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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


She took it from him and took a small drink and whatever it was it was bitter. She swallows it don't quickly not liking the taste of it at all. "What is that?" She asks not taking another drink. She did feel a tiny bit calmer but not much.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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The Otaku Diaries]"[COLOR=#0000b3]A-Are you kidding me!??? It's a professor!?" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Mirai knew they were in big trouble as Blaze begun to land. [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3]"This was seriously not a great idea." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]She whispered to Miziki. [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19536-cruor-flumine/ said:
@Cruor Flumine[/URL]

Miziki Kurone

Miziki whined as Blazed descended to the ground and nodded to Mirai's words. "
It was your idea...I told you it was a better idea to explore the inside.." She whispered back. Her 'gaze' not leaving Varien. She hoped he wouldn't kick her out on her first day..if that was the case she'd have no where else to go. She cringed at the thought and sighed.
Mitchs98 said:
@Cruor Flumine
Miziki Kurone

Miziki whined as Blazed descended to the ground and nodded to Mirai's words. "
It was your idea...I told you it was a better idea to explore the inside.." She whispered back. Her 'gaze' not leaving Varien. She hoped he wouldn't kick her out on her first day..if that was the case she'd have no where else to go. She cringed at the thought and sighed.
Mirai whined also as Blaze, the phoenix, disappeared into fire. "Are we like in. Big big trouble?" She asked Miziki before turning her gaze at the professor. @Cruor Flumine
Mitchs98 said:
@Cruor Flumine
Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged and flattened her ears to her head, gazing towards Varien with a frown. "I don't know.." She replied. "I'm sorry Proffessor Varien..we didn't mean to scare you." She told him.
@Cruor Flumine

Mirai ran her hands through her hair and later crossing her arms. "Sorry." She plainly stated.
He let out an irritated sigh. "You should know better. Listen, just return to your room and we can forget about this, alright? And you." He said, turning to the girl next to Miziki. "I haven't seen you around yet, have you gotten your room?" He asked, looking her in the eyes with his own ember-like ones.

@Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
After the incident, Amelia had been taken back to her dorm and brought back to life via complicated fire magic from one of the teachers. She hadn't cared enough to ask which one, but she was still grateful. She had been told to rest in bed, so she did. She began reading her book on emotional magic.
Hide strolls lazily past the academies gates, stopping a minute to look down at his guide, it marked out the fifth floor as the one he needed to head too, shrugging he immediately scanned the massive institute, non surprisingly he marked the amount of students and teachers to be over 3500, he located the stairwell leading to the fifth floor, and teleported there, quickly wiping away the blood that leaked from the cut over his eye, and headed into the floor, his ragged figure approached the women sitting lazily at the desk, "I'm Hide, I was told to get a schedule and a dorm key here."

"Oh!" The women perked up and looked at his torn clothes and bloodied body, shrugging she muttered under her breath quickly, "Hide... Hide... Oh of course here is your things, have fun."

Hide took the offered items and teleported to the dorms.

((Whats my dorm number lol))
The Otaku Diaries] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
"No I haven't yet." Mirai stated. "I'm new around here."
Miziki Kurone

Varien clearly didn't know a lot about Kitsunes if he said she knew better, but she didn't comment. She instead slowly nodded her head, saying nothing. She nodded again when he asked if she had a room mate "
Yeah..Kate is my room mate. Though, I dunno where she went. That's one reason I was out exploring." She replied.
UnwantedTruth said:
After the incident, Amelia had been taken back to her dorm and brought back to life via complicated fire magic from one of the teachers. She hadn't cared enough to ask which one, but she was still grateful. She had been told to rest in bed, so she did. She began reading her book on emotional magic.
Senki Tazuya

Senki yawned and rolled over in her bed, slowly blinking her eyes awake. She'd been asleep more or less since she got there so she was fairly well rested at this point. She blinked in confusion as she saw someone across from her, must of been her room mate. "
Uh. Hi. I'm Alexa, your room mate." She greeted, doing her best to smile in her half asleep state.
ScarlettRose16 said:


She took it from him and took a small drink and whatever it was it was bitter. She swallows it don't quickly not liking the taste of it at all. "What is that?" She asks not taking another drink. She did feel a tiny bit calmer but not much.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Alcohol" said Draconus nonchalantly. If only there was some kind if herb he could use which would focus someone. He brought out some lavender, mixing it in the flask along with peppermint. "Now, mind telling me anything that happened before you came across that...scene" he asked her, desperately trying to get somd small piece if evidence out of her.

