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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

@Drakerus[/URL] @Ras @Mitchs98


He smirked evily "Oh and this is just basics," chuckling like a maniac "I can teach you things that you wouldn't have dreamed of achieving. . .That is if you're willing to learn and suffer the consequences when need be"
@Drakerus @Ras

Miziki Kurone

Miziki whined and covered her ears as Vicar shouted loudly. Why didn't people understand she had highly sensitive ears? Then Ras shouted. Seriously. Though, she wished she could see what was undoubtedly a cool display of magic, she could only sense the evil aura coming off of it. Which only served to make her scared, coupled with the fact that Ras had openly challenged a teacher.
Darius watched the scene frightened. This was getting a bit out of hand. Some of the students had fled the classroom or opted to hide in the corners of the room. He was about to do the same when he noticed Miziki just...sitting there. He then remembered that she was blind and likely didn't know what was actually happening. He quickly got up from his seat, walked over to Miziki and took her hand, pulling her to a hopefully safe corner of the room.

"Sorry about grabbing you all of a sudden but uh...I don't think you wanna be anywhere near those two right now. Trust me when I say that what I'm seeing is pretty horrifying." he said to the kitsune apologetically, watching the two obviously powerful mages compete. If anything went wrong he was ready to put up a barrier.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Ras @Mitchs98
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Ras said:
"Oh really? Ras asked, a sharp toothed stretching across his face "Agite Tenebrae Abyssi, Ensis Incendens! Et Incendium Caliginis Umbrae Inimicitiae Destructionis Ultionis! Incendant et Me et Eum, Sint Solum Incendentes! Incendium Gehennae!!" Immediately after a large blue flaming skull appeared, laughing hysterically above Ras

"well then, if you think you can actually teach me something give it your best shot! Teacher!" He smirked his blue skull floating in mid air and his eyes narrowed.
Vicar let out a demonic laugh as Ras challenged him "HAH! You think you've the power to take me as an opponent?. . . Hmmm" he looked at the show of magic coming from the boy, "No. . .I've a better idea" he grinned, grabbing Ras and making them both disappear in a large mass of flames.

Ras simply grinned as they were engulfed by the flames. Giving a widened and entertained stare "so what's this idea then? Professor" Ras asked with a hint of murderous intent in his voice, his hands were in his pockets and and his black, metallic tail was swaying from side to side.
Drakerus said:
Darius watched the scene frightened. This was getting a bit out of hand. Some of the students had fled the classroom or opted to hide in the corners of the room. He was about to do the same when he noticed Miziki just...sitting there. He then remembered that she was blind and likely didn't know what was actually happening. He quickly got up from his seat, walked over to Miziki and took her hand, pulling her to a hopefully safe corner of the room.
"Sorry about grabbing you all of a sudden but uh...I don't think you wanna be anywhere near those two right now. Trust me when I say that what I'm seeing is pretty horrifying." he said to the kitsune apologetically, watching the two obviously powerful mages compete. If anything went wrong he was ready to put up a barrier.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Ras @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki yelped in surprise as she was pulled from her seat and into a corner of the room, mostly because she was already on edge from the fight. "Its fine. Thank you for helping me, what's exactly going on?" She asked him. She understood it was a fight but she was un-sure if it was a duel or a deathmatch.
"Well apparently Ras and the professor are having a little 'competition'. They just vanished into thin air though so I THINK we're safe for now" he sighed relieved. Still though, the boy was a little disappointed. Even if the situation was dangerous he was very interested in seeing what a magic duel was like((HINT)). Oh well. at least they were safe now...hopefully.

@Mitchs98 @Ras @Veyd Sahvoz
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Ras said:
Ras simply grinned as they were engulfed by the flames. Giving a widened and entertained stare "so what's this idea then? Professor" Ras asked with a hint of murderous intent in his voice, his hands were in his pockets and and his black, metallic tail was swaying from side to side.
Appearing deep within the darker parts of the forest, Vicar glared at Ras "By proving you are highly arrogant and have no respect whatsoever I'm sending you to the Death Seeker Cave, a place where foul beings will sap away your own dark power that feeds them. They are from one of the deeper parts of hell. . .Your task will be to retrieve a gem that can trap an immensly powerful dark soul and create. . .Bi-products. Good luck" said Vicar with a evil cackle before turning into a mass of flames and disappearing.

