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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Varien's eyes fluttered open at the movement. Seeing that she moved, he pulled her closer to himself, savoring the warmth that he got from her form. As his eye's closed again, one final thought flittered through his head as he drifted back off to sleep with his face resting next to Ame's. 'Is this okay? For a student and teacher to be like this?'

UnwantedTruth said:
"Emotional magic..." she said, frown planted on her face. She turned the page and continued reading.
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed at noticing Amelia's expression. "Oh. Neat." She replied simply before laying back down flat on her back on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling. I bet everyone else got nice room mates..Eh..well at-least room-mates they didn't piss off at first interaction..Gunna be a looong year... She thought to herself, sighing heavily.
As Adlin inspected the lich's macabre room the professor had spent a moment looking, seeing mostly everything back in place, although he noticed Humbart was being pretty quiet around the other professor. He normally enjoyed a good scare or pranking of someone he hadn't met before. Oh well, his problem. At least her squirming at the thought of his blood was entertaining enough. "Not that I'm aware of, but I would bet I'm not the only one with a 'visitor' tonight." he replies, using the term to snarkily refer to the earlier illusion. "We should consider alerting the headmaster on it. I know I have a few reports to make to him next time I see him." he adds, giving an offer of what to do as he watches her inspecting the many odds and ends of his room.

@Veyd Sahvoz
After a long while of talking with the lich, Adlin finally left the small, musty, and funky place that Shaltea called home. About half of an hour of discussing this odd illusion spell with Kate, Draconus dismissed her back to her dorms. Now he had all the time he needed, but where to begin? There was many thoughts and theories he got just from one question but they didn't answer the primal question. Who cast the spells?. . .

Walking out into the hall way of the top floors he couldn't help but notice a distinct change of magic in the atmosphere. The whispers began but slowly began to hush. Whoever is casting these illusions must be pretty far away due to their lack of. . . reach. . . . Then it hit him. Shadows had just started to creep around the hallway up here on the highest point of the academy, meaning whoever did cast it has an enormous amount of magic to not be deprived of it. Which meant it had to come down from something beneath them. The abanndoned part of the academy. "By the gods. . ." were the only things that came from Draconus' mouth before he rushed back into his quarters, concealing himself in a rift between realms.


September 17th

The next morning, half past 7.

"Attention students! Welcome to your first full day at Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts. Your schedules will be provided in the Dining hall, which can be accessed from now until 10 in the morning" Announced Prof. Vicar, removing his hand from the orb and opening his eyes, heading to his classroom.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]

September 17th

The next morning, half past 7.

"Attention students! Welcome to your first full day at Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts. Your schedules will be provided in the Dining hall, which can be accessed from now until 10 in the morning" Announced Prof. Vicar, removing his hand from the orb and opening his eyes, heading to his classroom.

Saria was still in her dorm, as she heard this announcement, from the speaker in the hall. She groaned softly, not really wanting to get up. She rolled over, and looked out her window. The sun was up, and it looked fairly descent outside. She yawned, as she finally sat up, wrapped in her blankets. She rubbed her face, as she swung her feet off the bed, and went to the bathroom to shower, and get dressed. She then left her dorm to go to the dining hall to get her schedule, before they weren't available anymore. Today she wore a green spaghetti strap dress, that came to her knee, and wedge heels.
Gold wakes up, startled. "Yeesh, Draconus," he says under his breath. "Loud much? Whatever. I am a little hungry." He goes into the bathroom, and gets his day started. After that, he cleans his clothes with a spell, and goes down to the second floor by jumping, going Final, and gliding down. When he hit floor 2, he landed and went out of Form. He goes into the Dining hall.
Ame blinked awake, yawning for the first time in ages. When was the last time she had slept like that? Regardless, she carefully removed herself from Varien and carefully pushed herself off the bed. Noticing her sphere on the table, she curiously went up to it and inspected it. After checking her wing, she concluded that it was hers and took it back. Ame opted to dress in a very classy, very elegant feathered body suit that was attached to her body. Anything else would just be too flashy. It wasn't too tacky to wear the same outfit for 190 years, was it?

