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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Amelia had not been awoken by the announcement for one simple reason: she had not slept. This wasn't unusual for her, seeing as she was an insomniac. For some of the night, she had read by the light of a small candle. But when the candle ran out she pulled a chair over to the window and simply watched as the night went and the morning came. When the announcement interrupted her night watching, she looked up for a few seconds, then got changed into her uniform. She left the room and headed for the dining hall.
Morgan After retrieving her class schedule, Morgan turned to face the few other students who had arrived in the hall just in time to see the conclusion of what seemed to be some kind of flashy trick of magic. After a small flinch and a few blinks, she drew her hood up over her stunningly white hair and features before seating herself about a table or so away from the small cluster of odd people, including two cat-like people, though one showed the feline features more so than the other.

Morgan paused for a moment as she surveyed the small collection of food in the center of the table, obviously meant for multiple people. Still, her gaze raked the assortment for something familiar, which would extend almost only to dried meats, fish and the rare fruit. Living among a small tribe of Mountain Dryads who made a home from tundra didn't allow much culinary variation, so much of the food appeared rather foreign to the lost-looking girl. Beneath the hood of her cloak, her face was an expression that hung between bewilderment and confusion, and she could hardly tell one thing from another.

@Anyone who bothers :P

(Also... I'm just gonna assume food here is like that at Hogwarts. 9_9 )
As everyone else oggled at the transformation Darius noticed a hooded figure almost unnoticeably glide towards a nearby table. They looked...sort of out of place. They were staring at the food as if it was the strangest thing in the world. Darius just shrugged and went back to the conversation at hand. Unbeknownst to him, Dravlon made his way over to the figure and proceeded to help her pick out food by hopping onto the table in front of her and nudging various edible items in her direction. The dragonling then laid down gazing at the dryad innocently.

Theo's eyes slowly opened as the announcement was broadcasted. For a moment you could see his iris in a deep dark purple colour before reverting back to its normal blue. Yawning Theo got up from his bed and almost fell as he tripped on Darqarst who had slithered out under the bed as they sensed Theo was awake. "Jesus, Darqarst get out of my way. You heard the announcement." Theo growled as he opened up his dresser and put on his clothes. "Maybe you should watch where you step." Darqarst replied annoyed. Theo ignored him as he looked at the body sized mirror combing his bedhead and then turning to the side and pulling up his collar to make sure the eldritch mark wasn't visible. "Ok lets go see my schedule. I'm going to blink(teleport) as there will be a large group I can drain off of." Theo held out his hand close to the floor towards Darqarst and they slithered into his shirt before coming out the collar and hanging from both of Theo's shoulders. Theo then teleported to the dining hall where a group of students where looking at their schedules. Immediately Theo had to hold his head with one hand and close his eyes tightly as his head throbbed with pain from using his magic when he was already low on sanity. "Damn it.." Theo mumbled as he opened his

eyes now with purple irises and saw strange shadow figures dancing along the walls. "Fuck!" Theo said to Darqarst. "Can you go through the crowd and check my schedule while I fix myself?" Darqarst looked at Theo's eyes for a moment before nodding his head and slithering into the crowd using a bit of eldritch magic to make him unnoticeable. Theo sat down at the nearest dinning chair and twirled his pendant while muttering some words to drain the peoples sanity in the room each by 5% each. This wouldn't cause the people any harm just maybe a nightmare or two when they go to bed. Theo found that some people had mental shields set up. So he just bypassed these people as they could possibly detect the drain if Theo tried it on them. Theo watched the shadow creatures fade away, felt the throbbing in his head dissapear, and his eyes returned to blue. At that moment Darqarst emerged back out of the crowd and slithered back onto Theo's shoulders. "So you figured out what I have?" Theo asked. "Yes, you have illusion magic with Prof. Sheltaea, destruction magic with Prof. Varien, potions and charms with Prof. Adlin." Theo sighed deeply "Really I get Sheltaea first? I never liked the way he looked at you last year. He's sort of like the headmaster as he seems to know too much." Theo turned around in his chair and started eating the large variety of breakfast foods he could choose from.