Reappearing in his class he was his normal self and sat at his desk "Alright in your seats"

@Ras @Mitchs98 @Drakerus
Drakerus said:
"Well apparently Ras and the professor are having a little 'competition'. They just vanished into thin air though so I THINK we're safe for now" he sighed relieved. Still though, the boy was a little disappointed. Even if the situation was dangerous he was very interested in seeing what a magic duel was like((HINT)). Oh well. at least they were safe now...hopefully.
@Mitchs98 @Ras @Veyd Sahvoz
Miziki Kurone

Miziki had understood that much..but it was good that they decided to take their contest elsewhere. When Vicar returned and told them to take their seats Miziki thanked Darius again before returning to her own. Though, she noticed one thing..Ras was missing. Did Vicar kill him...? "Umm..Proffessor..where is Ras?" She asked nervously.
Ras smirked, and began to chuckle, which turned to laughter "Aha...ahahahaha....hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! My my, what an interesting task, such a pity for you teacher, you've greatly underestimated what I'm capable of. So, creatures from the lower parts of hell? Intriguing, they'll probably be revenants or wraiths then, easy prey, ehehehehehe" he began walking to Death Seeker Cave, with a sadistic grin on his face.
Seeing the professor return he decided not to question Ras' disappearance and returned to his seat. Maybe they could actually learn something in class instead of having a potentially catastrophic incident happen. He certainly hoped so but knew it was quite unlikely.
"Oh let him pass" said Ms. Yves with a chuckle at the 2 talking in the hallway. They seemed to be having quite a talk. . .Wonder what they're talking about. She thought to herself, thinking back to when she was younger.

@The Otaku Diaries @Col @Nenma Takashi

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki had understood that much..but it was good that they decided to take their contest elsewhere. When Vicar returned and told them to take their seats Miziki thanked Darius again before returning to her own. Though, she noticed one thing..Ras was missing. Did Vicar kill him...? "Umm..Proffessor..where is Ras?" She asked nervously.
"Out on an assignment to a certain cave in the forest for disrespecting a professor" said Prof. Vicar nonchalantly, opening his notebook. "You all are going to be doing a little experiment. Now, back to Dark Elven Magic...No there is not a verbal way to produce the spell" explained Prof. Vicar, snapping his fingers as the ball of dark fire appeared in his hand.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98
Ras eventually arrived at the cave in question. He walked inside and made his way to the inner chambers, hearing the moving and shuttling if the creatures within, eventually he was in a large circular room, large enough to fit the classroom in it ten times, the creatures were all gathering in the shadows, obviously preparing to attack and drain Ras of all his dark power. He simply stood there, waiting for them to make the fist move, daring them to attack.
Darius sighed. Welp, he wasn't going to be casting THIS spell anytime soon. Then again...

The boy looked towards the sleeping dragonling who was giving Professor Vicar a bored expression. Darius sighed again leaning back in his chair frustrated. If only he was a normal mage! Why was he so powerless without Dravlon? Still though, he would never think of trading any power in the world for his best friend. Eventually he just opted to make extremely sad attempts at reproducing the Professor's spell. Maybe the upcoming explanation would help.

"Probably not..." the boy muttered to himself.
The lich hadn't even realized that the class time had flown by so quickly. He had just enough time to get into the basics for the students but they hadn't had the time to do any demonstrations of their talent! Oh well, there was always next time for that. "Looks like our time is at an end for today's class. I expect all of you to have some sort of progress to show me next lesson. Your homework is to make an illusory something. What it is will be irrelevant, just as long as you produce some kind of effect!" Prof. Shaltaea says. Better undershoot until he has a good idea of who can do what. "In the meantime, you're all dismissed." he decided to keep the illusions he had earlier set up in place for now, since he wouldn't have the time to demonstrate now that the most of students were piling out of the room.

As a mutitude of the creatures in the cave came flying and jumping at Ras he simply smirked, and pit one hand out "Veniant Spiritus Aeriales Fulgurientes! Cum Fulguratione Flet Tempestas Austrina! Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens!" he incanted and released a high level spell, 'Jupiter's lightning storm' a spell which combines lightning and wind allowing it the immense speed of lightning and the overwhelming destructive power of wind.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.7ca53288e8228f504f0fd042bea5a5d9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.7ca53288e8228f504f0fd042bea5a5d9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The creatures got caught in the spell and the ones that weren't fried by the lightning got blown out of the cave and high into the sky by the wind "boring" Ras uttered in disappointment at the power level of the creatures.



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Ras said:
As a mutitude of the creatures in the cave came flying and jumping at Ras he simply smirked, and pit one hand out "Veniant Spiritus Aeriales Fulgurientes! Cum Fulguratione Flet Tempestas Austrina! Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens!" he incanted and released a high level spell, 'Jupiter's lightning storm' a spell which combines lightning and wind allowing it the immense speed of lightning and the overwhelming destructive power of wind.
View attachment 225798

The creatures got caught in the spell and the ones that weren't fried by the lightning got blown out of the cave and high into the sky by the wind "boring" Ras uttered in disappointment at the power level of the creatures.
A dark figure came out of the shadows, a being made of shadow and physicality. "Come to take what you want? Hmmm young one?" asked the figure in a long shadowy robes with dark glowing eyes.

Ras said:
Ras turned, sensing the new person as he narrowed his eyes. Not being told of anything but the hellish creatures being within the cave he was on high alert and suspicious "that a problem? you intend to stop me?" he asked with a tone of aggression in his voice. His magical power exploded out of him furiously as he clenched his fist and it caused his mage cloak to fly up behind him.
View attachment 225858
(Fullmetal Alchemist?)
Ras turned, sensing the new person as he narrowed his eyes. Not being told of anything but the hellish creatures being within the cave he was on high alert and suspicious "that a problem? you intend to stop me?" he asked with a tone of aggression in his voice. His magical power exploded out of him furiously as he clenched his fist and it caused his mage cloak to fly up behind him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.33dc5af3c419202df94580d6242473cb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.33dc5af3c419202df94580d6242473cb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Golden Glow](Fullmetal Alchemist?)

