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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ras said:
Ras began to stare daggers at this unknown man. His anger and wrath building, violently "I won't say it again, who are you? And do you intend to block my path?" He asked, impatiently. Magical energy began to leak from him, and his clothing, like an aura.
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The figure laughed at the boy's sudden uppedy attitude "Potential. . .You seem very. . .What's the word" the figure turned into a reptile like being made of flames, stroking it's chin "My little organization could use someone with your potential" said the being, grinning melicously at Ras.

"Use me?" He asked rhetorically "you don't seem to understand who you're dealing with, I am Ras Silas Gideon. Son of the thousand master, and apprentice to Evangeline, the dark, daughter of the Mage of the beginning....and you think....you can 'use' me? Give me a reason not to end you where you stand!" He shouted, a malevolent, crooked grin cracked across his face as bloodlust and an intense murderous intent blazing from within him

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d2f96f809b70257e0d879f638315c899.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d2f96f809b70257e0d879f638315c899.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ras said:
"Use me?" He asked rhetorically "you don't seem to understand who you're dealing with, I am Ras Silas Gideon. Son of the thousand master, and apprentice to Evangeline, the dark, daughter of the Mage of the beginning....and you think....you can 'use' me? Give me a reason not to end you where you stand!" He shouted, a malevolent, crooked grin cracked across his face as bloodlust and an intense murderous intent blazing from within him
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((Do you have a manga pic for everything...?))
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Kabehchet sat quietly at her desk repeating the spell then dismissing it over an over again for her it was child's play. She grew up in the shadowy world of the Nimkoehther. The veil was thinnest between her world and Egypt hence why her parents had a palace that stride the veil to the Korettlnesti the Dark Elves of the Nimkoehther. :questions internal monolog: '" Summoning a ball of hell fire black was a bit demeaning especially of a bloodline of her level.""


!!○□■< LOSES IT ●□♡{>□!!!

Summon a little ball of black light? YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME I THOUGHT THIS WAS ADVANCED CLASS THAT's WHAT BABIES DO IN THE Nimkoehther (underdark/ underground/ whereever else were you've ever heard dark elves are rumored to live)

(sorry was previously done on phone)
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[QUOTE="The Chronicler Croi]

Kabehchet sat quietly at her desk repeating the spell then dismissing it over an over again for her it was child's play. She grew up in the shadowy world of the Nimkoehther. The veil was thinnest between her world and Egypt hence why her parents had a palace that stride the veil to the Korettlnesti the Dark Elves of the Nimkoehther. :questions internal monolog: '" Summoning a ball of hell fire black was a bit demeaning especially of a bloodline of her level.""




Kabachet "I said the lesson is child's play nothing less nothing more. We are taught it as infants it is a fairy fire. It is a guise to confuse your enemies."
On the 16th floor, in the announcment room, Adlin dusted the table and the announcment orb, a light blue orb that was used to project your voice throughout the entire academy. Well better get started then. She thought to herself, smiling as she set her gaze upon the orb and placing her hand on the orb. It glowed as her soft hand almost stuck to it like a magnet. "Apologizes for the interruption but there are some clubs available for signing up on the 20th floor. If anyone would like to join you may, it's open to everyone. Have a nice first day. . .oh and it's next class" she said with a small chuckle in her voice, removing her hand from the orb and leaving the room.

@LOLMAN101 @The Otaku Diaries @Drakerus @ShadowQueen91 @Spazzycat101 @LilyannaGaming @shadowz1995 (If you haven't been able to find a way to interact with people or make an opening post now's a good time and there is tons of opportunity to respond to this)
Having little to do in the way of preparing for classes and doing little but writing out a few reports for odds and ends, Prof. Shaltaea finishes a few more papers before corking the ink well he had been using for his writing. As he puts the pieces of parchment aside he takes a few of his previously finished reports and bundles them together, binding them together with a thin string before sitting up. Since he had papers to deliver he would make the rare physical appearance to where he wanted to go: Headmaster Draconus' office. He pockets a few soul gems just in case before leaving, slowly heading to the headmaster's office and knocking a couple of times to announce his presence before entering.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Yukari perked up at the mention of clubs. "Clubs huh maybe I'll meet some new people if I join a good club wonder what club I'll join." She skipped toward the 20th floor singing to herself. "Club club I'll join a club. Club club I'll join what club? Club club I'll join a club."
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Sebastian heard the announcement and drew a rune on his arm for agility enhanced agility and he ran to the 20th floor. He was on the first and decided he should take the stairs it was healthy but also it would take forever, so he decided he could shorten how long it takes to get there.
CoreyXIX said:
Having little to do in the way of preparing for classes and doing little but writing out a few reports for odds and ends, Prof. Shaltaea finishes a few more papers before corking the ink well he had been using for his writing. As he puts the pieces of parchment aside he takes a few of his previously finished reports and bundles them together, binding them together with a thin string before sitting up. Since he had papers to deliver he would make the rare physical appearance to where he wanted to go: Headmaster Draconus' office. He pockets a few soul gems just in case before leaving, slowly heading to the headmaster's office and knocking a couple of times to announce his presence before entering.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Come in!" called Draconus, going through some documents and writings he found in the abandonned library of Excelius.



