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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"Oh really?" she questioned. She flew around a little, with a tailslide, a loop, and dive. "Can't do that, can ya?" she asked when she got back to him, not even a little out of breath.

@Cruor Flumine
The same little black bird delivered a note to the rest of the required students: Fuyuki Saito, Kate, Gold/KDK, and Naoko Shimikage. The note said the same thing.

Dear student,

There has been an incident in the nearby city kingdom of Kilead. You are to head up to my quarters for further instructions.

Yours truly,


@Ldybug123 @ScarlettRose16 @Golden Glow @Kihara017
Itsuo and Fuyuki made their way up to Draconus' quarters after reading the note. They looked at Draconus, confused as to what had happened. @Veyd Sahvoz
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"Ugh" she says as she gets the note. She doesn't ignore it though she makes her way to the Headmasters office, thinking it probably wouldn't be the smartest to disobey him. She walks into his office. "You sent for me." She says in a tired tone. She leans against a wall near by. She was wondering what happened and she would do what she needed to.​

@Veyd Sahvoz @anyone else
A shadowed man, wearing a long, black, hooded Mage cloak, was walking. He looked up to see Excelius, the academy for Mage's, with a crooked grin he headed to a hidden and old passageway. Walking through and eventually making his way up into the main academy, he reemerged and began walking the halls. With a calm, composed look on his face "and so it begins" he uttered under his breath.
@anyone @Ras (maybe?)

Miziki Kurone

After waiting a while it seemed everyne, or mostly everyone, had left the room and almost completely forgotten about the wounded blind Kitsune lost in her thoughts.
Well..guess I'll find my own help then. Ugh.. She thought to herself, sighing and pushing herself out of her chair and summarily walking out of the classroom. "Now..if I was the infirmary where would I be.." She mumbled to herself, sighing and walking down the halls aimlessly.
Kihara017 said:
((2 things, 1. I honestly almost forgot about this rp, I feel so bad about it. 2. Which of my toons? the honor bound one or the one who can become a dragon?))
(The guy one names Naoko

Ldybug123 said:
Fuyuki looked at the orb. He walked over to it and touched it lightly. @Veyd Sahvoz
The orb just sent him spiraling into the wall on the other side of the room. The orb started to hum louder now, glowing brighter by the minute.

@ScarlettRose16 @Ldybug123 @Kihara017 (I apologize for the short posts :\ also @Ldybug123 can you please not write one liners? I'm not mad it's just I think it'd be better if you had some more detail)

As Ras made his way down the halls, he noticed Miziki, the girl seemed to be in quite a lot of pain. He walked toward her and took the hood of his cloak down, as he spoke "excuse me, miss, are you alright? You seem quite distressed" he said, his obvious British accent cutting through the silence like a blade.
Drakerus said:
((This came out a lot longer than i expected...Oh well. Also some fitting music to go with your reading ^_-))

Hearing no answer Darius breathed out, disappointed. It looked like he would have to rely solely on what he had heard earlier. Thinking carefully about what had been said in the argument, Morgan seemed to be very disappointed in Ame. The way she was so oblivious and irresponsible. The way Morgan had spat out the word "relation". The more he reviewed the situation, the more it started making sense to him. After a few minuted of silence he had an idea.

"You know...I used to think my family members were the most annoying people in existence. The way my dad always had this disappointed look in his eye when I couldn't lift a sack of chicken feed or the way my mother treated me like I was a delicate flower that could get a bruise if a breeze hit me. Most of all though...my little brother. Oh boy, was he something" he laughed a little at the end.

