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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

He shrugged. "Thats the question, isn't it? It is something you must answer for yourself. What do you really want? Answering that question is the first step."

@Kazehana (its fine)
Scylla said:
Minerva makes her way towards the Alchemy classroom on the sixth floor. She decided to come back to the academy for this year to learn more about magic. Currently, she sees a person walk out of the Alchemy classroom and dashes towards the entrance to the classroom.
Noticing someone enter the classroom, from the corner of her eye, Emily looked up to see who it was. "Oh, I don't think this class is still open seeing as how it was blown up for some off reason that I don't know" she explained, moving her lips from side to side as if she was recalling her memory. She picked up her satchel, slung it around her neck, and walked over to the girl "I was just headed to next class. . .Do you know where it might be?"

"I-I don't know what I want," she admitted. To be honest, there wasn't anything she wanted to do more than what she was doing right now. But as for the long run.. She needed a plan. She had never needed them before becsuse her calling never required one.

@Cruor Flumine


She looks around her. The classroom was completely blackened. She just finds a chair that wasn't completely destroyed. She just walks and sits down, not really sure what to do. After a while she just decided to go and walk again. She walks down a hallway and she almost can see the shadows again but she just tries to shake her head and get them out of her head. She knew she couldn't speak of them because they apparently would come back.​

Professor Varien, I have sent you this message because there has been an incident I wish to have help from a professor and students. I shall explain the details when you've arrived at my quarters, oh and do bring Ame since she is one of the students who will be going to this incident.

Yours truly,


Minerva sees Emily. "Oh, this classroom just got blown up? Alright then. What should I do now?" She asked her and then looked around in the room, seeing a crow, too.
Ame peeked over the note to see what he was reading. "What's going on? What did I do?" she asked, worried and such. It was comforting to at least still be able to hug him for the time being, though it looked like they would be heading out very soon. I hope nothing too bad happened. Well, I should be the one to talk. Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

@Cruor Flumine
He shrugged. "Must be very important if he summons me like this. Regardless he wants you to come along." He breaks from the hug and stands up, offering his hand to her. "Shall we?"

Drakerus said:
Darius watched as Morgan walked out of the room. There was turmoil in his heart. Even though he knew that Morgan was indeed harsh and the one who triggered the apparent deep rooted sadness bottled up within Ame, he couldn't bring himself to just leave Morgan to rot away in her loathing. He didn't claim to understand the situation at all. Not one bit. There WAS one thing he could be certain of though.
To him, Morgan was a friend.

Darius could scarcely imagine the pain of having everyone side against you. Especially when they didn't even understand your side of the story. He knew right then that he had to talk to her. If not for Morgan's sake, then for Ame's. If Morgan was the one who caused the problem then there was a high likelihood that she was one of the few people who could fix it. He just hoped he could do it without making the situation worse...

"I'm going after Morgan." Darius stated firmly to no one in particular. With that he walked out of the room and followed Morgan a good distance behind until she entered the library where he lost her. The library was huge and she could've been anywhere. He sighed in defeat but Dravlon would have none of it. With a determined glint in his eye the dragonling began to sniff thoroughly. Darius saw the effort Dravlon was putting in and smiled. That's right. He couldn't give up either.

He followed Dravlon who was sniffing along the ground following the pleasant, crisp, natural smell of the Dryad until they arrived at a secluded corner of the library. Darius scanned the area but he couldn't find Morgan anywhere and Dravlon couldn't pinpoint her exact location either. Sighing, the boy opted to sit at a nearby table, facing away from Morgan.

"Morgan...I don't know know if you're here but...if you are, I want to talk." he said nervously even though he very well could have been speaking to thin air.

"What everyone is saying about what you did. It's not pleasant. And to be honest, I was close to siding with them. But...I've already met you and you don't seem like the type of person who would do that for no reason. I can tell you don't like hurting people at all. So it must be something else. Please Morgan...I...I want to help. I know that this is none of my business and that maybe, I couldn't even begin to comprehend the situation. Still though, you're my friend and I can't stand seeing you in so much pain. I'm not pitying you...I just...I guess you could say I'm just a sap...." and he laughed a little at the end despite himself.

