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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

Ame was a bit disoriented from the sudden change in scenery. "You- what- where- okay?" she stammered, unsure what she was saying, but knowing she had to say something. Puzzled, she walked in after him, quickly when she realized she was lagging behind. "Do I have to get a room? Typically, those types of rooms are confining," she mused. Then, she realized who she was talking to and changed her mind. "N-no just kidding! I can have whatever you give me!" she insisted, trying to rectify her mistake.
@Veyd Sahvoz @kurol @Kihara017

Senki Tazuya

Senki glared at Akane's attempt to make her feel better, or maybe she was just being an ass altogether. Either way, she kind of had a point. But really, it only applied to her, not her whole village. At-least to her. She was rather insignificant when it came down to it, but it didn't make what she said any less hurtful. She was rather glad when her conversation with Prof. Shaltaea ended and she walked over to sit alone. She didn't see herself getting along well with Akane at all. When Addor came over and asked them all their names and such Senki shrugged. "
I told you I don't remember anything at all. I mean..I have wings but..I'm not sure what I am." She replied. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled soon after.
Kazehana said:
Ame was a bit disoriented from the sudden change in scenery. "You- what- where- okay?" she stammered, unsure what she was saying, but knowing she had to say something. Puzzled, she walked in after him, quickly when she realized she was lagging behind. "Do I have to get a room? Typically, those types of rooms are confining," she mused. Then, she realized who she was talking to and changed her mind. "N-no just kidding! I can have whatever you give me!" she insisted, trying to rectify her mistake.
"Well you will likely be having a roommate but if you find them 'confining' perhaps we could make an arrangment..." he chuckled at what he had in mind. "The rooms seem small when you first get them but in some cases we can re-construct them" explained Draconus, picking through a drawer and jingling different keys near his ears. He jingled a key that didn't have a sound at all and cupped it in his hand, walking over to Ame and handing her tge key "Floor 18, room 12. Good luck and if you run into any teachers tell them you're heading to your room"

"Reconstruct?" her voice trailed off as she watched him.. jangle keys? What was he doing? It didn't really matter because before she could even come up with something that made sense, she found herself getting handed a key. "Floor 18, room 12," she repeated, staring at the key. She looked up, a bit alarmed. "Am I not allowed to be roaming around by myself?"
"Anyways," said KDK, who got up after fainting from the stress of almost dying. Gold was the one to wake him up. "Let us get in here, shall we?"

KDK walks in, to see... a zombie, a man with an odd mask, a woman with wings, and teachers. KDK walks up to one of the teachers, and says, "Ko'Do'Kar and Gol'diir would like to be enrolled to Excelius. Sii Bo Hond!"

Ko'Do'Kar's body collapsed inward, as if a black hole had opened within his head.When KDK disappeared, Gold was ejected out, as if being shot from a black hole. "Ko'Do'Kar there was a Khajiit from Tamriel, whereas I, Gol'diir, Gold for short, am an Argonian from the same place," said Gold. "And, damn, that was the most painful swap we've done yet! OW!" he thought.



Akane looked at the professor. Oh, this is... Addor! She grinned. She listened to the girl's first, then answered as well. "Akane Hakashi, fifteen, half-Zombie, necromancy and healing!" she answered quickly. "Yahoo!" Akane jumped up and jumped the air with excitement. Hm, rooms? Would she be sharing with someone? That made her laugh a little. She felt sorry for her roommate.

Just kidding.
Kazehana said:
"Reconstruct?" her voice trailed off as she watched him.. jangle keys? What was he doing? It didn't really matter because before she could even come up with something that made sense, she found herself getting handed a key. "Floor 18, room 12," she repeated, staring at the key. She looked up, a bit alarmed. "Am I not allowed to be roaming around by myself?"
Draconus stopped on his way out to answer her question "Well since there has been a lot of students coming in today we're trying our best to keep them from being mixed in with the rest of the students before their orientation is done" he explained, giving her a small smile before rushing out the room and heading to the library to check on some things. As soon as he left he went right back in as if he'd forgot something. He looked over to where he sat his staff and extended his arm, making the staff come right to him. "Have a nice day and I shall see you tomorrow"


