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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


Draconus smirked as he jumped into the air, throwing his staff near the ground as it levitated a bit, and landing in a surf board position on the staff. He tilted it forward and took off after the lich, magic glowing around the top of the satff that was designed like thorns.

As the lich strode with purpose the spirits swirling around him whispered faintly to him. It was amusing, these two ghosts. The only reason they were flapping their spectral gums was because these two thieves were their partners until they betrayed by them. They were lead right to an older, shoplike building. "You want to come in and have a little fun with me?" he offers Draconus.
Yukari touched the cheek that was slapped and nodded her head thinking "Hmmm nope there's no emotion I give a three. Here let me show you what I mean." She grabbed his shoulders turning so his back faced the hallway. She then reeled back her arm smiling wide. "Clench your teeth for me." She smashed a right hook into his cheek. "See that's what I'm talking about."
"It hurt for a second. But I fight demons. I fight worse. I am not a boxer. I am an archer and swordsman.'
CoreyXIX said:
As the lich strode with purpose the spirits swirling around him whispered faintly to him. It was amusing, these two ghosts. The only reason they were flapping their spectral gums was because these two thieves were their partners until they betrayed by them. They were lead right to an older, shoplike building. "You want to come in and have a little fun with me?" he offers Draconus.
"You don't need to ask!" he said, stepping off his staff and grasping it again. Preparing a spell in his hand he waited for Shaltea to move first.


Kazehana said:
(You have absolutely no idea how to spell committee xD )
Adlin kept going, only paying a small curtsy to the teacher. "I have no idea. To be honest, my mind is a whirlwind right now because I forgot to prepare for my class!" she breathed, still making sure everything was where it needed to be. A clean room is a happy room!
"Oh, my apologizes. I'll be on my way, don't forget the meeting" she said and ran off. Heading up the stairs she almost tripped at how fast she was going, bumping into a few people. As long as she could get there on time that was good enough.

"Oh, my apologizes. I'll be on my way, don't forget the meeting" she said and ran off. Heading up the stairs she almost tripped at how fast she was going, bumping into a few people. As long as she could get there on time that was good enough.
Adlin stopped just to watch her go. "Meeting...?" She shook her head. If it was that important, she would find out about it. If not, eh. She had a lot to do today. In fact, she could swear she was forgetting something. But what...

"Oh, my apologizes. I'll be on my way, don't forget the meeting" she said and ran off. Heading up the stairs she almost tripped at how fast she was going, bumping into a few people. As long as she could get there on time that was good enough.
As the lich moved into the bookstore some of the spirits whispered into his undead ears of the passage hidden in the only place passages are ever hidden in a bookestore, behind a bookcase. The place was a bit dingy looking and had a few people inside, one of them behind the counter as a shopkeep. Prof. Shaltaea approached the shopkeep. "I'm here for Lan Esem's Tome." he simply says before blasting the shopkeep with a bolt of weakening necromantic energy, causing the man to go down to his knees but suffer no fatal damage. "The passage down to the book is behind this bookcase." the lich says to Draconus. "I may legitimately buy a book or two as apology to this unfortunate man." he remarks in reference to his latest victim as he looks for the switch the reveal the passage. He figured everybody below would know of their coming since the old professor approached this with all the subtlety of a drunken troll.
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"Actually I haven't known him for THAT long. 2 or 3 years give or take. I was there when he hatched though" Darius answered Miziki as they entered the room. He saw the areas for sign ups.

"Ok Miziki, so there's Event Planning Club, Dueling Club, and Witch Hunting Club. I'm interested in dueling and event planning. It seems like Vicar runs witch hunting so make of that what you will." he explained.

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Drakerus said:
"Actually I haven't known him for THAT long. 2 or 3 years give or take. I was there when he hatched though" Darius answered Miziki as they entered the room. He saw the areas for sign ups.
"Ok Miziki, so there's Event Planning Club, Dueling Club, and Witch Hunting Club. I'm interested in dueling and event planning. It seems like Vicar runs witch hunting so make of that what you will." he explained.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Oh, I see. I bet he must of been adorable when he hatched." She commented. Soon after he told her the clubs, grimacing when it was mentioned Vicar ran one. She definitely wouldn't be joining that one anytime soon. "Dueling and Event Planning sounds fun, can you sign me up for those?" She asked him. "I honestly wouldn't join Vicar's if his was the last one possible.." She added.

