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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Vaccum said:
"Well then, that was quite the mess wasn't it." Mouse-O said, mildly upset. "Now I have to make a new staff, and a new hat... What was that Archemage up to all last night?" Mouse-O looked questioningly at Draconus, whom Mouse-O presumed knew the answer.

@Veyd Sahvoz @CoreyXIX
"How am I supposed to know?" asked Draconus, despite it not really being a question but still. Looking throughout the dining hall made him smile. Such young people of all different kinds of race/species, they've much to learn. Much indeed. Too bad they would eventually move on with their lives. It was hell to teach people from the time they were young in the ways of the arcane only for them to grow old and move on. He was cut out from his daze when he heard a loud yell from underneath of them that would definately be heard throughout the academy.

@CoreyXIX @Anyone else
Turning back to Miziki, Darius took notice of her foxlike features. While not as exotic as Gold it was still his first time seeing a sentient species other than Humans or dragons.

"So Miziki. I'd like to know a little bit more about you and your people. Where are you from? Were you always blind?"

Varien letvout a loud sigh before adjusting his grip on her and stepping through the portal and landing inside his classroom. Luckily for him, the dining hall was right down the hall outside of his room. Soon enough, the two were standing outside the doorway.

CoreyXIX said:
As Prof. Shaltaea was going to make a remark to the mouse heard the loud yell come from beneath them. What was it? "Headmaster, want me to look into it?" he asks Draconius. The lich figured he would be the best for scouting since he was out of his physical body at the moment. He was a bit hesitant to do so, but would if asked to.
"That won't be neccesary" said Draconus, waving his hand off. Pulling out a notebook he began writing in it, like always, but it wasn't his usual insights on magic and certain spells. No, it was about his own thoughts of what he was going to inform all of the professors about. Looking up at all of them he gulped before speaking hesitantly "I've good news and bad news . . ." he announced and waited a moment, to give off a sense of suspense "The bad news is that there are matters that shall be further discussed in the meeting room on the 25th floor. The good news is," he tapped on the table a bit before tapping his staff on ground "I'm going to be teaching this year!!"

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum @Anyone else
Ame made gleeful noises all the way down the hall. When they stopped at the dining hall, she stopped, confused. "We didn't fly at all!" she said, genuinely astonished that they went on foot. "You cheated!" she said, though not in a serious tone. Instead, she poked over his shoulder to speak face to face while she was still on his back. "That wasn't fair," she teased.

@Cruor Flumine
@CoreyXIX[/URL] @Vaccum @Anyone else
"Fine, fine." the lich says in response to not needing to explore. He figured they would be having a meeting about something, if last night's events were considered. Even if they weren't Prof. Shaltaea would have had a meeting with the headmaster anyway. Still, the news of his decision to teach was a surprising one. "Well, excellent! What caused this change?" the lich asks out of curiosity.

@Vaccum @Veyd Sahvoz
He shrugged. "What can I say, humans can't fly." He said with a smile before letting her slide down his back. "We can play later, but for now you need to eat and retrieve your schedule, alright?"

Drakerus said:
Turning back to Miziki, Darius took notice of her foxlike features. While not as exotic as Gold it was still his first time seeing a sentient species other than Humans or dragons.
"So Miziki. I'd like to know a little bit more about you and your people. Where are you from? Were you always blind?"

@Golden Glow

Miziki Kurone

(Sorry for the wait)

Miziki nodded and smile to Koda. She wasn't sure what Anthro.Anthra..whatever he said was. So she wasn't exactly sure how to picture him. Shortly after she was about to address Darius she heard a roar coming from..below the ground? Regardless the sound scared her and hurt her ears, causing her to flinch and cover her ears with her hands in a defensive posistion momentarily. After a few minutes she slowly removed her hands from her ears and looked back over to Darius like nothing had happened at all.

Her main question was, how did he figure out she was blind? Was she doing that thing where she didn't fully focus her eyes again..? Oh well..no point in hiding it. "Um. I'm a Kitsune. We typically live in small villages either in a forest or a grassland, I live a while from here. The village is typically hidden from outsiders by magic though so I doubt you've been there..My village was called Illoa. Kitsune typically have multiple tails depending on how strong they are or their parents. I have one tail but I'm supposed to be pretty strong." She explained, pausing before moving on to the more touchy subject. "And yeah..I've always been blind. But I get around well enough so..yeah." She added.

