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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Drakerus said:
Giving her a skeptical look but shrugging Darius thought for a moment on how to explain it to the Kitsune.
"Well Miziki Halloween is...a holiday where people originally celebrated and honored the dead. The way it's celebrated today deviates from that a bit though. Generally it's a time of year where people dress themselves up as well...anything really but traditionally something scary like a ghost or witch. People decorate their homes with all kinds of spooky fixtures and gimmicks too. For example there are these hollowed out pumpkins with faces carved on them. Oh and they have candles inside so they glow at night too. Anyway one of the best parts of Halloween is you get to visit people's homes all dressed up, say 'trick or treat!' And they'd give you free candy! It's a pretty sweet time of year if you know what I mean" he finished. The boy had lots of experience celebrating Halloween back home so he had no problem explaining it.
@Veyd Sahvoz

Miziki Kurone

Miziki turned to Darius as he started explaining the holiday, her expression only grew more and more excited as he explained it more, peaking once he mentioned the words 'free candy'. "Oooh! That sounds like so much fun!" She told him excitedly. "Ooh! Ooh! Can you help me make a costume? Maybe we can go to town and go get candy! It'll be fun!" She asked him, smiling excitedly with her tail swishing back and forth the entire time.
He smirked. "She's as good as dead when I find her..." He muttered to himself demonically. Daemon went into a room filled with training dummies and activated his demons powers, using them to completely obliterate the dummies. Once they were destroyed, they magically regenerated so he could continue on with her rampage.
Darius chuckled at how excited Miziki was getting. This year was already turning out to be interesting.

"Sure. That sounds fun. We can make them as we plan out the decorations at event planning club. Just let me know if you figure out what you decide your costume should be. I don't know if we'll have a chance to go out to town but we'll see. We do have to take care of the school party after all." He replied.
After almost an hour of training, Daemon opened a window and climbed out, sitting on the room. He was watching all that was going on below before laying back on the roof. People would easily be able to find him due to the demonic aura he was given off although it wasn't as strong as usual. He had his eyes closed as if he was meditating.
Drakerus said:
Darius chuckled at how excited Miziki was getting. This year was already turning out to be interesting.
"Sure. That sounds fun. We can make them as we plan out the decorations at event planning club. Just let me know if you figure out what you decide your costume should be. I don't know if we'll have a chance to go out to town but we'll see. We do have to take care of the school party after all." He replied.
Miziki Kurone

"Awesome! I wonder who else is in the event club, maybe we can all help with each others costumes and make the best costume ever! This'll be so much fun!" She replied, still just as excited. She wished she could see, she was sure the decorations and all would look awesome, but sadly that wasn't the case. Although...she might be able to work something out with Asada...it would be entirely worth it really. "Ooh! I wonder if we can start our own clubs, I could start an archery club! I'm actually kinda good at it, would you join it if I did?" She asked him.
Moon sighed and rolled over. He hadn't been to classes in over two weeks. First he had been sick, then when he had seen the other students hanging out in the courtyard from his window he had felt intimidated by them. In fact, he had only left his room during the evenings to slip into the library, or to go to the stables to pet the horses. Last night though a note had been slipped under his door, the teachers were going to write home to his father if he didn't get his wimpy ass into class that day.

"Damn it." He said as he pushed himself out of his warm sheets and pulled on a long black shirt and faded grey pants. He looked in the mirror and made a monster face, his reflection copying him. Moon mussed up his white hair and left the room, making sure to lock his door behind him.


He had found his way to the classroom, but hesitated opening the door, resting his hand on the doorknob. What if they were going to do something with abilities today? What if they found out about him? What if they kicked him out of school? What if his classmates hated him? What if . .

He scolded himself mentally and finally pushed the door open, walking into his first class at Excelius Academy.
((Let's just pretend you walked into the club room @CrazyNotChaotic ))

Darius looked at Miziki like she was insane knowing she couldn't see the look he was giving her.

"U-um sure I'd join but uh, aren't you like...you know...visually challenged? How would you be able to...aim properly? I'm sorry if that sounded rude I'm just worried is all" he said sheepishly.

Worried about Dravlon and I getting shot in the eye >_>

He also didn't want to join because in all fairness, he sucked at Archery. No skill whatsoever. Darius sighed knowing that he'd have to join or else she'd be disappointed. At that moment the boy noticed someone else walk into the room. It was a guy with white hair and pale skin that sharply contrasted with his black attire. Darius gave him a small wave that signaled that he could come over and talk if he wanted and then proceeded to look back towards Miziki.

