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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

@Col @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki was eating her sashimi in relative silence, it happened to be tuna this time not that she had any complaints, when her senses were overwhelmed by the very distinct smell of alcohol, smoke, and sweat causing her features to contort in disgust. It was quite clear whoever sat beside her had been to a pub the previous night. She glanced over at him, "
You..really need a bath. And a breath mint. Or maybe just pure mint rubbed all over you thoroughly." She told him, holding her nose and breathing as little as possible.

She'd also noticed someone sit next to who she later found out was Hide introduce themselves and offer to help him. Maybe she'd be able to fix the smell too, hopefully..

Shortly after someone that smelt much better sat beside her and introduced himself. She smiled as he introduced himself, doing her best to ignore the smells emanating from the man on the other side of her. "
I'm Miziki, nice to meet you." She told him happily. "Ooh, what classes are you in?" She asked, her tail swishing back and forth slightly. Normally she was the one to introduce herself to people in an effort to make friends, not the other way around, so of course she was happy.
Ame was surprised he took it directly after saying it was nothing, but she dismissed it. She watched him get dressed, but still wasn't sure why people felt the need. Wasn't his natural form enough? "Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked, smile on her face and hands behind her back.

@Cruor Flumine
Ame giggled, fetching his cloak and putting it on him. "Well there's that. But there's something else, too," she said, making sure it was on right. Or, at least what she remembered was right. It was hard to tell, mainly because it all looked weird to her.

@Cruor Flumine
After having discovered a few more volumes and narrowing her selection of texts to a maximum of four, Morgan manually stacked the books and gave a few huffs to clear her nose of the dust that plumed from the antique pages like a mushroom-shaped cloud. She took a long stretch of thick, rope-like twine that she had wrapped about her wrist beforehand with which to bind the books together, in order to make them easier to bear back to her room. When she did, she felt a small pang of gratitude toward whomever had arranged the rooming, for she had not been forced to share a room with someone else. Once she deposited on her bed the bundle of books, she then paused to brush from her robes the thin grey layer of dust that had gathered from the library ceiling. Once she deemed herself presentable (and after a few uses of a small gust of wind), she decided there could be little harm in making her way to the dining hall, preferring to drift lazily in the air down the hallway to the doors that marked the hall in the stead of walking among the thin trickle of other students. As was her Mountain Dryad nature, she made little effort to mingle unless that obligation was cast upon her by another initiating conversation. Morgan lightly landed on the ground, the thin slipper-like soles of her cloth boots brushing quietly and lightly against the floor. She strode up the hall to take her schedule, keeping an elegantly reserved air about her figure, most of her peculiarly pale skin and hair hidden by her robes, and holding her head moderately low to avoid stares that she had become only somewhat accustomed to when in the company of those who did not share her lineage of Snow Nymph.
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Miziki turned out to be surprisingly pleasant much to Darius' relief. Although, the friendly atmosphere was slightly tainted by the strong stench of alcohol. Oh well. He was kind of used to it since his dad was always getting drunk during the post-harvest party.

"I mostly have support magic classes and general history of the arcane. Pretty boring stuff for most people but I'm really excited that I'll be getting a real education for the first time in my life."he said enthusiastically. Noticing Dravlon making his way over to him he immediately picked up the dragonling and held it in front of him as if he were showing off a puppy.

"This is Dravlon! He's my partner and best friend." he said with a big smile. Dravlon rolled his eyes and shook his head in a way that only Miziki could see as if to say He's a dork.

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Gold walks over to the tables, where he spots Miziki, a guy that looked drunk, and a guy with a pet... was that a dragon? He walks over, only to have his nose twisted by the smell of alcohol. He somewhat ignored it. "Hi," he says, breathing through his mouth quietly.

@Mitchs98 @Col @Drakerus
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He nodded, smiling. He walked over to his desk and frowned as he looked at the spot the blue orb used to be. He began to search around for it, just incase he moved it and didn't remember. "Huh, well it's gone. Strange...could have sworn I saw it last night...since it's nit there anymore, I'll give you something else as long as its not dangerous."

Ame followed him and poked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. "What is it? I'm ready for anything!" she said, gleefully closing her eyes and smiling. Then, she felt that it was an appropriate time o start dancing around the room again. There was no particular need to hurry, and she wasn't used to having a schedule anyway.

