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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

ScarlettRose16 said:


She took another sip and it did taste better, it calmed her nerves. "I was just walking down the stairs and I saw this guy on the steps that face planted and passed out so I decided I would wait for him to wake up. Then it happened" she explains while she continues drinking from the flask.​
"So nothing before that? No strange appearences?" he asked more slowly, sitting on the side of his desk with his hood still on like always. He pulled out a notebook to write down about any details of what she saw, in case it was all an illusion she was in. This was odd, all of it. First an attack, then this. He needed to keep this under control so none of the other professors or students would be worried. This could be a serious situation...If it was as if the girl said.

Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya
Senki sighed before laying back down in her bed to face Amelia. She was still sore all over and felt like doing as little movement as possible. "So uh...what magic can you do, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.
Amelia continued to look out the window of their room. She hesitated for a few seconds before answering the girl's question. "I light things on fire...and fuck with people's emotion..." she said.
Hide strolled past the rooms muttering, "41... 41..." he glances at some overly loud students passing him, scowling he continues to look for his room, moments later he sees a room plaque showing 41, he strides a little closer to the room and pushes in his key, turning it and striding in a mere moment he is faced with a lifeless room, shrugging, he immediately selects a bed, and strips of his dirtied and ragged clothes, he motions with his hand, and they disappear, with another through, a tub of cold water appears before him, and he washes quickly, the tub disappears as he motions again, and a large bag and a spear appear before him, quickly rummaging through the bag he selects a pair of undergarments, and a pair of cotton pants, he grabs his cloak and climbs onto his bed, flinging away the blankets he wraps his cloak around his body, sits in the lotus postion, (It's a meditating position) and starts to absorb mana at a alarming rate.
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UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia continued to look out the window of their room. She hesitated for a few seconds before answering the girl's question. "I light things on fire...and fuck with people's emotion..." she said.
Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded. "That's kinda cool. I don't remember what kind of magic I can do..." She replied. "Though judging by my wings and scaled skin I'd say it was something to do with draconic magic, maybe.." She told her, shrugging. "You seem..tense. Is something bothering you?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki nodded. "That's kinda cool. I don't remember what kind of magic I can do..." She replied. "Though judging by my wings and scaled skin I'd say it was something to do with draconic magic, maybe.." She told her, shrugging. "You seem..tense. Is something bothering you?" She asked.
Amelia shook her head with a frown. "Nothing's bothering me...I'm always like this..." she said, getting so close to the glass that it actually fogged up a bit.

(I'm not gonna be on much until around 8:00)
Once she recovered from her pain, she got up and headed back to the academy. She was very glad that it would be 13 lunar phases until she would have to do that again. Once she got there, she remembered that that entrance was occupied with people, so she decided to look for an open window. After finding one, she flew passed a few specters to make her way into the window. Once inside, she went into the halls, ready to explore.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia shook her head with a frown. "Nothing's bothering me...I'm always like this..." she said, getting so close to the glass that it actually fogged up a bit.
(I'm not gonna be on much until around 8:00)

Senki Tazuya

Senki shrugged. "
Oh.." She replied. "Well, uhm..what do you like to do for fun?" She asked, attempting to maybe cheer her up a bit. Though, it never occured to her that maybe her talking was annoying her.
After the Thrall was taken away, Gold went around looking for a professor. He asks where he could get a room key, and the professor handed him one marked "24." He went up to the dorms at floor 18 (seriously wishing he could use his flight twice a day.) and to room 24. He opens the door, and goes to a bed. He goes out of Final Form, than lays on the bed.
Walking towards the entrance of the academy Darius was almost dragging his feet across the ground from exhaustion. He had been walking for what felt like hours while his "friend" was busy lounging about atop his head. The little blue dragon let out a yawn that made the boy roll his eyes.

"It must be soooooo hard to just lay down and let your master do all the traveling." said Darius and he felt Dravlon nod as if it was the truth.

"You have wings. Why don't you use them!?" exclaimed Darius and the dragonling just replied with another bored yawn.

"When you get bigger I expect YOU to carry me places, got it?" said the boy and he could've sworn he heard a voice in his head say

Ha, that's a good one!

"Why do I even..." Darius grumbled as he finally spotted the gigantic entrance to the academy. The sky was dark and filled with stars because Darius had overslept and missed the carriage that would've made the trip so much faster. As he looked towards the gigantic campus he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He was pretty sure that this place was as big if not bigger than the town near his dad's farm. Despite his nervousness, he continued to walk towards the gate that would be the point of no return.
At the instruction of the person of higher authority, Gevurah made their way to the secretary's office and collected the key to their room. It was marked "43", and they began making their way to the floor it was one, 18. It appeared that they were slightly lost. Unacceptable. The multiple magical signatures that still wandered the Academy were new to them. It was supposedly curfew, yet they went against the orders of their higher ups...

