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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Kazehana said:
(thinkong? Like, a thong with ink in it? xD literally though th(ink)ong? I'm overthinking this...)
Ame shuddered at the lightning, but not because she was afraid of it or anything. She was accustomed to lightning, just not indoors... She shook herself back to the situation at hand. "Uhm, m-my name is Ame. Pleased to meet you," she bowed over-dramatically, but it was a bit shaky from her case of nervousness. Her cheeks were flushed, and her speech was shaky at best because the man was so intimidating. She pushed her greeting out solely because it was absolutely necessary.
Draconus picked up his staff and snapped his fingers "Right! Ame, yes? Do follow me dear, well not follow but you know what I meant" he said in a rather fast pace, walking out of his office and into the hall of the 31st floor. "Call me Draconus or Professor, doesn't matter, right then what is your age, and race?"


CoreyXIX said:
As went into the main building he felt that old feeling of spirits afoot. Of course, there was also many other students now in the building. Really, how did this mass exodus happen within the five minutes he was gone. He noticed that one of them seemed a bit worse for the wear, leaning on the wall.Her questions gave him plenty of questions in return. "You're in Excelius Academy, young girl." he replies, trying to mask some of his own confusion. "Are you all right?" She sure didnt seem it.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Excelius Academy?...Doesn't ring any bells.. She thought to herself, frowning. She shook her head slowly as Shaltae asked if she was okay. Sure, she wasn't dying. But she was in pain and felt incredibly weak, not to mention she couldn't remember much of anything at all. "No..I'm not dying but..I'm definetely not okay." She replied. "I can't remember anything other than my village being in danger and crashing through the roof here..I don't even remember where my village is.." She added sadly.
Prof Addor looked over at Akane, Senki, and Prof. Shaltaea "Seems like we got a bit of work to do hmm?"

@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @kurol

Prof Addor looked over at Akane, Senki, and Prof. Shaltaea "Seems like we got a bit of work to do hmm?"

@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX @kurol
Ame was a bit flustered at all that was happening. "Wait, I shouldn't follow you?" she remarked, but still followed him regardless. Catching up to him, she registered what he has just asked of her. "Well... I guess I'm 320, though I can't really prove it since I don't age the same as humans. I'm an aurai nymph, i-if that's okay," she finished tentatively. She wasn't quite sure what kinds of students attended the academy, so she tried to shy away from the subject. That doesn't really make sense because she can't really hide her rather flashy appearance (feathers lol), but in her head, it made sense.
@Veyd Sahvoz @kurol @CoreyXIX

Senki Tazuya

Senki frowned slightly at the girl that said it was wonderful she had amnesia, seemingly making fun of her and making light of the situation in the process. Sighing she nodded her head slowly, "I'm sure. I wish I did..." She told her sadly. She then turned to listen to the man in the plague mask. That was the headmasters office? Great.. She thought to herself, sighing. Her face a slight shade of pink she nodded, "Yea..I guess so. I didn't know it was the headmasters office though. I kinda lost conciousness mid-air." She explained. She nodded when he said he might be able to help, "Thank you a lot, I appreciate it." She told him, smiling faintly at his offer to help.

Shortly after someone else walked up and stated they had a lot of work ahead of them. She was confused as to what he meant, so she simply shrugged lightly in response.
Kazehana said:
Ame was a bit flustered at all that was happening. "Wait, I shouldn't follow you?" she remarked, but still followed him regardless. Catching up to him, she registered what he has just asked of her. "Well... I guess I'm 320, though I can't really prove it since I don't age the same as humans. I'm an aurai nymph, i-if that's okay," she finished tentatively. She wasn't quite sure what kinds of students attended the academy, so she tried to shy away from the subject. That doesn't really make sense because she can't really hide her rather flashy appearance (feathers lol), but in her head, it made sense.
"Of course it's okay! Why wouldn't it?" he exclaimed, trying to add a little humor to all of this. As he walked he held his notebook in his left arm and wrote in it, with a quill made purely out of magic, as he walked around a corner and down a flight of stairs.

"W-well, I wasn't sure if they were accepted into magical school. It's not like there's that many that deviate from the norm," she replied, muttering the last part. She was struggling a little to keep up with his seemingly erratic movements, but she attributed that to her lack of navigational skills within the academy. She tried to sneak a peek at what he was writing in his notebook, but couldn't quite read it from her angle.
"Indeed we do, Professor Addor..." Prof. Shaltaea remarks, stroking the beak part of mask much like one would stroke their beard when thinking. The horrors of war and slaughter were an awful thing, and he could sympathize completely. Surely something could spark her mind back to lucidity. "If her fragmented memory is true then it's a sign of things to come. Should we worry about orientation for the others first, or consider seeing if the headmaster may grant us a leave to look into this?" he asks Prof Addor. The lich's skill set could possibly go a long way to help here if he could find a small lead, and the time to help."Before I forget young miss, I'm Professor Shaltaea. I'm in charge of teaching the Healing and Illusion classes at this academy. We'll hopefully put this to rest soon enough."



