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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"W-well, I'm trying to get to my room..." she said, though her voice trailed off near the end. "I think I'm fine though," she added, hoping he might leave her. She didn't have anything against him; he just made her nervous. She decided to hold her position to indicate that she wasn't about to move. She didn't look up, but she assumed the man talking to her was a senior student or something.
He looked at her for a moment more. "Very well. I hope you find your way. After all, I wouldn't want to loose a student." He said before flipping his hood up and walking past her, blinking away as he passed her.

Ame looked up just in time to see noting of interest. She looked around, but saw no one that looked like they were just talking to her. Puzzled, she shook herself out of her trance, just in time to see someone that looked hurt. Without another thought, she jumped up and rushed over to him, almost toppling some random student on her way. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" She looked over to the other male standing there. "Are you helping him? What happened?" she demanded, though worry plagued her voice.

@Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
As Prof. Shaltaea finally arrives in his class he leaves the protective gear on his desk, next to several books he had for his soon-to-be students. As he looked around he heard a familiar specter make himself known. "Hey, I've been waitin' around for you all day, bonemonkey!" it loudly announces, it's thick accent and deep voice echoing in the room. The lich looked over to the skull sitting on his desk, facing him. "Student orientation is today Humbart. Be patient, I'll be back." he replies. "Oi, easy for you to say. I'm stuck a skull on a desk while you get to go out." Humbart shot back. In response, Shaltaea simply scoops him up, then opens a drawer in his desk. "Hey, what are you-" Humbart begins to protest before being dropped into the drawer and closed. His muffled protests went uncared for as the lich continued some of his work.
Crimson turned red as she looked at the boy Damon and giggled hysterically and her laughter sent a bunch of leaves tumbling out of a nearby tree. She immediately stopped giggling and blushed deeper.
Kazehana said:
Ame looked up just in time to see noting of interest. She looked around, but saw no one that looked like they were just talking to her. Puzzled, she shook herself out of her trance, just in time to see someone that looked hurt. Without another thought, she jumped up and rushed over to him, almost toppling some random student on her way. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" She looked over to the other male standing there. "Are you helping him? What happened?" she demanded, though worry plagued her voice.
@Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
"Ko'Do'Kar was trying to calm this one down," replied KDK. "Ko'Do'Kar does not know what happened."
"That was so cool. How your magic works with your emotions. Though I would have to say your blush does fit you." Marcus said as he stared to blush even more. He even went as far as to wink at Crimson.
Varien was walking amongst the trees in the courtyard when he was hit by a mass off them. He stood there, even as a stray leaf brushed over his nose. He turned his ember eyes over to a pair of students, obviously flirting with eachother. He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Young love..." The Archemage walked over to then. "You two. Shouldn't you be at orientation?" He questioned.

@AnarchyReins @Annie
Mouse-O steps out into the 8th floor hallway at yells "OH GREAT DRACONUS, I SUMMON THEE HITHER"
Ame glanced at KDK before moving back to Fuyuki. "Is this your blood? Are you hurt?" she asked, making sure her first priority was helping his immediate physical condition. She held her arms anxiously.

@Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
"Well we should be, but we have no idea where we are going." Marcus said as he gently intertwined his fingers into Crimson's hand. Marcus just continued to blush as he help Crimson's hand.
Variens eyes glanced between the two. "Very well then. Follow me." He said, moving back towards the school. He sighed, feeling for the magic prescences nearby. He could feel the usage of magic a few floors above. "Floor 9, room 113. The others should be in there. Please tell the headmaster that Varien has one more thing to do before he arrives."

@Annie @AnarchyReins
"Oh thank goodness!" she exclaimed, very much relieved that no one was terribly hurt. After a deep exhale, she said flatly, "Wait." In a more cautious tone, she proceeded, "Just who's blood is that then?"

@Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
Having everything in place Prof. Shaltaea was pretty sure he wouldn't physically make it at the rate everything seemed to be falling in place. Luckily for him, he had a quick option to be present in the orientation room. As he sat down in his chair he focused his mind, picturing the room. Soon, he found himself quickly approaching, leaving his physical form back in his room. As his spiritual, transparent form appeared in the orientation he took a look around at the new faces that had made themselves present. This would sure be an interesting year.
"Without further ado, if you can, preform some kind of magic. If not that's fine, your orientation is practically done in that case I'll just have to lead you to the secretary's office for the keys to your dorms" explained Prof. Addor, beginning to look for the damned staircase "Oh and welcome to Excelius!" he yelled out, motioning them to follow.

@Mitchs98 @kurol


Ms. Yves tilted her head at the student who still hadn't answered her. She was getting slightly annoyed at the lack of acknowledgment she got and had enough of it, smacking her staff on the ground "Mind telling me what it is you're doing?"

@Yellow Swan


Prof. Vicar looked down at the young boy, appearing right in front of him and staring at him with his hands a bit bloody. "Name, age, race, and any previous encounters with magic?!!" he shouted out, in a loud and pissed off tone. He hadn't the time to deal with little humans and students at the moment but since there was a student here he was required to finish their orientation.

Without another word, Varien left the two and went back the way he came, spotting the prescence he felt. It came in the form of another boy, this time in bloodied clothes. Beside him stood the feathered girl and a cat-like person. "What is going on here?" He asked, approaching the small group.

@Kazehana @Ldybug123 @Golden Glow
Ame cocked her head to one side. "Slaughtered?" she said in the same way someone would question a child, not quite understanding the gravity of the situation. As a strange man approached them, she looked at him with a little bit of a whimsical attitude. "His village was slaughtered," she explained, her voice too cheerful for the situation.

@Ldybug123 @Golden Glow @Cruor Flumine
"I see my Draconus summining spell failed" Mouse-O muttered to himself. I suppose I'll just do it then. "Why would I need his permission anyway anyway?" He muttred again, returning to the shadows to scout for a proper opponent.

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