Speaking of which, they were presently approaching one of those presences. Gevurah paused in front of the feathered being, observing it carefully (Gevurah could somehow see even with closed eyes). Perhaps they could be asked for directions. "You are outside of the dormitory assigned to you. If you also reside on the floor 18, I will be grateful if you could direct this one to the dormitories." These organisms typically viewed the act of smiling as friendly. Gevurah placed their face into a smiling expression, mimicking the diagrams that they had been shown before.

Ame was walking through the halls with her hands behind her back, looking through the various open doors when she snapped her head up to respond to... whoever this was. "I... What? I don't know anything about the layout of this school. Personally, I suggest flying outside and finding an open window on the 18th floor," she responded, cocking her head to one side. She wasn't sure what to make of... this, so she kept her expression neutral.

@Strawberry Preserves
Carefully keeping their face set in a smiling expression, Gevurah tilted their head in thanks. "I am grateful. This one's name is Gevurah, of the choir Powers. Perhaps we will meet again." They walked robotically to the nearest open window, and stepped out of it. Blazing golden wings opened, small white-hot feathers disappearing as they fell, and Gevurah pushed them self off into the air. Counting the floors, they drifted over to the 18th one and landed on the ledge of an open window. Gevurah stepped out into the hallway, feeling presences already in their dorms. They had room... 43.
"What exactly were you talking about?" asked Adlin, trying to keep up with the lich. If they kept at the pace they were at now they'd likely beat Draconus' record. But that was highly unlikely. After locating the stairway to the 18th floor Adlin looked back as if something were following them.

Ame blinked a few times, speechless from the encounter. "Well that was odd..." she said, resuming her walk. As she wandered around, she hadn't realized she had reached the main entrance, mainly because she didn't take that way into the school. When she realized she had walked outside, she immediately stopped, letting the rain wash over her as she froze in embarrassment. She accidentally walked in on the scolding, something she was trying to avoid.

@Cruor Flumine @Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
Entering through the front door, Darius fell onto his knees in relief not caring how dirty the floor might be.

"We finally made it..." he panted as Dravlon hopped off his head and surveyed the surroundings. Not 10 seconds later the dragon immediately hopped back on which made Darius groan in annoyance.

"Are you serious? Why would you get back...on." he trailed off as he slowly brought his head up to see...stairs. An endless array of staircases lay in front of him. The boy stared blankly at the sight before him until...


His shout was so loud that quite possibly everyone within a 4 mile radius could hear it. Grudgingly, he got up and made his way towards the first staircase, his posture slouched, wishing he could fly, teleport, run super fast, have the power to force someone to carry him. ANYTHING.
CoreyXIX said:
"I've already said exactly what I mean." Prof. Shaltaea remarks to Adlin as they kept up their pace. He intended to take them up to his room so retrieve his body. As he kept up he noticed her looking back. "Something wrong?"
"It just feels as though..." she paused while checking down the incredibly long stairs. They seemed to be getting longer behind them but were unaffected the more they went upwards. "Nothing, let's hurry" said Adlin, hurrying up the stairs until they found a hallway that lead in the opposite direction which should lead them to a the dark realm portal room and another hallway.

He was unsure of what she meant, but felt that something was definitely wrong here. The ghostly professor wasted no time in getting to the dark portal room and floating into the portal to use it, spending a moment or two to wait for Adlin to step through as well.
"I hate using this thing just to get to your room, it's bad enough in a dark graveyard...limbo" she said, pondering on the last word. Stepping inside she looked towards the portal that glowed with darkness, swirling around and leading to many different places. "Let us get to it then" said Adlin, looking at the lich with a determined look in her eyes, the aura of the portal washing over everything in the room.

While she disliked the idea of the darkness and graveyards it brought Prof. Shaltaea a small measure of comfort. In some ways, it was like being among loved ones. A shame most undead weren't of his caliber. "If it's a consolation, at least it leads to new-ish room. Most of my old portals led to the darkest of crypts and caves." it seemed like it was so, so long ago he spent most of his time on the run. The darkness of the portal would be sorely missed as he floated through the door of the room and out in the direction of his room.
Ame shuffled a little bit, not quite meeting his gaze. "B-but I don't want to," she stammered with indignation, quickly taking off in flight out of sheer embarrassment. She flew up in a spiral, trying to get back on the roof of the academy.

@Cruor Flumine

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