"So please...if you're there...let me help you. It doesn't matter how little you're willing to tell. Anything at all will do..." he pleaded hoping she would respond despite the odds being against him.

@Spazzycat101 @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz @ShadowQueen91 @Anyone else I missed
Morgan Still hidden in her corner, Morgan heard the footsteps enter and roam the library, hoping against could odds that it was nobody she knew. As soon as a voice spoke up saying her name, she inwardly groaned. By the gods, this was not the time, not the time! With only little success, she had tried to calm herself down, tried to ignore the other's incompetence that she had taken as a personal insult to her race. Well... At least half of her race.

Still, she did appreciate that someone was concerned, but it was a very badly timed concern. While huddled in her small corner, Morgan had collected various books and volumes relating 'coincidentally' to alchemy. She had hoped to distract her thoughts enough to forget her hostile moon and perhaps return to a presentable state, one where she could at least muster a false smile. Hearing her name, however, had jolted her out of her surprisingly effective trance of reading every footnote and scanning every diagram and image. Even if talking about an incident was very helpful to her, which it just so happened to not be, she probably wouldn't have wanted to anyway. She had had her fill of people for the hour. she made no move other than to flip to the next page, trying in vain to ignore whomever was speaking, but relenting a to a small bit of her mind that was inclined to listen regardless.

@Drakerus @anyone
She nodded and took his offer, using him to pull herself up. "Where are we supposed to go?" she asked, looking at him with a confused expression. She had almost forgotten about what just happened, though it still lingered in the back of her mind.

(If you want, take your time getting there. He might be gone a while d:

@Cruor Flumine
Ame stifled a small laugh, smiling a little. "You mean you work here and you don't know where to go? Someone's not a very educated teacher," she teased, walking closer to him. "Would you like some help?" she offered with an eyebrow raise, whispering into his ear as she walked passed and around him and dragging her hand around his shoulders as she went.

@Cruor Flumine
Ame smiled, her amusement satisfied. "Oh that really does work. And I though my sisters were lying. Men really are strange, aren't they?" she posed with a giggle. She had no idea what implications her actions had. In fact, none of the sisters her age did. It was something the higher order kept from young aurai, letting them figure it out for themselves. They had been told that someday, when they were about to enter into a new phase in their life, they would be notified.

Now, Ame didn't know what that meant or when she would enter that phase. All she knew was that it was a big deal to the higher order, and it was a pivotal point in an aura's life. Little did she know that she was treading dangerously on the fine line between two stages in her life.

@Cruor Flumine
Varien smiled back at her before using his levitation spell to glide back towards the ground.


(Im gonna be gone for about 5-5 1/2 hours due to work, see ya later everyone)
Ame followed him, though with a more elegant hover that allowed her to descend more gracefully. On her way down, she caught up with him, and said, "Wow it's almost like you're avian," with a playful mocking tone.


@Cruor Flumine
Scylla said:
Minerva sees Emily. "Oh, this classroom just got blown up? Alright then. What should I do now?" She asked her and then looked around in the room, seeing a crow, too.
"I was just headed to my class about ice magic," said Emily as she came up with a great idea to make a new friend "Would you like to come?" she asked, twirling her staff around before setting the end back on the ground.



Draconus had sent a note to Adlin as well, also by a messenger bird. The small black bird landed on Adlin's shoulder, a note tied to it's leg.

"Oh, sure! I will come too since I am practicing ice magic as well!" Minerva told Emily. Minerva was finally glad to have found someone that also practiced ice magic this year.
Scylla said:
"Oh, sure! I will come too since I am practicing ice magic as well!" Minerva told Emily. Minerva was finally glad to have found someone that also practiced ice magic this year.
"Thank gods I'm not the only cryomancer here" exclaimed Emily, looking down to her new badger friend. Hopefully Ms. Yves would already be there. "So how long have you been at Excelius?" she asked, trying to make small talk as they walked through the labryinth of a school.

Adlin sighed as she read the note, dismissing the crow after she had done so. She was supposed to be preparing her next lesson, but it would have to wait. Gathering a few supplies for class, she headed out to Draconus' office.

