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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

((Black bold text is speaking out loud and Purple bold text is communicating psychically))

Theo was sitting at a desk in the forbidden section of the library reading more about eldritch magic. The selection of books on Eldritch seemed endless and Theo hadn't got through half of them in his 3 years in the school. The pages of the book were lit up in the dark by a couple of candles on either side of Theo. Dryqarst was resting curled around Theo's left leg. Theo turned to a page titled "How to Send an Eldritch Being Back to the Abyss." and showed how to preform the ritual to do so. Grinning Theo said to Dryqarst "Hey, take a look at this! I could get rid of you whenever I feel like." Dryqarst slowly slithered up Theo's leg and onto his shoulder to look at the page. "True but our connection would be lost and you would have no power.. I know you don't want that." Dryqarst said. "Fucks sake I was joking alright?... We better be leaving anyway I'm tired and have class early." Theo replied before he blew out the candles and got up from the desk leaving the book open on that page. He wasn't worried about anyone finding it as he believed no one knew about the forbidden section and plus he placed a rune near the entrance which would give any intruders that stepped on it quite a......shock. "Come on, We are suppose to be in our dorm." Theo said as he laid his bag on the ground and picking it up again after Dyqarst slithered into it and exited the forbidden section via the bookcase. He could of always teleported directly to his dorm room but his sanity was already a little low from past magics and he already was seeing things in the corner of his eye. Theo and Dryqarst left the library while the bookcase slowly closed and started going up the stairs to their dorm room.

((Maybe Prof. Sheltaea's shades spot him?
@CoreyXIX ))
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((Some spying shades coming right up! @LOLMAN101 ))

During the patrols a few of the shades make out the faint candlelight emanating from some far off corner of the library. They took caution as they silently glided through to close the gap, knowing full well that their master advised caution from them. When they finally got close enough they arrived just in time to see the bookcase closing in the wake of whoever was up for some late night reading. As they sped up and went through the wall with the speed and intent of a bloodhound chasing a prey until they arrived at the other side of the wall to the stairwell. However, since they were unsure of whether the person was friend or foe one of the four shades quickly flies off to alert Prof. Shaltaea to the news.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Mirai took a deep breath in and quietly walked into the academy. So far, she has seen trees, trees, and.... Even more trees. She sighed as she walked through the main entrance and into the hallways. Mirai tried to be as quiet as possible, at the same time, trying to calm herself from being nervous.

Miziki Kurone

This place seems even bigger at night.." She muttered to herself in slight awe. She was excited yet sort of shocked no one had caught her sneaking around yet, but oh well! More exploring for the sneaky Kitsune to do Kitsune related things! She could summon a spirit to scare people..but no one was out and about. Oh well. Reaching the top step of the staircase to the bottom floor after successfully and miraculously not tripping prior, she slipped. She fell all the way down the remaining several steps and landed flat on her face.

Owww.." She whined. And then she sensed another prescence and immediately tensed. Maybe if I pretend like the fall killed me or knocked me out they won't notice me! She thought to herself before going fully limp. C'mon..buy it..c'mon..
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
This place seems even bigger at night.." She muttered to herself in slight awe. She was excited yet sort of shocked no one had caught her sneaking around yet, but oh well! More exploring for the sneaky Kitsune to do Kitsune related things! She could summon a spirit to scare people..but no one was out and about. Oh well. Reaching the top step of the staircase to the bottom floor after successfully and miraculously not tripping prior, she slipped. She fell all the way down the remaining several steps and landed flat on her face.