Mitchs98 said:
Senki TazuyaSenki yawned and rolled over in her bed, slowly blinking her eyes awake. She'd been asleep more or less since she got there so she was fairly well rested at this point. She blinked in confusion as she saw someone across from her, must of been her room mate. "Uh. Hi. I'm Alexa, your room mate." She greeted, doing her best to smile in her half asleep state.
Amelia glanced to the girl in the bed acrossed from her, before looking back at her book. She hadn't noticed that there was a sleeping girl there, but seemed to be unphased. "I'm Amelia." she muttered.


She took another sip and it did taste better, it calmed her nerves. "I was just walking down the stairs and I saw this guy on the steps that face planted and passed out so I decided I would wait for him to wake up. Then it happened" she explains while she continues drinking from the flask.​
He nodded. "Very well. I have a space open at the Mages Tower. Another student, female, is staying there for the night due to some complications. I was planning on taking the guest room, but I suppose it's yours if you would like it."

@The Otaku Diaries @Mitchs98
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia glanced to the girl in the bed acrossed from her, before looking back at her book. She hadn't noticed that there was a sleeping girl there, but seemed to be unphased. "I'm Amelia." she muttered.
Senki Tazuya

Senki yawned and stretched before sitting up in her bed fully. She glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall, carefully counting the time, quarter after 11
Dang..I missed dinner.. She thought to herself, sighing. Not that she was hungry when she went to sleep, but now she was. Oh well..."So...uh. You wouldn't happen to know some form of memory magic would you?" She asked her, hopeful.
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Amelia continued to stare at the pages of her book. "Is this how you start all your conversations?" she asked in a bored tone. "No, I don't."
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia continued to stare at the pages of her book. "Is this how you start all your conversations?" she asked in a bored tone. "No, I don't."
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed,
Of course I get stuck with the rude room mate.. she thought to herself, shaking her head slightly. "Oh..sorry. It's just..I kind of have amnesia and was hoping you could've helped.." She told her sheepishly, her wings drooping around her body in a sad fashion. "I uh..what brings you to Excelius?" She asked her.
Amelia gave a simple nod, taking in all the information being told to her while not taking her eyes off of her book for even a second. "I've got nothing better to do with my time." she said. This is when a normal person would've said, "Well why did you come here roomie?!", but Amelia is not that type of person.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia gave a simple nod, taking in all the information being told to her while not taking her eyes off of her book for even a second. "I've got nothing better to do with my time." she said. This is when a normal person would've said, "Well why did you come here roomie?!", but Amelia is not that type of person.
Senki Tazuya

Senki nodded. "
Oh. I see..I wasn't even trying to come here originally. Or maybe I was and I don't remember...I passed out above the school and crashed landed into Draconus' office. I don't really remember anything beyond needing help for my village." She told her, figuring she may as well explain why she was here while they were on the topic.
Amelia slowly nodded. "Interesting..." she mumbled, before setting down her book and attempting to get up. Her body was sore and in pain, but, with a few groans and grunts, she was able to get up. She slowly walked to their window and looked outside. "Hmmm...." was the only noise that came from her when she got to the window.

(She may be a bit mean, but she grows on you...)
Ame slowly backed up, hoping the rain muffled her movements. But it wasn't like she had anything to worry about since she was so far up form them. She quickly flew to the side of the building, diving straight down until she banked near the ground, heading into the trees. Once she was in quite a ways, she stopped and looked back. She could still see the academy, albeit not very well, so she decided this might be a good spot.

Quickly, she built a makeshift ground nest for her to sit in. She settled down and made herself comfortable, though she wasn't really. The nest itself was good, but the next step was always uncomfortable. After about 15 minutes give or take, she finally breathed and recovered from her extended anguish. She proudly peered under herself to look at what she'd created. Unfortunately, she couldn't exactly keep it.

After a few moments, she scooped it up and sent it to the sky with a coddling updraft. Her beautiful bright blue egg had white speckles dotting it, a pattern unique to her, kind of like a fingerprint. Once it was raised, her sister quickly took it, and they muttered the customary exchange. The sister then took the unfertilized egg away. Ame sighed and settled in, ready for a good rest.
UnwantedTruth said:
Amelia slowly nodded. "Interesting..." she mumbled, before setting down her book and attempting to get up. Her body was sore and in pain, but, with a few groans and grunts, she was able to get up. She slowly walked to their window and looked outside. "Hmmm...." was the only noise that came from her when she got to the window.
(She may be a bit mean, but she grows on you...)
Senki Tazuya

Senki sighed before laying back down in her bed to face Amelia. She was still sore all over and felt like doing as little movement as possible. "So uh...what magic can you do, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.

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