Mitchs98 said:
@Veyd Sahvoz @kurol @Kihara017
Senki Tazuya

Senki glared at Akane's attempt to make her feel better, or maybe she was just being an ass altogether. Either way, she kind of had a point. But really, it only applied to her, not her whole village. At-least to her. She was rather insignificant when it came down to it, but it didn't make what she said any less hurtful. She was rather glad when her conversation with Prof. Shaltaea ended and she walked over to sit alone. She didn't see herself getting along well with Akane at all. When Addor came over and asked them all their names and such Senki shrugged. "
I told you I don't remember anything at all. I mean..I have wings but..I'm not sure what I am." She replied. "I'm sorry.." She mumbled soon after.

"Ah! Gold! Ko'Do'Kar! It's been a while hasn't it? Well nice to see you again" he stated, writing all of their names in his old looking notebook with cracked leather and strings that were britle. All except one, that is . . . He tilted his head to where the girl with amnesia was and spoke. "Well I'm sure we can find a nickname for you" he chuckled, continuing to write. After he was finished writing he closed his notebook and inspected them for a moment "Now all of you . . . I am Professor Addor. Before we begin I would like you all to produce some sort of enhanced spell that isn't easy and involves at least some effort"

@Golden Glow @Mitchs98 @kurol @Kihara017
Ame raised a finger as he spontaneously started to leave. "But why can't I- and he's gone." When he came back suddenly, she interjected, "How to I get to floor 18? What floor am I on? What is going on?" She spouted the questions without thinking about it too much, but became quickly embarrassed when she realized that she might come off as rude.
((So I'm just gonna say Naoko was compliant and has been silently standing by up to now.))

Kimie Ayugai Flying around Kimie finally spotted the school. Finally found this damn school. I seriously hate this forest... Flying over she landed near the entrance and transformed back into her normal self. "Never again will I go into a forest... why do I even try." Sighing she walked forward and into the clearing beyond. "Well... not only was I lost but I'm late... I hate forests."
"Well, this is gonna be quick," said Gold. He held out both of his hands, one of which has an advanced Fire spell, Incinerate, and the other had his Form orb, which he turned blue and crushed. His clothing turned blue, and he felt his magic increase. "Don't worry," he stated, thinking that Addor would think the Form was cheating, "this is just a temporary way to increase my magic enough to cast the spell. My magicka level normally is really low." He casts two spells, a Summon spell to summon an Ice Atronach, and then Incinerate, calling the name of the spell as a force of habit he got after having the form orb for a while. "Sii Griid Nau!" he cried, turning into KDK, who also had the Form active, and he casted Flame Thrall, waited for 60 seconds, and pointed out the fact that it had not disappeared. "A Thrall. 900 points of Magicka." He willed the Form to end. His clothes returned to normal, and he then fell the 1 inch thaty he levitated. "We needed the Forms to be able to do that," he explained.

"Ah! Gold! Ko'Do'Kar! It's been a while hasn't it? Well nice to see you again" he stated, writing all of their names in his old looking notebook with cracked leather and strings that were britle. All except one, that is . . . He tilted his head to where the girl with amnesia was and spoke. "Well I'm sure we can find a nickname for you" he chuckled, continuing to write. After he was finished writing he closed his notebook and inspected them for a moment "Now all of you . . . I am Professor Addor. Before we begin I would like you all to produce some sort of enhanced spell that isn't easy and involves at least some effort"

@Golden Glow @Mitchs98 @kurol @Kihara017
@Golden Glow @kurol @Kihara017

Senki Tazuya

Senki shrugged, "
As long as the nickname isn't something dumb..all right." She told him. She sighed and shook her head slightly to himself when he told them to do some form of magic, presumably including her in the 'you all' portion. Even if she did know magic, she didn't remember. Hell, she could be the most powerful sorceress in the world and she wouldn't remember. Instead of bothering to try magic at all she simply watched KDK and Gold due their presentation. She watched curiously as the weird creature summoned a being, destroyed it, swapped forms, then summoned another being. That's pretty cool.. She thought to herself.
Kazehana said:
Ame raised a finger as he spontaneously started to leave. "But why can't I- and he's gone." When he came back suddenly, she interjected, "How to I get to floor 18? What floor am I on? What is going on?" She spouted the questions without thinking about it too much, but became quickly embarrassed when she realized that she might come off as rude.
As Draconus walked down the hall he yelled back "Follow the staircase!" and with that he was gone down the hall and past a corner. Walking through the academy was like in a huge maze but you get the hang of it after 10 years.

