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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"Hm. That sounds interesting wonder what kind of clubs there are." The seven century old vampire makes his way to the aforementioned floor, passing by many students in the process. As he comes to a stop on the supposed "club signing" area, Desh takes a look around once more. So many people, so many different flavors. All kinds of culture, races, and types. Most are young and Desh can't help but smile at the up and coming sorcerers of the world. This place truly was as amazing as the rumors said. They had a good thing going here.
Darius expected her to ask him the same question but he still wasn't really sure how to answer.

"Well, like you I can do a lot of different things but I'm not that great with any of them besides shields. i'd like to think i'm REALLY good with those. But besides that, the way I use magic is...weird you could say." he paused trying to think of a way to explain Dravlon.

"You see, I didn't bring Dravlon along just because he's my best friend and they just so happen to allow pets here. The most important reason I brought him is because he's pretty much the only way I can use magic at all. It's like he's the one doing all the spell casting while I just give him the signal but I'm pretty sure he needs me too. What I don't know, is why or how we work. If I try to use magic on my own well...let's just say it's quite pathetic. An easier way to explain would be to imagine a living staff that does all the magic for me.. Also apparently, dragons are REALLY good at magic. Don't get me wrong though. Dravlon means a lot more to me than some weird staff." he finished hoping he hadn't made things too complicated like he usually does. Suddenly he had an idea. maybe Miziki could help.

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Drakerus said:
Darius expected her to ask him the same question but he still wasn't really sure how to answer.
"Well, like you I can do a lot of different things but I'm not that great with any of them besides shields. i'd like to think i'm REALLY good with those. But besides that, the way I use magic is...weird you could say." he paused trying to think of a way to explain Dravlon.

"You see, I didn't bring Dravlon along just because he's my best friend and they just so happen to allow pets here. The most important reason I brought him is because he's pretty much the only way I can use magic at all. It's like he's the one doing all the spell casting while I just give him the signal but I'm pretty sure he needs me too. What I don't know, is why or how we work. If I try to use magic on my own well...let's just say it's quite pathetic. An easier way to explain would be to imagine a living staff that does all the magic for me.. Also apparently, dragons are REALLY good at magic. Don't get me wrong though. Dravlon means a lot more to me than some weird staff." he finished hoping he hadn't made things too complicated like he usually does.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki listened intently as Darius explained his magic and further explained Dravlon. She found it interesting, she'd never actually heard of a living being used like a staff or something like that. She nodded when he finished speaking, "That's interesting..so like. You two have a telepathic link or something? I did notice something a bit odd between you two, now that you've explained it it makes sense." She told him. "I've only seen it a few times, but I know how you two work, kinda. Your spirits are connected together, I'm not sure how or why. Did you save him when he was young or something? But that's why, he's kinda like the magical portion of yourself just..outside of your body." She explained. "If..that makes sense to you..hope it does. But it might not if you can't use Spirit Magic." She added before shrugging.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki listened intently as Darius explained his magic and further explained Dravlon. She found it interesting, she'd never actually heard of a living being used like a staff or something like that. She nodded when he finished speaking, "That's interesting..so like. You two have a telepathic link or something? I did notice something a bit odd between you two, now that you've explained it it makes sense." She told him. "I've only seen it a few times, but I know how you two work, kinda. Your spirits are connected together, I'm not sure how or why. Did you save him when he was young or something? But that's why, he's kinda like the magical portion of yourself just..outside of your body." She explained. "If..that makes sense to you..hope it does. But it might not if you can't use Spirit Magic." She added before shrugging.
Darius looked at her a little surprised.

"That actually...sounds reasonable compared to some of the other answers I've gotten so far. You must have really good senses if you can tell all of that just by being near me. Now that you mention it, I remember...that there was this really bright light when I touched his egg right before he hatched. The nest I found him in was abandoned and his mother was no where to be found so we took him into our family. A lot of things sort of makes sense the way you explained it. No, we can't really talk through our minds. That's why I have to cast verbally most of the time. Sometimes though, it's like we can tell exactly what the other's feeling or thinking. I still don't know what this kind of bond entails but now I know where to start looking. Thanks Miziki!" he said very grateful to her.

"We're almost to the club signup room" he mentioned.

Drakerus said:
Darius looked at her a little surprised.
"That actually...sounds reasonable compared to some of the other answers I've gotten so far. You must have really good senses if you can tell all of that just by being near me. Now that you mention it, I remember...that there was this really bright light when I touched his egg right before he hatched. The nest I found him in was abandoned and his mother was no where to be found so we took him into our family. A lot of things sort of makes sense the way you explained it. No, we can't really talk through our minds. That's why I have to cast verbally most of the time. Sometimes though, it's like we can tell exactly what the other's feeling or thinking. I still don't know what this kind of bond entails but now I know where to start looking. Thanks Miziki!" he said very grateful to her.