"Hmph" said Prof. Vicar, disappointed by the lack of experience from the students in his class. "With all of your weaknesses you'll never acomplish it-" he was interrupted by hearing Adlin address the school. "*sigh* Class dismissed! And for gods' sake do actually practice" he said with a stern glare at them all before resuming his paperwork.


[SIZE=18px]Professor Vicar could you please give me a ability appropriate assignment? My parents transferred me here specifically to be tutored by you for my independent studies. I have the advanced and other books you requested I procure with me. Listens to her adjusted assignments from the professor and returns to her seat and begins reading advanced spell casting practicing micro-versions and defusing them in her hands. She is working on a lightning orb spell when the loudspeaker comes on making her jump her aim almost perfect she hits a bolt of lightning next to the loudspeaker.[/SIZE]


[QUOTE]Hearing Adlin's voice throughout the entire academy, Ms. Yves looked at the students in the hallway. Interrupting their shenanigans she said "Well you hear that? Maybe you all could have fun signing up" grinning a bit she headed down the hall, not worried if they followed or not.


[SIZE=18px]Contemplates the idea of clubs and her scheduling "hmmm maybe i should give it a bit of a try" Kabehchet breaths as she packs up her books into her messenger bag. She walks out into the hallway "Its to lonely" she breaths. Kabehchet stops in front of a dark hallway draws a rune in the air and sings a soft tune before uttering the name Bast. A large black panther pads lightly out of the shadows and rubs against the young woman. "Oh Bast my pretty girl come to keep me company, be on your best behavior." she says stroking the ebony beasts velvety coat and scratch it under the chin. "Come girl tut tut. I have School Clubs to view" makes her way up the stairs Bast by her side every step, it isn't long before they arrive. " Let's see, Dueling, Event Planning, Witch Hunting Club ummm I don't like the sound of that even if Vicar is the head of it. "Hmm here's one here oh, its just a post tutors needed for classes listed credits for college of higher magics will be given." she pulls down the paper and walks over to Professor Addor " Professor do you know if there is still a need for a tutor for Professor Vicar's class? I'm the independent study student that transferred from Egypt." [/SIZE]

[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/"]@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
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Deciding to think about one of the clubs Kabehchet made her way back down the stairs Bast obediently by her side. Seeing a young man on the stairs she studied him for a moment. Looking ver his slender physic before speaking in her egyptian/dark elvish accent " Do you not wish to become member of these school clubs, sir?"

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Daemon looks over at the person speaking to him. "What are you talking about?" He says, the demonic aura going about the room. He smirks.
"Your demonic aura don't phase me this world is not my own." Kabehchet states rolling her eyes at his snickering "the school has some sort of club thing. Why are you here you look to old for school definitely older than I. Have you served dark elves of this world or are you rogue?" She pauses and whispers to the large cat standing next to her Bäst sits and Kabehchet sits down next to Daemon. "Were are you from?

"I came here for training. I figured these puny wimps would be great training dummies. And about how I got in as an ageless demon? I created a fake ID, duh." He said this as though it should be obvious. "I heard my old slaver was here too... Payback is another reason I'm here..." He clenched his fist angrily as he remembered how she had treated him.
CoreyXIX said:
As the lich moved into the bookstore some of the spirits whispered into his undead ears of the passage hidden in the only place passages are ever hidden in a bookestore, behind a bookcase. The place was a bit dingy looking and had a few people inside, one of them behind the counter as a shopkeep. Prof. Shaltaea approached the shopkeep. "I'm here for Lan Esem's Tome." he simply says before blasting the shopkeep with a bolt of weakening necromantic energy, causing the man to go down to his knees but suffer no fatal damage. "The passage down to the book is behind this bookcase." the lich says to Draconus. "I may legitimately buy a book or two as apology to this unfortunate man." he remarks in reference to his latest victim as he looks for the switch the reveal the passage. He figured everybody below would know of their coming since the old professor approached this with all the subtlety of a drunken troll.
"Great way to announce our presence" said Draconus, already with a thermo-ball in his hand and making his way down the passage. It smelled quite foul down there, well it was Kilead after all. . .All sorts of weird stuff