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She eventually made her way back to her room after talking with the head master. She woke up with a pounding headache. It was probably from whatever she drank last night. She dragged herself out of bed and cleaned herself up. She got her cloak from the stairs when she was making her way back to her room. She changes into casual clothes and kept her cloak on and she opened the door and started making way to where she had to get her schedule.​
"Good morning Adlin, Vicar, Addor, Ms. Yves and Shaltea! I trust you all had a great sleep?" said Draconus, appearing randomly out of no where and sitting down on the right side of the professors table. It seemed that the illusions only happened at night. At least he hoped it'll stay that way. After finally sitting down he looked over at Adlin "Would now be a good time to bring our little friend back?" he asked with a grin. Adlin took a moment but knew what he meant. Reaching to her pocket she revealed a small soul gem she stole the other night from Varien. Now all that was left to do was wait.

@CoreyXIX @Anyone else


Oh gods I hate this god forsaken forest! Thought Emily, trudging her way around the giant roots of the tree. It was all far more dreadful than it seemed from inside a massive building. That was probably because not a lot of people tend to enjoy walking around a forest that stretches for who knows how long. Seeing the academy was a relief but actually walking inside was more naesiating then walking there. I swear he purposely made this place a maze. . . Her stomach grumbled, when was the last time she fed? A few days? She'd need a blood source soon but not now, hopefully.

@Anyone (she's on the main floor and just walked in)
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Gevurah watched the others interact, calculating on how to further conversing with the group. Incorporating themself amongst them was exceedingly difficult. They felt no sense of frustration from the task before them, settling on observing them for now. A burst of magic echoed over their senses, and Gevurah focused on a new presence–no, two–that had made itself known in the Dining Hall. The two felt tainted. Danger?

They stood up suddenly and walked away robotically from the good group of people they had been communicating with. Pinpointing the two dark auras, Gevurah reached the table where the male was sitting at, and stiffly seated themself in front of them. They quietly watched him eat for a few seconds, before speaking in their delicate feminine voice. "You are impure." They wondered what to say next, and realized that they forgot to greet them in a human-manner. "Good morning. I am Gevurah, of the choir Powers." One of the people had said this before to them, so perhaps it would be prudent to mimic them. "Nice... to meet you."

@CoreyXIX[/URL] @Anyone else


Oh gods I hate this god forsaken forest! Thought Emily, trudging her way around the giant roots of the tree. It was all far more dreadful than it seemed from inside a massive building. That was probably because not a lot of people tend to enjoy walking around a forest that stretches for who knows how long. Seeing the academy was a relief but actually walking inside was more naesiating then walking there. I swear he purposely made this place a maze. . . Her stomach grumbled, when was the last time she fed? A few days? She'd need a blood source soon but not now, hopefully.

@Anyone (she's on the main floor and just walked in)
(That awkward moment when my last post had me not in the dining hall)

As Prof. Shaltaea's ghostly projected form resided in his spot at the professor's table, he took a moment to observe some of the students. Before he knew it the headmaster was there at the table, bring up the resurrection of that mouse from earlier. "It's not like there's a bad time to resurrect a mouse." he replies. If one wanted to bring a mouse back from the dead then they were going to do so regardless.
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Sii Griid Nau!!!" exclaimed Gold.
Gold suddenly turned very transparent, almost phasing from existence. He turned into small particles that flew into where his head was. The particles swirled around, and then turned tan. They blasted back outwards, forming a humanoid cat person with the same clothing on.

Ko'Do'Kar walks over and greets himself; "Greetings. The name is Ko'Do'Kar. He is a Khajiit, which is a fusion of cat and human. Miziki, this is why Gold said he knew what it was like to have catlike hearing. He gained Ko'Do'Kar's ability to hear, much like Ko'Do'Kar gained Gold's liking to water."

Drakerus said:
Darius stared in awe at Gol-no Ko'Do'Kar. He started imagining all the possible implications of sharing an existence with another being. Where does the food go when...
His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that the Khajiit or whatever in front of him was essentially a cat and remembered he was very allergic to them. Strangely though, his sinuses produced no reaction whatsoever. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Kar wasn't an average one of his species. Darius mentally shrugged.