Akane looked at the girl. "Why so down, silly!" she laughed,poking the girl in the forehead with her finger. She grinned, a little more maliciously than it should have been. Akane looked back at the group. Akane looked at the man with the scary mask. She wiggled her fingers. "Wah! Scary!" she laughed. She peered closer and grinned. "Necromancer?" she asked. She could tell, coming from the aura that emitted from him.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX
@Veyd Sahvoz @kurol @CoreyXIX

Senki Tazuya

Senki listened as Shaltaea spoke to the man he addressed as Addor. "You don't have to put everything on hold for me Prof. Shaltaea. I can wait." She told him, feeling uneasy about everything being put on hold just for her especially after she was more or less an intruder. Soon after Akane poked her in the forehead and asked her why she was so sad. Sighing she shook her head, "I'm just in pain and worrying about my village that may or may not even exsist." She replied.
CoreyXIX said:
"Indeed we do, Professor Addor..." Prof. Shaltaea remarks, stroking the beak part of mask much like one would stroke their beard when thinking. The horrors of war and slaughter were an awful thing, and he could sympathize completely. Surely something could spark her mind back to lucidity. "If her fragmented memory is true then it's a sign of things to come. Should we worry about orientation for the others first, or consider seeing if the headmaster may grant us a leave to look into this?" he asks Prof Addor. The lich's skill set could possibly go a long way to help here if he could find a small lead, and the time to help."Before I forget young miss, I'm Professor Shaltaea. I'm in charge of teaching the Healing and Illusion classes at this academy. We'll hopefully put this to rest soon enough."
kurol said:



Akane looked at the girl. "Why so down, silly!" she laughed,poking the girl in the forehead with her finger. She grinned, a little more maliciously than it should have been. Akane looked back at the group. Akane looked at the man with the scary mask. She wiggled her fingers. "Wah! Scary!" she laughed. She peered closer and grinned. "Necromancer?" she asked. She could tell, coming from the aura that emitted from him.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX
"Scary indeed" said Prof. Addor, his shirt partially cut off and his arms folded across his chest. "We should get the orientation done first, top priority. Once we're done we could take her to the healer or perhaps we might run in to Adlin" he chuckled a bit to that, remembering to the last time Adlin was left with a student.

@kurol @Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX

Kazehana said:
"W-well, I wasn't sure if they were accepted into magical school. It's not like there's that many that deviate from the norm," she replied, muttering the last part. She was struggling a little to keep up with his seemingly erratic movements, but she attributed that to her lack of navigational skills within the academy. She tried to sneak a peek at what he was writing in his notebook, but couldn't quite read it from her angle.
Movin on to the next part he stopped to flip theough some pages but shortly began walking along. "What kind of magic do you use normally?" he asked, still in a rush sn mumbling random things to himself.




Akane looked at the girl she'd poked. She pouted as she heard about why she was sad. She placed a hand on her heart. "Very heartfelt," she said as she closed her eyes, pretending to be sincere. Akane's eyes opened, their red color filled with violence and mischief. "But people die every day and things are destroyed every day, so it's not something to worry about, is it?" Akane laughed and smiled.

@@Veyd Sahvoz
@Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX

As the lich was going to says something to the young amnesiac the other girl was suddenly up in his face, cheery and grinning. Her form may be somewhat rough looking but her mind was sharp as a tack. "Indeed, young miss. Not just that though. The two of us are cut from similar cloth." he remarks as he looks at her, referring to both of their status as undead. "I do hope you'll pursue your studies with this much energy." he says to the zombielike girl. Really, he wished she would show a little more care but that was a different story for now. He then nods in understanding to Addor's idea.

@kurol[/URL] @Mitchs98 @CoreyXIX

Movin on to the next part he stopped to flip theough some pages but shortly began walking along. "What kind of magic do you use normally?" he asked, still in a rush sn mumbling random things to himself.

Ame was having trouble matching his gait, stumbling a bit when he stopped. "Normally?" she asked herself, not quite sure how to answer. "Well, as an aurai nymph, I use aerobic manipulation," she said and paused. Quickly, she added, "But I came here to develop my life inducement skills. Mostly surrounding factors like focus and experience, not so much with the actual ability," she explained, hoping he got what he needed for... whatever he was doing.



Akane turned to the professor quickly, the one with the creepy bird mask (which she took quite a liking to). "Ahaha, don't use such formal, boring words like that! 'Cut from the same cloth'. Hahah," she laughed. "I can't make any promises. Depends if they're not boring," she said, wiggling her fingers. The man was obviously a necromancer, and it was confirmed. But she detected something else... What actually was he? She was a Zombie... well, sort of, anyway. This was very... interesting!

