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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame groaned as she grimaced, squeezing her eyes. She managed to sit up, albeit slow and ungraceful. She lazily looked around the room, then winced as her nerves returned to action. Looking over herself, she looked around, a bit vigorously. "Where's my rock?" she managed, though it was hardly the volume she had imagined it to be. The bout had worn her out, and it took effort just to blink, let alone do much else.
He nodded at her and moved to tend to Ame. "Relax Ame. That rock caused an explosion when you dropped it in your beaker. It hurt you, and a couple others. They're fine, but you do need to be careful, alright?"


Miziki Kurone

Miziki groaned and shifted onto her side slightly, blinking and rubbing her head while silently scanning the room. What happened..? Everything was kinda fuzzy and her head felt like someone stomped on it..oh right. An explosion happened. Well, at-least she felt fine other than being in pain. Guess she was fine..HER TAIL! With a sudden burst of energy she shot up and moved her tail around to her lap, sighing with relief it felt little more than a bit singed. A kitsunes tail was basically their lifeline, after all. If it got cut off they'd be as good as dead.

Now that her momentary bout of panic was over she winced as the pain from sudden movement washed over her and looked around the room. "Is everyone okay?" She asked..well..everyone, a concerned expression on her face.
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She looked at the girl, then back at him. "So," she began, eyes big and sparkly, voice wavering, "it's gone? But it was so pretty!" She looked down as she began to sniffle.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki groaned and shifted onto her side slightly, blinking and rubbing her head while silently scanning the room. What happened..? Everything was kinda fuzzy and her head felt like someone stomped on it..oh right. An explosion happened. Well, at-least she felt fine other than being in pain. Guess she was fine..HER TAIL! With a sudden burst of energy she shot up and moved her tail around to her lap, sighing with relief it felt little more than a bit singed. A kitsunes tail was basically their lifeline, after all. If it got cut off they'd be as good as dead.

Now that her momentary bout of panic was over she winced as the pain from sudden movement washed over her and looked around the room. "Is everyone okay?" She asked..well..everyone, a concerned expression on her face.
"Well, you and Ame were knocked out, and one boy choked on butterfly wing dust, but other than that we're all fine."
ShadowQueen91 said:
"Well, you and Ame were knocked out, and one boy choked on butterfly wing dust, but other than that we're all fine."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded and smiled faintly when Saria said everyone was mostly fine, "
Good. I'm glad." She replied. She then turned to Varien when she asked if she'd be fine and nodded. "I'll be fine, my tail wasn't damaged badly and everything else is just sore." She told him. "I guess this was a pretty good way to learn not to randomly mix things huh?" She added, laughing softly and grinning.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded and smiled faintly when Saria said everyone was mostly fine, "
Good. I'm glad." She replied. She then turned to Varien when she asked if she'd be fine and nodded. "I'll be fine, my tail wasn't damaged badly and everything else is just sore." She told him. "I guess this was a pretty good way to learn not to randomly mix things huh?" She added, laughing softly and grinning.
She smiled as well. "Yeah, I guess."
"But that was my pretty rock!" she protested, though she didn't press further. She was rather enjoying the attention he gave her, so she decided to passive aggressively mutter under her breath about the loss of her rock.

@Cruor Flumine
Morgan Still holding a finger down on the up-side-down dish, Morgan's eyes narrowed dangerously at the other Nymph. She was beginning to dislike her. Well, perhaps not dislike, but distrust. She identified a very strong aura of... lack of responsibility.

'There are plenty of rocks in the world just as pretty, if not more. I'm sure that some of those rocks will be less dangerous, also. Please, on occasion, the risk is not worth the sentimentality. Especially so when endangering others who have given no consent to be endangered in the first place.'

Her glare softened into a different kind of look, a blend between pity and disappointment. Averting her gaze to her feet, crossing her arms and leaning cautiously against the desk, Morgan stifled a rather exasperated sigh. She didn't often meet other species of dryad, but she would have hoped that her kin would be a little less happy-go-lucky.

@Cruor Flumine @Kazehana @ShadowQueen91 @Mitchs98 @Drakerus (I hope I got you all this time... ^^")
Ame shot a glance over at the nymph. "Oh, and I suppose you knew that rock would explode in water?" she countered, not happy that someone was calling her dumb. She then lifted her head up, crossed her arms and legs, and closed her eyes, letting out a hmph of indignation.

@Spazzycat101 (Shots fired)
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Kazehana said:
Ame shot a glance over at the nymph. "Oh, and I suppose you knew that rock would explode in water?" she countered, not happy that someone was calling her dumb. She then lifted her head up, crossed her arms and legs, and closed her eyes, letting out a hmph of indignation.
@Spazzycat101 (Shots fired)
Morgan The sigh came anyway.