@Veyd Sahvoz
((This came out a lot longer than i expected...Oh well. Also some fitting music to go with your reading ^_-))


Hearing no answer Darius breathed out, disappointed. It looked like he would have to rely solely on what he had heard earlier. Thinking carefully about what had been said in the argument, Morgan seemed to be very disappointed in Ame. The way she was so oblivious and irresponsible. The way Morgan had spat out the word "relation". The more he reviewed the situation, the more it started making sense to him. After a few minuted of silence he had an idea.

"You know...I used to think my family members were the most annoying people in existence. The way my dad always had this disappointed look in his eye when I couldn't lift a sack of chicken feed or the way my mother treated me like I was a delicate flower that could get a bruise if a breeze hit me. Most of all though...my little brother. Oh boy, was he something" he laughed a little at the end.

"He's a year younger than me and yet he's much stronger than me physically. Mom and Dad were always praising him like he was a perfect child and around them, he was. He did all his work and spent lots of time socializing with the other kids while I...I spent most of my time in my room or in some secluded area with Dravlon. The gap in popularity wasn't what bothered me though. It was his personality. He would constantly act like a little kid, always bothering me with his games. How could a fool like this ever run a farm? This one time he purposefully spilled flour all over me and LAUGHED! Needless to say I was mad, so very mad. Unfortunately I knew that I couldn't hurt him, even if I wanted to. So he stood there laughing until we heard Dad approaching, The smile was wiped off his face and when Dad asked us who did it..." he paused a moment. He'd never told this to anyone before.

"I took the blame" he continued, "I didn't know why I did it at the time, heck I still don't really know why. It's just...that scared look in his eyes. Something in me just clicked and next thing I know I'm grounded for a week. I was so mad at him after that but I knew that...if I could go back and do it all over again. I'd do the exact same thing, no doubt about it." he said sort of ashamed of how weak he was.

"But no matter how much I tried to push him away he would come running right back. I found it so incredibly irritating but....deep down, I guess I was glad he was there. Other than Dravlon, I didn't have any friends and being around my parents wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing. It was nice, being emotionally close to another human I mean, even if there were times I wish I wasn't his brother. " he said with a small edge of pain in his voice.

"When I came out to my family, about wanting to learn magic instead of farming, saying that they were surprised was an understatement. My parents outright refused the notion at first. My dad thought that it was my responsibility to take care of the farm when he was gone and my mother thought I would get myself killed shooting fireballs everywhere. Their opinions meant little to me but my brother's...he almost got me to stay. When he was in the phase of pleading with me to stay he asked me who would run the farm if I wasn't around and I responded by saying he would. He then looked at me like I was crazy and said he could never do that on his own. That I was the smart one and he couldn't handle that responsibility without messing everything up. I had tears running down my face before I knew it." he paused again. Dravlon was sleeping soundly on his lap being petted by the boy.

"I explained to him that being a magician is what I want to do without a doubt. I want to go out and explore the world of magic. All of it's mysteries, making friends with all of the people who share my passion. I want to learn everything I can. That's why I came here. It took a lot of explaining and reassuring but eventually he came around. After that we worked together to convince my parents to let me go." he was now beginning to smile remembering all the ridiculous things they tried to convince them.

"On the day that I left I felt happy. I had gotten their support even if it took months to do so. They all wished me the best and next thing I know I'm on my way to becoming a mage. I feel so happy, being here, learning with all of you. But...even if we have countless differences. I still miss them so much. It almost hurts to think about them, like there's a part of me missing. Seeing you and Ame fight, that hurt too. I think you're lucky to be able to just go up and talk to her whenever you want to. I know you two aren't directly related but...you're still family right? If there's one thing I really learned from dealing with those irritating people back home. It's that you can't replace family no matter how much you might want to. Even if they get on your nerves constantly. They'll be there for you when you need it most. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...give her a chance Morgan. Even if she's a bit too whimsical for your tastes." he finished. He then got up from the chair and walked towards the library exit carrying Dravlon hoping he had said the right thing.

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