bother saying anything else.
Kazehana said:
Ame's stare immediately jerked to Miziki. She didn't know why she wanted her to sit with her, but she supposed that was just part of what normal people do in this sort of culture. Ame didn't really know her all that well, so Miziki really didn't have much of a reason to want to spend so much time with her. But then again, maybe that was just who she was. Everyone is different. She sighed and went over to sit with him, giving them a silent acknowledgement as she went right into her food.
@Col @anyone else

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled as Ame came over to sit with them. She might not really know her that well, but she was one of the first people she'd met and after the incident with Morgan she figured the girl could use a friend. "You feeling okay Ame?" She asked her, un-sure if she'd gotten over what Morgan had told her or not. Soon after her fish arrived, salmon sashimi to be specific. She slowly ate her food while waiting on Ame to reply, the last thing she wanted was a mouth full of food in the middle of a conversation.
Drakerus said:
Darius looked up from his book startled. He had been deep in his research fro a while now. Seeing it was Gold he smiled.
"Oh, hey long time no see Gold. Today's been pretty weird so far... Where have you been?" he asked curious. In fact he noticed that Ame had suddenly vanished at the same time as Gold. Maybe they went on a date? At the thought Darius gave Gold an amused smile but didn't bother saying anything else.
"I've been in the nearby town of Kilead," replied Gold. "We went into a cavern, and fought some guys with hexes. Well, Ko'Do'Kar did most of the work, his warping being better than mine. What's with the grin?"
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[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"I've been in the nearby town of Kilead," replied Gold. "We went into a cavern, and fought some guys with hexes. Well, Ko'Do'Kar did most of the work, his warping being better than mine. What's with the grin?"

Darius now had a look of both interest and mild jealousy. How come they got to go do cool stuff!?

"Oh nothing...don't mind me. I just noticed you and Ame went missing at the same time is all" he said smugly even though he knew that what he originally thought wasn't the case.

"Anyways I'm jealous! I wish i got to go. What happened? Did anyone get hurt?" the boy asked interested. It was a fight after all and He'd read that hexes are extremely lethal in most cases. He really hoped everyone who was caught up in the fight was okay.
Mitchs98 said:
@Col @anyone else
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled as Ame came over to sit with them. She might not really know her that well, but she was one of the first people she'd met and after the incident with Morgan she figured the girl could use a friend. "You feeling okay Ame?" She asked her, un-sure if she'd gotten over what Morgan had told her or not. Soon after her fish arrived, salmon sashimi to be specific. She slowly ate her food while waiting on Ame to reply, the last thing she wanted was a mouth full of food in the middle of a conversation.
Âme looked up blankly at Miziki, pausing her dinner. She had forgotten what she was talking about. "Yes?" she replied cautiously, though it was obvious she didn't know what Miziki was talking about. Instead of following up, she returned to her food, focusing on her meal.
Kazehana said:
Âme looked up blankly at Miziki, pausing her dinner. She had forgotten what she was talking about. "Yes?" she replied cautiously, though it was obvious she didn't know what Miziki was talking about. Instead of following up, she returned to her food, focusing on her meal.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki, rather than taking Ames' tone of being oblivious as to what she meant, instead thought she was still upset. "You sure? Don't keep worrying about it Ame no one is mad at you, I promise." She assured her, offering the girl a friendly smile before resuming eating her own food.

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