"He's a year younger than me and yet he's much stronger than me physically. Mom and Dad were always praising him like he was a perfect child and around them, he was. He did all his work and spent lots of time socializing with the other kids while I...I spent most of my time in my room or in some secluded area with Dravlon. The gap in popularity wasn't what bothered me though. It was his personality. He would constantly act like a little kid, always bothering me with his games. How could a fool like this ever run a farm? This one time he purposefully spilled flour all over me and LAUGHED! Needless to say I was mad, so very mad. Unfortunately I knew that I couldn't hurt him, even if I wanted to. So he stood there laughing until we heard Dad approaching, The smile was wiped off his face and when Dad asked us who did it..." he paused a moment. He'd never told this to anyone before.

"I took the blame" he continued, "I didn't know why I did it at the time, heck I still don't really know why. It's just...that scared look in his eyes. Something in me just clicked and next thing I know I'm grounded for a week. I was so mad at him after that but I knew that...if I could go back and do it all over again. I'd do the exact same thing, no doubt about it." he said sort of ashamed of how weak he was.

"But no matter how much I tried to push him away he would come running right back. I found it so incredibly irritating but....deep down, I guess I was glad he was there. Other than Dravlon, I didn't have any friends and being around my parents wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing. It was nice, being emotionally close to another human I mean, even if there were times I wish I wasn't his brother. " he said with a small edge of pain in his voice.

"When I came out to my family, about wanting to learn magic instead of farming, saying that they were surprised was an understatement. My parents outright refused the notion at first. My dad thought that it was my responsibility to take care of the farm when he was gone and my mother thought I would get myself killed shooting fireballs everywhere. Their opinions meant little to me but my brother's...he almost got me to stay. When he was in the phase of pleading with me to stay he asked me who would run the farm if I wasn't around and I responded by saying he would. He then looked at me like I was crazy and said he could never do that on his own. That I was the smart one and he couldn't handle that responsibility without messing everything up. I had tears running down my face before I knew it." he paused again. Dravlon was sleeping soundly on his lap being petted by the boy.

"I explained to him that being a magician is what I want to do without a doubt. I want to go out and explore the world of magic. All of it's mysteries, making friends with all of the people who share my passion. I want to learn everything I can. That's why I came here. It took a lot of explaining and reassuring but eventually he came around. After that we worked together to convince my parents to let me go." he was now beginning to smile remembering all the ridiculous things they tried to convince them.

"On the day that I left I felt happy. I had gotten their support even if it took months to do so. They all wished me the best and next thing I know I'm on my way to becoming a mage. I feel so happy, being here, learning with all of you. But...even if we have countless differences. I still miss them so much. It almost hurts to think about them, like there's a part of me missing. Seeing you and Ame fight, that hurt too. I think you're lucky to be able to just go up and talk to her whenever you want to. I know you two aren't directly related but...you're still family right? If there's one thing I really learned from dealing with those irritating people back home. It's that you can't replace family no matter how much you might want to. Even if they get on your nerves constantly. They'll be there for you when you need it most. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...give her a chance Morgan. Even if she's a bit too whimsical for your tastes." he finished. He then got up from the chair and walked towards the library exit carrying Dravlon hoping he had said the right thing.

Morgan By now, Morgan had stopped leafing through the stained pages of whatever leather-bound tome she had, listening to Darius's story. As much as she wished she could relate, there was difficulty. While she could understand the idea, she knew family was someone you could trust to toss you your spear when a bear's jaw snapped shut like a trap an inch from your throat, or draw their bow when a deer's antlers pummeled the breath from your lungs. Morgan was particularly sure that she could trust someone she had never even met with little more than her name... But her mind was bitter again, and she quickly went to replace her nose in the book to ward off the hostility of both the thoughts and the recollections. Though almost as an afterthought, she shifted her weight to pull the leg of her robe up to see four pale scars, some shaped like tears across her shin and two like the stab of knives, or sharp teeth. Morgan shook her head and returned to her book, though a final fact lingered in her mind; a sky nymph wouldn't have been much of a help against a bear, obsessive over life magics.