@Cruor Flumine
Looking at Gevurahs hand Hide reaches and grabs it, with a rush of purging sensations he reverts from a drunk to being completely sober, "Thank you, and apologies."

Turning to the other women he feels a need to apologize, "My apologies, one moment," with a wave of his hand a think sheet of ice worms itself around him, it wraps around his entire body in and outside of his clothes, another moment passes and the ice mole shatters and disappears, once again he turns to the unknown lady, "Is that any better" he asks, "and may I know your name?"

He also nods at the newcomer with a sigh, "Kindly too meet you, your name perhaps, I am called Hide."

@Mitchs98 @Strawberry Preserves @Golden Glow
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Darius turns his head to respond to Gold but freezes in shock.

"You. Look. Really. Cool!" he exclaims

"What are you? You're like a dragon, but like a person at the same time!" he asks without thinking completely forgetting that he was in the middle of a conversation with Miziki.

@Golden Glow (Also hello fellow kh fan)
"Ah," he responds. "Never been to Tamriel, then? I'm an Argonian, a lizard-man. My kind normally live in a place called Black Marsh. Well, we're the only ones who can live there. We can also breathe underwater. Anyways, is that a dragon on your head?" He reaches around his back for Blue Soul, just in case.

Drakerus said:
Miziki turned out to be surprisingly pleasant much to Darius' relief. Although, the friendly atmosphere was slightly tainted by the strong stench of alcohol. Oh well. He was kind of used to it since his dad was always getting drunk during the post-harvest party.
"I mostly have support magic classes and general history of the arcane. Pretty boring stuff for most people but I'm really excited that I'll be getting a real education for the first time in my life."he said enthusiastically. Noticing Dravlon making his way over to him he immediately picked up the dragonling and held it in front of him as if he were showing off a puppy.

"This is Dravlon! He's my partner and best friend." he said with a big smile. Dravlon rolled his eyes and shook his head in a way that only Miziki could see as if to say He's a dork.

Col said:
Looking at Gevurahs hand Hide reaches and grabs it, with a rush of purging sensations he reverts from a drunk to being completely sober, "Thank you, and apologies."
Turning to the other women he feels a need to apologize, "My apologies, one moment," with a wave of his hand a think sheet of ice worms itself around him, it wraps around his entire body in and outside of his clothes, another moment passes and the ice mole shatters and disappears, once again he turns to the unknown lady, "Is that any better" he asks, "and may I know your name?"

He also nods at the newcomer with a sigh, "Kindly too meet you, your name perhaps, I am called Hide."

@Mitchs98 @Strawberry Preserves @Golden Glow
@Strawberry Preserves

Miziki Kurone

Miziki listened intently, slowly eating the rest of her sashimi, a happy smile ever present on her face. "Ooh awesome! I'll be taking some defensive magic classes myself seeing as I use Spirit Magic. Maybe we'll be in the same class?" She replied excitedly. "Nice to meet you too Dravlon." She added, carefully reaching out and petting the creature on the head region.

Hi Gold!" She greeted happily when he walked in. Shortly after Darius more or less ignored her and starting talking to Gold, oh well. Shortly after Gelvurah..Miziki thought that was his name helped fix up Hide. Whatever they'd done, he smelled immensely better. She inhaled the fresh air and sighed. "Much better. I'm Miziki by the way, sorry about earlier. I just have extremely sensitive..well senses..seeing as I'm a Kitsune." She told him. "What classes are you in if you don't mind me asking?" She asked him.
Darius saw the wary look in the Argonian's eyes and held Dravlon a little tighter.

"Don't worry. He's not dangerous. This is my best friend and partner Dravlon." he said still maintaining a friendly tone. Dravlon just stared blankly at the Argonian.
"Didn't get mine, but Ko'Do'Kar and I are hoping for something like blood magic, so we can use stuff like blood fire," he responds.

Hearing Darius' reply, Gold puts his hand back down, and sighs. "Sorry," he says. "Just, back in Tamriel, dragons were the worst creatures ever. No offence to the present company." He smiles a little. "Oh, yeah. My name is Gol'diir, but call me Gold. Miziki, you might want to cover your ears."