@CoreyXIX @Mitchs98
Kazehana said:
Ame was having trouble matching his gait, stumbling a bit when he stopped. "Normally?" she asked herself, not quite sure how to answer. "Well, as an aurai nymph, I use aerobic manipulation," she said and paused. Quickly, she added, "But I came here to develop my life inducement skills. Mostly surrounding factors like focus and experience, not so much with the actual ability," she explained, hoping he got what he needed for... whatever he was doing.
"Aaaahhh I believe I know what you're talking about. Thay is a good skill, learn from experience not in born gifts" Said Draconus stopping in a hallway on the 23rd floor and putting away his notebook in his satchel. "Ame, welcome to Excelius! Without further ado take my hand" he said almost nonchalantly, extending his hand towards her.

Prof. Shaltaea smiled a little underneath his plague mask. "Well, you know how us old folk can be. Had I a name to call by I would use it. Somehow I don't think I could get away with calling you 'Stitches' for long without getting in a bit of trouble." he replies with a soft chuckle. "I know more than few tricks. If you end up in one of my classes you'll see them." She was spirited, that's for sure. Unfocused, probably, but spirited.




Akane grinned. "I don't think I could get away calling you 'Grandpa' without getting in some trouble too!" she laughed. "Stitches? Oh, these?" Akane plucked at one of the stitches near her eye. "Hey, maybe I'll get in your class! That'd be fun, fun fun!" Akane danced around, hopping. She certainly was childish, for sure. What lay beneath that childishness? Perhaps something most people didn't want to see. Akane back at the professor.

Grandpa? Well, he was old enough to fit the bill for most of the people here. Heck, he could even be some of the great-great grandfathers! As the pinpricks of red light that passed for his eyes watched her dance around he did wonder a bit about her. Most people in that condition weren't half as nimble as her. " Well, if any nickname would work for me it would be that. As I previously said, I teach the healing and illusion classes. Fair chance you may be in one of my classes." In all honesty, she struck him more as someone that would more likely be in illusion than healing, but then again he knew little of her talents.

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Akane looked back at the professor. "I don't know... My necromancy involves raising the dead... But i'm not sure if that's illusion, haha! There's some other stuff too, not sure..." Akane's eyes widened at the thought of healing. Healing. She had that power, in the possibly most dangerous way. "Ah... Healing," she said, nodding. Akane resumed to her usual self. "Well, we'll have to see, huh?" she grinned.

Prof. Shaltaea nods in affirmation to her statement. Necromancy powers as well, huh? To some degree he had considered seeing if he have a class for it, but it really was for the best if it was never a class to begin. It would be too much to teach responsible necromancy to so many people at once. Gods know how many issues it bring down on them all. "Yes. In the meantime, I have to get this protective gear to my classroom. I'll likely be back before orientation is over if I go now. Enjoy your stay here at the academy." he says, excusing himself as he hurries off with the protective masks and coats he had been holding onto all this time.




Akane nodded. She waved as he left. "Oh, wait! Do you know where we are supposed to go for orientation? I have no idea, ahahaha!" she laughed as she waved to the professor. An orientation excited her; so many people in one place..!! Akane liked people. They amused her, in a twisted sort of way. Akane giggled innocently, yet tinged with something of much more malice.

As he left he heard her call after him. He quickly turns to respond. "Likely here in the main building. If it's anywhere you'll find out real quick!" he calls back to her before continuing on his way. So many different types of students this year. It will be interesting to see how everything goes.




Akane nodded. "Bye bye!" she waved as she laughed. The professor soon left from her sight. Akane skipped around the room, the place where she was. She was beginning to get bored - something she detested - so she sat down and started to draw pictures in a little notebook she had in her pocket, and a pen she'd also tucked in there.
Kazehana said:
"Uhm, thank you," she almost stammered, but managed to keep it together for once. She tentatively looked at his outstretched hand for a moment, not sure how to process it. But when she realized what she was doing, she quickly took it, but was unsure what for.
As soon as she touched his hand the both began to glow like a lightning bolt before disappearing. When they reappeared they were on the 5th floor and at the secretary's office "Righty then, Ms. Ame, you will be getting your room in just a moment" said Draconus, barging into the office and rumaging around a few drawers.

kurol said:



Akane nodded. "Bye bye!" she waved as she laughed. The professor soon left from her sight. Akane skipped around the room, the place where she was. She was beginning to get bored - something she detested - so she sat down and started to draw pictures in a little notebook she had in her pocket, and a pen she'd also tucked in there.
"Where are you going? We still need to get you all rooms and finish the orientation" explained Prof. Addor. He pulled out note book ready to right down any questions. "Name, age, race, and what kind of magic you normally use?"

@Mitchs98 @Kihara017 @kurol

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