'I think it is a general way of life, if something starts hissing whether it be stone or animal, you should back away with as much swiftness as allowed.'

Her voice had almost lowered to a hiss, accenting s's and h's with a calm hostility. Morgan quickly muted it and squeezed her eyes shut momentarily, though she didn't shake her head as she was tempted to do. Instead, she turned back to the desk, sat down, and collected the somewhat scattered flower petals and busied herself with mashing them into a pulp as instructed prior to the interruption. She replaced her hood which had fallen, to hide her snow-coloured complexion. Beneath the cloth shield, her teeth were clenched and her eyes were narrowed, trying to put down the thoughts of how another nymph could be as incompetent as this.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine @Mitchs98 @ShadowQueen91 @Drakerus
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Ame couldn't help but roll her eyes. "No need to be so rude. I happen to like hydrogen. It's fun to play with, and it's useful too. Not that you'd know anything about how to use gaseous molecules to your advantage. Best leave the air stuff to your cousins in the sky, k?" she replied with such sass and bluntness that she had to catch herself from going further. I'm turning into the higher sisters! And they're absolutely boring! she thought with a jolt of horror.

It was only natural for her to be as arrogant as some of her sisters, but she chose to remain as carefree as some of her more closer sisters. They were always more fun to be around, and they always seemed to have the best interpersonal relationships. The higher order... well they were just, 'Rules this! Laws that! You can't do that! It's improper for an aurai to act that way!' telling her how to live her life. Unfortunately, Ame was still bound to their rules and regulations. However, she often found any loophole she could so she could still have fun. In fact, enrolling in the academy itself was a loophole. The high council was not pleased that she had enrolled. Oh well.

Ame sighed. That wasn't what she wanted to do, but she supposed it was just the best of her instincts looking out for her. Otherwise, she might be taken advantage of.

After hearing the two girls fight, Darius felt very uncomfortable. he didn't know the first thing about nymphs or dryads or whatever so he couldn't really understand why Morgan was so mad. Sure, Ame could have been a little more careful but it was still an accident...right? Sighing he got up and walked back to his table where Morgan was still working for some reason. When he got closer he could immediately feel the aura of irritation around her and it was obvious you didn't need supernatural senses to do so. Even through her hood Darius could just imagine the scowl on her face if she were more expressive of her feelings. Gulping nervously, he approached her.

"Uh, hey Morgan is everything...ok?" he asked nervously. He had this sinking feeling she wasn't in the mood to answer him nicely. Dravlon was laying on the boy's head passively observing.

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@Kazehana @Spazzycat101 @Drakerus @everyone??

Miziki Kurone

Miziki whined and flattened her ears to her head as Ame and Morgan started arguing, not only because she was in the middle of them if they started a fight, but because she hated when people fought. She was glad once they seemed to stop, or at-least she hoped they had.

Sighing she glanced over to Ame, then to Morgan. "Please don't fight guys. Ame didn't know the rock would explode, I'm sure she thought it was a normal shiny rock or something. I doubt she would hurt us on purpose, besides you weren't even hurt so why are you angry? I got hurt more than all of you excluding Ame and I'm not mad at her." She told them. "What matters is no one got hurt too badly and we can be healed, not who caused it by accident."
Mitchs98 said:
@Kazehana @Spazzycat101 @Drakerus @everyone??
Miziki Kurone

Miziki whined and flattened her ears to her head as Ame and Morgan started arguing, not only because she was in the middle of them if they started a fight, but because she hated when people fought. She was glad once they seemed to stop, or at-least she hoped they had.

Sighing she glanced over to Ame, then to Morgan. "Please don't fight guys. Ame didn't know the rock would explode, I'm sure she thought it was a normal shiny rock or something. I doubt she would hurt us on purpose, besides you weren't even hurt so why are you angry? I got hurt more than all of you excluding Ame and I'm not mad at her." She told them. "What matters is no one got hurt too badly and we can be healed, not who caused it by accident."
"I agree with Miziki. It was an accident." Saria said, looking to Ame then Morgan.
Ame's jaw dropped. "Wait. People thought it wasn't an accident?" she asked incredulously. She was, understandably, hurt that they thought she was mean like that. After her initial shock, she went back to her bench and rested her head on her folded arms, looking out what remained of the window. Normally, she would just go to a beautiful stream or a waterfall in the forests to relax and compose herself, but she hadn't the luxury now. Instead, she just thought about them, longing for the freedom of her old life. Maybe I'm not cut out to be with so many other people. Maybe I should have listened to the elders and stayed in the winds, she thought with a sigh.
Kazehana said:
Ame couldn't help but roll her eyes. "No need to be so rude. I happen to like hydrogen. It's fun to play with, and it's useful too. Not that you'd know anything about how to use gaseous molecules to your advantage. Best leave the air stuff to your cousins in the sky, k?" she replied with such sass and bluntness that she had to catch herself from going further. I'm turning into the higher sisters! And they're absolutely boring! she thought with a jolt of horror.
It was only natural for her to be as arrogant as some of her sisters, but she chose to remain as carefree as some of her more closer sisters. They were always more fun to be around, and they always seemed to have the best interpersonal relationships. The higher order... well they were just, 'Rules this! Laws that! You can't do that! It's improper for an aurai to act that way!' telling her how to live her life. Unfortunately, Ame was still bound to their rules and regulations. However, she often found any loophole she could so she could still have fun. In fact, enrolling in the academy itself was a loophole. The high council was not pleased that she had enrolled. Oh well.