What about you? What are you?" She asked him curiously, tilting her head slightly.
Ame was disappointed, but nodded anyway, holding the door open for him to go through. She had a solemn expression, mainly because she was between happy and anxious. Last night was fun, but the day ahead was daunting. In fact, she wasn't sure what classes she had been assigned. It would be a surprise to everyone.

@Cruor Flumine
"Oh, right," said KDK, noticing her confusion. "Anthropomorphic basically means humanoid, if this one was confused. So Khajiit are just cats that look like humans."
He smiled and ruffled her hair. "You'll be fine, the first day will be over with before you know it." He said before walking through the door and straight to the head table. "Good morning everyone." The Archemage greeted, his eyes running over the mouse. 'Dammit!' He thought, still smiling lightly.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum @CoreyXIX
Ame cautiously got her schedule and some morning berries, happy that at least something was similar to life in the wild. She looked around, not sure where to sit. Most places already had people, and out of those, most had people she'd never seen before. Then, she spotted a few people that she had already at least met. You can be brave. You do brave things all the time! You'll be fine... Right? Ame took a deep breath and walked over to the table, hesitant. She sat down carefully and started to eat, hoping she could just spectate whatever was happening.

Morgan The Demi-Dryad sat at the otherwise empty table she had taken, the barest bit of edible flesh was left clinging to the core of the apple. It was so used that she was obligated to hold it in place by the stem to keep from staining the table with its juice, which she had discovered became somewhat stickey after a few minutes. Her hooded head rested on one fist while her elbow was perched upon the table, and her other pale fingers fiddled idly with the apple core until she heard a rather unexpected cry from some place... Below them? She jumped at the noise and her head came up, and her fist clenched further while both hands came to hover over the table. The screech was momentarily followed by the soft and feeble thunk, thunk as the remnants of the fruit fell to the table and then to the floor. Morgan had found herself inclined to stand at the noise, whose alarm ceased to leave her immediately as it seemed to have for all others. It was a reaction, and instinct more like, for her who lived among the ice to take note of any and all sounds. Her movement to stand blocked by the table and causing yet another small bit of sound as her chair was moved, the girl hurried to seat herself again. Still, her hooded head moved to send an alarmed and questioning look toward the table that was occupied by the professors.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Cruor Flumine @CoreyXIX @PeopleWhoPlayProfessorsWhoIMightHaveMissed @Anyone
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Mitchs98 said:
@Golden Glow
Miziki Kurone

(Sorry for the wait)

Miziki nodded and smile to Koda. She wasn't sure what Anthro.Anthra..whatever he said was. So she wasn't exactly sure how to picture him. Shortly after she was about to address Darius she heard a roar coming from..below the ground? Regardless the sound scared her and hurt her ears, causing her to flinch and cover her ears with her hands in a defensive posistion momentarily. After a few minutes she slowly removed her hands from her ears and looked back over to Darius like nothing had happened at all.

Her main question was, how did he figure out she was blind? Was she doing that thing where she didn't fully focus her eyes again..? Oh well..no point in hiding it. "Um. I'm a Kitsune. We typically live in small villages either in a forest or a grassland, I live a while from here. The village is typically hidden from outsiders by magic though so I doubt you've been there..My village was called Illoa. Kitsune typically have multiple tails depending on how strong they are or their parents. I have one tail but I'm supposed to be pretty strong." She explained, pausing before moving on to the more touchy subject. "And yeah..I've always been blind. But I get around well enough so..yeah." She added.

What about you? What are you?" She asked him curiously, tilting her head slightly.
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Golden Glow

CoreyXIX said:
"Fine, fine." the lich says in response to not needing to explore. He figured they would be having a meeting about something, if last night's events were considered. Even if they weren't Prof. Shaltaea would have had a meeting with the headmaster anyway. Still, the news of his decision to teach was a surprising one. "Well, excellent! What caused this change?" the lich asks out of curiosity.
@Vaccum @Veyd Sahvoz
"Yeah, what did cause the change?" asked both Addor and Adlin at almost the exact same. Draconus raised his cup to the table "Well the thought of teaching students some of my knowledge" he said with a chuckle. Thought that wasn't the actual reason. The last time he taught a student everything he learnt was 4, 000 years ago and that was to his apprentice which he didn't want to discuss. The real reason was so he could keep a closer eye on the academy with what his suspicions still up.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum @Anyone else
Ame's cheeks slightly colored as she froze, looking up to him. She had no idea who was talking to her. Maybe they tell everyone. But then wouldn't I know him? Who is he? Is he following me? were just a few thoughts that ran through her mind. She awkwardly smiled, then went back to eating.