((No, Mahou Sensei Negima))
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@The Otaku Diaries[/URL] @Col @Nenma Takashi

"Out on an assignment to a certain cave in the forest for disrespecting a professor" said Prof. Vicar nonchalantly, opening his notebook. "You all are going to be doing a little experiment. Now, back to Dark Elven Magic...No there is not a verbal way to produce the spell" explained Prof. Vicar, snapping his fingers as the ball of dark fire appeared in his hand.

@Drakerus @Mitchs98

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, well at-least he wasn't dead. Try as she might she couldn't get the spell to form, or even normal fire for that matter. "Um..Proffessor can you help me? I have no clue how to do this..Sorry.." She asked him. She didn't want to set him off, but it was his job to help.
Ras said:
Ras turned, sensing the new person as he narrowed his eyes. Not being told of anything but the hellish creatures being within the cave he was on high alert and suspicious "that a problem? you intend to stop me?" he asked with a tone of aggression in his voice. His magical power exploded out of him furiously as he clenched his fist and it caused his mage cloak to fly up behind him.
View attachment 225860
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, well at-least he wasn't dead. Try as she might she couldn't get the spell to form, or even normal fire for that matter. "Um..Proffessor can you help me? I have no clue how to do this..Sorry.." She asked him. She didn't want to set him off, but it was his job to help.
"*sigh*. . .The key is to channel your anger into it. To create it involves the will to want to do it. This fire has a mind of it's own. . .I don't think I need to explain what happened to the last student in my class to be killed by it" explained Prof. Vicar, grinning at his little tease. If she bought it then she might actually take his advice. That is if she isn't scared out of her wits.

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Drakerus
Miziki Kurone

Killed..by..it? Thanks for being the encouraging type of teacher.. She thought to herself, sighing inwardly. The farthest thing from her mind right now was anger, if anything she was scared the fire would really grow sentient and attack her or something. Fire and fur don't mix, you know? Reluctantly she tried it again, this time making a small flame in the palm of her hand. "Uhh..I think I did it..?" She told him, poking the small fire with her other finger.
Ras said:
Ras turned, sensing the new person as he narrowed his eyes. Not being told of anything but the hellish creatures being within the cave he was on high alert and suspicious "that a problem? you intend to stop me?" he asked with a tone of aggression in his voice. His magical power exploded out of him furiously as he clenched his fist and it caused his mage cloak to fly up behind him.
View attachment 225860
Ras began to stare daggers at this unknown man. His anger and wrath building, violently "I won't say it again, who are you? And do you intend to block my path?" He asked, impatiently. Magical energy began to leak from him, and his clothing, like an aura.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.189bf9b6f428b04fbcec5d4b3f61d0e9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.189bf9b6f428b04fbcec5d4b3f61d0e9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Listening to what the Professor said about "wanting" to cast it Darius tried again but was only able to create a very thin smoke. Sighing in defeat he decided to get Dravlon to help. As if sensing the thought the dragonling stirred from his slumber and gave the boy a tired expression that also gave hints of willingness to assist him. Smiling in thanks, Darius proceeded to face the dragonling towards the front of the classroom and then gently placed his hand in the back of his little friend's head. Closing his eyes, the boy focused on channeling the spell.

I WANT to conjure fire

I WANT to conjure fire

I WANT to conjure fire

Darius repeated the mantra in his head, not paying attention to anything else. Soon, Dravlon's eyes began to emit the familiar white glow that signaled an incoming spell. With his eyes closed, Darius didn't notice the magic circle that had formed just in front of Dravlon's open muzzle and in front of that, a tiny ball of fire that was steadily growing in size. The flames were quite a sight to behold. Where there was supposed to be sinister blues and blacks, there were instead radiant golds and whites. The embers that strayed from the main sphere looked like little golden sparkles. Eventually, the ball reached the size of a small fist and stopped growing.

Releasing himself from the mantra Darius slowly opened his eyes expecting disappointment but that soon became shock as he gawked at the beautiful sight before him. This was his first time being able to cast a spell non-verbally. After a while of admiring his-no his and Dravlon's work he suddenly frowned. This wasn't what professor Vicar had asked for. in fact it seemed like the complete opposite of the somewhat sinister feeling fireball near Vicar. Dravlon's fireball was almost...soothing in a way.

In any case Darius began to feel a little frightened imagining what the Professor would do to him and Dravlon once he saw that Darius had done something other than what was instructed. But at the same time...the boy couldn't bring himself to erase the spell and start over. He instead waited for the Professor to notice so he could know clearly what to do. Maybe he would be impressed? No...probably not.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98
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