@anyone (sorry for the delay ; ;)
Ras said:
As Ras made his way down the halls, he noticed Miziki, the girl seemed to be in quite a lot of pain. He walked toward her and took the hood of his cloak down, as he spoke "excuse me, miss, are you alright? You seem quite distressed" he said, his obvious British accent cutting through the silence like a blade.
Miziki Kurone

Normally, one might be surprised when someone walks up behind them silently and suddenly speaks, Miziki however had sensed him coming from several feet away. She just wasn't sure if it was someone that was actually going to talk to her, or one of the random passerby that kept ignoring her injuries. Burns adorned her visible skin, her tail ears and hair were also singed, bits of her tights were charred and the flesh under them blistered. She had to wander why no one cared, as well as forgot about her. Turning to him she paused momentarily. "Umm..do you happen to know where the infirmary is?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly in question.
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(sure, sorry) Fuyuki gasped when he was slammed into the wall by the orb. He covered his sensitive ears as the orb began humming louder. He looked at the orb, wondering why it was glowing brighter. @Veyd Sahvoz
As she turned, she noticed his rather strange appearance, he had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair reaching high down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build, being seven foot tall, the man looked more like a monster than a person. "No need for one, just stay still for a moment" he said calmly, his accent was quite British, but his voice was almost as unnatural as his appearance. It was darkly twisted and distorted, had an almost metallic ring to it. He put one of his black claws out toward her and began speaking in what appeared to be Latin, incanting a spell "Tui Gratia Jovis Gratia Sit Cura!" She could feel a sudden warming sensation, like the rays of the sun enveloping her. Bit by bit, her pain faded away as her wounds healed "tell me, what happened to you?" He asked, with a touch of concern mixed in with the metallic sound of his voice.
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Ras said:
As she turned, she noticed his rather strange appearance, he had milk white skin, long white dreadlocked hair reaching high down to below his thigh, his arms seemed to be made of a black metallic substance, exoskeletal and with obvious protruding joints, sharp claws for fingers and a demonic tail that matched. Folded on his back were large pitch black angelic wings and his body was covered from head to toe in hundreds of scars. His eyes were equally as strange, black sclera, blood red irises and a cat like pupil, coupled with his razor sharp teeth and large build, being seven foot tall, the man looked more like a monster than a person. "No need for one, just stay still for a moment" he said calmly, his accent was quite British, but his voice was almost as unnatural as his appearance. It was darkly twisted and distorted, had an almost metallic ring to it. He put one of his black claws out toward her and began speaking in what appeared to be Latin, incanting a spell "Tui Gratia Jovis Gratia Sit Cura!" She could feel a sudden warming sensation, like the rays of the sun enveloping her. Bit by bit, her pain faded away as her wounds healed "tell me, what happened to you?" He asked, with a touch of concern mixed in with the metallic sound of his voice.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki flattened her ears slightly from the shrill tone of his voice, but she was otherwise unphased. "Alchemy class. Ame accidently blew up some explosive rock, no one was too injured. Being my unlucky self I was the most injured, luckily my tail survived so I'm mostly fine." She told him, offering a light shrug and moving her tail around to in front of her for emphasis. "Thanks for healing me. I'm Miziki by the way, I've never seen you before. Are you new here?" She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki flattened her ears slightly from the shrill tone of his voice, but she was otherwise unphased. "Alchemy class. Ame accidently blew up some explosive rock, no one was too injured. Being my unlucky self I was the most injured, luckily my tail survived so I'm mostly fine." She told him, offering a light shrug and moving her tail around to in front of her for emphasis. "Thanks for healing me. I'm Miziki by the way, I've never seen you before. Are you new here?" She added.
"Yeah, that's right, went through orientation the other day, I'm Ras, son of the thousand master" he stated plainly, throwing some a few of his dreads over one shoulder. He put his hands in his pocket "so when are the different classes, I kinda...well....lost the pages with the information on them, haha" he seemed to be quite strange, but not unkind. He looked around at the different doors to the classrooms curiously.

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