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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Kazehana said:
Ame was still paralyzed with grief, so she didn't move. In a very weak voice, she replied, "I haven't
done a single thing right since I got here. I don't belong here..." she said as her voice trailed off into nothing. At the moment, she was focusing on trying to control her emotions, but to no avail. She couldn't erase the pain painted onto her emotional canvas in dark oils. No matter what she did, the negative thoughts weighing her down repeated in her mind continuously, bringing more and more each time. Ame had fallen into a dangerous loop, and wasn't finding any way out. Her despair was so great that she emanated a drastic halt in molecule vibrations, sending the temperature plummeting from her out. In no time, the air around her reached -10C, with the rest of the room quickly catching up to the cold, clammy clutches of the darkness inside of her.
Saria shivered as the room got much colder. Her short skirt wasn't helping matters as the cold crept up her legs. "B-but th-that's why you're here. T-T-To learn how to do things, the right way. Mistakes happen." Her teeth were chattering.
She got her schedule and just started walking around aimlessly. She just wanlked around the building caught up in her own thoughts about what happened last night. It made her hands shake when she thinks about it. She looked over to the time and she was seriously late for Alchemy. She ran didn't the hallways ad eventually got to the class. She walks in to see the room and it looked like something exploded. Kate looked around. "What happened?" She asks tentatively.
ScarlettRose16 said:
She got her schedule and just started walking around aimlessly. She just wanlked around the building caught up in her own thoughts about what happened last night. It made her hands shake when she thinks about it. She looked over to the time and she was seriously late for Alchemy. She ran didn't the hallways ad eventually got to the class. She walks in to see the room and it looked like something exploded. Kate looked around. "What happened?" She asks tentatively.
Saria turned to see the other girl. "An accident, and something exploded. But everyone's fine."
Varien, at this point, was beginning to get more than angry. Even though the room was cold, the air around him was becomming more than uncomfortable as his eyes began to glow. "You know, child, there are few things in this world that upset me. Verbally assaulting your fellow students out of spite, anger, and utter disregard for their feelings is definitely among them. I may be all nice and friendly at first, but that will change if you anger me. I am not above teaching a student a lesson through use of magic, understood?" He said, his eyes steadily growing brighter and brighter with magic, even the tattoos under his eyes began to glow a fiery red. @Spazzycat101 @Mitchs98 @Kazehana @ShadowQueen91 @anyoneIforgot
ShadowQueen91 said:
Saria shivered as the room got much colder. Her short skirt wasn't helping matters as the cold crept up her legs. "B-but th-that's why you're here. T-T-To learn how to do things, the right way. Mistakes happen." Her teeth were chattering.
At this point, Ame was barely paying any attention to what was happening. "Mistakes? Who else has made mistakes? And I've made so many," was all she could whisper. She was so consumed with her thoughts that she barely felt anything at all, let alone the cold. On her own, she had never been this sad. Of course she was bitter, but that side of her was numb.

Abruptly, she finally stood up, facing the windows away from those who caused her problems. For a moment, she looked outside to the open expanses, then took a deep breath. Then, in no time at all, she jumped out and flew to the roof to be alone for a while, taking her cold, somber disposition with her to reevaluate her choices thus far.
Ame sat on the roof, gazing over the expanses of trees. She sat holding her legs for comfort, though it wasn't really helping. For a time, she simply observed the world like she always did, watching the birds play and the trees whistle in the wind. It was so peaceful and serene in the wild. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, soaking in the sun's beautifully warm rays into her feathers. This is what it felt like to be alive.
Morgan During the last hushed exchange, Morgan was holding her head in one hand with her elbow balanced on the desk, as if she were alseep. In reality, she was trying to calm the mental typhoon of absolute loathing for the other nymph. She was reminding herself that the other species of nymph's were all very similar, if not the same. It was truly only the Snow Dryads that kept a rigid society bent on survival, as inexorably happens in an icy environment crawling with hostile animals and diseases. She was trying to tell herself that whether it be the flighty wind-nymphs or the rather slutty water naiads, it was useless and exhausting to not ignore them. Whether it was complete truth or not at this point she couldn't care, so long as it kept her from going mad.

Silently, Morgan stood and collected her staff from the ground onto which it had fallen, hoisted her bag onto her shoulder, and walked out from the room. She'd had enough.

The Demi-Dryad retreated to the library, opting to hide in a discreet corner. For further discretion, she found that corner in the roughly three-foot gap between one bookcase and the ceiling.