"Hmph" said Prof. Vicar, disappointed by the lack of experience from the students in his class. "With all of your weaknesses you'll never acomplish it-" he was interrupted by hearing Adlin address the school. "*sigh* Class dismissed! And for gods' sake do actually practice" he said with a stern glare at them all before resuming his paperwork.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98


Hearing Adlin's voice throughout the entire academy, Ms. Yves looked at the students in the hallway. Interrupting their shenanagins she said "Well you hear that? Maybe you all could have fun signing up" grinning a bit she headed down the hall, not worried if they followed or not.

@The Otaku Diaries @Col



"Hmph" said Prof. Vicar, disappointed by the lack of experience from the students in his class. "With all of your weaknesses you'll never acomplish it-" he was interrupted by hearing Adlin address the school. "*sigh* Class dismissed! And for gods' sake do actually practice" he said with a stern glare at them all before resuming his paperwork.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98


Hearing Adlin's voice throughout the entire academy, Ms. Yves looked at the students in the hallway. Interrupting their shenanagins she said "Well you hear that? Maybe you all could have fun signing up" grinning a bit she headed down the hall, not worried if they followed or not.

@The Otaku Diaries @Col

The lich takes a few steps in before walking up towards the headmaster. "Good day to you headmaster." Prof. Shaltaea says as he does so. "I have a few reports to submit, along with a proposal or two for some ideas I had in mind. But that's secondary to why I'm here." he explains to him. "What I'm mostly here is to discuss some of the things that have been happening the last day or two. Even a town fool could tell something is very wrong." Shaltaea then puts the papers down on the space Draconus was studying in.
Once he got there, he around and noticed Draconis. "I wonder if he could give me some tips for that downworlder I'M hunting tomorrow." He mumbled to himself. He walked up to him and asked wondering if he knew any good tricks for fighting faerie knights.
CoreyXIX said:
The lich takes a few steps in before walking up towards the headmaster. "Good day to you headmaster." Prof. Shaltaea says as he does so. "I have a few reports to submit, along with a proposal or two for some ideas I had in mind. But that's secondary to why I'm here." he explains to him. "What I'm mostly here is to discuss some of the things that have been happening the last day or two. Even a town fool could tell something is very wrong." Shaltaea then puts the papers down on the space Draconus was studying in.
AstronomyNerd said:
Once he got there, he around and noticed Draconis. "I wonder if he could give me some tips for that downworlder I'M hunting tomorrow." He mumbled to himself. He walked up to him and asked wondering if he knew any good tricks for fighting faerie knights.
Inspecting the papers he knew he'd have to tell Shaltea soon and, unfortunately, it couldn't wait. Right before he could speak a students came in and rudely interrupted him "I'm sorry, you'll have to wait" he said to the student, shooing him off before further inspecting the papers.

@CoreyXIX @AstronomyNerd
The papers contained a report on some of the students that had came in with injuries, reports of their villages being destroyed and one without their memory. A couple papers contained a proposal for a few experiments he wished to do, and one final one was a proposal for the possibility for him and a few people to go with him to collect several things he would need to do the job, since the lich lacked the materials needed to do them. However, he silently waited for the student who had interrupted to leave before continuing.
"Damn it. I'll have to wing it. Wait. Their armor is made of thick wood. If I can get a stronger and sharper sword from the demon towers in Alicante, I can kill them. How will I get there? Wait....Draconus is a warlock he can conjure a portal

...or whatever warlocks do."
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CoreyXIX said:
The papers contained a report on some of the students that had came in with injuries, reports of their villages being destroyed and one without their memory. A couple papers contained a proposal for a few experiments he wished to do, and one final one was a proposal for the possibility for him and a few people to go with him to collect several things he would need to do the job, since the lich lacked the materials needed to do them. However, he silently waited for the student who had interrupted to leave before continuing.
AstronomyNerd said:
"Damn it. I'll have to wing it. Wait. They're armor is made of thick wood. If I can get a stronger and sharper sword from the demon towers in Alicante, I can kill them. How will I get there? Wait....Draconus is a warlock he can cobjure a portal or however warlocks do it."
AstronomyNerd said:
"Oh...sorry sir. Anyways, mind if I come back at seven?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Glancing at the student he chuckled, looking up from Shaltea's documents "Warlock? I'd be more of a battlemage. Anywho you may come back at 7" said Draconus. Standing straight up he met the lich's gaze and said "I'll be going as well to see for myself. . .there are matters I need to sort out as well"

@CoreyXIX @AstronomyNerd
Yukari arrived at the class to sign up for clubs and locked her eyes on the dueling club. For a brief moment she thought about the strong people that would sign up fornthe club. She reached to her claymore on her back tapping the hilt. "I may even be able to use Alexander there!" She said barely able to contain her excitement she scribbled down her name wiping away some drool. "The amount of pain I'll feel just imagining it make my M gauge rise."
"Oh?" Prof. Shaltaea says in a curious tone of voice. Could these 'matters' be related to recent events that have been occurring? "I'm assuming this means the majority of my requests are accepted for now. Are your things to 'sort out' related to recent events? Or something I'm unaware of?" the lich asks. Draconus seemed to be unusually active in affairs this semester. Furthermore, was Draconus accompanying him on all of his expedition, some of them? There were still some questions burning to be asked.

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