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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Âme looked up at him, sighing. She shrugged and dropped the rock straight into the beaker, watching it produce smoke, which she easily identified as H2. "Hey is hydrogen a normal byproduct of washing a rock?" she asked, watching it start to react more violently with the water in an exponential way.

@Y'all (Ehehehe)
Morgan Morgan gave a nod before tearing the wings into halves and quarters, wincing a bit. She wasn't fond of killing things without much point, but she reminded herself that technically, the point was for potion-making, not nothing. She repeated her small pattern of tearing the colourful wings until she had a pile of tiny pieces that would have been risky to simply breathe on. Morgan scooped the fragments into a small dish and ground them up with her finger, dusting the clinging powder from her fingers. She jumped up as she heard a hissing followed by a crash as something was flung from a window, and in her surprise accidentally nudged the plate of crushed wings a bit too roughly, sending a plume of blue and green up as if she had blown on a spoon full of powdered sugar.

Just as the beaker was about to exit the room, it exploded with a huge impact. The fiery force was strong enough to blow away nearby students and give them fairly severe burns. Ame was, of course, the most near to the explosion, so she got the brunt of its impact, sending her, with a shriek, to the floor with flames she managed to put out before she fell unconscious.

Miziki Kurone

Just as Miziki had differentiated which pile were the wings and which pile were the flowers something exploded, and of course her and Saria were sitting directly behind Ame. Miziki was immediately flung from her chair and into the desk beside hers, and then unconciousness. This school was determined to kill or deafen the blind girl wasn't it?



Senki Tazuya

Luckily, Senki was sitting on the other side of the room when the explosion happened. Unluckily she was currently boiling her potion when it happened, sending her out of her chair and the boiling hot contents of hee beaker onto her everywhere. She screamed in pain and glared at Ame. If she wasn't in so much pain, she'd probably yell at her for her stupidity. "What the hell happened?!" She shouted, frantically trying to brush the extremely hot liquid off of her.
ShadowQueen91 said:
Saria looked at the ingredients, while the professor spoke. The butterfly wings had come from blue royal butterflies. Quite common where she was from. She then looked to the flower, picking one up, for a closer look.
(You uh..kinda just got exploded like everyone else. Not ded exploded, but exploded)
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Just as Miziki had differentiated which pile were the wings and which pile were the flowers something exploded, and of course her and Saria were sitting directly behind Ame. Miziki was immediately flung from her chair and into the desk beside hers, and then unconciousness. This school was determined to kill or deafen the blind girl wasn't it?



Senki Tazuya

Luckily, Senki was sitting on the other side of the room when the explosion happened. Unluckily she was currently boiling her potion when it happened, sending her out of her chair and the boiling hot contents of hee beaker onto her everywhere. She screamed in pain and glared at Ame. If she wasn't in so much pain, she'd probably yell at her for her stupidity. "What the hell happened?!" She shouted, frantically trying to brush the extremely hot liquid off of her.
(I didn't see that post before I posted. I deleted it.)

As something suddenly exploded behind her, Saria screamed as she was forced backward from her seat.
As Darius was working on his portion of the work he saw what was happening over by the professor and Ame. The explosion was a decent distance from him and Morgan but the incoming debris were a different story. Reacting in panic Darius casted a shield spell.


At that moment Dravlon's eyes glowed white and Morgan and he were surrounded by a transparent blue dome shaped barrier. The reaction was quick enough to prevent the students and equipment from crashing into them but unfortunately the shield also stopped the butterfly wing dust from dispersing and the boy breathed in a great deal of it. As the barrier dropped, so did Darius, collapsing onto the ground with his hands on his throat.

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Drakerus said:
As Darius was working on his portion of the work he saw what was happening over by the professor and Ame. The explosion was a decent distance from him and Morgan but the incoming debris were a different story. Reacting in panic Darius casted a shield spell.

At that moment Dravlon's eyes glowed white and Morgan and he were surrounded by a transparent blue dome shaped barrier. The reaction was quick enough to prevent the students and equipment from crashing into them but unfortunately the shield also stopped the butterfly wing dust from dispersing and the boy breathed in a great deal of it. As the barrier dropped, so did Darius, collapsing onto the ground with his hands on his throat.