"Nice to meet you Ko...da..? Can i just call you Kar?" he asked trying not to sound rude.
Miziki Kurone

Miziki of course, hadn't seen what was probably a very awesome display of magic, but she was able to sense it in a way. She could also tell from speech alone that the being in front of her was entirely different. She wondered briefly if it was some form of Soul Possesion..it sure seemed that way. "Nice to meet you Koda, do you mind if I call you Koda?" She replied. "Is a Khajit like a Kitsune?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly. One would assume that a dumb question, but she was blind so it was not.
Morgan As the small blue creature climbed onto the table at which she sat and began to seem to suggest foods, Morgan gave a small blink of surprise but after a moment of hesitation, took one of the fruits that had been presented to her which just so happened to be an apple. For a moment, she considered the contrast of the red skin of the fruit against her pale fingers to look almost like blood in a peculiar way, but the thought was expelled at the deliciously tart and tangy flavor when she took a bite. Her eyes widened at the flavor of fresh fruit, not dried, and she tried to hide a curiously surprised look as Morgan brought one hand up to wipe a bit of juice that had dropped down her chin. She nodded a quick and silent thanks to the tiny hatchling of a dragon, at least now she knew of one thing here that she could eat.

@Drakerus @anyone
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CoreyXIX said:
(That awkward moment when my last post had me not in the dining hall)
As Prof. Shaltaea's ghostly projected form resided in his spot at the professor's table, he took a moment to observe some of the students. Before he knew it the headmaster was there at the table, bring up the resurrection of that mouse from earlier. "It's not like there's a bad time to resurrect a mouse." he replies. If one wanted to bring a mouse back from the dead then they were going to do so regardless.
"Very well. . .Arise Mouse-O from the afterlife" he said in a monotone voice as a new little mouse body was provided and the soul was moved into it. Draconus resumed his meal, still not sleep deprived even though he was awake the entire night.

@CoreyXIX @Vaccum
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]Gevurah watched the others interact, calculating on how to further conversing with the group. Incorporating themself amongst them was exceedingly difficult. They felt no sense of frustration from the task before them, settling on observing them for now. A burst of magic echoed over their senses, and Gevurah focused on a new presence–no, two–that had made itself known in the Dining Hall. The two felt tainted. Danger?
They stood up suddenly and walked away robotically from the good group of people they had been communicating with. Pinpointing the two dark auras, Gevurah reached the table where the male was sitting at, and stiffly seated themself in front of them. They quietly watched him eat for a few seconds, before speaking in their delicate feminine voice. "You are impure." They wondered what to say next, and realized that they forgot to greet them in a human-manner. "Good morning. I am Gevurah, of the choir Powers." One of the people had said this before to them, so perhaps it would be prudent to mimic them. "Nice... to meet you."


Theo didn't realize someone was sitting in front of him until he heard the words "You are impure." Which almost made him choke. He coughed a couple times before taking a drink of water. While he did this Theo gave Darqarst a menacing stare. They said Eldritch magic was almost impossible to detect by a distance!! How could this person just... know. Darqarst knew what Theo must be thinking but stuck out their tongue and smelled the air innocently looking at the girl. "Uh hi Gevurah...What did you mean by impure?" Theo said anxiously in a whispering tone.
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Dravlon nodded at the Dryad and hopped off the table and made his way towards where a student and his snake were sitting. Getting closer to the snake, the dragon proceeded to stare into its unblinking eyes intently. Dravlon sensed a bond similar to what he and Darius shared within the snake and its master so he came over in hopes of perhaps making friends despite not being able to directly communicate.
Gevurah did not understand the question that the tainted male asked them. "Impure is impure. You are a being tainted by evil." They stared blankly at him. Their Eye of the Prophet told them that he was anxious. Hm. They were only stating the truth. Ah, now they understood. The tainted male was asking what made them understand that he was impure. "Your magic. I see the fragmented darkness within you. All humans are inherently impure, but you are more so. As a being made from pure light of the Tetragrammaton, dark beings are much clearer in my vision." Their wings fluttered, one of the first movements that wasn't robotic or otherwise inhuman, and they continued in a soft, emotionless voice. "Fear not. I will not expose you, if that be thy wish." Their duty was not to smite evil, but to communicate with the beings residing in this realm.

[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]Gevurah did not understand the question that the tainted male asked them. "Impure is impure. You are a being tainted by evil." They stared blankly at him. Their Eye of the Prophet told them that he was anxious. Hm. They were only stating the truth. Ah, now they understood. The tainted male was asking what made them understand that he was impure. "Your magic. I see the fragmented darkness within you. All humans are inherently impure, but you are more so. As a being made from pure light of the Tetragrammaton, dark beings are much clearer in my vision." Their wings fluttered, one of the first movements that wasn't robotic or otherwise inhuman, and they continued in a soft, emotionless voice. "Fear not. I will not expose you, if that be thy wish." Their duty was not to smite evil, but to communicate with the beings residing in this realm.