Ame sighed. That wasn't what she wanted to do, but she supposed it was just the best of her instincts looking out for her. Otherwise, she might be taken advantage of.

Drakerus said:
After hearing the two girls fight, Darius felt very uncomfortable. he didn't know the first thing about nymphs or dryads or whatever so he couldn't really understand why Morgan was so mad. Sure, Ame could have been a little more careful but it was still an accident...right? Sighing he got up and walked back to his table where Morgan was still working for some reason. When he got closer he could immediately feel the aura of irritation around her and it was obvious you didn't need supernatural senses to do so. Even through her hood Darius could just imagine the scowl on her face if she were more expressive of her feelings. Gulping nervously, he approached her.
"Uh, hey Morgan is everything...ok?" he asked nervously. He had this sinking feeling she wasn't in the mood to answer him nicely. Dravlon was laying on the boy's head passively observing.

Morgan My god, did sky-nymphs have equal difficulty shutting up? None of them could keep their heads out of the clouds, most certainly.

'Leave that to who? The ones floating around, apparently full of hot air? Perhaps it'll help if your breath flies out the window, hm?' As she spoke, Morgan's fist slammed onto the table and she stood abruptly again, nearly throwing her chair backwards. Almost as soon a she finished her speech, the remaining windows along the room were blasted out and the air pressure dropped so drastically that even her ears popped. She turned her attention to the kitsune who had spoken just prior, and though she had to shout now, her voice still sounded distant in the now mountain-thin atmosphere.

'I find that no longer am I annoyed at her utter mistake, just that someone that I must have some kind of relation lacks a capacity for caution. By the moons, we're in alchemy, why should half of the things in this room have the properties of what they seem?'

The word 'relation' was almost spat more than spoken.

Morgan almost entirely ignored Darius, but she realized he was there. Upon this revelation she remembered that the others were in this room as well and though hesitantly, allowed the atmospheric pressure to right itself with a disorienting rush of wind. The Snow Nymph did not even sway, the only movement came from her ruffled robes and hair.

'I would rather not argue much more, your fantastical logic is as cloudy as your head. Please, I don't want too much of your influence, or I'll start growing feathers.' With that, she returned to her seat although she watch itching to simply uproot herself and leave the room. If there was something never to be done to the normally passive dryad, it was underestimate her ability or desperaige her kin. Simply the presence of the other nymph was impeding upon the second, she felt.


@Kazehana @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Cruor Flumine
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Ame barely even noticed the air changes, even though normally she would immediately repair them. Still facing outside, she didn't see who did it, but she knew who had to have done it anyway. She was so stunned by her cousin's words that she didn't know what to say or do or even think. Her mind was blank aside from the girl's words repeating in her head. She couldn't remove them, or even stop them. All she could think about was how much of a failure she was and how easy it was for others to hate her.

was the only question she had. Why had she not listened to her elders? Why had she come? Why had she thought she could be a part of something she wasn't meant to be a part of? Why was she trying to be someone she could never be? Any and all of these questions were condensed into that one single word.

As she sat immobile, tears started falling from her once sparkling eyes, but without the sounds or sniffles that usually accompanied them. Instead, they were accompanied with the most severe emotions of loneliness, disparity, depression, worthlessness, and cowardice. She was a failure.
Spazzycat101 said:
Morgan My god, did sky-nymphs have equal difficulty shutting up? None of them could keep their heads out of the clouds, most certainly.
'Leave that to who? The ones floating around, apparently full of hot air? Perhaps it'll help if your breath flies out the window, hm?' As she spoke, Morgan's fist slammed onto the table and she stood abruptly again, nearly throwing her chair backwards. Almost as soon a she finished her speech, the remaining windows along the room were blasted out and the air pressure dropped so drastically that even her ears popped. She turned her attention to the kitsune who had spoken just prior, and though she had to shout now, her voice still sounded distant in the now mountain-thin atmosphere.

'I find that no longer am I annoyed at her utter mistake, just that someone that I must have some kind of relation lacks a capacity for caution. By the moons, we're in alchemy, why should half of the things in this room have the properties of what they seem?'