"We're almost to the club signup room" he mentioned.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and smiled happily after Darius finished his explanation as well as praising her for her answer. "Thank you! It was no trouble, really. Just me rambling about something I noticed, hehe. I guess you've had Dravlon for a while then?" She replied, though her attention was soon derailed when he mentioned club sign-ups. "Ooh, I wonder what clubs they have! We should totally join one together, maybe invite Ame when we see her to join too!" She told him happily with a wide smile on her face, her tail swishing slightly in excitement. Maybe they had like, a study club or something. It'd help her a lot, really, especially if the other professors insisted on randomly dragging her into their class.
Professor Adlin made her way back to her classroom, preparing diligently for class. She frowned as she couldn't remember where she had put her papers. Oh well. It could wait until after class. For today, she had the charms she needed memorized. On the board, she wrote: "Shell", "Ward", and "Fire", hoping that three would hold her over for today. Then again, it was the first day. Maybe just one? She slowly erased "Fire", leaving the other two in their places. Happy with her decision, she scurried around the room, trying to make sure everything was in its place.
Yukari pointed to herself. "Yukari Tanaka disciple of Kazuichi the Magic Swordsmen and M enthusiast!" She then turned to the teacher nodding her head. "Yeah these duels how far can we go in them?" She asked crossing her fingers for near death.

@Veyd Sahvoz @AstronomyNerd
"I just signed my name. Meet me at the gates tomorrow at 8:00. Then maybe we can duel each other after our mission." He looked at her and started noticing her features and started to think she was beautiful.
CoreyXIX said:
Prof. Shaltaea waited a moment to let him make the portal before saying anything else. "Well, it's not like the first steps in anything are exciting." he remarks. "Besides, we're on a time limit so I just want the easier items now." The lich then steps through the portal, assuming that it was taking them to Kilead instead of somewhere else.
As they appeared through the portal it closed behind them in a bell tower in Kilead. "Been a while since I've been here" said Draconus, taking in the smell of the fresh air and baked bread. Looking out at the city he envied the city folk and their festivals. Since it was 2 days away from Halloween, well a day and a half now, they were already setting up and getting ready. Which reminded him "When we get back we should get started on the festival for Halloween. I've a feeling it will need our full attention this year" he said, hoping Shaltea would have an inkling on what he meant.


Nenma Takashi]Yukari pointed to herself. "Yukari Tanaka disciple of Kazuichi the Magic Swordsmen and M enthusiast!" She then turned to the teacher nodding her head. "Yeah these duels how far can we go in them?" She asked crossing her fingers for near death. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @AstronomyNerd
AstronomyNerd said:
"I just signed my name. Meet me at the gates tomorrow at 8:00. Then maybe we can duel each other after our mission." He looked at her and started noticing her features and started to think she was beautiful.
"Well no killing that's for sure but I'm sure someone with 'your skill' would be great in it" said Addor with a smile, looking at the papers of the dozen students that'd signed up so far. At least he'd be keeping busy this year. Not like he already didn't have enough work.

@Nenma Takashi @AstronomyNerd

Ras said:
Ras turned, his magical energy sparking around his hands violently "up for a challenge? I've never turned one down, so sure, why not?" He responded in his twisted, metallic voice. He walked toward the robed man, with a sinister grin on his face and a feel of darkness emanating from him, his arms were covered in strange runes that were glowing brightly and seemed to be feeding off his inner darkness. Obviously a powerful type of dark magic, but it seemed more than a simple spell, it was part of him, like an arm or a leg, down to his very soul.
"I have an offer. I'm apart of a "Cult" that we would like to have someone like you to help. . .Besides, you'll never know what you might find out" said the man, his eyes partially visible, implying that he knew something about Ras even thouhg they'd never met.


"Well no killing that's for sure but I'm sure someone with 'your skill' would be great in it" said Addor with a smile, looking at the papers of the dozen students that'd signed up so far. At least he'd be keeping busy this year. Not like he already didn't have enough work.

@Nenma Takashi @AstronomyNerd

"I have an offer. I'm apart of a "Cult" that we would like to have someone like you to help. . .Besides, you'll never know what you might find out" said the man, his eyes partially visible, implying that he knew something about Ras even thouhg they'd never met.