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(Good idea, Moon is directionally challenged, so he'd probably mess up like that.)

"Um . . " This was not his classroom, this was most definitely not a classroom at all. "Where am I? I'm supposed to be in classroom 3B, and I thought I saw that on the door but umm." He sighed and ruffled his hair. "I guess I'm lost."

Drakerus said:
((Let's just pretend you walked into the club room @CrazyNotChaotic ))
Darius looked at Miziki like she was insane knowing she couldn't see the look he was giving her.

"U-um sure I'd join but uh, aren't you like...you know...visually challenged? How would you be able to...aim properly? I'm sorry if that sounded rude I'm just worried is all" he said sheepishly.

Worried about Dravlon and I getting shot in the eye >_>

He also didn't want to join because in all fairness, he sucked at Archery. No skill whatsoever. Darius sighed knowing that he'd have to join or else she'd be disappointed. At that moment the boy noticed someone else walk into the room. It was a guy with white hair and pale skin that sharply contrasted with his black attire. Darius gave him a small wave that signaled that he could come over and talk if he wanted and then proceeded to look back towards Miziki.

CrazyNotChaotic said:
(Good idea, Moon is directionally challenged, so he'd probably mess up like that.)
"Um . . " This was not his classroom, this was most definitely not a classroom at all. "Where am I? I'm supposed to be in classroom 3B, and I thought I saw that on the door but umm." He sighed and ruffled his hair. "I guess I'm lost."

Miziki Kurone

Miziki pouted slightly, "I'm blind, but like, not technically completely if I focus. I can't exactly see but I can sense stuff, if that makes sense.." She told him before shrugging. "Especially if the targets are magically enchanted or something, its complicated. Don't worry, I won't shoot you or anything." She added.

It was roughly then that Moon walked up. "
Uhhh...I'm not exactly sure myself. I only know where Alchemy is, really." She replied "Maybe Darius knows?" She asked before turning to Darius.
CoreyXIX said:
(I'd apologize for my lich's murderhobo behavior but I'm sure it was expected.)
As he spun and left the lich left not long after. One of the spirits guiding him practically screamed to take more, but the poor thing would never understand that shiny baubles were of no concern to Prof. Shaltaea. Still, he pocketed a soul gem or two on his way out. At least he could use them properly!
"Where to?" asked Draconus, spinning his staff in the air and walking out of the building. Only a day an a half away from Halloween...So much to do, so little time. If only there could be a special something to bring to the school. As he walked out off the street and past the marketplace he noticed a vase of bright red roses "Well these are very lovely" he exclaimed, thinking as to where he could put some flowers like these.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki was confused. What was Halloween? To her knowledge her village didn't have anything that even remotely sounded like that name. Or maybe it did and she was never invited. Regardless, it didn't make her any less confused. "
Ummm...what's Halloween?.." She asked both Darius and Addor sheepishly. She was sure they'd think she was an idiot, but she couldn't exactly help that now could she?
Seeing the 3 students mingle made him happy, it reminded Addor about his childhood sailing. Always a breeze in the open sea, that is if it wasn't stormy. "You best be running along if you all don't want to miss lunch" said Prof. Addor with a assuring smile and his usual bright laugh. Gotta have some fun in a day don't ya?

@Drakerus @Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic
"Alright, well I'll just go then." He laughed uncomfortably and took a step back, bumping into a table covered in a tower of books, that promptly collapsed. "Damn! Sorry." He hurried to catch them and only succeeded in tripping. "Sorry!"

His voice was slightly muffled, as he was sprawled out face down on the floor. "This isn't how I hoped my first day would go."

Moon replaced the books on the table and sighed. "Well, could you show me to the courtyard? I know most of the students meet there between classes, maybe I can find someone to help me there." His tone was hopeful, yet flat. He was tired and had made himself look like an idiot; all he wanted was to crawl back into bed, but the idea of his father knowing he hadn't been to class ever was enough to inspire him to find a fellow classmate to tag along with.
"Oh, just another stop or two then we can head back." Prof. Shaltaea says just before he sees Draconus notice and comment on the vase. "Lovely indeed. I just need a bit of nightshade, some powdered silver, and a body or two. Two out of three of those we can get here. Probably." he explains, the 'body or two' somewhat implied to be the thing we would have a bit more difficult of a time getting. Seeing an alchemy stall near the flower vase he spends a moment there. The ingredients were not too expensive here. He buys the nightshade, silver, and a few other random flowers, herbs, and animal parts here.
"Alright I'll trust you Miziki. Just don't expect me to be any good..." he said. Apparently Miziki was a good shot but couldn't navigate. How does that even work?