"I take it your former master was not to kind of one. My home world servants and soldiers are treated well in my household. So a revenge, good luck on your trials sir." Kabehchet stands "Tut tut Bäst. I hope it brings you peace of some kind" starts down the last four flights of stairs.

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thermo-ball[/URL] in his hand and making his way down the passage. It smelled quite foul down there, well it was Kilead after all. . .All sorts of weird stuff
"What can I say? Sometimes I want a little excitement." He replies as he follows after the headmaster down the passage. What's the point of being a near immortal if you didn't indulge once and a rare while? As the two reached the end of the passage it opened out into a large room, filled with goods, a door at the back, and some guards with arms and armor that would do little against the expert magicians.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki nodded, "Oh, I see. I bet he must of been adorable when he hatched." She commented. Soon after he told her the clubs, grimacing when it was mentioned Vicar ran one. She definitely wouldn't be joining that one anytime soon. "Dueling and Event Planning sounds fun, can you sign me up for those?" She asked him. "I honestly wouldn't join Vicar's if his was the last one possible.." She added.
Prof. Addor glanced at the others in the room, keeping to himself mostly before saying ennething "So you up for it?" he asked. Hopefully some more students willing to fight would join. That'd make things interesting heh heh.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

CoreyXIX said:
"What can I say? Sometimes I want a little excitement." He replies as he follows after the headmaster down the passage. What's the point of being a near immortal if you didn't indulge once and a rare while? As the two reached the end of the passage it opened out into a large room, filled with goods, a door at the back, and some guards with arms and armor that would do little against the expert magicians.
Pointing his staff at the 2 guards he walked right up to them, as if it were nothing, tilting his staff sideways and knocking them with either side of it. Once they were knocked out he put his hands together at his side (like a kamehameha stance) and slammed his hands at the door.

Darius signs the registration forms for Miziki and himself and returns to the kitsune. Now that they had done what they had come to do the boy was unsure of what he should do next.

"Alright Miziki, I've got us signed up for the clubs. I hope they end up being as fun as they sound. What do you wanna do now? I've never done much besides sit and read so you're going to have to help me out a little." he said awkwardly. He looked around the room and there were some other students, including that weird demon guy who seemed a bit too cocky for his own good. He kind of reminded him of Ras to be honest.

(Plain italics are thoughts)

I wonder what he's doing right now. Surely Vicar didn't send him to his death or something... Then again, it IS Vicar. Even if Ras seemed like he could handle himself pretty well I can't help but get this bad feeling in my gut.

The boy mentally shrugged and waited for Miziki to come up with something to do.

@Drakerus[/URL] @Mitchs98

Pointing his staff at the 2 guards he walked right up to them, as if it were nothing, tilting his staff sideways and knocking them with either side of it. Once they were knocked out he put his hands together at his side (like a kamehameha stance) and slammed his hands at the door.


Drakerus said:
Darius signs the registration forms for Miziki and himself and returns to the kitsune. Now that they had done what they had come to do the boy was unsure of what he should do next.
"Alright Miziki, I've got us signed up for the clubs. I hope they end up being as fun as they sound. What do you wanna do now? I've never done much besides sit and read so you're going to have to help me out a little." he said awkwardly. He looked around the room and there were some other students, including that weird demon guy who seemed a bit too cocky for his own good. He kind of reminded him of Ras to be honest.

(Plain italics are thoughts)

I wonder what he's doing right now. Surely Vicar didn't send him to his death or something... Then again, it IS Vicar. Even if Ras seemed like he could handle himself pretty well I can't help but get this bad feeling in my gut.

The boy mentally shrugged and waited for Miziki to come up with something to do.