@Mitchs98 @Drakerus
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Hide sighed as he looked at his list, "Too many, I have Advanced Magic Theory, Advanced Magical Creatures,Advanced Ice Magic (Optional),Advanced Nature Magic (Optional), Advanced Unique Magic,Advanced Spear (Optional) and, Alchemy, what about you?"

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"I do not require thanks. It is my duty to assist others." Gevurah moved their hand back to their side, and examined the newcomers. There was a human among them. There was also ice on the floor because of the individual they had just purified. They should... introduce themself to the others. The Dominion would be please on how well they were mingling with the assorted lifeforms. Gevurah repeated their introduction robotically for the fox female. "I am Gevurah. I am an angel of the choir Powers." They were losing track of the conversation quickly. "My schedule says that I have the classes Magic Control, Healing Magic, Destruction Magic, Sword-fighting, and Magical Combat."

@Mitchs98 @Col

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@Col @Strawberry Preserves @Golden Glow @Drakerus

Miziki Kurone

Miziki hadn't exactly asked Gold, but she didn't exactly mind him answering either. She listened as he and Hide told her their classes as well as the other person introducing herself, at-least they sounded female. "Miziki." She told her happily. "And uh...I haven't gotten my schedule yet. I wanted to eat first. Actually, I'll go get it now..." She told them, trailing off slightly and walking over to grab her schedule from the person handing them out after stating her name.

After retrieving it she walked back over to them and placed it in front of herself as if she was reading it. Which, in reality she couldn't if she wanted to. "
Umm...do..any of you mind reading this for me..my sight isn't the best and the text is small.." She asked them nervously.

(Healing Class, Combat Class, Archery, Spiritual Magic, Hand to Hand, and Alchemy)
@Col @Golden Glow @Drakerus @Strawberry Preserves

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled, "Awesome! Looks like we'll be in some classes together then. That's great! Ooh, maybe we can help each other with some of the harder stuff in that case?" She replied happily, looking between the group excitedly, her tail conveying her excitement as well by swishing back and forth.
"I'll be back," said Gold. "Miziki, cover your ears. I know what it's like to have catlike hearing, and I know that this will hurt your ears. I'm going to introduce you to my other half, Ko'Do'Kar the Khajiit."
Darius with Dravlon in his lap now looked in wonder at all the students conversing getting a warm feeling in his chest that he hadn't felt since he was back home.

"Is this what it's like to have friends around your age? Wow..." he thought to himself.

"It looks that like that's the case. I hope we can all become good friends!" he said with a big smile. He spotted Gold walking away and couldn't help but wonder what he meant when he said "other half."
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"I'll be back," said Gold. "Miziki, cover your ears. I know what it's like to have catlike hearing, and I know that this will hurt your ears. I'm going to introduce you to my other half, Ko'Do'Kar the Khajiit."

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, grateful that there was someone in this school that realized loud noises were extremely painful for her. She had no clue what a Khajiit was nor exactly what he meant by 'other half', nor did it technically matter since she couldn't see what anyone looked like..but eh. She smiled at Darius before covering her ears, "I hope so too!" She replied happily.
"Sii Griid Nau!!!" exclaimed Gold.

Gold suddenly turned very transparent, almost phasing from existence. He turned into small particles that flew into where his head was. The particles swirled around, and then turned tan. They blasted back outwards, forming a humanoid cat person with the same clothing on.

Ko'Do'Kar walks over and greets himself; "Greetings. The name is Ko'Do'Kar. He is a Khajiit, which is a fusion of cat and human. Miziki, this is why Gold said he knew what it was like to have catlike hearing. He gained Ko'Do'Kar's ability to hear, much like Ko'Do'Kar gained Gold's liking to water."
Darius stared in awe at Gol-no Ko'Do'Kar. He started imagining all the possible implications of sharing an existence with another being. Where does the food go when...

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that the Khajiit or whatever in front of him was essentially a cat and remembered he was very allergic to them. Strangely though, his sinuses produced no reaction whatsoever. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Kar wasn't an average one of his species. Darius mentally shrugged.

"Nice to meet you Ko...da..? Can i just call you Kar?" he asked trying not to sound rude.

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