Owww.." She whined. And then she sensed another prescence and immediately tensed. Maybe if I pretend like the fall killed me or knocked me out they won't notice me! She thought to herself before going fully limp. C'mon..buy it..c'mon..
Mirai heard something, or maybe, someone fall down. She silently and slowly walked over to the staircase. Time to be an investigater! She just needs a pinch of courage..... "Who's there?" She asked as her voice slightly echoed in this long hallway.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Mirai heard something, or maybe, someone fall down. She silently and slowly walked over to the staircase. Time to be an investigater! She just needs a pinch of courage..... "Who's there?" She asked as her voice slightly echoed in this long hallway.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki tensed as she was inevitably noticed, surely she was seen by now. Maybe..she could play dead a little longer, probably not. Pushing herself up off of the ground slowly she rubbed her forehead with one hand and waved with the other. "Umm...Hi. I'm Miziki, sorry if I scared you." She told her meekly.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki tensed as she was inevitably noticed, surely she was seen by now. Maybe..she could play dead a little longer, probably not. Pushing herself up off of the ground slowly she rubbed her forehead with one hand and waved with the other. "Umm...Hi. I'm Miziki, sorry if I scared you." She told her meekly.
Mirai immediate backed up when someone suddenly stood up. Instinctively, she grabbed the handle of her katana for protection. After a few seconds, she realized it's probably not an enemy and noticed the waving. She waved back. "Kajiwara Mirai." She stated and let's go of the handle of her katana, knowing she would be safe.
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Mirai immediate backed up when someone suddenly stood up. Instinctively, she grabbed the handle of her katana for protection. After a few seconds, she realized it's probably not an enemy and noticed the waving. She waved back. "Kajiwara Mirai." She stated and let's go of the handle of her katana, knowing she would be safe.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled, completely un-aware she was about to get murdered if Mirai had deemed her an enemy. Of course, she probably would've been able to dodge with minimal injury, but the fact remained that she had no clue. "Nice to meet you Kajiwara." She replied happily. "Exploring the academy too? We're supposed to be in our dorms..but the fact of looking around being the only one awake was exciting! I guess it was for you too?" She asked her. "Ooh! Wanna explore with me?" She added, her tail swishing back and forth ever so slightly in excitement.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki KuroneMiziki smiled, completely un-aware she was about to get murdered if Mirai had deemed her an enemy. Of course, she probably would've been able to dodge with minimal injury, but the fact remained that she had no clue. "Nice to meet you Kajiwara." She replied happily. "Exploring the academy too? We're supposed to be in our dorms..but the fact of looking around being the only one awake was exciting! I guess it was for you too?" She asked her. "Ooh! Wanna explore with me?" She added, her tail swishing back and forth ever so slightly in excitement.
"Mirai would be fine." Seeing her excitement, she knew she had to agree. Plus, she's new to the academy also. "Have you took a look outside the academy? We can explore the outside if you'd like." She always had her emotionless expression on, but this time, she felt a little excited.

((Sorry had to go have dinner yummy salmon

:P . Italic and Bold is thinking))

Theo continued up the stairs unknowing that something saw them. However Darqarst knew something was up since they were in the library and now imminently sensed the shades. He never said any of these things to Theo as he was only by Theo's side to observe the story that plays out and sometimes spice it up when it gets too boring. Theo was on the 5th floor when he heard something fall below him. He peaked down the staircase but saw nothing as it was too dark. Right before he was about to resume walking he heard someone call out. Theo walked up the stairs quickly as he wasn't sure if the person new he was there or if something was following him. Having a lower sanity than usual also contributed to his paranoia. He eventually got to his dorm and opened it slowly as he knew his dorm mate Alexandra would probably be sleeping. Once he was inside he noticed she wasn't in her bed. Huh... Maybe it was her I heard out there? He thought as he opened up his bag and put it down before he stripped down to his underwear and got into his bed. Darqarst slithered out of the bag and went under the bed to hibernate through the night It is so boring how humans spend so much of the time sleeping... They thought. Theo had a crush on his room mate Alex but he was only thinking about who or if someone saw him walking up the staircase. He lit a candle on the side table on his bed so he could read notes he took while in the forbidden section. After a while he realized how tired he was and blew out the candle before going to sleep.

@The Imperial Flame @CoreyXIX
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[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"Mirai would be fine." Seeing her excitement, she knew she had to agree. Plus, she's new to the academy also. "Have you took a look outside the academy? We can explore the outside if you'd like." She always had her emotionless expression on, but this time, she felt a little excited.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded, continuing to happily smile at her "Okay Mirai." She told her before giggling. "I would love to explore outside...but we'd be caught fairly quickly. Apparently something is going on and the head proffesors have summons or something outside patrolling." She explained. "There's plenty to explore here though! This place has like 30 floors!" She added excitedly. "Although....it would be kind of fun to see how long we could explore outside before getting caught..so it's up to you."
As the shades that hung back followed Theo they eventually followed and made note of which room the person had stayed in. As they shot down the halls to meet with their master they quietly whisper to one another, their voices sounding far off somewhere else as they eventually meet up with their astral projected master several floors down. As they report in their hushed whisper to Prof. Shaltaea he just simply nods as they finish their report. Their description of the 'intruder' seemed oddly familiar to the lich, but at the moment he couldn't quite place a finger on who it is. He would know soon enough. "Good work. Keep up the patrols as commanded." he instructs them. As they go off to continue their vigil the professor considers the new information as his spiritual form soundlessly floats down to the end of the hallway before up through the ceiling to the next floor.