@Golden Glow[/URL] @kurol @Mitchs98
"Which," she began, seeing him leave, "...staircase..." Ame cautiously walked down the hall, looking around to find her bearings. She had no clue what floor she was on, meaning she didn't know whether to go up or down. When she was about to ask someone who was passing by, she remembered him saying she wasn't to talk to others before orientation, so she had to restrain herself. She decided to go all the way down, then work her way up, since she knew she could count to 18 from the main floor. Thus, she headed down the nearest staircase on her new quest.
Crimson took a Deep breath as she came across the School. Finally, I've been waiting for this day for weeks now. She took a small step into the campus grounds and felt a tingle in her finger tips, her body Alerting her of the strong mystical presence in the area. A small smile grew on her face as she went on to look around the grounds.
Damon S. Black

Damon arrived at the front of the school with his sword, and his armor on that was it. It was basically all he needed. When he walked in he noticed a few people in the building, but not few. Marcus the got bored waiting for someone, so he started making lightning shapes in the air, mixing them with water shapes to get a reaction.

'This place truely is a labyrinth...' The Archemage though as he strolled through the halls. Varien walked with his back straight, hood up, and cloak covering his form. His ember-like eyes darted between every detail. Lastly, his eyes landed on a lost looking girl coming off a staircase. He stopped moving and observed her actions.

Ame finally made her way to the first floor, relieved to be done with the first part, but not looking forward to the climb back up. Catching her breathe, she looked around, still unsure what she was doing or where she was going. She noticed a grand entrance that marked the opening to the academy, figuring this is where she would have came first if she didn't go through the special entrance on the roof. To relieve her feet for a moment, she took a seat on a bench in the hall, trying to ignore all the people moving around.

Her feet weren't too used to actually being used, as she usually just carried on in the breeze. She was massaging her arches when she noticed someone staring at her, freezing for a moment. After that, she kept going on her arches. Ame wasn't too used to being seen since her kind usually existed as wisps in the wind, often mistaken for ghosts.

@Cruor Flumine
Damon noticed a girl walking into the grounds so he went up to her and said, "Hey I'm Damon whats your name." As Damon said this he let his magic dissipate, rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. He then blushed a little bit as he noticed the girl was very cute.

Crimson casually sees another student practicing Magic in in the distance, after a few minuets of observation she takes her hand and slowly makes a stray leaf on the ground rise. Her fingers dancing as the leaf copies the motion in the wind. She was new to magic use in public. She jumped a bit as she saw a boy next to her and lost her balance, falling over softly. "Sorry. Hello, my name is Crimson." She Slowly stands up in embarrassment.
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Fuyuki walked into the school, the blood of his village's people stained his clothes. He did not kill them however, they had all been slaughtered. He had tears in his eyes and he was terrified. @anyone who sees him
He watched the feathered girl stare back at him before walking off. With a long stride, the lines on his face glowed a bright blue as he blinked from his spot to directly in her path. "Miss...Shoudnt you be out of the halls? Perhaps in your room or at orientation?" He asked, his voice stern, but still held a certain kindness to it.

Ldybug123 said:
Fuyuki walked into the school, the blood of his village's people stained his clothes. He did not kill them however, they had all been slaughtered. He had tears in his eyes and he was terrified. @anyone who sees him
Seeing a man with bloodstained clothes who looked mortified, KDK decided to cheer him up. He walks up to him, and asks, "Is this one okay? You seem afraid of something."

There is no need to be embarrassed. I should be the one blushing right now. I was fighting with myself because I was scared to talk to a cute girl." Damon said as he blushed even harder, and then shyly looked into your eyes.

He sighed. "Relax, girl. Where are you going? You seem rather lost." He said, the lines on his face fading away. He pulled back his hood, feeling the tail of black hair plop against his neck softly.

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