Sighing, Darius shook his head. The boy thought HE was supposed to be the hopeless one. Instead he got people who were possibly even more helpless than himself in some ways. A blind kitsune who was just a little too curious and a guy who was even more awkward than he was.

Oh well, better than no friends I suppose

"Darius Falgar, head of the Tour Guide Club at your service..." he said sarcastically with a mock salute. With that he led the way to the cafeteria which was conveniently located near the courtyard. Just a floor or two down and you'd exit through the main entrance. Two birds with one stone. Then Darius remembered that they hadn't properly greeted each other. He turned to the white haired student.

"By the way I'm Darius, this is Dravlon, and that's Miziki. Nice to meet you..." he said pointing to the dragonling and Miziki before trailing off waiting for a name from the mysterius boy.

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic
CrazyNotChaotic said:
"Alright, well I'll just go then." He laughed uncomfortably and took a step back, bumping into a table covered in a tower of books, that promptly collapsed. "Damn! Sorry." He hurried to catch them and only succeeded in tripping. "Sorry!"
His voice was slightly muffled, as he was sprawled out face down on the floor. "This isn't how I hoped my first day would go."

Moon replaced the books on the table and sighed. "Well, could you show me to the courtyard? I know most of the students meet there between classes, maybe I can find someone to help me there." His tone was hopeful, yet flat. He was tired and had made himself look like an idiot; all he wanted was to crawl back into bed, but the idea of his father knowing he hadn't been to class ever was enough to inspire him to find a fellow classmate to tag along with.
Drakerus said:
"Alright I'll trust you Miziki. Just don't expect me to be any good..." he said. Apparently Miziki was a good shot but couldn't navigate. How does that even work?
Sighing, Darius shook his head. The boy thought HE was supposed to be the hopeless one. Instead he got people who were possibly even more helpless than himself in some ways. A blind kitsune who was just a little too curious and a guy who was even more awkward than he was.

Oh well, better than no friends I suppose

"Darius Falgar, head of the Tour Guide Club at your service..." he said sarcastically with a mock salute. With that he led the way to the cafeteria which was conveniently located near the courtyard. Just a floor or two down and you'd exit through the main entrance. Two birds with one stone. Then Darius remembered that they hadn't properly greeted each other. He turned to the white haired student.

"By the way I'm Darius, this is Dravlon, and that's Miziki. Nice to meet you..." he said pointing to the dragonling and Miziki before trailing off waiting for a name from the mysterius boy.

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic
(She can navigate, she just hasn't been to the academy before ;p)

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled happily when Darius said he'd join, "
Awesome!" She replied. It was roughly then Addor said they'd be late for lunch if they didn't hurry. Shortly after that Moon fell over into books, Miziki giggled as she imagined the sight. She followed after Darius as he led Moon to the courtyard, she hoped they'd stop for food before going outside or doing anything first though, she really didn't want to miss lunch. Or any other meal, for that matter.

Once they'd stopped moving and Darius introduced himself, Dravlon, and herself Miziki smiled happily and waved. "
Hi, nice to meet you!" She told him, not really waiting for a name in her excitement.



Senki Tazuya

Senki had made her way to the roof of the school, or rather an outcropping on a window near the roof, looking out at the forest and birds flying by. She really didn't have anything else to do, and combat class didn't really appeal to her. Her priorities were regaining her memory, but it seemed everyone had forgotten that important bit of information and more or less left her alone to her own devices.

She couldn't remember where her village was despite it needing help, her magic, how old she was, or even what her real name was! She had to tell everyone her name was 'Alexa'. Maybe it was her real name, it didn't seem like it to her, but who knows at this point. She really might as well leave, not even her room mate really cared if she exsisted or not, so why should she stay?

Sighing she rested her chin in her palm, why wouldn't she stay? She had nothing else better to do, plus at they very least it was a place to stay and they were giving her food. Might as well, right?
"Moon, my name is Moon. Thanks for helping me out." He smiled and looked around a bit. The courtyard looked bigger when you were in it; more imposing really. He shivered slightly. He knew the only reason his father had sent him here was because he didn't want Moon around at home, Moon had been okay with it as long as he didn't have to really talk to the people, but here he was, talking to these two, lost on his way to his first class. "Um, you could please explain to me what goes on class? I don't know which class is my first one either . . ." He trailed off, the classroom that had been printed on his orientation packet was 3B, but that couldn't be his classroom as well, he only knew where the library and the stables were. He groaned thinking of having to wander around more to find all of his classes.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
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CoreyXIX said:
"Oh, just another stop or two then we can head back." Prof. Shaltaea says just before he sees Draconus notice and comment on the vase. "Lovely indeed. I just need a bit of nightshade, some powdered silver, and a body or two. Two out of three of those we can get here. Probably." he explains, the 'body or two' somewhat implied to be the thing we would have a bit more difficult of a time getting. Seeing an alchemy stall near the flower vase he spends a moment there. The ingredients were not too expensive here. He buys the nightshade, silver, and a few other random flowers, herbs, and animal parts here.
Draconus and Shaltea>Kilead