The word 'relation' was almost spat more than spoken.

Morgan almost entirely ignored Darius, but she realized he was there. Upon this revelation she remembered that the others were in this room as well and though hesitantly, allowed the atmospheric pressure to right itself with a disorienting rush of wind. The Snow Nymph did not even sway, the only movement came from her ruffled robes and hair.

'I would rather not argue much more, your fantastical logic is as cloudy as your head. Please, I don't want too much of your influence, or I'll start growing feathers.' With that, she returned to her seat although she watch itching to simply uproot herself and leave the room. If there was something never to be done to the normally passive dryad, it was underestimate her ability or desperaige her kin. Simply the presence of the other nymph was impeding upon the second, she felt.


@Kazehana @Drakerus @Mitchs98 @Cruor Flumine
Kazehana said:
Ame barely even noticed the air changes, even though normally she would immediately repair them. Still facing outside, she didn't see who did it, but she knew who had to have done it anyway. She was so stunned by her cousin's words that she didn't know what to say or do or even think. Her mind was blank aside from the girl's words repeating in her head. She couldn't remove them, or even stop them. All she could think about was how much of a failure she was and how easy it was for others to hate her.

was the only question she had. Why had she not listened to her elders? Why had she come? Why had she thought she could be a part of something she wasn't meant to be a part of? Why was she trying to be someone she could never be? Any and all of these questions were condensed into that one single word.

As she sat immobile, tears started falling from her once sparkling eyes, but without the sounds or sniffles that usually accompanied them. Instead, they were accompanied with the most severe emotions of loneliness, disparity, depression, worthlessness, and cowardice. She was a failure.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki yelped and shielded her ears from the sudden drop in pressure. She's said it before and she'll say it again, this school was determined to either kill her or deafen her. Once the pressure returned to normal she removed her hands from her ears and looked around. Sighing she gave Morgan a look of dissapproval before turning to Ame with a slight frown on her face.

Heaving herself ofd of the table she slowly walked over to Ame and placed a hand on her shoulder, she could tell from the shaking that she was crying, yet strangely wasn't making sound. "Its okay Ame. Some people are just jerks and don't know any better and overreact over everything. You didn't do anything wrong, I mean..you could of probably been a little more careful and asked what the rock was, but mistakes were made. I could've easily made the same mistake, and I have. That doesn't make you stupid or anything else." She told her, trying to comfort her. "Infact..the reason I'm here is because I got kicked out of my village for accidentally blowing up my house trying out a new spell, twice. If anyones dumb here its me." She told her in a low hushed tone that only Ame and anyone directly beside them would hear.

Don't beat yourself up over it. What other people say doesn't matter if its not true at all, you're far from dumb or useless." She added, smiling warmly at Ame.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki yelped and shielded her ears from the sudden drop in pressure. She's said it before and she'll say it again, this school was determined to either kill her or deafen her. Once the pressure returned to normal she removed her hands from her ears and looked around. Sighing she gave Morgan a look of dissapproval before turning to Ame with a slight frown on her face.

Heaving herself ofd of the table she slowly walked over to Ame and placed a hand on her shoulder, she could tell from the shaking that she was crying, yet strangely wasn't making sound. "Its okay Ame. Some people are just jerks and don't know any better and overreact over everything. You didn't do anything wrong, I mean..you could of probably been a little more careful and asked what the rock was, but mistakes were made. I could've easily made the same mistake, and I have. That doesn't make you stupid or anything else." She told her, trying to comfort her. "Infact..the reason I'm here is because I got kicked out of my village for accidentally blowing up my house trying out a new spell, twice. If anyones dumb here its me." She told her in a low hushed tone that only Ame and anyone directly beside them would hear.

Don't beat yourself up over it. What other people say doesn't matter if its not true at all, you're far from dumb or useless." She added, smiling warmly at Ame.
Saria groaned, covering her ears as the pressure dropped, then moved her hands when it returned to normal. "Yeah, who cares what she said. It was just an accident." She said, walking toward the two.
Ame was still paralyzed with grief, so she didn't move. In a very weak voice, she replied, "I haven't done a single thing right since I got here. I don't belong here..." she said as her voice trailed off into nothing. At the moment, she was focusing on trying to control her emotions, but to no avail. She couldn't erase the pain painted onto her emotional canvas in dark oils. No matter what she did, the negative thoughts weighing her down repeated in her mind continuously, bringing more and more each time. Ame had fallen into a dangerous loop, and wasn't finding any way out. Her despair was so great that she emanated a drastic halt in molecule vibrations, sending the temperature plummeting from her out. In no time, the air around her reached -10C, with the rest of the room quickly catching up to the cold, clammy clutches of the darkness inside of her.

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