@all peoples
@everyone I missed @ScarlettRose16 @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki shivered from the cold considering she was literally touching the source, though before she could say anything more things escalated. Sighing Miziki walked over to a non-broken chair and sat down with her chin in her palm. She's made just as many mistakes or had as many accidents as she has thus far, hell she tripped down the stairs on the way to the dining hall. She could somewhat relate to how Ame felt, seeing as people in her village constantly picked on her for being blind and often making mistakes doing much of anything outside or sometimes inside her own house.

She figured she just needed to be alone for a bit, or maybe Varien could help seeing as Ame liked him. Then there was Morgan who more or less overreacted majorly, even Varien didn't get as mad as her and he was the teacher. She felt she'd honestly grow to hate Morgan if that was how she treated people when they made mistakes.
Âme didn't really respond to or resist him, just focusing on the birds and the trees and the calming sounds eminating fromg the forest. She couldn't help but think about how badly she wanted to explore and have fun again. But she came here for a reason. She wanted to be able to help the devestation and loss in the world. She didn't want to stop until she could bring anything to life, or bring life to barren lands.

@Cruor Flumine
"Ame, don't let people like those pull you down. It's the first day and things happen. It will get better from here on out. I promise. So cheer up alright? For me?" Varien said, beginning to stroke her hair. "I'm right here for you."

Âme looked up at him, for once tearing her eyes from the nature surrounding them. She wore a neutral expression, but she had to wipe her face clean before she spoke. "Today hasn't been any fun at all. I don't know if I should stay here," she breathed, looking into his eyes with pain and regret in her eyes.

@Cruor Flumine
He frowned slightly. "Some days won't be fun at all, and some you will remember for the rest of your life, that's just how it is. This was just a bad morning, you still have the rest of your classes ahead of you as well as the rest of your school days. Things can change easily, it's all in how you respond to the situation. So don't leave, give it a chance, alright?"

Âme moved her lips between each side of her mouth, thinking for a moment. Instead of responding, she buried her head in his chest and wrapped her arms around him, hugging tightly. The only sound she made was the sound of breathing.

@Cruor Flumine
Darius watched as Morgan walked out of the room. There was turmoil in his heart. Even though he knew that Morgan was indeed harsh and the one who triggered the apparent deep rooted sadness bottled up within Ame, he couldn't bring himself to just leave Morgan to rot away in her loathing. He didn't claim to understand the situation at all. Not one bit. There WAS one thing he could be certain of though.

To him, Morgan was a friend.

Darius could scarcely imagine the pain of having everyone side against you. Especially when they didn't even understand your side of the story. He knew right then that he had to talk to her. If not for Morgan's sake, then for Ame's. If Morgan was the one who caused the problem then there was a high likelihood that she was one of the few people who could fix it. He just hoped he could do it without making the situation worse...

"I'm going after Morgan." Darius stated firmly to no one in particular. With that he walked out of the room and followed Morgan a good distance behind until she entered the library where he lost her. The library was huge and she could've been anywhere. He sighed in defeat but Dravlon would have none of it. With a determined glint in his eye the dragonling began to sniff thoroughly. Darius saw the effort Dravlon was putting in and smiled. That's right. He couldn't give up either.

He followed Dravlon who was sniffing along the ground following the pleasant, crisp, natural smell of the Dryad until they arrived at a secluded corner of the library. Darius scanned the area but he couldn't find Morgan anywhere and Dravlon couldn't pinpoint her exact location either. Sighing, the boy opted to sit at a nearby table, facing away from Morgan.

"Morgan...I don't know know if you're here but...if you are, I want to talk." he said nervously even though he very well could have been speaking to thin air.

"What everyone is saying about what you did. It's not pleasant. And to be honest, I was close to siding with them. But...I've already met you and you don't seem like the type of person who would do that for no reason. I can tell you don't like hurting people at all. So it must be something else. Please Morgan...I...I want to help. I know that this is none of my business and that maybe, I couldn't even begin to comprehend the situation. Still though, you're my friend and I can't stand seeing you in so much pain. I'm not pitying you...I just...I guess you could say I'm just a sap...." and he laughed a little at the end despite himself.

"So please...if you're there...let me help you. It doesn't matter how little you're willing to tell. Anything at all will do..." he pleaded hoping she would respond despite the odds being against him.

@Spazzycat101 @Mitchs98 @Veyd Sahvoz @ShadowQueen91 @Anyone else I missed
He laughed lightly and shook his head. "Believe me, not everyone does. Even I don't at times, but I keep moving forwards, you should try the same thing."

@Kazehana (the anount of times ive type @Ame is ridiculous)
Minerva makes her way towards the Alchemy classroom on the sixth floor. She decided to come back to the academy for this year to learn more about magic. Currently, she sees a person walk out of the Alchemy classroom and dashes towards the entrance to the classroom.

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