(Lets just pretend Addor said that AFTER Darius talked to Miziki)

Miziki Kurone

"Awesome! Thanks. I hope they're fun too! Ummm...I dunno. I usually just sit around outside when I have nothing else to do. Umm..we could go explore the forest, maybe?" She replied with a shrug. In truth Miziki wasn't exactly too interesting when it came to hobbies or things she liked to do. Shortly after Addor addressed them. "Yep! We just signed up actually. What exactly does the dueling club entail? Will there be competitions with prizes and stuff?" She asked him.
@Drakerus[/URL] @Mitchs98

Pointing his staff at the 2 guards he walked right up to them, as if it were nothing, tilting his staff sideways and knocking them with either side of it. Once they were knocked out he put his hands together at his side (like a kamehameha stance) and slammed his hands at the door.

As the other guards had prepared to retaliate the Lich had unleashed the same spell he had used on the shop keep up front, except this time continued the spell until people had so little strength they fell to the ground. As the unlocked door was fling open there was a lot of goods both legal and illegal there. The Lich walks in, the spirit telling him where they stashed. Sure enough, the karge, cloth and leather wrapped book was in Shaltaea ' s dead grip in no time at all! "If you want a few things from here go ahead and take some, headmaster. Not like they can go to the city guard and complain."
Mitchs98 said:
(Lets just pretend Addor said that AFTER Darius talked to Miziki)

Miziki Kurone

"Awesome! Thanks. I hope they're fun too! Ummm...I dunno. I usually just sit around outside when I have nothing else to do. Umm..we could go explore the forest, maybe?" She replied with a shrug. In truth Miziki wasn't exactly too interesting when it came to hobbies or things she liked to do. Shortly after Addor addressed them. "Yep! We just signed up actually. What exactly does the dueling club entail? Will there be competitions with prizes and stuff?" She asked him.
"There'll be a special competition for Halloween and the rest...You'll just have to wait and see" said Addor, grinning, even though there really was a prize he wouldn't say. That'd just take away the fun.

CoreyXIX said:
As the other guards had prepared to retaliate the Lich had unleashed the same spell he had used on the shop keep up front, except this time continued the spell until people had so little strength they fell to the ground. As the unlocked door was fling open there was a lot of goods both legal and illegal there. The Lich walks in, the spirit telling him where they stashed. Sure enough, the karge, cloth and leather wrapped book was in Shaltaea ' s dead grip in no time at all! "If you want a few things from here go ahead and take some, headmaster. Not like they can go to the city guard and complain."
"We should report this but it's none of my concern" explained Draconus, looking amongst the different goods and what not. Well that would be against the law to take it it didn't concern him so he just spun around and aimed to leave.

(I'd apologize for my lich's murderhobo behavior but I'm sure it was expected.)

As he spun and left the lich left not long after. One of the spirits guiding him practically screamed to take more, but the poor thing would never understand that shiny baubles were of no concern to Prof. Shaltaea. Still, he pocketed a soul gem or two on his way out. At least he could use them properly!

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was confused. What was Halloween? To her knowledge her village didn't have anything that even remotely sounded like that name. Or maybe it did and she was never invited. Regardless, it didn't make her any less confused. "
Ummm...what's Halloween?.." She asked both Darius and Addor sheepishly. She was sure they'd think she was an idiot, but she couldn't exactly help that now could she?
Giving her a skeptical look but shrugging Darius thought for a moment on how to explain it to the Kitsune.

"Well Miziki Halloween is...a holiday where people originally celebrated and honored the dead. The way it's celebrated today deviates from that a bit though. Generally it's a time of year where people dress themselves up as well...anything really but traditionally something scary like a ghost or witch. People decorate their homes with all kinds of spooky fixtures and gimmicks too. For example there are these hollowed out pumpkins with faces carved on them. Oh and they have candles inside so they glow at night too. Anyway one of the best parts of Halloween is you get to visit people's homes all dressed up, say 'trick or treat!' And they'd give you free candy! It's a pretty sweet time of year if you know what I mean" he finished. The boy had lots of experience celebrating Halloween back home so he had no problem explaining it.
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