((sorry had homework i was forced to do))

"Oh I see..." Theo said as Gevurah explained. Theo never viewed his magic as evil at least no more evil than magics like necromancy. He viewed it as powerful but with a small price. Theo wasn't very affected by Gevurah's emotionless voice or the wings as he had been in the academy for three years and met lots of species with similar characteristics, but none that could tell he was "impure". He felt relaxed when Gevurah said that they wouldn't say anything. "Thank you, please don't tell anyone...My name is Theo and this is..." Theo didn't know whether to show off Darqarst but decided if she could sense his energy she could defiantly see his. "Darqarst. This is Darqarst." He finished. Darqarst slithered onto the table in between the various plates of food before rearing up and looking at Gevurah in the eye smelling the air with their tongue. Darqarst didn't like this creature as how easily it could sense them. They sent out a wave of eldritch energy as a warning towards Gevurah before slithering back onto Theo's shoulders still staring at Gevurah. Theo felt the wave too and looked at Darqarst psychically saying "Gevurah said that she wouldn't tell anyone so don't be rude or else she might change her mind." "Sorry about that Darqarst doesn't trust you as much as I do. Please just ignore them." Theo apologized.
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"Nice to meet you. Theo." Gevurah tilted their head at him. When the wave of eldritch energy washed over Gevurah, their first reaction was to purify themself of any traces of the dark energy. The snake... it was the other presence from before. They purified themself and the air around them a second time to rid themself of any lingering eldritch energy, and purified a third time. Three is a good number. "I am not offended. Do not worry about what I may be feeling." They weren't supposed to feel anything, after all. While the male was impure, he fit into the standards of what humans considered nice. "You do not need to treat me like a living being, Theo."

Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki of course, hadn't seen what was probably a very awesome display of magic, but she was able to sense it in a way. She could also tell from speech alone that the being in front of her was entirely different. She wondered briefly if it was some form of Soul Possesion..it sure seemed that way. "Nice to meet you Koda, do you mind if I call you Koda?" She replied. "Is a Khajit like a Kitsune?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly. One would assume that a dumb question, but she was blind so it was not.
"Yes, you can call Ko'Do'Kar 'Koda,' and no, Khajiit are not kitsune," responded KDK. "We are more like anthropomorphic cats, whereas Argonians, Gold's race, are like anthropomorphic lizards."
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He smiled at her and sighed. "It was a blue orb, it had been sitting on the crystal ball stand, but it's gone now." He said with a shrug as he replaced the crystal ball in its spot on the desk. He looked around the room. "So, what would you like?" He asked.

(Sorry, was very tired last night and just kinda passed out on my bed.)

Ame stopped and looked around, not sure what she was looking for. Then, she suddenly stopped and ran back up to him, very pleased with herself. "How about a carrier pigeon ride to the dining hall? That would be fun!" she chirped, standing proud of her decision.

@Cruor Flumine
He raised an eyebrow. "Carrier pigeon? I think those things are a bit too small for you, wouldn't you say? Besides, we don't normally use those around here due to us all being skilled in magic, we can just find the person we need easily. It still amazes me that, even though this academy is so large, it's also so small at the same time..."

Ame giggled. "No, silly! Every fledgling knows what that is! It's where you have to fly me on your back!" she explained cheerfully, fidgiting out of restlessness.

(You responded literally right after I started doing lab chores xD

@Cruor Flumine
Kazehana said:
Ame giggled. "No, silly! Every fledgling knows what that is! It's where you have to fly me on your back!" she explained cheerfully, fidgiting out of restlessness.
(You responded literally right after I started doing lab chores xD

@Cruor Flumine
Varien raised an eyebrow before realization dawned on him. "A piggyback ride...she wants a piggyback ride..." He muttered to himself. "I...Suppose I can do that." He said hesitantly.

(Sorry, didnt have internet for a while)

"Yay!" she exclaimed happily before hopping right onto his back. "Fly!" she said excitedly, much like a small child riding a horse for the first time, except horses don't fly. It never occurred to Ame that he had no way of flying, but hey, it wasn't her problem. Instead, she opted to giggle and look around, putting her legs on either side of him and locking her arms around him, securing her position.

@Cruor Flumine

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