@Golden Glow
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Golden Glow

"Yeah, what did cause the change?" asked both Addor and Adlin at almost the exact same. Draconus raised his cup to the table "Well the thought of teaching students some of my knowledge" he said with a chuckle. Thought that wasn't the actual reason. The last time he taught a student everything he learnt was 4, 000 years ago and that was to his apprentice which he didn't want to discuss. The real reason was so he could keep a closer eye on the academy with what his suspicions still up.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum @Anyone else
The old lich just merely nods to Draconus' response. Really, his reasons were his own and Prof. Shaltaea had little reason to stick his nose into it. He had just decided to ask about such a change. He would reciprocate raising the cup but the downside of being here in astral form was that he couldn't physically touch or manipulate anything."Well, may your semester go well." he says as he gives a wave to the Archemage as he came to the table. "That was some patrol you missed last night." he remarks to his coworker with surprisingly little sarcasm to it. Other than a couple incidents it was boring.

@Cruor Flumine @Veyd Sahvoz @Vaccum
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Golden Glow

"Yeah, what did cause the change?" asked both Addor and Adlin at almost the exact same. Draconus raised his cup to the table "Well the thought of teaching students some of my knowledge" he said with a chuckle. Thought that wasn't the actual reason. The last time he taught a student everything he learnt was 4, 000 years ago and that was to his apprentice which he didn't want to discuss. The real reason was so he could keep a closer eye on the academy with what his suspicions still up.

@CoreyXIX @Cruor Flumine @Vaccum @Anyone else

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded to Koda. "Oh, I see." She told him, giggling and imaging a humanoid cat the size of her. Or rather, an image of what she'd been described a cat was before. Soon after someone came up introducing themselves as Emily Frostworth, Ame had also came in soon too. "Hi Ame!" She greeted excitedly soon after Koda was done speaking to her.

Once Koda had intrduced himself to Emily Miziki did the same. "
I'm Miziki Kurone, nice to meet you Emily! And no, you're just in time like Koda said." She greeted. So many new people! And they were all nice! Miziki was positively estactic right about now, her tail swishing non-stop excitedly.
Ame was having a hard time with all the new faces and all the social interactions she had to deal with at once. Instead of responding, she was unable to do anything but redden and eat her berries quicker, determined to finish as soon as possible. Nope. Not today. I'll be brave some other time, she thought, internally panicking. One at a time was a good pace. Sitting with a bunch of people may have been a mistake. She cast nervous glances between the people having conversations as she geared up to finish her meal.

@Y'all I'm too lazy to tag today
Varien shook his head. "I would hardly say I missed it. I ran into a few students out after curfew and sent them off to bed. Other than that, my Atronochs reported nothing."

"Ah, I just expected you be out and about. My apologies." the lich replies to Varien. It seemed curfew breaking students would always be the one constant in any academy. "Good to see your night went better than mine." he says in reference to the illusory things that happened to him. He wondered if that was what the meeting today was about.
Darius sat and listened to Ame, Kar, and Miziki talk until he noticed the hooded figure from earlier seem to jump in surprise. Seeing how the three were getting along nicely without him he figured he would just see if everything was okay. Getting up, the boy walked casually towards their table scooping up Dravlon along the way making sure to avoid the fruits that now littered the ground. Taking the seat across from them he could see that they were, in fact, a girl. However, her features were a little too pale and smooth to be human. Clearing his throat he greeted her gently.

"Uh, hi. I'm Darius. Are you okay? I saw you hit yourself on the table just now" he said in a a sort of awkward voice that he hoped wouldn't embarrass her or himself. Dravlon simply rested in the boy's lap silently.

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Hide sat silently at the table, he was not a stranger to social interaction but highly detested it, still, he thought, there are many benefits of talking, not bothering with anything he takes another bite of his apple, across the table the girl he saw the other night was reddening with a choked expression, clearly recognizing symptoms of social anxiety he looks across at her and gently extended his hand while saying, "Hello, my name is Hide, it is nice too meet you."


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