She looked out the window, soaking in the bright morning light, before returning to the bed. Once she got there, she started poking Varien, not planning to stop until he was awake.

@Cruor Flumine
Prof. Shaltaea looked up and around at announcement, as it had taken his attention from his research at hand. Starting so soon already? With a sigh the lich put the scalpel he had down as he listened to the announcement. Good, he had two and a half to wrap this up. More than enough time for someone like him. As he dissected the body on one of the many tables he had in his Healing classroom he then opened the cavity up some before using necromantic magics to make sure the body would stay perfectly preserved for quite some time. He was sure the owner of this body would be a little mad if they found their mortal coil taken and used for lessons, but that wasn't Shaltaea's problem. If that spirit wanted to give him any lip he would just destroy it.
CoreyXIX said:
Prof. Shaltaea looked up and around at announcement, as it had taken his attention from his research at hand. Starting so soon already? With a sigh the lich put the scalpel he had down as he listened to the announcement. Good, he had two and a half to wrap this up. More than enough time for someone like him. As he dissected the body on one of the many tables he had in his Healing classroom he then opened the cavity up some before using necromantic magics to make sure the body would stay perfectly preserved for quite some time. He was sure the owner of this body would be a little mad if they found their mortal coil taken and used for lessons, but that wasn't Shaltaea's problem. If that spirit wanted to give him any lip he would just destroy it.
Saria made her way down to the second floor, and to the dining hall. This was her first real day here, and she'd rather be outside, than in here. So, she would get her schedule, and a bite to eat, and be on her way. Her heels clicked down the hall as she walked.
@The Otaku Diaries(mentioned) @ScarlettRose16(mentioned) @anyone

Miziki Kurone

After awkwardly explaining to Kate why Mirai was in the room Miziki opted to sleep on the floor and give the two the beds, infact she'd more or less insisted so it'd be more comfortable for all three of them considering she was the one that invited her over. She whined when she was woken up by yet another hideously loud noise. It was as if the school faculty was trying to make her blind and deaf, seriously. Seeing as the other two were still asleep Miziki elected to go ahead and get a shower, not before making Asada get her a fresh change of clothes of course.

She'd sent him out last night as further payback to buy her a new outfit. It was more or less the same. A simple pink dress, brown tights, and she used the same shoes. After taking a shower and dressing she made her way carefully down the stairs to the dining hall, making sure to note any changes in the stairs. Luckily, they were minor if any at all. She elected to get food before getting her schedule, ordering of course more fish and some orange juice. She sat down at the table and started eating, she hoped her first class was with Professor Varien, not that she'd gotten her schedule yet or could see it if she had..she assumed it would be. Though, she also had no clue how in the world they knew what her magic was, but then again the school faculty were extremely powerful so anything was possible..
Fuyuki was awakened by the annoucement. He yawned and sat up in his bed. He stretched and got out of bed. Fuyuki got ready and went into the dining room to get his schedule. @Veyd Sahvoz
Morgan, at the time of the summons for collecting schedules, could have been found on the second floor in the library. Well, not quite, she was stepping carefully over-- under? the decorative Victorian-style art that covered the ceiling. If someone were to stand directly beneath her or near her, they probably would have felt a small updraft from the spell she was using, one that allowed her to alter the direction in which gravity pulled her. She had found it necessary to reach the top few shelves in a particular row, and had laden (either side of) the rungs of the little rolling ladder with small heaps of books that she had collected. She would, while up-side-down, pull from a shelf a book and to keep it from toppling up-- down? out of her hands, she worked a quick spell of the same nature that she had cast upon herself. After flipping through a few pages while seated on the ceiling, she would determine its use and either carefully add it to one of the up-side-down or right-side-up stacks of books that rested on the ladder, or replace it on the shelf. Morgan whispered quietly to herself in acknowledgement of the announcement, 'Only a few more volumes...'
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Hide had just enter the school in a drunken daze as the anouncement blared, he had spent the night, and many silver, drinking at his heart content at a busy bar, shrugging at the sound he decided to head to the dining hall to pick up his pass, heading there many students stared at his drunken frame, girls pointed and giggled while a few larger men patted him on the back roughly, grabbing his schedule and an fresh apple he takes a seat beside a girl eating fish alone, taking a bite of the apple he glances at her.