CoreyXIX said:
As the shades that hung back followed Theo they eventually followed and made note of which room the person had stayed in. As they shot down the halls to meet with their master they quietly whisper to one another, their voices sounding far off somewhere else as they eventually meet up with their astral projected master several floors down. As they report in their hushed whisper to Prof. Shaltaea he just simply nods as they finish their report. Their description of the 'intruder' seemed oddly familiar to the lich, but at the moment he couldn't quite place a finger on who it is. He would know soon enough. "Good work. Keep up the patrols as commanded." he instructs them. As they go off to continue their vigil the professor considers the new information as his spiritual form soundlessly floats down to the end of the hallway before up through the ceiling to the next floor.
Coming across Shatea, Adlin seemed like she was dizzy, collapsing on the ground in front of him.

As Prof. Shaltaea watches Adlin go down his spectral form kneels down a bit closer to her. There wouldn't be a whole lot he could, since his body was elsewhere but he was willing to at least see what was wrong. "Professor Adlin?" he says, a mixture of curiosity a little concern. He would probably be less concerned were it not for the fact that the headmaster was attacked just a little bit ago. He wanted to spend a moment to see what was wrong before applying the proper magics to her.
CoreyXIX said:
As Prof. Shaltaea watches Adlin go down his spectral form kneels down a bit closer to her. There wouldn't be a whole lot he could, since his body was elsewhere but he was willing to at least see what was wrong. "Professor Adlin?" he says, a mixture of curiosity a little concern. He would probably be less concerned were it not for the fact that the headmaster was attacked just a little bit ago. He wanted to spend a moment to see what was wrong before applying the proper magics to her.
She laughed aloud, stabbing what she thought was Shaltea in the heart. She let out a cackle and her blue hair turned darker.

That sudden attack took the older professor by surprise! It was a shame that whether he was physically there or not it wouldn't have been a fatal attack, given his status as an undead creature. The balde went through his ghostly form, distorting it for a few moments. Without saying a single word the ghostly lich had a bolt of necrotic energy charged and shot it at her, intending to use its cursed energy to drain her strength without killing her.

(( I figured something was up like that. I'm assuming whatever he was stabbed at with had no properties to harm spirits and such @Veyd Sahvoz , since your post didn't say so. Go ahead and speak up if I'm wrong.))
CoreyXIX said:
That sudden attack took the older professor by surprise! It was a shame that whether he was physically there or not it wouldn't have been a fatal attack, given his status as an undead creature. The balde went through his ghostly form, distorting it for a few moments. Without saying a single word the ghostly lich had a bolt of necrotic energy charged and shot it at her, intending to use its cursed energy to drain her strength without killing her.
(( I figured something was up like that. I'm assuming whatever he was stabbed at with had no properties to harm spirits and such @Veyd Sahvoz , since your post didn't say so. Go ahead and speak up if I'm wrong.))
The 3 eyed Adlin disappeared before the shade lich could attack her. Appearing behind, what she thought was the real Shaltea, she looked at him startled a bit "What are you doing casting spells down dorm hallways?!!" she shouted, showing no sign of knowing about the illusion that just happened to Shaltea.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]The 3 eyed Adlin disappeared before the shade lich could attack her. Appearing behind, what she thought was the real Shaltea, she looked at him startled a bit "What are you doing casting spells down dorm hallways?!!" she shouted, showing no sign of knowing about the illusion that just happened to Shaltea.

