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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame stopped, breaking her stride in an instant. "Well... I suppose..." she said, hesitating after every word nervously. She didn't want to seem boring, now did she? After taking her moment, she sighed and began walking again towards her assigned room, trying to ignore students going to and fro passed them.

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(Yanno, Miziki was the one that greeted you, xD )

@Cruor Flumine @ShadowQueen91

Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged when Varien thought it was Saria that greeted him. Oh well. "
Do you mind if I sit with you for now Saria?" She asked her, walking up to one of the desks. The table seemed big enough for more than one person, so, might as well right?
The vampire gets settled in to his new home and nods to himself. "Yup, this'll do. Now....to illusions class." Desh turns and walks out of the door. He sprints down the hallways at supernatural speeds, narrowly dodging many students on the way before coming to a screeching halt in front of Illusions. Desh opens the door and strides inside confidently , his cloak still up and flowing with his movements. He takes a seat and simply waits for the Instructor to arrive.
Mitchs98 said:
(Yanno, Miziki was the one that greeted you, xD )
@Cruor Flumine @ShadowQueen91

Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged when Varien thought it was Saria that greeted him. Oh well. "
Do you mind if I sit with you for now Saria?" She asked her, walking up to one of the desks. The table seemed big enough for more than one person, so, might as well right?
(On phone, no color.)

"Yes, Professor." She returned his smile. She then turned to Miziki. "No, go ahead."
As the remainder of his students enter into the room Prof. Shaltaea takes to looking at the students from his seat hidden behind the illusory wall. At first he sees a student that matches the description from the shade last night. Suddenly, some things click together. Of course it was him! The one that he had noticed with an unusual spirit about him! However, it seemed the spirit wasn't out. No matter to the lich, for the other student of interest came in. He seemed a bit older than most of the other people in the room. How interesting, this person likely had some experience under their belts. Hopefully he would be a bit easier to teach since he probably had more ways to apply these lessons.

"Welcome." the other Professor Shaltaea announces from the teacher's desk at the front of the room as he stands up from the desk. "This is the Illusions class, if you're in the wrong class now is time to leave to find the right one." Much to the real professor's disappointment, one or two students did leave, having mistaken it for another class. "I'm Professor Shaltaea, and I'll be your teacher for the semester." he explains, writing his name with illusory chalk on the blackboard behind him. "Now, before I begin I would like to know just how much some of you know. Can one of you give a definition for this branch of magic to the rest of the class?"

@LOLMAN101 @shadowz1995
ShadowQueen91 said:
(On phone, no color.)
"Yes, Professor." She returned his smile. She then turned to Miziki. "No, go ahead."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled and sat down beside Saria in the free chair. "Thanks. Hey, have you ever done Alchemy before?" She asked her. Of course, Miziki had attempted it...but uh..it..never ended well, ever. Usually in some kind of fiery explosion, in fact.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki smiled and sat down beside Saria in the free chair. "Thanks. Hey, have you ever done Alchemy before?" She asked her. Of course, Miziki had attempted it...but uh..it..never ended well, ever. Usually in some kind of fiery explosion, in fact.
She frowned slightly. "No, but my mom asked that I request it, so I can one day use it." She sighed. Her mother and her got along, but their relationship was a bit dicey.
ShadowQueen91 said:
She frowned slightly. "No, but my mom asked that I request it, so I can one day use it." She sighed. Her mother and her got along, but their relationship was a bit dicey.
Miziki Kurone

"Ooh. I see. Well, I've tried it before. Lets just say..double check what you're mixing. Ehehhe..." She told her before laughing nervously. It was true, had she properly arranged her things it might not of ended in explosions. But she didn't, and it did..
Curious, Desh thought. The man who introduced himself as the Professor Shaltea was no man at all. There was a different presence about him. Desh couldn't put his finger on it but human he was not. There was no heartbeat in the man teaching before the class. No breathing, though there was the SOUND of breathing coming from him. But no breath. "Could the shinanegans have already begun?" Desh muttered under his breath.

As the question rings out into the classroom, no student raises their hand to answer. How appropriate. None of them want to take the risk of being wrong. Young...very young all of them were. Desh raises his hand politely and speaks," Illusory magic is essentially magic meant to deceive the senses. It can be used to create images of monsters to frighten foes, seemingly silence sounds, or even people. Professors....would be a good way to deceive students no? Maybe an entire classroom? This could very well all be an illusion created by a master deceiver. Such as yourself no? Our lives are a lie. The cake is a lie. The lie is a lie hahaha. Am I close Professor?"

Desh did not survive all these years by being lucky and his skills. The vampire's intuition and instincts were sharper than any blade. When his senses were tricked or confused, his gut never led him astray and his gut was telling him something was off here. But Desh put it in a joking manner as to not alert the students that their whole lives might be a lie.