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Col said:
Hide had just enter the school in a drunken daze as the anouncement blared, he had spent the night, and many silver, drinking at his heart content at a busy bar, shrugging at the sound he decided to head to the dining hall to pick up his pass, heading there many students stared at his drunken frame, girls pointed and giggled while a few larger men patted him on the back roughly, grabbing his schedule and an fresh apple he takes a seat beside a girl eating fish alone, taking a bite of the apple he glances at her.
Upon entering the dining hall, Saria smelled fish. "Urgh, too early for seafood." She groaned, grabbing the piece of paper with her name on it, and an orange.
Ame giggled and smiled. "Very well. But it doesn't look like someone is ready for the new day." She twirled around the room a little, trying to stay in the sun's rays as she did. In a way, she was solar powered; up with the sun and keeps a little extra when the sun goes down. "I'll help you get dressed!" she chirped enthusiastically. She gracefully danced her way over to his dresser, looking through the various drawers. She stopped at one of them, confused. "What are these? I've never seen them before," she said, producing a pair of underpants from the dresser. Ame didn't know much about clothes. Just what she saw. And this wasn't something she'd seen someone wear.
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Hearing the announcement, Darius yawned and stretched his arms and started to get out of bed.

"C'mon Dravlon, time to get up." he said but the dragon merely huffed in annoyance. Sighing, the boy got up and went through the morning routine before coming back to the bed dressed in his robes.

"Theeeere's foooood." Darius cooed and Dravlon immediately shot out of bed and hopped onto his head.

"That's what i thought" he said smugly and proceeded to the dining hall where he picked up a random fruit for the dragon to munch on and sat down at a nearby chair. he glanced around at all the other students. This was his first time seeing them and some of them looked quite...interesting.
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"Attention students! Welcome to your first full day at Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts. Your schedules will be provided in the Dining hall, which can be accessed from now until 10 in the morning"

The sun shone through the window, a fair contrast to the stormy weather the night before. When the announcement sounded, Gevurah stood up from where they had been sitting on the bed, waiting for morning to arrive. They wore the same outfit that they had arrived in, the greyish uniform that had golden buttons. The only skin that they showed was their face, and the barest sliver between their gloves and sleeves. It was still clean, seeing how they didn't have any real bodily functions... The bed laid untouched, and their roommate was nowhere to be seen.

Gevurah exited the room, and quickly made their way down to the Dining Hall on the second floor. All they needed to obtain was their schedule. Food was unneeded. The Dining Hall was noisy. They obtained their schedule, and decided to... sit down... The actions they had to take under free will was difficult. Gevurah turned their head to look around themself. They stared–or at least had their head turned towards–the existence that they had sat besides. "Hello. My name is Gevurah."
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Saria had her schedule in hand, and grabbed more fruit for breakfast, and a glass of orange juice, walking out of the dining area. She wanted to eat her breakfast outside, while it was still nice out.
After getting bored with watching Dravlon devour the apple Darius opted to move closer to a girl eating fish and orange juice. While he was inwardly questioning her tastes he did not show it in his somewhat timid facial expression.

"Um.. hi. I'm Darius...nice to meet you?" he said with a shaky grin.

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Gevurah stared at the individual, and turned their head away slowly to stare at the female consuming fish and orange juice. Another living creature had arrived, making conversation with the female. They turned back to Hide, and smiled emptily. "You are poisoned. With your permission, I will fix you of your impurity so you will not be hindered during your future classes." They held out a small hand clothed in a black glove.

Varien rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before standing and stretching. "Nothing. Thanks, but I can get dressed myself." He said, picking out a set of his normal clothes for the day and picking the underwear from Ame's hands.


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