"Well, I'm not exactly a cult kinda person" he replied bluntly "but, you seem to know something interesting, so I'll come and see what you're offering to let me find out, then I'll decide on wether I'm going to help you, so let's leave getting all friendly till then, it doesn't mean I trust you, remember that" he finished, wearing of him, but intrigued by his words.
Sebastian decided he couldn't let her go and let it be too late like his parents. He kissed her. "You'll need a further explanation but for it, can we go somewhere private?"

"Well no killing that's for sure but I'm sure someone with 'your skill' would be great in it" said Addor with a smile, looking at the papers of the dozen students that'd signed up so far. At least he'd be keeping busy this year. Not like he already didn't have enough work.

@Nenma Takashi @AstronomyNerd

"I have an offer. I'm apart of a "Cult" that we would like to have someone like you to help. . .Besides, you'll never know what you might find out" said the man, his eyes partially visible, implying that he knew something about Ras even thouhg they'd never met.

Prof. Shaltaea knew that it would likely not be the same as the last couple of years, especially with recent going-ons that had started over the last couple of days. "We can hope for more of the usual, even though we both know it won't happen." he replies as he takes a moment to remember where the spirits he had interrogated had told him the book was. Right, right. The smell of bread and other things went unnoticed by the lich, since he had no sense of smell. Not that he missed too much anymore, since he's had plenty of time to get used to it. "Some petty thieves have what I'm after. It will be easy to cow them into submission." he lich says with a smile playing underneath his mask as he took off in a direction known to him and to the spirits guiding him there.
Yukari stepped back holding her hands up. "Woah woah woah! Buy me dinner first at least." She grabbed his arm and ran out the classroom leaning against the wall she looked at him. "You got a loose crew or something?" She asked.

"In a way, yes but for now. ." He dragged her in a storage closet and shut the door. "Okay listen. When I was four, my parents were murdered. No one accepted me since. The only thing on my bucketlist for life is to find someone who really loves me and I had a crush on you. I wanted to do something before you were gone too. So all I ask is one chance. One night out on a date."
Kazehana said:
Professor Adlin made her way back to her classroom, preparing diligently for class. She frowned as she couldn't remember where she had put her papers. Oh well. It could wait until after class. For today, she had the charms she needed memorized. On the board, she wrote: "Shell", "Ward", and "Fire", hoping that three would hold her over for today. Then again, it was the first day. Maybe just one? She slowly erased "Fire", leaving the other two in their places. Happy with her decision, she scurried around the room, trying to make sure everything was in its place.
Walking into Adlin's classroom Ms. Yves looked around for Adlin. Finally seeing her. . .Doing whatever it was she was doing, Ms. Yves walked in some more "Adlin, do you remember the location of the events comitee meeting room? I seem to have forgotten" she asked, looking through page after page of her special book, trying to find where she wrote it down.


CoreyXIX said:
Prof. Shaltaea knew that it would likely not be the same as the last couple of years, especially with recent going-ons that had started over the last couple of days. "We can hope for more of the usual, even though we both know it won't happen." he replies as he takes a moment to remember where the spirits he had interrogated had told him the book was. Right, right. The smell of bread and other things went unnoticed by the lich, since he had no sense of smell. Not that he missed too much anymore, since he's had plenty of time to get used to it. "Some petty thieves have what I'm after. It will be easy to cow them into submission." he lich says with a smile playing underneath his mask as he took off in a direction known to him and to the spirits guiding him there.
Draconus smirked as he jumped into the air, throwing his staff near the ground as it levitated a bit, and landing in a surf board position on the staff. He tilted it forward and took off after the lich, magic glowing around the top of the satff that was designed like thorns.

Yukari tapped her finger on her chin nodding her head she looked at Sebastian. "Hit me." She pointed to her face. "Hit me in the face." She had a serious look on her face as she spoke not breaking eye contact.


Draconus smirked as he jumped into the air, throwing his staff near the ground as it levitated a bit, and landing in a surf board position on the staff. He tilted it forward and took off after the lich, magic glowing around the top of the satff that was designed like thorns.

(You have absolutely no idea how to spell committee xD )

Adlin kept going, only paying a small curtsy to the teacher. "I have no idea. To be honest, my mind is a whirlwind right now because I forgot to prepare for my class!" she breathed, still making sure everything was where it needed to be. A clean room is a happy room!
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Yukari shook her head patting his shoulder. "Sorry if that's how you feel. Your not the "one" but we can still be friends. Don't worry about me dying or anything I'll too tough for something like that." She stepped out of the storage closet turning around to wave while still walking. "See ya later for that mission!"


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