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Varien blinked and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry Miziki, I didn't see you hear you. Must've been looking at this paper too much. How was you're night? Got to sleep at a decent time I hope." He said before unfastening his cloak and folding it, placing it on the back of the chair.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone"Ooh. I see. Well, I've tried it before. Lets just say..double check what you're mixing. Ehehhe..." She told her before laughing nervously. It was true, had she properly arranged her things it might not of ended in explosions. But she didn't, and it did..
"Yeah, I know Alchemy has a certain order, and if you add the wrong thing at the wrong time, it will literally explode in your face." She said, putting her elbow on the desk, using her hand to support her chin.
shadowz1995 said:
Curious, Desh thought. The man who introduced himself as the Professor Shaltea was no man at all. There was a different presence about him. Desh couldn't put his finger on it but human he was not. There was no heartbeat in the man teaching before the class. No breathing, though there was the SOUND of breathing coming from him. But no breath. "Could the shinanegans have already begun?" Desh muttered under his breath.
As the question rings out into the classroom, no student raises their hand to answer. How appropriate. None of them want to take the risk of being wrong. Young...very young all of them were. Desh raises his hand politely and speaks," Illusory magic is essentially magic meant to deceive the senses.
Finally, one with the courage to speak up! It appeared to be the one that entered lats as well. Prof. Shaltaea was glad someone answered in such a timely fashion. "That is correct. Illusion magic is the branch of magic dedicated to deceiving the senses into seeing what's not there." He replies in affirmation to Desh's answer. "Now, some of the less experienced in the room may be wondering the advantages to using illusory magic instead of, say, destruction or some other magic." he says, giving a moment's pause before continuing. "For that, I'll be borrowing a quote from the autobiography of the late Akarat Indalgen, famed general and adviser to King Leoric IV of Westmarch. 'A strong arm can break an opponent's arm, but a strong deception can break an opponent's will.' In essence, a good illusionist can stop a fight from even happening instead of having to deal with the aftermath. Of course, there are more applications than just simple fighting." Indeed, like many branches of magic there was more than one use, even if most of the advances were made in times of struggle.

ShadowQueen91 said:
"Yeah, I know Alchemy has a certain order, and if you add the wrong thing at the wrong time, it will literally explode in your face." She said, putting her elbow on the desk, using her hand to support her chin.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to Saria, "
Yea..I know that from experience. Heh.." She replied. Soon after Varien spoke to her. "It's fine Proffesor, I know you're kinda busy after all. I had fun, and uhh..I'm not really sure what time I went to sleep. It was pretty late, probably." She replied before shrugging. "What about you, did you sleep well?" She asked him.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to Saria, "
Yea..I know that from experience. Heh.." She replied. Soon after Varien spoke to her. "It's fine Proffesor, I know you're kinda busy after all. I had fun, and uhh..I'm not really sure what time I went to sleep. It was pretty late, probably." She replied before shrugging. "What about you, did you sleep well?" She asked him.
His thoughts rewind to the night before. He nods. "I rested well, thank you for asking." He reached into the drawer and pulled out another piece of paper. He let out a sigh. "We have a good number of students with us, hopefully confusion with classes are sorted out by the end of the week."
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]His thoughts rewind to the night before. He nods. "I rested well, thank you for asking." He reached into the drawer and pulled out another piece of paper. He let out a sigh. "We have a good number of students with us, hopefully confusion with classes are sorted out by the end of the week."

" On that we agree. I'm not used to big buildings, and it took me a bit to find this classroom, the first time." She had taken a walk around the school, the day before, to get used to the halls and being inside for long periods of time.
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]His thoughts rewind to the night before. He nods. "I rested well, thank you for asking." He reached into the drawer and pulled out another piece of paper. He let out a sigh. "We have a good number of students with us, hopefully confusion with classes are sorted out by the end of the week."

ShadowQueen91 said:
" On that we agree. I'm not used to big buildings, and it took me a bit to find this classroom, the first time." She had taken a walk around the school, the day before, to get used to the halls and being inside for long periods of time.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, "Yeah..it would've helped if the schedules had the times for the classes on them correctly." She replied. "Oh well, I guess everyone will get used to it eventually." She added before shrugging. "Seeing as the desks are big enough for two people, I guess we'll be working together or something?" She asked him.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded, "Yeah..it would've helped if the schedules had the times for the classes on them correctly." She replied. "Oh well, I guess everyone will get used to it eventually." She added before shrugging. "Seeing as the desks are big enough for two people, I guess we'll be working together or something?" She asked him.
"Either that, or one person has a wide work area." Saria said, still leaning onto her hand.
He nods. "A bit of both actually. You and your partner will be working together. You both will have the same table and supplies so that you may put your heads together and make a single product which I will then test to see if you made it correctly. If you have any questions regarding what you are supposed to make, I will give you a push in the right direction. Otherwise, use your heads and consult the recipe that I will give you at the start of each lab."

@Mitchs98 @ShadowQueen91
ShadowQueen91 said:
"Sounds simple enough." Saria said, facing him as she spoke.
He nodded. "Hopefully it will be. You might want to bring a bag or something since everyone get's to keep the recipes when they have completed it correctly. There will be some work to be completed however, so don't think this will be all labs."
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]He nodded. "Hopefully it will be. You might want to bring a bag or something since everyone get's to keep the recipes when they have completed it correctly. There will be some work to be completed however, so don't think this will be all labs."

"Maybe if I keep some, I can write them in a book, for easy access." At this she smiled.


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