"You don't plan on killing them?" asked Draconus, pretending to sound worried. It's not like he'd have anything against it but he wasn't about murder and if one of his professors were going to kill someone he wouldn't be up for it. Chuckling as he bought the flowers he said "Well I wonder if Adlin would like these. I could get her to make them something. . .Halloweenish" said Draconus with a laugh. You never know what kinda things you could do with magic. Walking down the streets of Kilead he noticed a scorch mark in a strange symbol. . .

"Woah, I didn't mean it like that!" the professor says in defense of himself as he gave dismissive wave the idea. He may be a lot of things, and some of those things were considered less-than-good by many. But straight up killing people for some research? He was way to careful to do something that stupid. As he quietly let the headmaster muse on the flowers he stopped to examine the mark not long after the professor did so as well. "Hm, don't see that every day." he remarks in a curious tone.
CoreyXIX said:
"Woah, I didn't mean it like that!" the professor says in defense of himself as he gave dismissive wave the idea. He may be a lot of things, and some of those things were considered less-than-good by many. But straight up killing people for some research? He was way to careful to do something that stupid. As he quietly let the headmaster muse on the flowers he stopped to examine the mark not long after the professor did so as well. "Hm, don't see that every day." he remarks in a curious tone.
"It almost looks like a hex" said Draconus, ignoring his other defensive statement. Well this would be weird but there's only few people who'd even be able to cast this hex, by the look of it it seemed like a resonant teleport or something. "Who in the town casted it?"

Once Ame had gotten her fill of sleep, she stretched back to being fully awake, peering at the sky above. She sat in her branch for a while, enjoying the tranquility. Then, feeling as though she had nothing left for her to do in town, she flew back to the academy, ready to continue trying to assimilate herself in human culture. She arrived at the front entrance, though she was tempted to just go through a window instead. Taking a big breathe, she headed inside, ready to take on the challenges that may face her. With a smile, she headed inside, heading nowhere in particular.

@Cruor Flumine @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow @Kihara017 @ScarlettRose16
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CrazyNotChaotic said:
"Moon, my name is Moon. Thanks for helping me out." He smiled and looked around a bit. The courtyard looked bigger when you were in it; more imposing really. He shivered slightly. He knew the only reason his father had sent him here was because he didn't want Moon around at home, Moon had been okay with it as long as he didn't have to really talk to the people, but here he was, talking to these two, lost on his way to his first class. "Um, you could please explain to me what goes on class? I don't know which class is my first one either . . ." He trailed off, the classroom that had been printed on his orientation packet was 3B, but that couldn't be his classroom as well, he only knew where the library and the stables were. He groaned thinking of having to wander around more to find all of his classes.
@Mitchs98 @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded when he told them his name, "That's a cool name, I like it." She told him. She frowned slightly when he asked what went on in class. "Well...explosions and teachers randomly abducting you into their class. Though, so far the explosions only happened in Alchemy, so that's a good thing." She told him before shrugging. "I only know where the Alchemy class room and Proffessor Vicars class is. Though..I wouldn't reccommend his class if you could help it." She added.
Darius nodded in agreement thinking of what Vicar had done to Ras.

"Yeah, I agree he's a bit...aggressive for a teacher but I won't deny Professor Vicar is skilled. As for classes, we're pretty much as lost as you. Vicar pretty much just pulled us into his class randomly so i'm not even sure our schedules mean anything at all." he huffed out in annoyance expecting more from one of the most powerful mages in history.

((Silly Drakerus forgetting to think))

@Mitchs98 @CrazyNotChaotic
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"Ah, thanks. " He rummaged through his back pocket and pulled out his class schedule. "Um, I have basic chemistry, herbal remedies, and equine science today, but I don't have to be at the stables till after dinner. I have to be in class today, otherwise I'll get in a lot of trouble back home."

Basic chemistry, herbal remedies, building blocks of magic, and of course, equine sciences (horseback riding and care.)

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