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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Smiling at the fact Ame had brightened up he realized his usual sarcastic icy demeanour was broken, confused he simply sighed, he had finally made a friend, "So, you have any idea when these classes start?"

Darius had finished eating his fill of the food in front of him when it occurred to him that he hadn't seen anyone besides Gold/Kar use magic yet.

"Hey Morgan. What kind of magic do you use if you don't mind me asking?" he inquired, interested. Where he came from magic wasn't a very common occurrence so he was interested in knowing what someone else's magic was like.

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ShadowQueen91 said:
"A Forest Elf." She answered, after being suddenly hugged by the kitsune. "And I see you're a kitsune." She smiled, thinking the girl was cute, in a little kid way, although she was probably much older than a little kid.
Miziki Kurone

Ooh. Elves were almost as rare as humans in my village, that's cool!" She told her, genuinely intrigued at what she was. She nodded and smiled when she said she was a Kitsune, "Yep! To be honest this is my first time around most of these races..it's pretty cool so far. Everyone seems nice at-least." She replied. "Ooh, have you met anyone else yet?" She asked, un-sure of when Saria had arrived.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Ooh. Elves were almost as rare as humans in my village, that's cool!" She told her, genuinely intrigued at what she was. She nodded and smiled when she said she was a Kitsune, "Yep! To be honest this is my first time around most of these races..it's pretty cool so far. Everyone seems nice at-least." She replied. "Ooh, have you met anyone else yet?" She asked, un-sure of when Saria had arrived.
"No, I tend to keep to myself, mostly." She answered. "Um.... I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude, butbare you by chance, blind?" She asked, because the girl had asked what she was, when her ears were a dead giveaway.
ShadowQueen91 said:
"No, I tend to keep to myself, mostly." She answered. "Um.... I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude, butbare you by chance, blind?" She asked, because the girl had asked what she was, when her ears were a dead giveaway.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded when she said she kept to herself. Understandable, though Kitsune by nature were far to curious and intrusive to ever do such a thing themselves. She fidgeted nervously and looked off to the side when she asked if she was blind, "Ahh..no..I can see perfectly fine." She told her. How had she figured it out? Oh...riiight...she asked her her race after stating she'd 'seen' elves before. Woops....
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded when she said she kept to herself. Understandable, though Kitsune by nature were far to curious and intrusive to ever do such a thing themselves. She fidgeted nervously and looked off to the side when she asked if she was blind, "Ahh..no..I can see perfectly fine." She told her. How had she figured it out? Oh...riiight...she asked her her race after stating she'd 'seen' elves before. Woops....
"Uh-huh. Let's go with that." She said flatly, not believing her.
ShadowQueen91 said:
"Uh-huh. Let's go with that." She said flatly, not believing her.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki stared at Sarai and crossed her arms, "
Okay then. Gimmie a test if you don't believe me. Anything. Go on." She told her. She was..mostly not serious. But if there was a way to get her to believe her, so be it.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki stared at Sarai and crossed her arms, "
Okay then. Gimmie a test if you don't believe me. Anything. Go on." She told her. She was..mostly not serious. But if there was a way to get her to believe her, so be it.
She crossed her arms. "Ok, then. How many fingers am I holding up?" It was a trick question.
ShadowQueen91 said:
She crossed her arms. "Ok, then. How many fingers am I holding up?" It was a trick question.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki frowned, well, damn. "
Uhhhh.....three?" She replied sheepishly. The one thing she had to ask that Miziki would have trouble guessing, and it was that. She was hoping she would've just tried to attack her or something, but nope..
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki frowned, well, damn. "
Uhhhh.....three?" She replied sheepishly. The one thing she had to ask that Miziki would have trouble guessing, and it was that. She was hoping she would've just tried to attack her or something, but nope..
She sighed. "No."
ShadowQueen91 said:
She sighed. "No."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki pouted, "
The sun is in my eyes..try something else, maybe?" She replied. Maybe she'd believe her...maybe. Probably not. But Miziki hoped so.
Ame took a thoughful moment to think it over. "No clue!" she said happily. "Hey, we could do something fun in the meantime!" she said, looking around to see who was where.

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki pouted, "
The sun is in my eyes..try something else, maybe?" She replied. Maybe she'd believe her...maybe. Probably not. But Miziki hoped so.
She smirked. "Okay, I'm going to attack you, but from where?" She walked around the kitsune in circles.
ShadowQueen91 said:
She smirked. "Okay, I'm going to attack you, but from where?" She walked around the kitsune in circles.
Miziki Kurone

An attack..yess! I should be able to block it..okay Miziki calm down and focus.. She thought to herself. Breathing more shallow she closed her eyes and concentrated and Sarai's movement. Every step on the ground was pin-pointed perfectly, right down to the crunching of the grass, she was even able to hear Sarai breathing. Once she'd focused herself she opened her eyes. "Go ahead then, attack. I'll block or dodge it, just watch!" She replied confidently.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneAn attack..yess! I should be able to block it..okay Miziki calm down and focus.. She thought to herself. Breathing more shallow she closed her eyes and concentrated and Sarai's movement. Every step on the ground was pin-pointed perfectly, right down to the crunching of the grass, she was even able to hear Sarai breathing. Once she'd focused herself she opened her eyes. "Go ahead then, attack. I'll block or dodge it, just watch!" She replied confidently.
Saria silently took a dagger from its sheath on her right hip, not moving. She held it in her hand for a moment, then suddenly launched it toward the girls left shoulder, hoping she WOULD be able to dodge.
Ame whipped back around to face him, eyes glowing. "Okay! Who? And what?" she asked, excited about his prospect. She hadn't done a prank in a long time, but perhaps that is because she usually avoided all other races that could communicate besides her own. It would be good to be mischievous again.