Saria got up from the ground, dazed. She then noticed Darius clutching his throat. "Oh Gods, Professor!" She called out, as her eyes widened.
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ShadowQueen91 said:
Saria got up from the ground, dazed. She then noticed Dravion, clutching his throat. "Oh Gods, Professor!" She called out, as her eyes widened.
((Uhhh...It's Darius not Dravlon. Dravlon is the dragon.))
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Hide, sitting near the window the beaker exploded by only had enough time too pull up an ice shiel to defend himself.

@Everyone (Sry had a PAT couldn't post)
As the blast shook the room, any debris stopped as soon as it touched Varien's ward. A scowl was laid out on his face at the sight of the shattered window and crumbling wall. "And this, students, is why you don't play with alchemy." Varien strode over to Ame and gently scooped the girl up before placing her on an empty lab table. Varien repeated the process with Miziki, the blind kitsune before entering a side room and coming back out with a small pot and a large bottle with a red liquid in it. Setting the items on Ame's table, he took a look around. "Is everyone else alright?" He asked.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz @NightCasterZ @The Otaku Diaries @Col @Drakerus @Anyone Else?
"Never better!" Said Emily in her usual british accent except with a sarcasstuc tone. She dispelled the ward of frost around herself, shielding her, and wrapped herself in her green cloak. Gods this class is madening.

@Cruor Flumine @Everyone else
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Morgan She wouldn't have looked looked up from cleaning the small mess if there wasn't an explosion. Instead, of being thrown from her place and despite throwing her hand up in front of her face, nothing happened other than the air being clouded with the remnants of the butterflies' wings. In a moment, she quickly confined the scattered dust with a small wind-storm that had now shrunk to a few inches in height, though her hair was a bit tossed about. Morgan quickly hid it underneath the plate from which it had originally been collected upon. It was then that she let out a breath that she didn't realize she'd been holding to respond.

'Alright here-- wait, no, not fine!' She corrected herself when she realized that Darius was struggling to breathe.

@Cruor Flumine @Col @ShadowQueen91 @Drakerus @Anyone else

Senki Tazuya

Senki shakily stood when Varien asked if everyone was alright. "I'm fine, just a few burns. It hurt more than anything..my scales protected me from any real damage." She replied. "But I think that guy is choking to death." She told him, pointing to Darius on the ground choking. "Yep, definetely choking." She added when Morgan panicked.
Quickly, Varien rushed over to the student. Looking around his mouth, Varien could see a great deal of dust stuck to the corners of his lips. He pulled an unbroken bottle from a table and filled it with water before leaning over the student. "Drink slowly, not all at once. This will break down the dust and clear your airways." He said, tipping the bottle against the student's lips.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz @NightCasterZ @The Otaku Diaries @Col @Drakerus @Anyone Else?
Sitting up in his own quarters was by far the best spot in the entire academy to get a good look of the area and academy grounds. The mages tower wasn't too far away, nor was the forest. The towers and wings that stuck out of the massive building wete designed quite nice, then the different wings for the library and such etc etc. He look down at it all from his one window, hands behind his back, staff against the wall. He thought he at last found peace when he created this academy for those who wish to learn under protection. If only that were true, there's always the constant fear that something bad will happen. Which it eventually does but so soon? Just last night there was an 'incident' which reminded him that he was to head to the library later this evening after the meeting. Unfortunately now wasn't the time to be watching, aimlessly out a window.
((I just got out of school and my phone died earlier :P ))

Darius did as Professor Varien said and drank the water. After washing down the dust he coughed profusely and sighed in relief afterwards. Dravlon was giving him the most adorable worried look a dragonling could give but as soon as he realized the boy was looking the expression was completely erased from his face replaced by a look of anger. Darius only smiled and moved to pick up the dragon and hugged it to his chest. Dravlon still wore a look of mild irritation but he did not refuse the gesture.

"Im ok everyone" he said.
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Varien sighed in relief and patted the boy's head. "Good." He walked over to the table Ame was on before opening the pot and scooping out some sort of paste and applying it to her injuries before using a roll of cloth to wrap it up. He repeated the process with the kitsune and let out a heavy sigh. "We'll have to get Shaltaea in here to heal them with magic, but this will have to do for now." With a wave of his hand, the rubble was all swept to an unused corner of the room.

@Kazehana @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz @NightCasterZ @The Otaku Diaries @Col @Drakerus @Spazzycat101 @CoreyXIX @Anyone?
Saria watched Varien as he worked on their wounds, and cleaned up some of the mess. He was very skilled, but he would have to be to teach the class. She shook her head, still a bit dizzy from being thrown by the explosion, and sat down in a chair, that was just singed, and not destroyed.

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