The professor quickly turned to face who was there, gliding a bit backwards and an inch off the floor. "I should be asking you the same thing." the lich retorts with an agitated tone. "You're playing a dangerous game, doing that. What were you thinking?" he says,firing off his remark and question as soon as he was done with his first sentence. Speaking of which, he didn't even know she could use illusion magic.
Mitchs98 said:
Miziki Kurone
Miziki nodded, continuing to happily smile at her "Okay Mirai." She told her before giggling. "I would love to explore outside...but we'd be caught fairly quickly. Apparently something is going on and the head proffesors have summons or something outside patrolling." She explained. "There's plenty to explore here though! This place has like 30 floors!" She added excitedly. "Although....it would be kind of fun to see how long we could explore outside before getting caught..so it's up to you."
Mirai laughed to herself silently. "We wouldn't get caught outside.... At least not with me." She walked back out the entrance. "Blaze!" She shouted out, probably loud enough to wake everyone up. A phoenix landed from the sky and she ran her hands down Blaze's wings. "This is Blaze. We can look around the school on her." She smiled as Blaze lowered her wings and Mirai climbed up to Blaze's back so she can ride on it. Mirai then extended her arm, asking Miziki to come on also.
CoreyXIX said:
The professor quickly turned to face who was there, gliding a bit backwards and an inch off the floor. "I should be asking you the same thing." the lich retorts with an agitated tone. "You're playing a dangerous game, doing that. What were you thinking?" he says,firing off his remark and question as soon as he was done with his first sentence. Speaking of which, he didn't even know she could use illusion magic.
"What's wrong with you?" she asked, putting her hands at her hips still wondering why he was acting so strange. She just got there and he was beginning to act sort of strange. . .

Hearing something loud, Ame's head shot up, suddenly alert. "Uhhh I'll be right back," she promised before flying out the recently opened window. She was glad she had been able to collect her things because she didn't want anyone to see them. Little did she know she missed one on her hasty retreat, the bright blue orb. She flew around until she spotted a fire bird thing near the entrance. She landed on the edge of the roof, settling herself as she observed. Odd, a fire bird in the middle of a storm. How does that work? Must be magic or something.

@Cruor Flumine @The Imperial Flame @Mitchs98 @The Otaku Diaries
Her question brought a few moments of silence as the lich looks back to where he saw the illusory woman, before looking back to her. "So, that wasn't you a moment ago?" he flatly says, the realization dawning on him that she might be telling the truth. "Adlin, if you're telling the truth then something is very wrong here." he remarks. "First the supposed attack on the headmaster, then the illusory duplicate of you.." This was definitely unusual. He had to make sure this wasn't yet another trick of whatever caused the other one. "Quick, prove to me you're you." he quickly says. "I have to know this isn't another trick."
Miziki Kurone

Miziki shrugged, maybe she could use invisibility of some kind, who knows. Regardless she followed Mirai outside curiously, it was of course in a Kitsune's nature to seek out interesting things and do or see what they are, so Miziki instinctively followed and listened. She covered her ears, not expecting her to shout so loudly with her standing beside her.

Miziki looked at the new, fairly giant prescence beside her. "Ooh...she's so big. What is she?" She asked her. Of course, she was completely un-aware of her extending a hand to help her up, so she simply stayed there and petted the side of the massive bird. She also of course sensed Ame nearby, but paid it no mind, she figured she was simply curious too.
CoreyXIX said:
Her question brought a few moments of silence as the lich looks back to where he saw the illusory woman, before looking back to her. "So, that wasn't you a moment ago?" he flatly says, the realization dawning on him that she might be telling the truth. "Adlin, if you're telling the truth then something is very wrong here." he remarks. "First the supposed attack on the headmaster, then the illusory duplicate of you.." This was definitely unusual. He had to make sure this wasn't yet another trick of whatever caused the other one. "Quick, prove to me you're you." he quickly says. "I have to know this isn't another trick."
"What the hell are you talking about you little lich!! You scared the living shit out of me!! Now tell me what in Oblivion you're talking about!!!" ranted on Adlin, becoming furious as to what he wasn't telling her.

"When I ascended up to here I was attacked by something that looked a lot like you but whatever it was disappeared before I could retaliate!" he explains, making obvious what he had implied with what he last said. Was it this hard to comprehend that even he wasn't one hundred percent sure what happened? "I think we have bigger issues at hand than your terror." And much bigger issues than his confusion.

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