ShadowQueen91 said:
Saria silently took a dagger from its sheath on her right hip, not moving. She held it in her hand for a moment, then suddenly launched it toward the girls left shoulder, hoping she WOULD be able to dodge.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki dodged the blade as it careened for her left shoulder while twisting to grab Sarai's wrist and counter-attack for extra emphasis that she was, infact, not blind. Unfortunately, she grabbed the dagger with her right hand and Sarai's wrist in the other. Needless to say, it cut her pretty deep. She cried out in pain and grabbed her profusely bleeding hand with her free hand instinctively. She whined in pain and flattened her ears to her head, tears streaming down her face as she did so. "Why did you use a real dagger?!" She whined, not really mad just..well shocked. If she hadn't of dodged it could've killed her or hurt her badly.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki dodged the blade as it careened for her left shoulder while twisting to grab Sarai's wrist and counter-attack for extra emphasis that she was, infact, not blind. Unfortunately, she grabbed the dagger with her right hand and Sarai's wrist in the other. Needless to say, it cut her pretty deep. She cried out in pain and grabbed her profusely bleeding hand with her free hand instinctively. She whined in pain and flattened her ears to her head, tears streaming down her face as she did so. "Why did you use a real dagger?!" She whined, not really mad just..well shocked. If she hadn't of dodged it could've killed her or hurt her badly.
"It was the only thing I had on me, and if I moved in the slightest, I'm sure you could've sensed me." She said, approaching Mitziki. "I'm sorry. Let me see your hand."

Morgan The Demi-dryad gave a shrug, one made to look as if magic were a simple, daily thing to her. It was in fact, but the only thing about it that made her even the slightest bit uneasy was talking about it. From among her people there were ultimately very few who were gifted with magic, and even though they were recognized for it by way of the facial markings, it was still isolating. Morgan's finger twitched uncomfortably, hidden beneath the table. It was not immediately that she spoke, and when she did it was almost undetectably quieter than before.

'Ice, wind, water, only basic things. Something typical for a Demi-Snow Nymph...'

Almost as if demonstrating, she gave the apple (of which only about a half remained) a forceful tap and let it rise almost an inch off the table. Then she suppressed its ascension and pushed it back onto the table.

Suddenly, as if something had just occurred to her, her eyes widened a bit. Morgan remembered having returned the books she had collected in the library to their shelves, but she had only now realized that she had forgotten to relinquish the spell of gravity that she had placed upon some of them. An image came into her mind of several students struggling to keep books from falling up out of their hands as they read, and ultimately resulting in a pile of texts on the library ceiling. It took her another second to recall that it was early, and there would probably be few other visitors to the library, nonetheless people looking for the same books she had been. Furthermore, only upon about half of those she had played the trick of switching gravity's pull. Still, she vowed that at some point today she would remove the effect upon the books that were afflicted.

@Drakerus @Anyone
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"Well, I myself have little knowledge of people, who do you suggest we should prank," Hide was slightly giddy, he had never pranked anyone before, as he had never has friends.

ShadowQueen91 said:
"It was the only thing I had on me, and if I moved in the slightest, I'm sure you could've sensed me." She said, approaching Mitziki. "I'm sorry. Let me see your hand."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, she had a point. But she coulda got a stick or something. She nodded slowly and turned to face Sarai fully before holding her still bleeding hand out, there was a deep cut along the entireity of her palm sideways and the same on every finger except for her thumb. "I'm sorry I lied, I should've just said I was blind when you asked...not that you believed me in the first place when I said otherwise.." She mumbled.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki sighed, she had a point. But she coulda got a stick or something. She nodded slowly and turned to face Sarai fully before holding her still bleeding hand out, there was a deep cut along the entireity of her palm sideways and the same on every finger except for her thumb. "I'm sorry I lied, I should've just said I was blind when you asked...not that you believed me in the first place when I said otherwise.." She mumbled.
"True. You asked me what I was, after saying you had seen Elves before." Her right hand started to glow, with a light blue light, as she held Mitziki's wounded hand. It slowly began to heal.
Ame looked around, scanning faces for a while. "I'm not sure... Would it be bad to prank a professor?" she asked, a sparkle in her mischievous eyes.

ShadowQueen91 said:
"True. You asked me what I was, after saying you had seen Elves before." Her right hand started to glow, with a light blue light, as she held Mitziki's wounded hand. It slowly began to heal.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki sighed, "Yeaaah...that was kinda dumb of me." She replied, laughing slightly. By now she'd stopped crying and calmed down, but her hand still hurt. Luckily for her Sarai was healing it for her. "Thank you. I don't tell people I'm blind cause mostly everyone in my old village used to make fun of me for it..so I was worried you would.." She told her.

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